Assistant Professor in Contaminant Hydrogeology and Hydrology in the Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering. My research focuses on water resources, groundwater and surface water, water and wastewater treatment technologies along with studying earth systems processes governing water quality across scales from the catchment scale to nanoscale using multiple chemical and solid-state techniques. My expertise includes water resources, hydrogeology, hydrology, water and wastewater treatment technology and biogeochemistry with a focus on systems understanding and innovative solutions. Recently my reserach has moved into the area of sustainable agriculture with a particular focus on water quality and quantity protection along with nutrient recovery.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Vucinic L., O'Connell D.W., Knӧrr K, Coxon C., Gill L.W., Fluorescence-based tracking of particles from domestic wastewater treatment system plumes discharging to springs in karst aquifer systems, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8th-13th April, 20, 2018, pp6502-2Conference Paper, 2018
- Sandström, S., Futter, M.N., Kyllmar, K., Bishop, K., O'Connell, D.W., Djodjic, F , Particulate phosphorus and suspended solids losses from small agricultural catchments: links to stream and catchment characteristics., Science of the Total Environment, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Parsons, C.T., Rezanezhad, F., O'Connell, D.W., Van Cappellen, P., Biogeosciences, Sediment phosphorus speciation and mobility under dynamic redox conditions, 14, 2017, p3585 - 3602Journal Article, 2017
- Fennell C., Misstear B.D.R, O'Connell D., Dubber D., Behan P., Danaher M., Moloney M. and Gill L.W., An assessment of contamination fingerprinting techniques for determining the impact of domestic wastewater treatment systems on private well supplies, Environmental Pollution, 268, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- D. W. O'Connell , N. Ansems, R. K. Kukkadapu , D. Jaisi , D. M. Orihel , B. J. Cade‐Menun, Y. Hu , J. Wiklund , R. I. Hall , H. Chessell, T. Behrends, and P. Van Cappellen, Changes in Sedimentary Phosphorus Burial Following Artificial Eutrophication of Lake 227, Experimental Lakes Area, Ontario, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience, 2020, 10.1029/2020JJournal Article, 2020
- Qingxin Zhang, Mackenzie Wieler, David O'Connell , Laurence Gill , Qunfeng Xiao and Yongfeng Hu, Speciation of Phosphorus from Suspended Sediment Studied by Bulk and Micro-XANES, Soil Systems, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Vucinic L., O'Connell D., Teixeira R., Coxon C., Gill L.W., Flow cytometry and fecal indicator bacteria analyses for fingerprinting microbial pollution in karst aquifer systems, Water Resources Research, 58, 2022, pe2021WR029840Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Catharina S. Nisbeth, Federica Tamburini, Jacob Kidmose, Søren Jessen, David W. O'Connell, Analysis of oxygen isotopes of inorganic phosphate (δ18Op) in freshwater: A detailed method description for obtaining oxygen isotopes of inorganic phosphate in environmental water samples, Methods X, 9, (101706), 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Oxygen Isotopes of Inorganic Phosphate in Environmental Samples in, editor(s)Pfahler, V., Adu-Gyamfi, J., , The Use of the δ18 O P to Study P Cycling in the Environment, Springer, Cham, 2022, [Pfahler, V., Adu-Gyamfi, J., O'Connell, D., Tamburini, F.]Book Chapter, 2022
- Extraction Protocol in, editor(s)J. Adu-Gyamfi, Dr. V. Pfahler, , Oxygen Isotopes of Inorganic Phosphate in Environmental Samples, Springer International Publishing , 2022, [ V. Pfahler, J. Adu-Gyamfi, D. O'Connell, F. Tamburini]Book Chapter, 2022
- Purification Protocol in, J. Adu-Gyamfi, Dr, V. Pfahler , Oxygen Isotopes of Inorganic Phosphate in Environmental Samples, Springer International Publishing, 2022, [V. Pfahler, J. Adu-Gyamfi, D. O'Connell, F. Tamburini]Book Chapter, 2022
- O Connell D.W., Rocha C., Daly E., Carrey Labarta R., Marchesi R., Ansems N., Wilson J., Hickey C., Gill L.W., Characterization of seasonal groundwater origin and evolution processes in a geologically heterogeneous catchment using geophysical, isotopic and hydro-chemical techniques (Lough Gur, Ireland), Hydrological Processes, 36, 2022, pe14706Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Yifan Sun, David O'Connell, Application of visible light active photocatalysis for water contaminants: A review, Application of visible light active photocatalysis for water contaminants: A review, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- O'Connell, D.W., Birkinshaw, C., O'Dwyer, T.F, A chelating cellulose adsorbent for the removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 99, (6), 2006, p2888 - 2897Journal Article, 2006
- Lima, Ana T., Mitchell, Kirsten., O'Connell, David.W., Verhoeven, Jos., Van Cappellen, Philippe, The legacy of surface mining: Remediation, restoration, reclamation and rehabilitation, Environmental Science and Policy, 66, 2016, p227 - 233Journal Article, 2016
- O'Connell, David.W., Mark Jensen., Marlene., Jacobsen, Rasmus., Thamdrup, Bo., Joest Andersen, Thorbjorn., Kovacs, Andras., Bruun Hansen, Hans Christian, Vivianite formation and its role in phosphorus retention in Lake Ørn, Denmark, Chemical Geology, 409, 2015, p42 - 53Journal Article, 2015
- Orihel, Diane M., Schindler, David W., Ballard, Nathaniel C., Graham Mark D., O'Connell David W., Vinebrooke Rolf D, The "nutrient pump:" Iron-poor sediments fuel low nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios and cyanobacterial blooms in polymictic lakes, Limnology and Oceanography, 60, (3), 2015, p856 - 871Journal Article, 2015
- Walpersdorf E., Bender Koch C., Heiberg, L., O'Connell, D.W., Kjaergaard C., Bruun Hansen H.C, Does vivianite control phosphate solubility in anoxic meadow soils, 193-194, 2013, p189 - 199Journal Article, 2013
- O'Connell, David William., Aszalos, Balazs., Birkinshaw, Colin., O'Dwyer, Thomas Francis, A study of the mechanisms of divalent copper binding to a modified cellulose adsorbent, 116, (5), 2010, p2496 - 2503Journal Article, 2010
- O'Connell, David W., Birkinshaw, Colin., O'Dwyer, Thomas F, Removal of lead(II) ions from aqueous solutions using a modified cellulose adsorbent, Adsorption Science and Technology, 24, (4), 2006, p337 - 348Journal Article, 2006
- O'Connell, David W., Birkinshaw, Colin., O'Dwyer, Thomas F., A modified cellulose adsorbent for the removal of nickel(II) from aqueous solutions, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 81, (11), 2006, p1820 - 1828Journal Article, 2006
- O'Connell, David W., Birkinshaw, Colin., O'Dwyer, Thomas F, Design of a novel cellulose-based adsorbent for use in heavy metal recovery from aqueous waste streams, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 95, 2006, p489 - 498Journal Article, 2006
- F. Rezanezhad, R-M. Couture, R. Kovac, D. O'Connell, P. Van Cappellen, An automated fluctuating water table column system to study soil biogeochemistry under redox-dynamic conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 509, 2014, p245 - 256Journal Article, 2014
- F. Rezanezhad, R-M. Couture, R. Kovac, D. O'Connell, P. Van Cappellen, An automated fluctuating water table column system to study soil biogeochemistry under redox-dynamic conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 509, 2014, p245 - 256Journal Article, 2014
- The Use of the "18 O P to Study P Cycling in the Environment in, editor(s)V. Pfahler, J. Adu-Gyamfi , Oxygen Isotopes of Inorganic Phosphate in Environmental Samples , Springer, 2022, pp1 - 15, [V. Pfahler, J. Adu-Gyamfi, D. O"Connell, F. Tamburini]Book Chapter, 2022
- Luka Vucinic, David O'Connell, Donata Dubber, Catherine Coxon, Laurence Gill, Multiple fluorescence approaches to identify rapid changes in microbial indicators at karst springs, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 254, (104129), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Sara Sandström, Hampus Markensten , Martyn N. Futter , Katarina Kyllmar , David W. O"Connell , Kevin Bishop and Faruk Djodjic, Distributed dynamic modelling of suspended sediment mobilization and transport from small agricultural catchments, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Donata Dubber , Laura Brophy , David O"Connell , Patrice Behan , Martin Danaher , Craig Evans , Phillip Geary , Bruce Misstear , Laurence Gill, The use of sterol profiles, supported with other faecal source tracking methods, to apportion septic tanks contamination in rural catchments, Environmental Pollution, 341, (122884), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Vucinic L., O'Connell D., Coxon C., Gill L.W., Back to the future: Comparing Yeast as an outmoded artificial Tracer for simulating microbial transport in Karst aquifer systems to more modern approachs, Environmental Pollution, (123942), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Luke Quill, Diogo Ferreira, Brian Joyce, Gabriel Coleman, Trevor Hodkinson, Daniel Trimble, Laurence Gill, David O'Connell, An Integrated Mitigation Approach to Diffuse Agricultural Water Pollution - A Scoping Review, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 2024, pdoi: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.13405Journal Article, 2024
- Luka Vucinic, David O'Connell, Donata Dubber, Patrice Behan, Quentin Crowley, Catherine Coxon, Laurence Gil, Understanding the impacts of human wastewater effluent pollution on karst springs using chemical contamination fingerprinting techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- David O'Connell, Legacy phosphorus and the pivotal role of fluvial suspended solids in agricultural catchments, 2019, -Miscellaneous
- Victoria Martinez, Shining a light on the past, 2021, -Miscellaneous
- TENILLE BONOGUORE, Ontario swamp faces manufactured flood, 2012, -Miscellaneous
- Alan O'Keeffe, Fear of drought returning prompts pleas to conserve water, 2020, -Miscellaneous
- David.W. O'Connell , Characteristics of stable isotope fractionations during reactive transport of phosphate in groundwater discharging to a groundwater fed lake (Lough Gur, Co Limerick), 2015-sc-027, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2016, p1 - 8, 1-8Report
Research Expertise
TitleParticulate phosphorus fractions and bioavailability from agricultural tile drainsSummaryThe most common forms of phosphorus reported that are discharge from subsurface agricultural drains include total P (TP), dissolved P (DP, DRP, SRP), and particulate P (PP). Numerous studies have documented the existence of these forms of P in agricultural tile drains. From the literature, it is universally recognised that dissolved P can be an important form of P measured in tile drainages. However, occasionally PP comprises a disproportionately large component of TP in drainage water, particularly under high-flow conditions which can transport legacy phosphorus species within the drainage water suspended solids and have a long lasting effect on surface water quality. The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine suspended solids (SS) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in drainage water discharged from tile-drains under low permeability soils; (2) determine phosphorus fractions within particulate phosphorus discharged from agricultural tile drain; (3) estimate the bioavailability of particulate phosphorus recovered from tile-drain sediment samplers using a mesocosm technique.Funding AgencyLAWPRODate FromOctober 2020Date ToOctober 2023
Title(Grads and Smarts) GRoundwater Age DistributionS for the Sustainable MAnagement of gRoundwaTer reSources in Ireland (Grads and Smarts)SummaryFunding AgencyEnvironmental Protection AgencyDate FromMarch 2022Date ToMarch 2026
TitleDuo-Biochar: Dual-Function Engineered Biochar for excess soil phosphorus sorption with subsequent slow release for cost effective and sustainable crop production.SummaryFunding AgencyDAFMDate FromSeptember 2023Date ToSeptember 2028
TitleNUtrienT Recovery from subsurfacE agriCultural drains (NUTRECS)SummaryFunding AgencySFIDate FromAugust 2023Date ToFebruary 2025
Climate change science, Hydrology, Electrical engineering, Pollution and contamination, Materials and resources engineering, Geoinformatics, Condensed matter physics, Nanotechnology, Agriculture, land and farm management, Plant biology, Chemical Sciences, Environmental geoscience,
- GSI Griffith Award 2015
- TCD - E3 Kinsella Award - PI - NuReCycle Project 2021-2026
- GSI Griffith Award 2016
- European Geoscience Union (EGU) present
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) 2012
- Editorial Board Member - Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology November 2022
- Manuscript reviewer for academic journals - Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental monitoring, Hydrological processes, Environmental pollution. Currently I review three to four a year when asked. October 2022
- Member of an international atomic energy agency (IAEA) coordinated research program (CRP). This involves acting in an advisory role for third world participants in isotope tracing of agricultural contaminants. 2018-2023