Robert Briggs is a Consultant Geriatrician in St James's Hospital with a special interest in Falls & Syncope in older adults. He is clinical lead of the Emergency Department Falls & Syncope Service in St James's Hospital.
He has completed a Phd entitled 'The Association of Blood Pressure and Cerebral perfusion with Depression in Older Adults', utilising novel measures of cerebral blood flow and postural blood pressure analysis and has worked extensively within the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing since 2015.
He was co-PI on the Irish arm of a large international study of disease-modifying therapy in Alzheimer's disease. He has over 30 first or senior author peer-reviewed publications and over 50 in total with a H-index of 14 and his research has been featured in national and international newspapers and radio.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Adam H Dyer, Claire Murphy, Helena Dolphin, Laura Morrison, Robert Briggs, Brian Lawlor, Sean P Kennelly; NILVAD Study Group, Long-term antipsychotic use, orthostatic hypotension and falls in older adults with Alzheimer's disease, European Geriatric Medicine, 2024
Ward M, Briggs R, Kenny RA, Social disconnection correlates of a `Wish to Die" among a large community-dwelling cohort of older adults., Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 2024
Gallagher E, Kenny RA, Briggs R, Regular dog walking is associated with reduced likelihood of unexplained falls, fear of falling and mobility problems in later life, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Madden R, Ahmed R, Chambers H, Cloonan J, May E, Briggs R, Loneliness amongst Older Hospital Inpatients - Prevalence and Associated Factors, Irish Medical Journal, 116, (8), 2023, p838
Donnell DO, Romero-Ortuno R, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Donoghue PO, Lavan A, Cunningham C, McElwaine P, Kenny RA, Briggs R., The 'Bermuda Triangle' of orthostatic hypotension, cognitive impairment and reduced mobility: prospective associations with falls and fractures in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. , Age and Ageing, 52, (2), 2023, pafad005
Hartley, P. and Forsyth, F. and Rowbotham, S. and Briggs, R. and Kenny, R.A. and Romero-Ortuno, R., The use of the World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management's risk stratification algorithm in predicting falls in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Age and Ageing, 52, (7), 2023
Keane B, McMahon GC, Lavan A, Briggs R, Are so-called `mechanical" falls in later life as benign as we think? Data from TILDA, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Chapman, L. and Kelly, M. and Piggott, R.S. and Carr, B. and Courtney, G. and McDonagh, R. and Oâ Connell, B. and Bannan, C. and Cunningham, C. and Briggs, R., An electronic medical record reminder is independently associated with improved opportunistic influenza vaccination rates for older inpatients, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 53, (3), 2023, p169-172
Gallagher E., Mehmood M., Lavan A., Kenny R.A., Briggs R., Psychotropic medication use and future unexplained and injurious falls and fracture amongst community-dwelling older people: data from TILDA, European Geriatric Medicine, 14, (3), 2023, p455 - 463, p455-463
Wang L, Pronk AC, van Poelgeest EP, Briggs R, Claassen JAHR, Jansen S, Klop M, de Lange FJ, Meskers CCGM, Odekerken VJJ, Payne SJ, Trappenburg MC, Thijs RD, Uleman JF, Hoekstra AG, van der Velde N., Applying systems thinking to unravel the mechanisms underlying orthostatic hypotension related fall risk., GeroScience, 45, (4), 2023, p2743-2755
Lalor P, Swanton A, Lavan A, Kenny RA, Briggs R, Chronic pain is associated with mobility impairment and falls among community-dwelling older people: data from TILDA, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
O'Donnell D, Moriarty M, Lavan A, Kenny RA, Briggs R, What is the association between psychotropic medication use and orthostatic hypotension in community-dwelling older people: data from TILDA, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Ward M, Briggs R, McGarrigle CA, De Looze C, O'Halloran AM, Kenny RA., The bi-directional association between loneliness and depression among older adults from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 38, (1), 2023, pe5856
Slavescu A, Byrne L, Lavan A, Briggs R., Hypotensive unawareness in Parkinson's disease-related autonomic dysfunction., Journal of hypertension, 41, (2), 2023, p362-364
Madden R, Briggs R, How prevalent are markers of blood pressure instability on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring of older people with falls, faints & dizziness?, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Doyle K, Lavan A, Briggs R, Improving the collateral history for older people admitted to hospital: the 6 Cs, Age and Ageing, September 2023, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
O'Donnell D, Moriarty F, Lavan A, Kenny RA, Briggs R, An analysis of the impact of psychotropic medications on gait in the Irish longitudinal study on ageing (TILDA), Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Briggs R, McDonough A, Ellis G, Bennett K, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 5, (5), 2022, pCD012705
Mealy B, Nevin A, Lavan A, Jariol AL, Roll V, O Connor S,O DonnelL D, Cummiskey AG, McNulty J, O Malley M, Briggs R, `HOME ON TIME": MULTIDISCIPLINARY INTERVENTION REDUCES LENGTH OF STAY AND DELAYS IN CARE TRANSFERS ON AN ACUTE GERIATRIC MEDICINE WARD, Age and Ageing, 51(Supplement_3), 2022
Breslin, L. and Connolly, E. and Purcell, R. and Lavan, A. and Kenny, R.A. and Briggs, R., What factors are associated with advance care planning in community-dwelling older people? Data from TILDA, European Geriatric Medicine, 13, (1), 2022, p285-289
Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Briggs R, Robinson V, Rodzlan R, Redmond P, Grimes T., Potential Costs and Consequences Associated with Medication Error at Hospital Discharge: An Expert Judgement Study, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2022
Claffey P, Perez-Denia L, Lavan A, Kenny R.A, Finucane C, Briggs R, Asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension and risk of falls in community-dwelling older people, Age and ageing, 51, (12), 2022
Vande_Wouwer E, Zamora Mogollo A, Perez Denia, Kenny RA, Briggs R, Finucane C L,, NON-INVASIVE APPROACH FOR ASSESSING NEUROCARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION IN PATIENTS AT RISK OF FALLS AND SYNCOPE, Physica Medica, 104, 2022, pS82
Chambers H, Ahmed R, Cloonan J, May E, Madden R, Briggs R, HOW PREVALENT ARE UNDETECTED DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS AMONGST OLDER HOSPITAL INPATIENTS?, Age and Ageing, 51(Supplement_3), 2022
Briggs, Robert and Ward, Mark and Kenny, Rose Anne, The â~Wish to Dieâ in later life: prevalence, longitudinal course and mortality. Data from TILDA, Age and ageing, 2021
Howley F, Lavan A, Connolly E, McMahon G, Mehmood M, Briggs R., Trends in emergency department use by older people during the COVID-19 pandemic., European geriatric medicine, 12, (6), 2021, p1159-1167
Robert Briggs and Mark Ward and Rose Anne Kenny, The `Wish to Die" in later life: prevalence, longitudinal course and mortality. Data from TILDA, Age and Ageing, 50, (4), 2021, p1321--1328
Briggs R, McDowell C, De Looze C, Kenny RA, Ward M, Depressive symptoms among older adults pre- and post- COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2021
Bourke R, Rice CP, McMahon GC, Cunningham C, Kenny RA, Briggs R, Falls and Syncope in Older People in the Emergency Department: Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes, Age and Ageing, 48(Supplement_3):iii, 2021
Doyle K, Lavan A, Kenny RA, Briggs R., Delayed Blood Pressure Recovery After Standing Independently Predicts Fracture in Community-Dwelling Older People., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2021
Ragab I, Ward M, Moloney D, Kenny RA, Briggs R., 'Wish to Die' is independently associated with Cardiovascular Mortality in Later Life. Data from TILDA., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2021
Eamon Laird and Aisling M. O'Halloran and Anne M Molloy and Martin Healy and Belinda Hernandez and Deirdre O'Connor and Rose Anne Kenny and Robert Briggs, Low vitamin B 12 but not folate is associated with incident depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults: a 4-year longitudinal study, British Journal of Nutrition, 2021, p1--22
Bailey L, Ward M, DiCosimo A, Baunta S, Cunningham C, Romero-Ortuno R, Kenny RA, Purcell R, Lannon R, McCarroll K, Nee R, Robinson D, Lavan A, Briggs R , Physical and Mental Health of Older People while Cocooning during the COVID-19 Pandemic, QJM, 2021
Jusmanova K, Rice C, Bourke R, Lavan A, McMahon G, Cunningham C, Kenny RA, Briggs R., Letter to the Editor, Reply re: "Impact of a Specialist Service in the Emergency Department on Admission, Length of Stay and Readmission of Patients Presenting with Falls, Syncope and Dizziness"., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2020
Briggs R, Ward M, Kenny RA, The 'Wish to Die' in Later Life: Prevalence, Longitudinal Course and Mortality. Data from TILDA., Age and Ageing, 2020
Ward, Mark. May Peter, Briggs Robert, McNicholas Triona, Normand Charles, Kenny Rose Anne, Nolan Anne, Linking death registration and survey data: Procedures and cohort profile for The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, HRB Open Res, 3, (43), 2020
Dyer AH, Murphy C, Briggs R, Lawlor B, Kennelly SP, NILVAD Study Group, Antidepressant use and orthostatic hypotension in older adults living with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer disease., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2020
O'Neill D, Briggs R, Holmerova I, Samuelsson O, Gordon AL, Martin FC on behalf of the Special Interest Group in Long-Term Care of the EuGMS, COVID-19 highlights the need for universal adoption of Standards of Medical Care for Physicians in Nursing Homes in Europe, European Geriatric Medicine, 2020
Íde O'Shaughnessy, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Lucinda Edge, Aoife Dillon, Sinéad Flynn, Robert Briggs, Darragh Shields, Geraldine McMahon, Arthur Hennessy, Una Kennedy, Paul Staunton, Rosa McNamara, Suzanne Timmons, Frances Horgan, Conal Cunningham, Home FIRsT: interdisciplinary geriatric assessment and disposition outcomes in the Emergency Department, European Journal of Internal Medicine, 2020
Sullivan R, McNicholas T, Claffey P, Kenny RA, Briggs R., Unreported urinary incontinence: population-based prevalence and factors associated with non-reporting of symptoms in community-dwelling people " 50 years, European geriatric medicine, 2020
Briggs, Robert, Donoghue, Orna A., Carey, Daniel, O'Connell, Matthew D. L., Newman, Louise, Kenny, Rose Anne, What Is the Relationship Between Orthostatic Blood Pressure and Spatiotemporal Gait in Later Life?, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2020
Jusmanova K, Rice C, Bourke R, Lavan A, McMahon CG, Cunningham C, Kenny RA, Briggs R., Impact of a Specialist Service in the Emergency Department on Admission, Length of Stay and Readmission of Patients Presenting with Falls, Syncope and Dizziness., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2020
Caring for people with dementia in the acute hospital in, Diagnosis and Management in Dementia, Elsevier, 2020, pp665--680 , [Briggs, Robert and Claffey, Paul and Kennelly, Sean P]
Ward, M; Turner, N; Briggs, R; O'Halloran, A M; Kenny, R A, Resilience does not mediate the association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and later life depression. Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020
Donoghue OA, Briggs R, Moriarty F, Kenny RA., Association of Antidepressants With Recurrent, Injurious and Unexplained Falls is Not Explained by Reduced Gait Speed., The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, (3), 2020, p274-284
Gannon, J., Claffey, P., Laird, E., Newman, L., Kenny, R.A., Briggs, R., The cross"sectional association between diabetes and orthostatic hypotension in community"dwelling older people, Diabetic Medicine, 2019
Cognition and Health Aging in, editor(s)Coll, PP , Healthy Aging: A Complete Guide to Clinical Management,, New York, Springer-Verlag New York, 2019, pp169 - 180, [Briggs R, Kennelly S, O'Neill D]
Dyer AH, Briggs R, Mockler D, Gibney J, Kennelly SP, Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Cognition in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review., Quarterly Journal Medicine, 2019
Briggs R, Drumm B, Dwyer R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Coughlan T, Collins R, Awareness of atrial fibrillation-effectiveness of a pilot national awareness campaign, Ir J Med Sci, 2019
Briggs R, McCarroll K, O'Halloran A, Healy M, Kenny RA, Laird E, Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With an Increased Likelihood of Incident Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20, (5), 2019, p517 - 523
Briggs R, Kennelly SP, Kenny RA. , Does baseline depression increase the risk of unexplained and accidental falls in a cohort of community-dwelling older people? Data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). , Int J Geriatr Psychiatry., 33, (2), 2018, pe205-e211
Briggs R, Carey D, McNicholas T, Claffey P, Nolan H, Kennelly SP, Kenny RA, The association between antidepressant use and orthostatic hypotension in older people: a matched cohort study., Journal of the American Soc Hypertension, 2018
Briggs R, Carey D, O'Halloran A, Kenny RA, Kennelly SP, Validation of the 8-item Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in a cohort of community-dwelling older people: data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), European Geriatric Medicine, 9, (1), 2018, p121-126
Briggs R, Tobin K, Kenny RA, Kennelly SP, What is the prevalence of untreated depression and death ideation in older people? Data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging., International Psychogeriatrics, 2018
Briggs R, Carey D, Kennelly SP, Kenny RA, Longitudinal Association Between Orthostatic Hypotension at 30 Seconds Post-Standing and Late-Life Depression., Hypertension, 2018, p816-
Fallon A, Kilbane L, Briggs R, Dyer A, Nabeel S, McElwaine P, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, RyanD, Kennelly SP, Screening for frailty in older emergency department patients: The utility of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Frailty Instrument (SHARE-FI) , QJM, 2018
Briggs R, McHale C, Fitzhenry D, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Dementia, disclosing the diagnosis, QJM, 2018
Briggs R, Kenny RA, Kennelly SP, Does baseline hypotension predict incident depression in a cohort of community-dwelling older people? Data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). , Age and Ageing, 2017
Briggs R, McDonough A, Ellis G, Bennett K, O'Neill D, Robinson D, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6), 2017, pCD012705
Briggs R, McHale C, Fitzhenry D, Coughlan T, Collins DR, Ryan DJ, O Neill D, Kennelly SP, Identifying Prodromal Alzheimer"s Disease - Clinical Incorporation of CSF Biomarkers into the Diagnostic Paradigm in a Memory Clinic Setting, Age and Ageing, 46(Suppl_3):iii1-iii, 2017
Briggs R, Coughlan T, Doherty J, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Investigation and diagnostic formulation in patients admitted with transient loss of consciousness. , Ir Med J, 110, (5), 2017, p563
Briggs R, Coary R, Collins R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Acute hospital care: How much activity is attributable to caring for patients with dementia?, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (1), 2016, p41 - 44
Briggs R, O'Neill D, The informant history: a neglected aspect of clinical education and practice., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 109, (5), 2016, p301-302
Briggs R, O'Neill D, Chronic stroke disease., British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005), 77, (5), 2016, pC66-9
Briggs R, Kennelly SP, O'Neill D, Drug treatments in Alzheimer's disease., Clinical medicine (London, England), 16, (3), 2016, p247-53
Briggs R, O'Shea E, de Siún A, O'Neill D, Gallagher P, Timmons S, Kennelly S, Does admission to a specialist geriatric medicine ward lead to improvements in aspects of acute medical care for older patients with dementia?, International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2016
Dyer AH, Briggs R, Nabeel S, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, The Abbreviated Mental Test 4 for cognitive screening of older adults presenting to the Emergency Department., European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2016
Briggs R, Dyer A, Nabeel S, Collins R, Doherty J, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Dementia in the Acute Hospital: The prevalence and clinical outcomes of acutely unwell patients with dementia., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2016
Dyer AH, Nabeel S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Cognitive assessment of older adults at the acute care interface: the informant history., Postgraduate medical journal, 2016
Briggs R, Kenny R.A, Kennelly S.P, Systematic Review: The Association between Late Life Depression and Hypotension, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17, (12), 2016, p1076 - 1088
Briggs R, McDonagh R, Mahon O, Harbison J., In-hospital stroke: characteristics and outcomes., Irish medical journal, 108, (1), 2015, p24-25
Grace AR, Briggs R, Kieran RE, Corcoran RM, Romero-Ortuno R, Coughlan TL, O'Neill D, Collins R, Kennelly SP., A comparison of beers and STOPP criteria in assessing potentially inappropriate medications in nursing home residents attending the emergency department., 2014
The Prevalence of Gait Disorders and Stravinsky Syndrome in An Age-Related Day Hospital, Briggs R, Quinn T, Quinn S, O Neill D, Irish journal of Medical Science, 183:S327-S327, 2014
Briggs R, Coughlan T, Collins R, O'Neill D, Kennelly SP, Nursing home residents attending the emergency department: clinical characteristics and outcomes., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2013
Briggs R, Robinson S, O'Neill D, Ageism and clinical research, Irish Medical Journal, 105, (9), 2012, p311 - 312
Robinson S, Briggs R, O'Neill D, Cognitive ageing, geriatrics textbooks and unintentional ageism, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60, (11), 2012, p2183-2185
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Swanton A, Lalor P, Lavan A, Kenny RA, Briggs R, Chronic pain is frequently under-treated among older people in Ireland: data from TILDA, Age and Ageing, 52(Supplement_3), 2023
Robert Briggs , Daniel Carey , Paul Claffey , Triona McNicholas , Louise Newman , Hugh Nolan , Sean P. Kennelly and Rose Anne Kenny, The association between frontal lobe perfusion and depressive symptoms in later life, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2019, p230 - 236, p230"236
Robert Briggs, Daniel Carey, Paul Claffey , Triona McNicholas, Orna Donoghue, Sean P Kennelly, Rose Anne Kenny, Do Differences in Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters Predict the Risk of Developing Depression in Later Life?, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2019, p1050 - 1056, p1050"1056
Robert Briggs, Daniel Carey, Rose Anne Kenny, Sean P. Kennelly, What is the Longitudinal Relationship between Gait Abnormalities and Depression in a Cohort of Community-Dwelling Older People? Data From the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26, (1), 2018, p75 - 86, p75"86
TILDA Management Committee
Consultant Representative St James's Hospital Falls Committee
Clinical Lead Emergency Department Falls & Syncope Service
Associate Editor Journal: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Royal College of Physicians HST Trainer
Member of the European Geriatric Medicine Society
Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland