Dr. Cicely Roche
Associate Professor, Pharmacy
Academic Developer (TEP), Academic Practice
Cicely Roche joined the TCD Education for Sustainable Development project, as a Fellow in ESD, in May 2023, and is currently on secondment (September 2023) from both her Associate Professor position at the School of Pharmacy and from her TCD Education Fellow/Academic Developer position with the Centre for Academic Practice.
Cicely's key interests are in the areas of development of ethical/moral reasoning competencies, ePortfolio for experiential learning, use of curriculum design to drive competencies development, reflective practice and Programme-Focused approaches to assessment. Her PhD (2016) explored the development and evaluation of moral reasoning competencies in pharmacists, i.e. abilities underpinning decision-making through the ambiguity inherent in moral dilemmas (Roche & Thoma, 2017). She continues to research approaches to curriculum design that scaffold participants' development of competencies that support ethically defensible decision-making through ambiguity.
Dr Roche's current research explores the adaptation of this approach for use in Academic Online Modules associated with in-service placements for 4th year pharmacy students (Roche et al, 2019) and in Interprofessional Learning (FHS Dean's Innovation in Teaching Award 2018 and 2022).
Cicely joined the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences as an Associate Professor in the Practice of Pharmacy in 2009 (Half-time).
Cicely has also worked as a Trinity Education Fellow/Academic Developer with the Centre for Academic practice (part-time) since 2016, during which time she has led on e.g.: (a) a multi-institution development of digital badges in Programme-Focussed Assessment, (b) TCD staff development initiatives on 'Reflecting on and evaluating teaching in Higher Education' and 'Embedding Reflection in the Curriculum' and (c) TCD profiling of assessment practices.
Cicely was awarded a Provost's Teaching Award in 2015, and holds an MEd in Higher Education Teaching & Learning (Roche, 2014). She also holds MSc Degrees in both Healthcare Ethics and Law (Roche & Kelliher, 2009), and in Community Pharmacy. She continues to work part-time as an employee Community Pharmacist.
She is a past President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) (2001 to 2003), chair of the PSI Fitness to Practice Committee (Health)(2009 to 2019),founding chair and member of the Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association (Ireland) and a past member of the Boards of the Irish Medicines Board (IMB now HPRA)(2006-2011) and the Irish Centre for Continuing Pharmaceutical Education (ICCPE) (2004-2012).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Roche, Cicely, Health Professions sharing their career journey 'How do you get there?, How did we got there?, and if I were you, I wouldn't start from here., Building Relationships in Health Professions Education, Dublin, 25th January 2024, 2024, INHED (Irish Network of Health Educators)
Roche, Cicely, Ethical challenges for the pharmacist: `Off-label' medicines, pressure to supply and rationing, The Oxempic® Pandemic: time to review our ethical obligations. An examination of drug shortages, off-label prescribing and patient needs, FIP: International Pharmaceutical Federation - Online webinar, 3rd October 2024, 2024, FIP: International Pharmaceutical Federation
Roche, Cicely, What is sustainability anyway? An introduction to the three pillars of sustainable healthcare., Ethics of Sustainable Healthcare, Webinar, 7th February 2024, 2024, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Grimes T, McGowan E, Chipika R, Roche C., Designing an innovative and interprofessional elective module on moral reasoning, ethical practice and sustainability in healthcare, Not applicable - conference proceedings., INHED 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. Building Relationships in Health Professions Education., Dublin, Ireland, 25th January 2024, edited by Irish Network of Healthcare Educators (INHED) , 2024
Roche, C., Abria, L., Farrell, O., Johnston. J, Penny Light, T., McKibben, A., Reast, A., & Yancey, K., ePortfolio to support professional development during experiential learning placements: Guided by students-as-partners theory, enabled through students-as-partners practice, International Journal of students as partners, 7, (2), 2023, p165 - 180, p165-180
Presenting author: Cathy Cunningham, Authors (alphabetical order):Dunamis Akinyemi, Laine Abria, Anna Bourguignon, Thomas Connolly, Blanaid Daly, Claire Donohoe, Tamasine Grimes, Rachel Harnett, Bhavya Mugawar, Mary O'Neill, Eimear Ni Sheachnasaigh, Cicely Roche, Vidushi Sharma, Isabelle Stratton, Kathleen Yancey., ePortfolio for Experiential Learning and Competency-based Assessment in Undergraduate Healthcare Professions' Education, Body and Mind in Health Professions Education - InHED Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, Belfast, 28th-30th March 2023, 2023
Jonny Johnston, Pauline Rooney, Caitriona NiShe, Jade Concannon, NIcola Byrne, Cicely Roche, Surfacing academic integrity via authentic & integrated assessment, Let's Talk About Assessment 2023: Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 30 Jan 2023, 2023
Dr Rangariroyashe Chipika, Dr Tamasine Grimes, Dr Cicely Roche and Dr Emer McGowan, Authentic, Innovative and Feasible: Designing Assessments for a New Module, QQI, Let"s Talk About Assessment 2023: Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education, Dublin, 30th January 20233, edited by QQI , QQI, 2023
Roche, Cicely; Jameson, Grainne; Gardiner, Clair, Assessment of graduate attributes: priming for & observing elective vaccines debates., Lets talk about Assessment, Let's Talk About Assessment 2023: Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education, Croke park, Dublin, 30th January, 2023, edited by Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI) , 2023
Kelliher, F & Roche, C, The role of ChatGPT in business ethics education: friend or foe., Irish Academy of Management Conference 2023, Galway, 22nd-24th August,, 2023
Roche, Cicely, Grimes, Tamasine, Kavanagh, Jack, Guinan, Emer, Guided by theory, grounded in practice: evidence-based development of teaching resources for multisite interprofessional education, Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, 2023, p1 - 15
Johnston, J.; Rooney, P.; Ni She, C.; O'Darrell, C.; Roche, C., Podcasts: taking educational enhancement conversations online?, Irish Learning Technology Association/ 'EdTech' annual conference, University College Cork, 26-27 May 2022, edited by ILTA review panel , 2022
Roche, Cicely; Abria, Laine; Bourguignon, Anna; Clarke, Leonie; Connolly, Thomas; Cunningham, Cathy; Daly, Blanaid; Donohoe, Claire; Grimes, Tamasine; Harnett, Rachel; Mugawar, Bhavya; Ni Sheachnasaigh, Eimear; O'Neill, Mary; Ramkalawan, Krista-Marie; Sharma, Vidushi; Stratton, Isabelle; Yancey, Kathleen. , ePortfolio for experiential reflection: student-led competence assessment., Strengthening strategic partnership to effect system change: QQI 10th Anniversary Conference, Dublin (Croke park Conference Centre), 18th October 2022, 2022
Kearney, Maeve; Roche, Cicely; Poole, Claire., Promoting Professional Judgement through peer debate in radiation therapy undergraduate curriculum, Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 2022, p11
Roche, Cicely, Prescription for Purposeful Adaptation of Professionalism-and-Ethics Teaching Strategies for Remote Delivery., Pharmacy, 9(1), (55), 2021, p1-13
Roche, C & O'Farrell, C., Evidencing and assessing troublesome attributes across the professional disciplines. , INHED - Irish Network of HealthCare Educators, Preparing students for the complexities of practice and transformative experiences, Trinity College Dublin, February 13th - 14th, 2020
Roche C., Flood, M, Lynch, M. & Sahm, L., Balancing Assessment with "In-Service Practical Training": A Case Report on Collaborative Curriculum Design for Delivery in the Practice Setting, Pharmacy, 7, (3), 2019, p1-25
Ryan, T.J.; Grimes, T.; Henman, M.C.; Sheachnasaigh, E.N.; O'Dwyer, M.; Roche, C.; Ryder, S.A.; Sasse, A.; Walsh, J.J. & D'Arcy, D.M, Design and Implementation of an Integrated Competency-Focused Pharmacy Programme: A Case Report., Pharmacy, 7, (3), 2019, pdoi.org/10.3390/pharmacy703012
Codes of Conduct/ Ethics in pharmacy practice in, editor(s)Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar Section Editor: Zubin Austin , ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHARMACY PRACTICE AND CLINICAL PHARMACY, United Kingdom, Elsevier, 2019, pp1-29 , [Roche, Cicely]
Cicely Roche Tamasine Grimes, Jack Kavanagh & Emer Guinan,, Spotlight on role-play and peer interaction in dilemma resolution: a Neo-Kohlbergian approach to Interprofessional education, Working With Others, Ballymascanlon, Ireland, 15th October, 2019
Cicely Roche, Rubrics in support of Learning and assessment: how to design and integrate to curriculum planning., New frontiers in educational and curriculum development, Leeds, UK, 14th & 15th November, 2019
Roche, Cicely, From Competencies to Public Health, Health Outcomes and Social Pharmacy, Belgrade, 23-24 March 2018, 2018
Roche, Cicely, New and innovative health technologies for enhanced public health - challenges and ethical issues. (Plenary Session)., Emerging technologies in Healthcare, Belgrade, Serbia, 17th August,, 2017, European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare
Roche C, Thoma SJ., Insights from the Defining Issues Test on Moral Reasoning Competencies Development in Community Pharmacists., American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education., 7, (3), 2017, p1 - 19
Roche C, Radomski M, Grimes T, Thoma SJ. , Promoting Peer Debate in Pursuit of Moral Reasoning Competencies Development: Spotlight on Educational Intervention Design., Innovations in Pharmacy, 8, (4), 2017, p1 - 14
Aziz C, Grimes T, Deasy E, Roche C, Compliance with the Health Information and Quality Authority of Ireland National Standard for Patient Discharge Summary Information -A Retrospective Study in Secondary Care, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 23, 2016, p272 - 277
Roche, C., Thoma, SJ., Wingfield, J., Grimes, T., Radomski, M., Spotlight on Moral Reasoning: a blended learning approach to CPD that demonstrates measurable improvement in relevant competencies, 7th All Ireland Pharmacy Conference, Ballymascanlon, Ireland, 27th January, 2015
Roche, C. & Kelliher, F., Giving 'best advice': Proposing a Framework of Community Pharmacist Professional Judgement Formation., Pharmacy, Special Issue: Rural and Regional Pharmacy Education and Leadership., 2, (1), 2014, p74 - 85
Roche, C., 'Addiction Pharmacy' and the professionalisation process: technology-enhanced assessment of reflective practice and teamwork., Pharmacy, Special Issue: Online Learning., 2, (2), 2014, p175 - 194
Roche, C., Thoma, S. & Wingfield, J., From Workshop to E-Learning: Using Technology-Enhanced "Intermediate Concept Measures" As a Framework for Pharmacy Ethics Education and Assessment, Pharmacy. Special Issue: eLearning, 2, (2), 2014, p137 - 160
Kelliher, F & Roche, C., I wish I was there: Emulating the sense of 'being' in an eClassroom., Irish Academy of Management, University of Limerick, Sept 3rd-5th, 2014
Roche, C, Can we teach professional judgement and reasoning? Experiences from research and practice., A professional update day for academics and pharmacy trainers, Birmingham, England, 9th September, 2014
Roche, Cicely., Online assessment incorporating reflective practice and teamwork: Technology-Enhanced Learning in the final semester., Blackboard European teaching and learning conference, Birmingham, April, 2013
Roche, C. & Kelliher, F., Educating community pharmacists: exploring influences on professional judgement formation in a commercial environment., Irish Academy of Management, WIT Waterford, Sept 2-4, 2013
Roche, Cicely, The professionalization of pharmacist students in the final semester: a 'blended learning' approach to assessment of reflective practice and teamwork following workshops with external practitioners, The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) 73rd World Congress., Dublin, September, 2013
Roche, Cicely, Development and assessment of moral reasoning competencies: a blended learning approach to dilemma review and resolution, The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) 73rd World Congress., Dublin, 2013
Roche, Cicely., In Pursuit of Excellence: Facilitating 'Right Advice' in Retail Pharmacy Practice., Irish Academy of Management, Sept 2-4, 2013
Roche, Cicely, Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment to support the development of professional attributes., the FIP Centennial Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012., Amsterdam, October 2012, 2012
Cicely Roche, FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR 'GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES': TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED LEARNING IN THE FIRST SEMESTER., Edulearn12 Proceedings. Barcelona, Spain., Online, (July 2nd - 4th), 2012, p5129 - 5137
Roche, Cicely & Gallagher, Paul., Developing Moral Reasoning skills in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), AMEE Association of Medical Education, Glasgow, September, 2010
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Residential Care: Pharmacist dilemmas and issues of 'covert' medication., Irish Pharmacy Journal, 89, (June-August), 2010, p203 - 2204
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Children and the Law: Dispensing Prescriptions to Minors, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 88, (1,2 & 3; Jan - March), 2010, p168 - 169
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Collegiality Challenged, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 87, (5, 6 & 7. May-July), 2009, p92 - 92
Sahm, L., MacCurtain, A., Hayden, J., Roche, C & Richards, H.L., Electronic reminders to improve medication adherence - are they acceptable to the patient?, Pharm World Sci, 31, (6), 2009, p627 - 629
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Link Selling., Irish Pharmacy Journal, 87, (8, 9 & 10. Aug - Oct), 2009, p122 - 123
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Research Ethics and the Ethics of Research., Irish Pharmacy Journal, 87, (2 & 3), 2009, p52 - 52
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Capacity: the pharmacist's judgement of the ability to decide, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86 & 87, (12 & 1), 2009, p22 - 23
Roche, Cicely & Kelliher, Felicity, Exploring the Patient Consent Process in Community Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, 86, (1), 2009, p91 - 99
Roche, Cicely, Ethical and legal Issues in healthcare: Is pharmacy a profession?, Irish Pharmacy Journal, (November/December), 2009, p144 - 144
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: The ethics of resource management in Pharmacy., Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (7), 2008, p170 - 171
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Duty of Care in Matters of Confidentiality and Privacy., Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (4), 2008, p81 - 82
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Balancing Paternalism and Autonomy in professional practice. , Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (5 ), 2008, p122-
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Professional Judgement, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (8 & 9), 2008, p202 - 203
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: The right not to know: Issues in genetic testing, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (6), 2008, p142 - 143
Roche, Cicely, ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Standards of Care and the 'Best Interests' principle, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (10 & 11), 2008, p208 - 210
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: Conscientious Objection: the right to refuse to dispense. , Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (2), 2008, p18 - 19
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: The doctrine of double effect: implications for end-of-life healthcare. , Irish Pharmacy Journal, 86, (3), 2008, p48 - 49
Roche, Cicely., ETHICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE: What is a prescription?, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 85 & 86, (12 & 1), 2007, p492 - 492
Roche, C, Does co-location of prescribers and dispensers in Primary Care compromise the patient's right to consent?, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 85, (5), 2006, p142 - 146
Kelliher, Cicely, An Evaluation of the Advent of Computers in Irish Community Pharmacy, Irish Pharmacy Journal, 63, (4), 1985, p123 - 124
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Roche C., Grimes T., Conscientious Objection by Pharmacists: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act, 2013, IPU Review, September 2013., 2013, p20 - 22
Roche, Cicely, Online assessment incorporating reflective practice and teamwork: Technology-Enhanced Learning in the final semester., EdTech 2013, University College Cork, May, 2013
Roche, Cicely., Challenging the 21st Century Learner:Supporting the development of reasoning competencies, Dublin eLearning Summer School, Dublin DIT, June, 2011
Roche, Cicely., Is Irish Pharmacy ready for MURs? , IPU Review, September, 2008, p32 - 35
Roche, Cicely., Cholesterol testing in Demand? , Counterintelligence online, February, 2008, p4
Research Expertise
Education for Sustainable Development, Trinity College Dublin ESD Project 2023-current. Moral reasoning Competencies Development in Community Pharmacists in Ireland. (PhD thesis). Professional ethics education as proposed in 'Moral Development in the Professions: Psychology and Applied Ethics' (Rest & Narvaez, 1994) incorporates the Four Component Model (FCM) of morality, namely moral sensitivity, reasoning , motivation and implementation, as interactive elements in the development of a professional (Bebeau & Monson, 2008; Bebeau, 2002; Bebeau & Thoma, 1999). Moral reasoning, which reviews the development of moral reasoning competencies, as measured by a psychometric measure known as the DIT2 (Rest et al, 1999a, 1999b), following educational intervention(s) incorporating profession-specific dilemmas, is a key area of interest for both research and teaching/mentoring student development. Research in other professions, e.g. dentistry (Bebeau, 2002) and business (Jones, 2008), indicates that even relatively short profession-specific educational programmes (referred to as an intervention for the purposes of this research) can lead to significant improvements in moral reasoning competencies, especially when the design, development and delivery of the intervention is context-appropriate. The Professional Role Orientation Inventory, a measure of professional Identity formation, has been adapted for the pharmacy profession and is being investigated as a potential tool for use by practicing pharmacists and for evaluation of student development. ePortfolio for experiential learning is a further area of research currently being progressed - with the support of a FHS teaching innovation award Cicely leads a multidisciplinary team, involving students and staff/preceptors in Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry, the project explores how ePortfolio for experiential learning might further address competence assessment challenges in Sophister health professional curriculums.Projects
- Title
- ePortfolio for experiential learning
Ethics Advisory Group Member, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) - current
MPharm Integrated Programme Academic Online Module year 4 Implementation Group Lead (TCD/ UCC/ RCSI Collaboration)
Irish Institute of Pharmacy Peer Support Pharmacist and variously programme accreditation Committee Chair and member (e.g. Vaccination Services training Programmes for Pharmacists, Care of the Elderly)
MPharm integrated Programme Academic Online Module Development group (TCD/ UCC/ RCSI collaboration): TCD representative
Chair, Fitness to Practice - Committee of Inquiry (Health), Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland: Accreditation Standards development (Level 8, Level 9 and 5-year integrated programmes)... Joint TCD-UCC-RCSI nominee to the Expert group.
Chair, Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association
Chair, Joint working group PSI/ICCPE/HSE/DoH, Engagement of pharmacists in Joint Continuing Education initiatives
Irish Centre for Continuing Pharmaceutical Education (Board Member)
Irish Medicines Board (Board Member)
President, Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland - Core Competency Framework Development Group
Asthma Society of Ireland Medical Committee
President, Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland Benevolent Fund (Reg. CHY)
Director, Pharmacy Bevenvolent Fund (Reg CHY)
Director, Gorey Educational Trust Ltd (Reg. CHY)
Awards and Honours
FHS Deans Award 2024. Centre for Sustainable Healthcare - Nuala Hampson: i) Principles of Sustainable Healthcare and (ii) Embedding Sustainability in the Curriculum. [Webinars on March 27th/ April 17th 2024
Sustainablity Leadership Award 2024, Trinity College Dublin
Best Conference Paper, Irish Academy of Management (and Best paper in IAM Teaching and Learning strand). [The role of ChatGPT in business ethics education: friend or foe., ]
TCD Fellow in Education for Sustainable Development
FHS Visiting Professor Award 2023. Collaboration with Dr Maria Allinson, Keele University: Using creativity in teaching to build resilience in future healthcare professionals (June 2023)
Dean's Innovation in Teaching Award: ePortfolio for experiential reflection: student-led competence assessment. Showcase event May 2023 St James Hospital. Student-led focus groups, Prof Yancey, May-June 2023. [Lead Dr Cicely Roche - Schools of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry, faculty-student partnership collaboration)]
Dean's Innovation in Teaching Award: Interprofessional education - development of a module suitable as an elective [Lead: Dr Emer McGowan]
FHS Visiting Professor award 2022. Collaboration with Prof Steve Thoma, University of Alabama: The Four Component Model of Moral Functioning - implications for Professional Development (Lecture and meetings, 22nd & 23rd September 2022)
Teaching Hero Award 2021 [National Forum for the enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education] https://openbadgefactory.com/v1/assertion/a800a6a9618ac15e0fdb2336ceee1a606c48c69c
Deans Innovation in Teaching Award: eLearning package for development of healthcare student' resilience [Lead applicant Dr Louise Gallagher]
FHS Visiting Professor award 2018 Collaboration with Prof Zubin Austin, University of Toronto: Professional identity: who do you/ they think you/they are? (Two-day masterclass, 20th and 21st June 2019)
Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Scholar: University of Toronto, May-June 2017 (Sponsor Prof Zubin Austin]
Dean's Teaching Innovation Award, Faculty of Health Sciences: A multidisciplinary approach to moral reasoning competencies development. (Lead: Dr Cicely Roche - Faculty-student partnership with Dr Tamasine Grimes, Dr Emer Guinan and Mr Jack Kavanagh)
Trinity Education Project Fellow [Trinity Education Project]
Provost's teaching award, Trinity College Dublin.
Best Conference Paper, Irish Academy of Management (and Best paper in IAM Teaching and Learning strand). I wish I was there: Emulating the sense of 'being' in an eClassroom.
Irish Academy of Management Conference 'Best Poster Presentation'. In Pursuit of Excellence: Facilitating 'Right Advice' in Retail Pharmacy Practice. [Irish Management Institute (IMI) Awardf]
Elected to serve as President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
Roches Pharmacy Gorey won the Excellence Ireland Foundation Mark National Award. (Integrated QA & continuous improvement system.)
FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) Ethics Advisory Group. Established 2023.
Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
Reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics
Member of the Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association (Ireland)
Member of the Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association (UK)
Reviewer: Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy