Nominations for Leadership and Legacy on Monday 11th April Applications for List and Leadership by Friday 15th April Invited Portfolio for Legacy by Monday 18th April.Staff and Student Awards
At Trinity we are proud of engaged research, community based learning, and volunteering of our staff and students as they engage with the wider community at local, national, and international levels. We have developed awards that acknowledge and celebrate both staff and students contribution to civic engagement.

Trinity Civic Engagement Award for Staff
In Trinity College Dublin, we are extremely proud of the extracurricular activity undertaken by students which ensures a vibrant campus and offers students diverse opportunities for learning, social development, and personal growth. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your extra-curricular activity. I would also like to acknowldege that the current COVID-19 situation means that it is a very different environment in which you find yourselves. However, students and staff have been stepping up to the plate and volunteering together to address the myriad challenges that COVID-19 has presented us. For those who may find that they have extra caring and work commitments at this time, thank you. We will work over the summer to find new and creative ways of engaging in extra-curricular activity whether in College or in the wider community over the coming academic year. You will find it a rich and rewarding experience and one that will cultivate skills and attributes that will stand to you in your personal and professional lives.
The Dean of Students sponsors three awards to celebrate and recognise student volunteering in the community and in Trinity organisations such as the clubs, societies, SU, GSU, and publications. Students who are registered at the time of the application deadline are eligible to apply.Dean of Students' Volunteer Awards 2022
Dean of Students' Awards for Volunteering InformationDean of Students' List for Volunteering
Dean of Students' Leadership Award for Volunteering
Trinity Legacy Award for Volunteering
The application process incorporates a reflective element, so that students can consider the impact of volunteering on themselves and the individuals/organisations with whom they volunteer.
Beginning with the 2020/2021 awards process we will incorporate a requirement to complete at least three reflection exercises using the reflective tool over 12 months as part of the qualifying criteria for these awards. These will not be assessed in and of themselves, but their completion is the relevant point. The resulting synthesis captured within the reflective exercise can be used to answer relevant questions in the application forms, if students wish to do so.
Wishing you the best of luck in your voluntary endeavours,
Prof. Catherine McCabe
Dean of Students