Dr. Julie Clarke
Assistant Professor, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.
Email JULIE.CLARKE@tcd.ie Phone3531896 8053Biography
Dr. Clarke is an Assistant Professor in Engineering in Climate Action in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Clarke's main research focus is climate change adaptation for the built environment, including infrastructure networks. She has extensive experience in risk modelling for transport infrastructure networks specifically. She is a member of Ireland's Climate Change Advisory Council Adaptation Committee. Dr. Clarke is a Chartered Engineer with Engineers Ireland.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Clarke, J., Acosta, E. and Brede, H., Methodologies for Financing and Costing of Climate Impacts and Future Adaptation Actions: Transport Networks in Ireland, Johnstown Castle, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2021Report, 2021, URL
- Clarke, J.and Acosta, E. , Determining the cost of extreme flood events to the road network in Ireland: an example application. , European Transport Conference, Dublin, October 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
Research Expertise
Dr. Clarke's research focuses on risk and the built environment. She conducted her PhD entitled 'Risk Assessment for Masonry Buildings due to Tunnelling-Induced Settlement' at University College Dublin. Since then, her research has focused on vulnerability and risk modelling for critical infrastructure networks due to natural hazards and climate change impacts. Dr. Clarke led the implementation of a novel quantitative risk methodology to determine the losses for two case study regions in Europe due to extreme hazard events, as part of the INFRARISK EU-funded H2020 project. She acted as Principal Investigator for the EPA-funded TACT project, which developed a risk assessment framework to quantify the costs of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for land and maritime transport networks in Ireland. Dr. Clarke is currently acting as PI for the SFI-funded 'Resilient Buildings' project, which is developing a national risk index for buildings in Ireland due to climate change impacts. Dr. Clarke is also currently acted as PI for the EPA-funded 'CLIMECO' project, which is developing a methodology to determine the economic costs of climate change impacts due to the physical risks for critical infrastructure networks in Ireland.
TitleCLIMECO - Climate change impacts costing study and an economic appraisal of adaptation measures in IrelandSummaryThe objectives of the CLIMECO project are 1) to develop a methodology to determine the costs associated with climate change in Ireland for individual sectors and across all sectors, 2) to establish an economic decision-making framework that can be used to evaluate and to inform adaptation planning. Ultimately, the project will contribute to more informed adaptation planning that considers cross-sectoral climate change vulnerabilities, and it will support Ireland"s transition to a climate-resilient society.Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection AgencyDate From30/09/2023
TitleResilient BuildingsSummaryExtreme weather events, which are increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change, may cause significant damage to housing, commercial property and critical infrastructure, resulting in substantial costs, as well as health and well-being impacts. Some of the main risks to buildings in Ireland and their occupants include flood damage, heat stress, structural damage due to wind and driving rain, as well as coastal erosion. However, these risks are currently not well understood in terms of the spatial variation (i.e. where they are), as well as the temporal variation (i.e. how they change over time). The proposed research will support Ireland's goal of becoming climate resilient by 2050 by quantifying the risk to buildings in Ireland as a result of climate change impacts. The project will consider various climate hazards and consider these in conjunction with building vulnerability attributes to quantify the risk. The project will develop a risk index for buildings in Ireland due to climate change impacts. This will inform stakeholders of the spatial and temporal risk for building locations due to climate-related hazards, enabling targeted and specific adaptation measures to be determined for the built environment. This index will support building owners, local authorities, insurers, banks, as well as other key stakeholders in terms of climate change adaptation, helping to deliver Ireland"s goal of becoming climate resilient by 2050.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01/10/2023
Civil engineering,
- Chartered Member of Engineers Ireland
- Climate Change Advisory Council, Adaptation Committee Member