Tamasine Grimes graduated with a BSc(Pharm) in 1998, and registered with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland in 1999. She completed a MSc (Hospital Pharmacy), TCD in 2001, and undertook a PhD in Clinical Pharmacy in RCSI, awarded 2010. She has worked in community, hospital and academic pharmacy.
Dr Grimes research focuses on all aspects of medication safety, with particular interest in clinical pharmacy, transitions of care, collaborative pharmaceutical care, pharmacoepidemiology of medication harm, system design, health informatics.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Marcilly R, Forrierre J, Thebault J,Bayen S, Grimes T, System engineering approach of the home self-management of type 2 diabetes: a work in progress, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Paris, France, 8-11 October 2024, edited by EACE (European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics) , 2024, ppdoi 10.1145/3673805.3673
Grimes T, McGowan E, Chipika R, Roche C., Designing an innovative and interprofessional elective module on moral reasoning, ethical practice and sustainability in healthcare, Not applicable - conference proceedings., INHED 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. Building Relationships in Health Professions Education., Dublin, Ireland, 25th January 2024, edited by Irish Network of Healthcare Educators (INHED) , 2024
Grimes T, Marcilly R, Bonnici LW, Cordina M, Medication-Related Outcomes and Health Equity: Evidence for Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmacy, 11, (2), 2023, p60-
Dervla Kelly, Aaron Koay, Gabriela Mineva, Monika Volz, Aoibhin McCool, Eavan McLoughlin, Ruán Ó Conluain, Manuj Sharma, Aisling Kerr, Bryony Dean Franklin, Tamasine Grimes, A scoping review of non-professional medication practices and medication safety outcomes during public health emergencies, Public health, 214, 2023, p50-60
Medication Reconciliation and Review: Theory, Practice and Evidence in, editor(s)Antonio Cherubini, Arduino A. Mangoni, Denis O"Mahony, Mirko Petrovic , Optimizing Pharmacotherapy in Older Patients, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2023, pp91 - 104, [Grimes T, Ryan C]
Eduard Negoescu, Romaric Marcilly, Samuel Cromie, Aaron Koay, Tamasine Grimes, The medication self-management work system of patients and informal carers from a human factors & ergonomics perspective: A scoping review protocol., HRB Open Research, 6, (4), 2023
Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Grimes T, Economic evaluation of a collaborative model of pharmaceutical care in an Irish hospital: cost-utility analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved], HRB Open Research, 6, (19), 2023, p
Dr Rangariroyashe Chipika, Dr Tamasine Grimes, Dr Cicely Roche and Dr Emer McGowan, Authentic, Innovative and Feasible: Designing Assessments for a New Module, QQI, Let"s Talk About Assessment 2023: Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education, Dublin, 30th January 20233, edited by QQI , QQI, 2023
Sadeq A, Strugaru M, Almutairi M, Stewart D, Ryan C, Grimes T, Interprofessional Interventions Involving Pharmacists and Targeting the Medicines Management Process Provided to Older People Residing in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials., Drugs & Aging, 39, 2022, p773-794
Grimes T, Guinan E, Interprofessional Education focused on Medication Safety: A Systematic Review., Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2022, p1 - 20
Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Briggs R, Robinson V, Rodzlan R, Redmond P, Grimes T., Potential Costs and Consequences Associated with Medication Error at Hospital Discharge: An Expert Judgement Study, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2022
AlMutairi, M., Redmond, P., Cromie, S., Grimes T., Household medicine disposal and waste management in Ireland, the need for a systems-based approach. , Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022, p
Grimes, Tamasine C, Is it time for greater patient involvement to enhance transitional medication safety?, BMJ Quality & Safety, 31, 2022, p247-250
Waldron, C., Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Delaney, T., Kennelly, S., Pevnick, J., and Grimes, T., Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) for medication reconciliation at care transitions: a rapid realist review., BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, (307), 2021, p1 - 17
Sara Garfield, Carly Wheeler, Charles Boucher, Mike Etkind, Jill Lloyd, John Norton, Della Ogunleye, Alex Taylor, Marney Williams, Tamasine Grimes, Dervla Kelly, Bryony Dean Franklin, Medicines management at home during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study exploring the UK patient/carer perspective, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2021
Grimes T, Garfield S, Kelly D, Cahill J, Wheeler C, Cromie S, Franklin BD, Household Medication Safety Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Protocol, BMJ Open, 10, (11 ), 2020, p1 - 6
Smeaton T., McElwaine P., C ullen J , Santos - Martinez M. J. ,D easy E., Widdowson M., Grimes T . C ., A prospective observational pilot study of adverse drug reactions contributing to hospitalisation in a cohort of middle-aged adults aged 45- 64 years., Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 2020
Redmond P, Munir K, Alabi O, Grimes T, Clyne B, Hughes C, Fahey T, Barriers and facilitators of medicines reconciliation at transitions of care in Ireland - a qualitative study, BMC Family Practice, 21, 2020, p116-
Redmond P, McDowell R, Grimes T, Boland F, McDonnell R, Hughes C, Fahey T., Unintended discontinuation of medication following hospitalisation: a retrospective cohort study, BMJ Open, 9, 2019, pe024747-
Ryan, T.J.; Grimes, T.; Henman, M.C.; Sheachnasaigh, E.N.; O'Dwyer, M.; Roche, C.; Ryder, S.A.; Sasse, A.; Walsh, J.J. & D'Arcy, D.M, Design and Implementation of an Integrated Competency-Focused Pharmacy Programme: A Case Report., Pharmacy, 7, (3), 2019,
World Health Organisation, Medication Safety in Polypharmacy, Geneva, World Health Organisation, June, 2019
World Health Organisation, Medication Safety in High Risk Situations, Geneva, World Health Organisation, June, 2019
Bhagwan V, Grimes T, Qualitative exploration of hospital doctors' views of medication reconciliation compliance for planned admission of surgical polypharmacy patients, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, University of Newcastle, UK, 12-13 April 2018, edited by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain , 26, (S1), Wiley, 2018, pp43 - 44
Logan R, Stewart D, Simpkin A, Grimes T, The Effect of Hospitalisation on Medication Appropriateness in Older Patients Receiving a Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care Service, PRIMM Annual Scientific Meeting, London, England, 26th January 2018, edited by Prescribing and Research in Medicines Management (UK & Ireland) , 2018
Munshi R, Grimes T, Age-related hospitalisation resulting from medicine-related problems: A systematic review protocol, American Journal of Health System Pharmacy, 11th Medication Safety Conference 2018 , Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2-4 November 2018, edited by American Society of Health System Pharmacy , 2018
Burns D, Stephens G, Grimes T, Shared electronic patient record access for community pharmacists - is there a need and what are important considerations for the design, use and implementation?, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, University of Newcastle, UK, 12-13 April 2018, edited by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain , 26, (S1), Wiley, 2018, pp15 - 16
Smeaton T, McKenna L, Nevin R, Ahmed KS, Beirne A, McElwaine P, Cooney H, Cullen J, Deasy E, Widdowson M, GrimesT, A prospective observational study investigating the association between potentially inappropriate prescribing, as identified by the PROMPT criteria, and adverse drug reactions contributing to hospitalisation in middle-aged patients, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, University of Newcastle, UK, 12-13 April 2018, edited by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain , 26, (S1), Wiley, 2018, pp20 - 21
Redmond P, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Impact of medication reconciliation for improving transitions of care, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8), 2018
Bhagwan V, Kirke C, Meehan F, Hickey M, Kinlan E and Grimes T, A quality improvement project addressing peri-operative medication reconciliation and administration in elective surgical patients using five or more medications pre-admission, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, University of Newcastle, UK, 12-13 April 2018, edited by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain , 26, (S1), Wiley, 2018, pp35 - 36
Nevin F, Melanophy G, Collins A, Moriarty M, Courtney G, Grimes T, Stephens G, The effect of a prescriber training intervention on the prevalence of prescribing errors found in an electronic prescribing system, Hospital Pharmacists' Association of Ireland, Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2017, edited by HPAI , 2017
Roche C, Radomski M, Grimes T, Thoma S, Promoting Peer Debate In Pursuit Of Moral Reasoning Competencies Development: Spotlight On Educational Intervention Design, Innovations in Pharmacy, 8, (4), 2017, pArticle 2-
Byrne SM, Grimes T,Jago-Byrne MC, Galvin M., Impact of team- versus ward-aligned clinical pharmacy on unintentional medication discrepancies at admission., International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39, (1), 2017, p148-155
Burns D, Stephens G, Grimes T, Shared electronic patient record access for community pharmacists, All Ireland Pharmacy Conference, Dundalk, Ireland, 17/10/2017, edited by Irish Institute of Pharmacy , 2017
Nevin F, Melanophy G, Collins A, Moriarty M, Courtney G, Grimes T, Stephens G, The effect of a prescriber training intervention on the prevalence of prescribing errors found in an electronic prescribing system, 22nd European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Conference, Cannes, France, 22-24 March 2017, edited by European Association of Hospital Pharmacists , 2017
Burns D, Stephens G, Grimes T, Shared electronic patient record access for community pharmacists, 22nd HISI Annual Conference & Scientific Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 15-16th November 201, edited by Health Informatics Society of Ireland , 2017
O'Shaughnessy M, Allen N, Davin D, Mentre L, O'Regan J, Payne Danson E, Lavin P, Grimes T , Agreement Between Renal Prescribing References and Determination of Prescribing Appropriateness in Hospitalised Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, QJM An International Journal of Medicine, 2017
Redmond P, McDowell R, Grimes T, Boland F, Zarabzadeh A, McDonnell R, Hughes C, Fahey T, Is Hospitalisation Associated with the Unintentional Discontinuation of Appropriate Long-Term Medication in the GP Prescribing Record Post Discharge?, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 32nd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Dublin, Ireland, 28th August 2016, 25, (S3), Wiley, 2016
O'Byrne J, Grimes T, Deasy E, Mc Manamly C, Allen A, Delaney T., Achieving Organisational Cultural Readiness to Implement the Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care at Tallaght Hospital (PACT) Model., 1st National Patient Safety Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 2016, edited by Department of Health , 2016
Murphy J, O'Byrne P, McHugh J, Desmond R, Grimes T, Evaluation of the clinical significance and opportunity cost of clinical pharmacist prescription review among adult patients with haematological malignancy prescribed oral anticancer medication in a day unit, 1st National Patient Safety Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 2016, edited by Department of Health , 2016
Deasy E, Mc Manamly C, Grimes T, O'Byrne J, Delaney T, Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care At Tallaght Hospital (PACT) - Development of Competency Training and Validation Programme, 1st National Patient Safety Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 2016, edited by Department of Health , 2016
Redmond P, McDowell R, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Irish Primary Care Research Network (IPCRN) Medication Reconciliation Cohort Study - The potentially unintentional discontinuation of long term medication post hospitalisation., Joint Scientific Meeting AUDGPI/ICGP, Dublin, Ireland, 10-11 March 2016, edited by AUDGPI/ICGP , 2016
Redmond P, Carroll H, Grimes T, Galvin R, McDonnell R, Boland F, McDowell R, Hughes C, Fahey T, GPs' and community pharmacists' opinions on medication management at transitions of care in Ireland., Family practice, 33, (2), 2016, p172-8
Grimes T, Breslin N, Deasy E, Moloney E, O'Byrne J, Wall C, Delaney T., Comment on: Pharmacy-led medication reconciliation programmes at hospital transitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 41, (6), 2016, p739 - 740
Aziz C, Grimes T, Deasy E, Roche C, Compliance with the Health Information and Quality Authority of Ireland National Standard for Patient Discharge Summary Information -A Retrospective Study in Secondary Care, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 23, 2016, p272 - 277
O'Riordan C, Delaney T, Grimes T, Exploring discharge prescribing errors and their propagation post-discharge: an observational study, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 38, (5), 2016, p1172 - 1181
Munir K, Alabi O, Redmond P, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Opinions of key stakeholders on the barriers and facilitator to effective medication reconciliation in Ireland. , World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2016, edited by WONCA , 2016
Mc Manamly C, Deasy E, O'Byrne J, Grimes T, Hayde J, Allen A, Delaney T, The ImPACT of PACT on the Pharmaceutical Care of a Patient in Tallaght Hospital, Hospital Pharmacists' Association of Ireland, Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2016, edited by HPAI , 2016
Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Grimes T, Assessing the Potential Consequences of Medication Error in the Context of an Economic Analysis, Prescribing and Research in Medicines Management (PRIMM) Annual Conference, London, England, January 2015, edited by PRIMM , 2015
Redmond P, McDowell R, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Irish Primary Care Research Network (IPCRN) Medication Reconciliation Cohort Study - The potentially unintentional discontinuation of long term medication post hospitalisation., World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) Europe. , Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 October 2015, edited by WONCA , 2015
Redmond P, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Interventions for improving medication reconciliation across transitions of care. Oral Presentation. , Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), Oxford, UK, 8-10 July 2015, edited by SAPC , 2015
Tallon M, Barragry J, Allen A, Breslin N, Deasy E, Moloney E, Delaney T, Wall C, O'Byrne J, Grimes T, Impact of the Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care at Tallaght Hospital (PACT) model on medication appropriateness of older patients, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, doi:10.1136/ejhpharm, (Online first 18 June), 2015, pdoi:10.1136/ejhpharm-2014-0005
Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Grimes T, An economic evaluation of a collaborative model of pharmaceutical care at an academic teaching hospital, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference and Student Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, November 2014, edited by School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD , 2014
Redmond P, Grimes T, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes CM, Fahey T, Medication Reconciliation - Unintentional discontinuation of long term medication post hospitalisation, North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), New York, USA, 21-24 November 2014, edited by NAPCRG , 2014
Grimes T, Deasy E, Allen A, O'Byrne J, Delaney T, Barragry J, Breslin N, Moloney E, Wall C, Collaborative pharmaceutical care in an Irish hospital: uncontrolled before-after study, BMJ Quality & Safety, 23, (7), 2014, pdoi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002188
Redmond P, Grimes T, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T, Tackling transitions in patient care: the process of medication reconciliation., Family practice, 30, (5), 2013, p483-4
Redmond P, Grimes TC, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes C, Fahey T., Interventions for improving medication reconciliation across transitions of care (Protocol), The Cochrane Library, 10, (CD010791), 2013
Grimes T, Fitzsimons M, Galvin M, Delaney T, Relative accuracy and availability of an Irish national database of dispensed medication as a source of medication history information: observational study and retrospective record analysis, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 38, (3), 2013, p219 - 224
Davin D, Payne-Danson E, Mentre L, Allen N, O'Regan J, O'Shaughnessey M, Lavin P, Grimes T, Prescribing in renal impairment within the acute Irish hospital setting: a prospective observational study., UK Renal Pharmacy Group, Birmingham, UK, September 2013, edited by UKRPG , 2013
Galvin M, Jago-Byrne MC, Fitzsimons M, Grimes T, Clinical pharmacist's contribution to medication reconciliation on admission to hospital in Ireland, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 35, (1), 2013, p14 - 21
M Pate, L Smith, F Fullam, M Carr, T Grimes, J Gibney, Improvements in insulin documentation and safety: evaluation of the new insulin prescription chart, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, ESCP 40th International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Dublin, October 2011, 34, (1), 2012, pp244
M Pate, L Smith, F Fullam, M Carr, T Grimes, J Gibney, Challenges in insulin management: evaluation of the new insulin prescription chart, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, ESCP 40th International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy., Dublin, October 2011, 34, (1), Springer, 2012, pp247 - 248
Strong J., Grimes T., Bennett K., Deasy E., Assessing beliefs about medicines and medication adherence in a cardiology out-patient setting, PRIMM UK & Ireland 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting, London, 9th February, 2012, 2012
Byrne S., Galvin M., Grimes T., Jago-Byrne M.C., Fitzsimons M., Evaluating the effectiveness of medicines reconciliation in a medical team based clinical pharmacy model where pharmacists attend post admission ward rounds, PRIMM UK & Ireland 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting, London, 9th February, 2012, 2012
MC Jago-Byrne, M Galvin, T Grimes, Putting local pharmacy research into clinical practice, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, ESCP 40th International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy., Dublin, October 2011, 34, (1), 2012, pp184 - 185
S Byrne, M Galvin, T Grimes, MC Jago-Byrne, M Fitzsimons, A prospective observational study to evaluate the effectiveness of medicines reconciliation within a clinical pharmacy service using a medical team based model where pharmacists attend post take rounds, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, ESCP 40th International Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Dublin, October 2011, 34, (1), 2012, pp208-209-
Grimes T, Fitzsimons M, Galvin M, Delaney T, Flanagan S, Evaluation of dispensing records from the Primary Care Reimbursement Service as a source of pre-admission medication information, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, PRIMM UK & Ireland 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, London, February 2011, 20, (S1), Wiley, 2011, ppS1 - S14
O'Leary A, Grimes T, Gallagher P., Collaborative research across community pharmacy in Ireland facilitated through the national pharmacy internship programme, Pharmacepidemiology and Drug Safety, PRIMM 21st Annual Scientific Meeting, London, February 2011, 20, (S1), 2011, ppS1 - S14
Fitzsimons M, Grimes T, Galvin M, Sources of pre-admission medication information: observational study of accuracy and availability., The International journal of pharmacy practice, 19, (6), 2011, p408-16
Grimes T.C., Duggan C.A., Delaney T.P., Graham I.M., Conlon K.C., Jago-Byrne M.C., O' Brien P., Medication details documented on hospital discharge: cross sectional observational study of factors associated with medication non-reconciliation., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 71, (3), 2011, p449 - 457
Fitzsimons M, Grimes T, Galvin M , An evaluation of the availability and accuracy of sources of pre-admission medication history data. , Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Drug Utilisation and Research Group Uk and Ireland, 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, London, 4th February 2010, 16, (9), Wiley, 2010, pp650 - 650
Galvin M, Grimes T, Fitzsimons M, Jago-Byrne MC, Clinical pharmacy input into the admission medication reconciliation process in Ireland. , Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Drug Utilisation and Research Group (DURG) UK and Ireland 20th Annual Scientific Conference, London, 4th February 2010, 19, (6), Wiley, 2010, pp649 - 649
Grimes T., Duggan C., Delaney T., Pharmacy services at points around admission and discharge in adult, acute and public hospitals in Ireland., International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18, (6), 2010, p346 - 352
Fitzharris L, Grimes T, Prescribing patterns and administration of intravenous paracetamol: a clinical audit, RCSI Student Medical Journal, 30, (1), 2010, p29 - 32
Grimes T, Duggan C, Delaney T , Identification of causes of medication error at points around discharge from hospital in Ireland., Clinical Pharmacist, United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacists' Association, Autumn Symposium, Stratford-Upon-Avon, 13th November 2009, Suppl1, 2010, ppS10 - S10
Grimes T, Duggan C, Delaney T, Graham I, Conlon K, Jago-Byrne MC, O'Brien P , Medication reconciliation on discharge from acute hospital care in Ireland. , Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety , Drug Utilisation and Research Group UK and Ireland, 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, London, 4th February 2010, 16, (9), Wiley, 2010, pp649 - 650
Grimes T, Ryder K, Murray N, Lawlor M, Discharge medication reconciliation: developing an electronic solution., Health Informatics Society of Ireland 2010, Dublin., 2010
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Department of Health, Expert Taskforce to Support the Expansion of the Role of Pharmacy Final Report, Department of Health, July, 2024, p1 - 98
Grimes T, Organisata L, Medication Reconciliation - Evidence and Best Practice, British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting, Birmingham, UK, 21st May 2024, 2024, British GeriatricsSociety
Grimes T, Overview of the National Pharmacy eHealth Group, Irish Medication Safety Network Annual Conference, University College Cork, Ireland, 24th November 2023, 2023
Grimes T, Gillespie U, Drug-related hospital admissions - how can clinical pharmacists identify and prevent them?, Hospital Pharmacists Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 15th April 2023, 2023
Powell J, Grimes T, Devlin C, Dunne N, Franklin BD, Garfield S, McNamara CA, McKeon K, Kelly D., Family carers" and patients" involvement in qualitative medication management research: development and evaluation of an approach, Family Carers Ireland Annual Conference 2022, Streamed online, November 2022, 2022
Grimes T, Public and Patient Involvement with a Descriptive Qualitative Study to Explore Household Medication Safety in People who were Cocooning during Covid-19., Family Carers Ireland Annual Research Conference, Streamed online, November 2024, 2021
Lewis P, Grimes T, Clinical prioritisation tools. Right patient, right time, right pharmacist., Hospital Pharmacists' Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2019, 2019, HPAI
World Health Organisation, Medication Safety in Transitions of Care., WHO/UHC/SDS/2019.9, WHO/UHC/SDS/2019.9, World Health Organisation, June, 2019, p1 - 50
Grimes T., Medication reconciliation, review and integration., 4th National Clinical Programme for Older Patients Conference, Royal College of Physicians, Dublin., 29.5.2018, 2018, Health Service Executive
Grimes T, Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care, St Vincents University Hospital Medication Safety Seminar, Dublin, Ireland, January 2016, 2016, St Vincents University Hospital
Kirwan G; Allen A, Deasy E, Delaney T, Hayde J, McManamly C, O'Byrne J, Grimes T, Design of a protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention, Faculty of Health Science Research Day, Dublin, Ireland, September 2016, edited by Faculty of Health Science, TCD , 2016
Grimes T, Stebbins M, Medication safety in transition of care, 20th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Hamburg Germany, 24-27 March, 2015, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
Grimes T, E-learning in Pharmacy Practice, transferability to Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing., LIAT-Ph First Conference (Portoroz) - Competency Based Curriculum for Industrial Pharmacy, Protoroz, Slovenia, September 2015, edited by Linking Industrial and Academia in Teaching Pharmaceutical Development & Manufacture (LIAT-Ph) , 2015
Kirwan G, O'Byrne J, Delaney T, Allen A, Deasy E, McManamly C, Grimes T, Protocol design for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of a complex pharmaceutical care intervention, All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2015, edited by School of Pharmacy, TCD , 2015
Grimes T, An introduction to medicines reconciliation, HSE Medicines Safety Information Day: Update for senior nurses and midwives, Dublin, January 2014, 2014, HSE Medicines Management Programme
Grimes T, Creating staff collaboration to improve medication management and reduce medication errors., Reducing Medication Errors in Healthcare Services - Conference 2014, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, June, 2014, CMG Events
Roche C., Grimes T., Conscientious Objection by Pharmacists: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act, 2013, IPU Review, September 2013., 2013, p20 - 22
Grimes T., Unmet needs of the complex patient: continuity/transitions of care., The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) 73rd World Congress, Dublin, September 2013, 2013, The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Grimes T., Optimisation of Medicines Use: The Republic of Ireland's Perspective., Quality + Safety = Improvement + Efficiency, Antrim, Northern Ireland, January 2013, 2013, Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Grimes, T, Unmet needs of the complex patient: continuity/ transitions of care, IPU Review, November 2013, 2013, p50 - 50
Grimes, T., Medication Safety on Movement into and out of Hospital: Contributions of the Pharmacy Team., National Association Hospital Pharmacy Technicians of Ireland. Annual Conference., Dublin., 27th April 2012., 2012
Grimes T., Jago-Byrne M.C., Interventions to minimise medication error on admission and discharge. Medication Reconciliation., 2nd National Patient Safety Conference, Dublin, 9th February, 2012, edited by Department of Health and Children , 2012
Grimes T., Medication safety at points of transfer into and out of hospital, Hospital Pharmacy News, 1, (1), 2011, p24 - 28
Research Expertise
- Title
- Public and patient involvement with a descriptive qualitative study to explore household medication safety among people who are caring for those who are cocooning during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Summary
- We aim to engage civic society in research by recruiting public and patient involvement (PPI) representatives to our research team to analyse, interpret and exchange knowledge about household medication safety practices for people who are cocooning during COVID-19. We will recruit a PPI panel through our partner charity and deliver data analysis training . PPI representatives will independently analyse and interpret data, co-produce evidence-based recommendations and co-design outreach outputs (e.g. infographics), thereby maximising dissemination to lay and academic audiences. We will optimise future civic society engagement in research by PPI shared learning with peers and academic upskilling in PPI techniques.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 01.03.2021
- Date To
- 01.06.2022
- Title
- Household Medication Safety (The HoMeS Study)
- Funding Agency
- Provost PhD Award TCD 2019-20
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- A Rapid Realist Review of the Need, Design, Use and Implementation of Electronic Medication Databases in Clinical Practice at Care Transitions
- Summary
- Lead PI (knowledge user) T. Delaney, Tallaght University Hospital Lead PI (academic) T. Grimes, TCD Co-PIs: S. Kennelly (TUH and TCD), S. Cromie (TCD, Centre for Innovative Human Systems), J Cahill (TCD, Centre for Innovative Human Systems), J Pevnick (University of California, San Francisco).
- Funding Agency
- The Meath Foundation
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2021
- Title
- Systems-based exploration of patient's and carer's self-management of medication at care transitions in Ireland.
- Summary
- Periods of care transition, e.g., hospital admission or discharge, are vulnerable times for medication safety because they involve an increased risk of miscommunication, medication error and medication changes, and involve a greater burden of patient/carer medication work, compared to other stages of care. Previous studies about transitional medication safety in Ireland have examined process outcomes, e.g., medication error or quality of prescribing, explored health services management in a particular setting, e.g., inpatient care, and delivered by and from the perspective of healthcare professionals. Although such studies help to characterise the problem, they provide limited information from the patient's/carer's perspective to inform improvements in their self-management of their own transitional medication safety, despite this being an international priority. This proposal addresses these gaps using interviews with patients, or their informal carers, who use 10+ medications daily and experienced hospital admission or discharge in the previous six months. It is novel in the Irish context because it adopts a systems-engineering and human factors approach to understand, from the perspective of patients/carers with complex medication needs, the experience of transitional medication self-management and the interactions with other elements in the system. This data will inform system improvements. Relevance to improving healthcare: This research is needed now because evidence identifies an increasing prevalence of polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication use across middle-aged and older-aged populations; increasing prevalence of medication related hospital (re)admission and an association between hospitalisation and medication burden. Anecdotal local evidence suggests that patients frequently do not have medication lists (out of hour's presentation to ED) at a time when they are most vulnerable to harm by medication errors including omissions, and that they could be better prepared for and involved in care transitions. Contemporaneously, government health policy calls for improved integration of care and enhanced patient/carer involvement in self-managing their health. This project addresses these needs and priorities.
- Funding Agency
- The Meath Foundation
- Date From
- 2022
- Date To
- 2023
- Title
- AMNCH Integrated Medicines Management Study
- Summary
- Design,development and evaluation of a collaborative medicines management intervention at Tallaght Hospital
- Funding Agency
- The Meath Foundation
- Date From
- 2012
- Date To
- 2014
- Title
- PACT - Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care at Tallaght Hospital
- Summary
- PI: T Grimes PhD Student: G Kirwan The impact of Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care at Tallaght Hospital (PACT) Implementation on Discharge Medication Error. A Stepped-Wedge, Cluster Randomised Controlled Study.
- Funding Agency
- Tallaght Hospital
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2016
- Title
- Interventions for improving medication reconciliation across transitions of care
- Summary
- PI: Prof. Tom Fahey Co-author and PhD co-supervisor: T Grimes Grant awardee: P Redmond
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2013
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- A mixed methods approach to the evaluation of the 'Know Check Ask' medication safety campaign amongst Healthcare professionals and patients/carers
- Summary
- The WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: 'Medication without harm' aims to reduce the level of severe, avoidable harm related to medications by 50% over 5 years, globally. Following extensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, the HSE together with the Irish Pharmacy Union, launched the 'Know Check Ask' medication safety campaign in July 2019, which aims to address error and harm at transitions of care, and improve collaborative decision making to improve quality and safety in medication use. The campaign consists of: posters in pharmacies and GP practices, 'My Medicines List' leaflet, further information under' Know Check Ask' headings on the HSE website and email/phone support. A medication list completed by or with the person taking medication is recommended as a key step to aid knowledge, understanding, involvement, adherence and to reduce harm. The proposed research aims to identify the barriers and enablers to implementation of the 'Know Check Ask' medication safety campaign and the interconnectedness amongst a wide group of stakeholders, including people using/taking medicines (carers) and Healthcare Professionals (HCPs: GPs, Pharmacists, Hospital staff) at the interface between primary and secondary care. A mixed methods approach will be used to provide evidence for improved implementation and integration. The main methodological approach will include structured interviews/focus group, followed by surveys to pharmacists, GPs, hospital staff (consultants, pharmacy and nurses) and people using/taking medicines and carers. A system dynamics analysis will help to map the inter-relations and inter-connectedness between the different stakeholders involved in managing medicines. The medication safety campaign and proposed implementation evaluation provides strong commitment to involve key stakeholders and to empower people using/taking medicines, families and their carers to become actively engaged in treatment decisions, asking questions and managing medicines.
- Funding Agency
- Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety, HRB HSE RCPI
- Date From
- 01.09.2020
- Date To
- 31.08.2022
- Title
- Medication safety and ageing
- Summary
- This PhD programme uses mixed-methods research to investigate the association between medication safety incidents and ageing.
- Funding Agency
- Saudi Cultural Bureau
- Date From
- 01.09.2016
- Date To
- 31.08.2022
Member of the Expert Taskforce to support the expansion of the role of pharmacists in Ireland, Department of Health
National Pharmacy eHealth Group, Chair
Awards and Honours
Panoz Pharmaceutical Innovation PhD Scholarships Award
Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland