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Dr. Nick Mc Donald
Fellow Emeritus, Psychology


2012 Founder Director of Centre for Innovative Human Systems, TCD 1994 -1996 Head of Department Department of Psychology, TCD 1989 - Founder member and chair of the Aerospace Psychology Research Group (APRG). 1993- Senior Lecturer Department of Psychology, TCD. 1978-93 Lecturer Department of Psychology, TCD. 1976-77 Research Associate Department of Human Sciences,

Loughborough University of Technology,

Loughborough, U.K. 1972-75 Research Assistant Department of Psychology, TCD. 1972-75 Lecturer Dublin College of Speech Therapy. Date of Birth: 20th October 1949


Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

McDonald N, McKenna L, Vining R, Doyle B, Liang J, Ward ME, Ulfvengren P, Geary U, Guilfoyle J, Shuhaiber A, Hernandez J, Fogarty M, Healy U, Tallon C, Brennan R., Evaluation of an Access-Risk-Knowledge (ARK) Platform for Governance of Risk and Change in Complex Socio-Technical Systems., International journal of environmental research and public health, 18, (23), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McDonald, N., Callari, T.C., Baranzini, D. & Mattei, F., A Mindful Governance model for ultra-safe organisations, Safety Science, 120, 2019, p753 - 763 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Callari, T., C., McDonald, N., Kirwan, B. & Cartmale, K., Investigating and operationalising the mindful organising construct in an Air Traffic Control organisation, Safety Science, 120, 2019, p839 - 849 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Siobhán Corrigan, Alison Kay, Katie O'Byrne, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Sharon Sheehan, Nick McDonald, David Smyth, Ken Mealy and Sam Cromie, A Socio-Technical Exploration for Reducing & Mitigating the Risk of Retained Foreign Objects, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Transferring Learning Across Safety-Critical Industries in, editor(s)Malcolm MacLachlan , Maritime Psychology Research in Organizational & Health Behavior at Sea, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp49 - 68, [Paul M. Liston, Alison Kay, Sam Cromie, Nick McDonald, Bill Kavanagh, Roddy Cooke, Peter Walter] Book Chapter, 2017 URL DOI

McDonald, N., Kay, A., Morrison, R., & Ryan, M. , How Automation May Transform the Ways in Which Crew Manage Peak Workload and Incapacitation. , 19th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP 2017), Dayton, Ohio, 8-11 May 2017, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

T.C. Callari, N. Mc Donald, D. Baranzini, F. Mattei, The Emerging Safety Mindfulness Model: from Concept Definition into Requirements Collection, 16th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Dublin, Ireland, 22-23 June 2017, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017 TARA - Full Text

Cahill J., Morrison, R, Mc Donald N, Lynch D, The Operational Validation of New Cockpit Technologies Supporting All Conditions Operations: A Case Study, Cognition, Technology & Work, Volume 18, ( Issue 3), 2016, p479 - 509 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Corrigan, S. Martensson, L., Kay, A., McDonald, N., Implementing Collaborative Decision Making: Challenges & Recommendations., Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 17, (2), 2015, p207 - 218 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Podofillini et al (ed.), Towards a realist validation of an aviation system operational concept, European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2015, Zurich, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2015, CRC Press: Boca Raton, 2015, 3961-3966 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2015 URL

Corrigan, S., Zon, R., Maij, A., Martensson, L. McDonald, N., A Collaborative Learning Framework & Serious Game Development, Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 17, (2), 2015, p269 - 278 Journal Article, 2015 URL TARA - Full Text

McDonald, N., 'PROSPERO Animation', Dublin, Ireland, 2015, - Script, 2015

McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., Ulfvengen, P. & Baranzini, D.(ed.), HCI International Conference, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June,, 2014 Proceedings of a Conference, 2014 URL

Joan Cahill, Nick McDonald, Gabriel Losa, A socio-technical model of the Flight Crew Task, Human Factors (The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society), Vol 56, Issue 8,, 2014, p1337 - 1363 Journal Article, 2014 DOI URL

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., What Makes for Successful Change: Evidence from Industrial-Based Research, Journal of Airport Management, 8, 2014 Journal Article, 2014 URL

McTiernan, K, McDonald, N., Occupational stressors, burnout and coping strategies between hospital and community of psychiatric nurses in a Dublin region, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22, (3), 2014, pDOI: 10.1111/jpm.12170 Journal Article, 2014 URL

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., Introduction to the Special Issue: Managing System Change in Aviation: What Makes for Successful Change?, Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 16, (4), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

McDonald, N., The Evaluation of Change, Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 16, (4), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N.(ed.), European Association of Aviation Psychology, Valetta, Malta, 22-26 Sept, 2014, 2014 Proceedings of a Conference, 2014 URL

C. McCaughan, S. Cromie, N. McDonald, Factors in determining the level of causal analysis in healthcare incident investigations, Irish Ergonomics Review, 9, 2013, p87 - 96 Journal Article, 2013 URL

Cahill, J., McDonald, N. Losa G. , Understanding and Improving Flight Crew Performance of the Pre-Flight, Flight Planning and Briefing Task. , The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 23, (1), 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Nick McDonald(ed.), Proceedings 5th Symposium on Resilience Engineering, 2013, Proceedings 5th Symposium on Resilience Engineering, Managing trade-offs, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 24th-27th June , 2013 Proceedings of a Conference, 2013

M.C. Leva , N. McDonald, S. Corrigan P. Ulfvengren, F. Barcheus (ed.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE Conference, San Francisco, USA, 14, 21-25 July , 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Pernilla Ulfvengrena, Nicholas McDonald, Morten Ydalus(ed.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE Conference, San Francisco, USA, 14, 21-25 July , 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

N. McDonald, M. Ydalus (ed.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE Conference, San Francisco, USA, 14, 21-25 July , 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Mc Donald, N., Corrigan, S., Morrison, R., Leva, C. , Achieving Impact through Human Factors Research , Irish Journal of Psychology, in press, 2012, p122 - 128 Journal Article, 2012

Corrigan, S., Leva, C., Mc Donald, N., Ulfvengren, P , The Challenges of Organisational Change: What has Human Factors to Offer, Cognition, Technology & Work, 2012 Journal Article, 2012

Nick McDonald,,Marie Ward and Rabea Morrisona (ed.), IEA World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Cahill J., Mc Donald N., Losa G, 'Intelligent Planning and the Design of a New Risk Based, Intelligent Flight Plan', Cognition, Technology and Work, Volume 13. , (Number 1), 2011, p43 - 66 Journal Article, 2011

Leva, M. C. , Cahill, J. , Kay, A. M. , Losa, G. and McDonald, N, 'The advancement of a new human factors report - 'The Unique Report' - facilitating flight crew auditing of performance/operations as part of an airline's safety management system, Ergonomics, 53, (2), 2010, p164 - 183 Journal Article, 2010

Ward, M., McDonald, N., Morrison, R., Gaynor, D., & Nugent, T. , A performance improvement case study in aircraft maintenance and its implications for hazard identification , Ergonomics, , 53, (2), 2010, p247 - 267 Journal Article, 2010

Pettersen, K. and McDonald, N and Engen, O.A. , Rethinking the role of social theory in socio-technical analysis: a critical realist approach to aircraft maintenance, Cognition, Technology & Work, 12, (3), 2010, p181 - 191 Journal Article, 2010

Maria Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Joan Cahill, Gabriel Losa, Sharon Keating, Diogo Serradas, and Nick McDonald , Unique Reporting Form: Flight Crew Auditing of Everyday Performance in an Airline Safety Management Syste, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5618 , HCI 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009, Springer, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

M. Chiara Leva, J. Cahill, A. Kay, G. Losa, N. McDonald, The Development of a Unique Report for Performance Monitoring in an Airline Safety Management System, 18th AR2TS symposium, Loughborough, England, 21st - 23rd of April, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

M.C. Leva, J.Cahill, A.M.Kay, G.Losa, N.McDonald, The Advancement of New Human Factiors Report- 'The Unique Report' - Faciliating Flight Crew Auditing of Performance/Operations as part of an Airline's Safety Management system , Ergonomics , 2009 Journal Article, 2009

Cahill J, McDonald N. and Losa G. , Enhancing human performance and overall flight safety through improvements in airline system information flow, 28th Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology, Valencia, 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Organisational Resilience and Industrial Risk in, editor(s)Erik Hollinagel David D Woods Nancy Leverson , Resilience Engineering, Concepts and Precepts , Surrey UK, Adgate Publishing , 2006, pp155 - 180, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2006

Joan Cahill and Nick McDonald , HILAS Flight Operations Research: A New framework for System Performance Monitoring, , International Conference on Human-Computer Interactions in Aeronautics , Seattle USA 20-22 September 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Cahill, J and McDonald, N., Human computer interaction methods for electronic flight bag envisionment and design, Cognition, Technology and Work, 8, (2), 2006, p113 - 123 Journal Article, 2006

Perezgonzales, Jose D, Nick McDonald & Elaine Smith , A review of the occurrence reporting systems proposed by EASA Part-145, Safety Science, 43, (8), 2005, p559 - 570 Journal Article, 2005

Vollpracht, H-J, Carlson, T., Elsenaar, P., Lacroix, J., Ljungstrom, T., MacKay, M., McDonald, N., Sigfridsson S-E., Stoop, J., Tira, M., Yannis, G., Transport Safety Organisation in Public and Private Sectors, Brussels, European Transport Safety Council, 2003 Report, 2003

Culture, systems and change in aircraft maintenance organizations in, editor(s)Edkins, G. & Pfister P , Innovation and Consolidation in Aviation, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003, pp39 - 57, [McDonald, N.] Book Chapter, 2003

An organizational approach to human factors in, editor(s)Hayward, B.J. and Lowe A.R. , Aviation Resource Management, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp51 - 61, [N. McDonald, S. Corrigan, S. Cromie & C. Daly] Book Chapter, 2002

Nick McDonald , Human Systems and aircraft maintenance , Air & Space Europe , 3, (3-4), 2001, p221 - 224 Journal Article, 2001

Nick McDonald, Victor Hrymak, Jose Damián Pérez-González, Siobhán Corrigan, Sara Boyd, Emer Farrell, Ann Fitzpatrick, Derek Ross, Michael Griffin, Paul Liston, Safety behaviour in the construction sector , Dublin, Health and Safety Authority, 2001 Report, 2001

N. McDonald, T. Akerstedt, C. Garo, P. Hamelin, and F. van Ouwerkerk, The role of driver fatigue in commercial road transport crashes, Brussels, European Transport Safety Council, 2001 Report, 2001

McDonald, N.,Corrigan, S., Daly, C. and Cromie, S. , Safety Management Systems and Safety Culture in Aircraft Maintenance Organisations, Safety Science, 34, 2000, p151 - 176 Journal Article, 2000

McDonald, N., Human factors and Aircraft Dispatch and Maintenance Safety, Nouvelle Revue Aeronautique Astronautique, 1998, p143 - 146 Journal Article, 1998

Human Factors and Compliance with Task Procedures in Aircraft Maintenance in, editor(s)Pentti Seppala, Tuulikki Luopajarvi, Clas-Hakan Nygard, Markku Mattila , From Experience to Innovation, Vol 3, Helsinki, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 1997, [McDonald, N.,Daly, C., Corrigan, S. and Cromie, S. ] Book Chapter, 1997 URL

The impact of safety training on safety climate and attitudes in, editor(s)Soekkha, Hans , Aviation Safety , Utrecht, VSP, 1997, pp649 - 660, [N. McDonald, S. Cromie and M. Ward] Book Chapter, 1997

Neil Johnston, Nick McDonald, Ray Fuller, Aviation Psychology: Training and Selection, Aldershot, Avebury, 1995, 363pp Book, 1995

Ray Fuller, Neil Johnston, Nick McDonald, Human Factors in Aviation Operations, Aldershot, Avebury, 1995, 324pp Book, 1995

Nick McDonald, Neil Johnston, Ray Fuller, Applications of Psychology to the Aviation System, Aldershot, Avebury, 1995, 328pp Book, 1995

Neil Johnston, Nick McDonald, Ray Fuller, Aviation Psychology in Practice, Aldershot, Avebury, 1994, 366pp Book, 1994

McDonald, N. and Ryan, F., Constraints on the development of safety culture - a preliminary analysis, Irish Journal of Psychology, 13, 1992, p273 - 281 Journal Article, 1992

McDonald, N. and Ronayne, T., Jobs and their environment - the psychological impact of work in noise, Irish Journal of Psychology, 10, 1989, p39 - 55 Journal Article, 1989

McDonald, N., Regulating hours of work in the road haulage industry - the case for social criteria, International Labour Review, 124, 1986, p577 - 592 Journal Article, 1986

McDonald, N., Fatigue, Safety and the Truck Driver, London, Taylor and Francis, 1984, 218pp Book, 1984

McDonald, N., Safety and regulations restricting the hours of driving of goods vehicle drivers, Ergonomics, 24, 1981, p475 - 485 Journal Article, 1981

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Geary, U., Ward, M., Callan, V., Mc Donald, N & Corrigan, S, A socio-technical systems analysis of the application of RFID-enabled technology to the transport of precious laboratory samples in a large acute teaching hospital, Applied Ergonomics, 102, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text URL

Fallon, Enda, Galičič, Matja & O'Sullivan, Leonard W. (ed.), Factors in determining the level of causal analysis in healthcare incident investigations, Irish Ergonomics Society 2013, 9th May 2013, 2013 Proceedings of a Conference, 2013

Nicholas McDonald, Pernilla Ulfvengren, Morten Ydalus, A methodology for managing system change- An airline's development of a SMS and a performance management process, Eleventh Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM11) and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2012), Helsinki, 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

N. McDonald and M. Ydalus, Can safety regulation in aviation be preventive rather than reactive?, AHFE - 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Francisco, 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Cacciabue, C., Leva, M.C., McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., Ulfvengren, P., Licata, V., Ottomaniello, A., Baranzini, D. and Zon, R., Specification of a CMS model, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP7 MASCA project, 2012 Report, 2012

Nick McDonald, Marie Ward and Rabea Morrison, Achieving Impact in Ergonomic Research, 18th World Congress on Ergonomics - IEA 2012, Recife, Brazil, Feb. 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

The HILAS system for Aviation Performance, Risk Management and Operational Change in, editor(s)N. McDonald, M. Ward and P. Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 2:The HILAS Theoretical Framework, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [NICK McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

Strategic Issues in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

Human Factors & Organisational Change in, editor(s)McDonald, N., Ward, M. and Ulfvengren, P , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

Knowledge Transformation in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

Crisis of Practice in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

State of the Art in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

M.C. Leva, J. Cahill, A. M. Kay, G. Losa, N.McDonald , Collaborative prototyping and the design of a self reporting tool for flight crews in a Spanish Airline, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, Dublin, May 2009, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Nick McDonald, Joan Cahill, Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Gabriel Losa, Implementation Phase 1 of the HILAS System D 24.20.1 , Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009 Report, 2009

Nick McDonald, Joan Cahill, Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Gabriel Losa, HILAS process specification and implementation guidance document. D 4.50.6, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009 Report, 2009

Nick McDonald , HILAS Dissemination Report D 1.60.2, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009 Report, 2009

Nick McDonald, Joan Cahill, Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Gabriel Losa, Implementation Phase 1 of the HILAS System D 24.20.1 , Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009 Report, 2009

Nick McDonald, Patrick Grommes and Rabea Morrison, Exploitation: Strategic issues in the design operation and regulation of large integrated operational systems. D 1.60.1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009 Report, 2009

Impact in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ] Book Chapter, 2009

Mc Donald, N, Corrigan, S, Ward, M , Human Factors and Organisational Change, Trinity College Dublin, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 funded project 2005-2009. Human Integration into the L, 2008 Report, 2008

Ward, M., Grommes, P., Morrison, R., Leva, C., McDonald, N. , In field research and maintenance process mapping. , Deliverable to the European Commission as part of the HILAS project. Trinity College Dublin., 2007 Report, 2007

Marie Ward, Nick McDonald, Rabea Morrison, Tony Nugent, Summary report on HF methods and techniques D4.1.2, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2007 Report, 2007

E. Carusi, M. Casucci, M. Ward, J. Cahill, T. Nugent, N. McDonald, F. Young & S. Reilly , Interim Report: Back Application Technology - Integration and Communication with Front Application Technologies in the new HILAS Flight Operations and Maintenance Integrated Concept. , Deliverable to the European Commission as part of the HILAS project. Trinity College Dublin., 2007 Report, 2007

Ward, M., Grommes, P., Morrison, R., Nugent, T., McDonald, N. , Report on Human Factor and Non-Human Factor Methods and Techniques Relevant to the Development of the IMMS. , Deliverable to the European Commission as part of the HILAS project. Trinity College Dublin., 2007 Report, 2007

Mc Donald, N., Corrigan, S., & Cromie, S. , Knowledge Integration Support Programme, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2007 Report, 2007

Joan Cahill, NickMcDonald, Pernilla Ulfvengren, Franklyn Young, Yeray Ramos, Gabriel Losa, HILAS Flight Operations Research- Development of Risk/Safety Management, Process Improvement and Task Support Tools , HCI , 13, 2007, pp648 - 657 Conference Paper, 2007

Corrigan, S., Morrison, R., Mc Donald, N. , Safety and Reliability in the Urban Multi-Drop Delivery Operations (UMDD) in Dublin, Safety of Work (SOW) Conference, Netherlands, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Ward, M. & McDonald, N. , An European Approach to the Integrated Management of Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance: Introducing the IMMS, Engin. Psychol. and Cognitive Ergonomics, July 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Nick McDonald , Human Factors in Maintenance, Crises & Opportunities in Research, Regulation and Practice , 27th Conference of the EAAP (European Association for Aviation Psychologists , Postdam, Germany , 24-27 September 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Nick McDonald , Action System and Context , Working on Safety Conference (International Network on the Prevention of Accidents at Work, Zeewolde, The Netherlands , 12-15 September 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Ward, M. & McDonald, N., Synthesis of Human Factor Methods in Aviation Maintenance, Deliverable to the European Commission as part of the HILAS project. Trinity College Dublin., 2006 Report, 2006

McDonald, N., Morrison, R., Grommes, P., Baranzini, D., Liston, P. & Ward, M. , Specification of the Knowledge Space Model. , Deliverable to the European Commission as part of the TATEM project. Trinity College Dublin., 2006 Report, 2006

McDonald, N, Ward, M. , Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance - Problems and Possibilities. , HILAS Project 1st Theoretical Workshop, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, 23-24 March , 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Nick Mcdonald , Modeling the Human Role in Operational Systems , ESREL 2006 ConferenceSafety and Reliability for Managing Risk , Estoril, Portugal , 18-19 September 2006, 2006 Invited Talk, 2006

Nick McDonald and Rabea Morrison , Modelling the Human Role in Operational Systems - Theory and Practice , 2nd Resilience Engineering Symposium , Antibes France , 8-10 November 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Nick McDonald , Human Integration in the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems - Theory and Practice , Fifth Community Aeronautic Days-European Commission , Vienna, Austria 19-21 June 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Cromie, S., Liston, P., Ward, M., Perez, J., McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., & Morrison, R. , Training Methodology & Curriculum for Human Factors Practitioners in Aviation Maintenance. , STAMP Deliverable to the European Commission, Trinity College Dublin., 2004 Report, 2004

Cromie, S., Liston, P., Ward, M., Perez, J., McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., & Morrison, R. , Training methodology & curriculum for Human Factors Practitioners in Aviation Maintenance. , STAMP Deliverable for European Commission., 2004 Report, 2004

Liston, P., Cromie, S., Ward, M., McDonald, N., & Ross, D , ADAMS 2 - Professional Skills and Event Analysis. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2004 Report, 2004

N. McDonald, Managing the human role in system safety , Human and Organisational Issues in the Digital Enterprise, Galway, 2004, edited by Fallon E. & Karwowski, W , National University of Ireland, 2004, pp23- Conference Paper, 2004

Ward, M., Baranzini, D., Liston, P., and McDonald, N. , Case Studies on the Implementation of the ADAMS2 Tools, Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2004 Report, 2004

Baranzini, D., Liston, P., Perez-Gonzalez, J., Ward, M., McDonald, N. , ADAMS 2 Development and Implementation. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin. , 2004 Report, 2004

Baranzini, D., PérezGonzález, J.D., Ward, M., Liston, P., & McDonald, N. , Organisational and Operational Performance Assessment. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2003 Report, 2003

Ward, M., Baranzini, D., Liston, P., Perez, J., and McDonald, N. , Summary Report on All ADAMS2 Tools. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2003 Report, 2003

Baranzini, D., PérezGonzález, J.D., Ward, M., Liston, P., & McDonald, N. , An Integrated Approach to Quality and Safety Assessment and Software Requirements. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2003 Report, 2003

Ward, M., Corrigan, S. & McDonald, N. , The development and introduction of an aircraft maintenance continuous improvement system, E-2002 Conference, , Prague, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Corrigan, S., Baranzini, D., Perez, J., Ward, M. and McDonald, N. , Methodology for Organisational Analysis., . Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2002 Report, 2002

McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., & Ward, M, Well intentioned people in dysfunctional organisations (WIPIDO). , 5th Workshop on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development, , Newcastle, Australia., 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

McDonald, N., & Ward, M. , Human and Organisational Factors in Aircraft Maintenance. , Presentation to the 14th Airbus Human Factors Symposium, Dublin, 2-4th October , 2001 Conference Paper, 2001

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., Bos, T., Hakkeling, M., AMPOS Evaluation, Stage 1., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin. , 2001 Report, 2001

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., Bos, T., Hakkeling, M, AMPOS System Evaluation & Pilot Implementation. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project, Trinity College Dublin., 2001 Report, 2001

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., Bos, T., Hakkeling, M. , AMPOS Evaluation, Pilot Implementation., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin. , 2001 Report, 2001

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Pilot Evaluation Plan and Evaluation Plan Stage 1. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2000 Report, 2000

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Implementation and Interim Evaluation Plan for Stage 2, Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2000 Report, 2000

Corrigan, S., Ward, M. & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Human Factor Methodology for Case Processing., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project, Trinity College Dublin., 2000 Report, 2000

McDonald, N, Corrigan, S., Ward, M, Organisational Specification for the AMPOS Project., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1999 Report, 1999

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Evaluation. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin. , 1999 Report, 1999

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N, Information Specification for the AMPOS project., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin., 1999 Report, 1999

McDonald, N., Daly, C., Corrigan, S., Cromie, S. & Ward, M. , Human-Centred Management Guide for Aircraft Maintenance. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS I Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1999 Report, 1999

McDonald, N. & Corrigan, S , ). Self-Regulatory Safety Management System in Aircraft Maintenance., Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS I Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1998 Report, 1998

McDonald, N., Cromie, S. & Ward, M. , The Impact of Rest and Mealbreaks of Cabin Crew on Operational Safety Performance. , Report to the European Commission Flight Time Limitations Working Group 1997., 1997 Report, 1997

Daly, C., Mc Donald, N., Corrigan, S , Review of the literature on conformance with task procedures., Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS I Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1997 Report, 1997

Daly, C., Mc Donald, N., Corrigan, S , Application of Methodology for Task Procedure Analysis - The Engine Change., Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS I Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1997 Report, 1997

McDonald, N. & Corrigan, S , Organisational Safety Systems in Aircraft Maintenance. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1997 Report, 1997

Daly, C., Mc Donald, N., Corrigan, S , ). Task Procedures in Aircraft Maintenance, Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS I Project, Trinity College Dublin., 1997 Report, 1997

McDonald, N., Cromie, S., Ward, M., & Fuller, R. , An Evaluation of the SCARF Training Programme: its Impact on Safety Attitudes and Climate in Aer Lingus. , 1997 Report, 1997

McDonald, N., Cromie, S., Ward, M., & Fuller, R. , An Evaluation of the SCARF Training Programme: its Impact on Safety Attitudes and Climate in Aer Lingus. , Report to Aer Lingus., 1996 Report, 1996

Research Expertise


Human factors and organisational aspects of safety in risk sensitive industries including aviation. Analysis and management of risk. Innovation and change in organisations. Technology design for operational systems. Human Factors and Organisational theory.


  • Title
    • Future Sky Safety
  • Summary
    • The EC Flight Path 2050 vision aims to achieve the highest levels of safety to ensure that passengers and freight as well as the air transport system and its infrastructure are protected. However, trends in safety performance over the last decade indicate that the ACARE Vision 2020 safety goal of an 80% reduction of the accident rate is not being achieved. A stronger focus on safety is required. There is a need to start a Joint Research Programme (JRP) on Aviation Safety, aiming for Coordinated Safety Research as well as Safety Research Coordination. The proposed JRP Safety, established under coordination of EREA, is built on European safety priorities, around four main themes with each theme consisting of a small set of projects. Theme 1 (New solutions for today's accidents) aims for breakthrough research with the purpose of enabling a direct, specific, significant risk reduction in the medium term. Theme 2 (Strengthening the capability to manage risk) conducts research on processes and technologies to enable the aviation system actors to achieve near-total control over the safety risk in the air transport system. Theme 3 (Building ultra-resilient systems and operators) conducts research on the improvement of Systems and the Human Operator with the specific aim to improve safety performance under unanticipated circumstances. Theme 4 (Building ultra-resilient vehicles), aims at reducing the effect of external hazards on the aerial vehicle integrity, as well as improving the safety of the cabin environment. To really connect and drive complementary Safety R&D (by EREA) to safety priorities as put forward in the EASA European Aviation Safety plan (EASp) and the EC ACARE Strategic Research and Innovation (RIA)Agenda, Safety Research Coordination activities are proposed. Focus on key priorities that impact the safety level most will significantly increase the leverage effect of the complementary safety Research and Innovation actions planned and performed by EREA.
  • Funding Agency
    • H2020
  • Date From
    • 01/01/2015
  • Date To
    • 31/12/2018
  • Title
    • Proactive Safety Performance for Operations
  • Summary
    • PROSPERO will integrate and distribute operational risk information throughout the Air Transport System
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • Sept 2012
  • Date To
    • Aug 2015
  • Title
    • Managing System Change in Aviation
  • Summary
    • MASCA will deliver a change management system for the Air Transport System
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2013
  • Title
    • Total Airport Security System
  • Summary
    • TASS is developing an integrated security information system for airports.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2013
  • Title
    • All Conditions Ops & Innovative Cockpit Infrastructure
  • Summary
    • ALICIA is developing new cockpit applications for all conditions operations
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2009
  • Date To
    • 2013
  • Title
    • Common Operational Picture Exploitation
  • Summary
    • COPE developed an information system to support first responders in emergencies
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2008
  • Date To
    • 2011
  • Title
    • Human Integration in the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems
  • Summary
    • HILAS project developed a 'system life-cycle' model for Human Factors from design to operations.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2005
  • Date To
    • 2009
  • Title
  • Summary
    • Human factors are integrated in a virtual reality design capability to maximise safety in process industry.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2005
  • Date To
    • 2009
  • Title
    • Techniques & Technologies for New Maintenance Concepts
  • Summary
    • TATEM showed the operational benefits from aircraft health monitoring systems
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2004
  • Date To
    • 2008
  • Title
    • Transport Research and Innovation for People
  • Summary
    • TRIP examined the pressures and risks faced by urban multidrop delivery drivers
  • Funding Agency
    • HEA
  • Date From
    • 2002
  • Date To
    • 2007
  • Title
    • Human Centred Systems for A/c Dispatch & Maintenance Safety
  • Summary
    • ADAMS 2 compared management of HF & safety in aircraft maintenance organisations
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2004
  • Title
    • STAMP - Safety Training for Aircraft Maintenance Professionals
  • Summary
    • STAMP developed an integrated training management system for aircraft maintenance training.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commmission
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2003
  • Title
    • Advanced Integrated Training in Aeronautics Maintenance
  • Summary
    • AITRAM developed and evaluated a maintenance training programme based on augmented reality.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2000
  • Date To
    • 2003
  • Title
    • Safety Behaviour in the Construction Industry
  • Summary
    • Safety management systems of construction companies and on-site safety performance were compared
  • Funding Agency
    • Health and Safety Authority
  • Date From
    • 2000
  • Date To
    • 2001
  • Title
    • Aircraft Maintenance Procedure Optimisation System
  • Summary
    • AMPOS developed & evaluated an improvement process between aircraft maintenance and manufacture
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1998
  • Date To
    • 2000
  • Title
    • Safety Training in the Aircraft Maintenance Industry
  • Summary
    • STAMINA developed & implemented Human Factors courses for technicians, trainers & supervisors.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1997
  • Date To
    • 1999
  • Title
    • Human Factors in Aircraft Dispatch & Maintenance Safety
  • Summary
    • ADAMS compared the quality and safety system of European aircraft maintenance organisations.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1996
  • Date To
    • 1999
  • Title
    • Safety Courses for Airport Ramp Functions
  • Summary
    • SCARF implemented & evaluated safety courses for airport workers, their supervisors, trainers & mangers.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 1992
  • Date To
    • 1995


Aviation Human Factors; Human & Organisational Factors; HUMAN FACTORS; Organisational safety culture; RISK ANALYSIS; RISK MANAGEMENT; Safety, reliabaility and innovation, organisational cultures



Member of the Safety and Security Working Group of the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE), responsible for drafting the human factors component of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. 2011-2019

Member of the Air Safety Working Group of the European Transport Safety Council 1998-2003

Member of the Human Factors Working Group of the Safety Committee of the ACARE Strategic Research Agenda 2004-5

International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Technical Committee on Aerospace Human Factors and Ergonomics

Editorial Board of Cognition, Technology and Work

Awards and Honours

Fellowship of Trinity College. 1995

International Ergonomics Association 2011 IEA/Liberty Mutual Medal 2011


Psychological Society of Ireland

Irish Ergonomics Society

European Association of Aviation Psychologists