Professor Cecily Begley
Professor Emeritus, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Prof. Cecily Begley holds the Chair of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College Dublin. She was awarded MA, MSc and PhD degrees from Trinity College, and the Fellowship of the Faculty of Nursing from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She was a Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science and is an elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin.
Following four years' experience in general nursing, and 12 years in midwifery, she spent 8 years as a lecturer/senior lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, responsible for leading and developing all education and research programmes. In 1996, she took up the post of Director of the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Trinity College, charged with the task of developing the new School. Twenty-four years later, this School now runs 18 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with 1400 students and over 100 staff, and has a strong research programme.
Prof. Begley is active in developing educational initiatives at undergraduate, postgraduate and post-registration level in Ireland. She was appointed a member of the Nursing Education Forum set up by the Minister for Health and Children to plan and implement the 4-year BSc Nursing degree programme. She subsequently served on the National Implementation Committee that oversaw the introduction of the degree throughout Ireland in October 2002. She also served as a member of the Expert Group on Midwifery and Children's Nurse Education set up to plan the two direct-entry degree programmes, and on the National Implementation Group that ensured their commencement nation-wide in October 2006. Prof Begley was a member of the National Council for Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland for the first five years of its existence, and worked on the sub-group for Educational Standards for Advanced Nurse and Advanced Midwife Practitioners.
In terms of educational development overseas, Prof Begley led a team from the School, in collaboration with Queen's University, Belfast, in providing academic consultancy services to Jordan University of Science and Technology to assist them in developing and modernising their MScs in Adult Health Nursing and Critical Care Nursing, and in developing a new MSc in Maternal and Child Health. This partnership was awarded 487,000 from the EU TEMPUS project to support the initiative.
Prof. Begley has led many research teams to successful completion of diverse projects, focusing mainly on physiological childbirth, women-centred maternity care, care of women with disabilities, advanced and specialist practice and self-esteem and assertiveness in student nurses and midwives. Her research-based commitments include the supervision of 3 PhD students at present, 29 PhD and 4 MSc by research students to successful completion in the past 18 years, and external examining of 20 PhD theses from diverse countries. She has been successful in obtaining over 11,000,000 in research funding, as PI or collaborator, and holds/has held a total of 33 grants from the HRB, NDA, HSE Western Area, HSE North-Eastern Area, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland, the European Science Foundation and the EU Commission (FP7 Framework). She is a member of the Meath Foundation Research Review Committee, previously served for 8 years on a research review committee for the Health Research Board, is an invited member of the International Confederation of Midwives' Research Advisory Network and is a member of the ESF Pool of Reviewers from May 2010 to date. She is an Editorial Advisor for the BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth journal, has editorial and/or reviewing commitments for 4 other medical, nursing, or midwifery journals and has published widely on nursing and midwifery clinical and education issues.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Corrigan S., Howard V., Gallagher L., Smith V., Hannon K., Carroll M., Begley C., Midwives' views of an evidence-based intervention to reduce caesarean section rates in Ireland, Women and Birth, 2022
Daly D, Moran P, Wuytack F, Cusack C, Hannon K, Begley C, Prevention and treatment of peripartum urinary incontinence - a survey of hospital-based maternity services in Ireland, International Urogynecology Journal, 2022, pepub
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for CS for first-time mothers - a qualitative descriptive study, Plos One, 2022
Hannon S, Higgins A, Gartland D, Brown S, Begley C, Carroll M, Daly D, Maternal mental health in the first year postpartum in a large Irish population cohort: the MAMMI study, Archives of Women's Mental Health, 2022
Gallagher L, Smith V, Carroll M, Hannon K, Lawler D, Begley C., What would reduce caesarean section rates?-Views from pregnant women and clinicians in Ireland., PloS one, 17, (4), 2022, pe0267465
Smith V, Hannon K, Begley C, Clinician's attitudes towards caesarean section: A cross-sectional survey in two tertiary level maternity units in Ireland, Women and Birth, 35, (4), 2022, p432 - 428
Goldkuhl L, Gyllensten H, Begley C, Wijk H, Nilsson C, Lindahl G, Ringqvist AK, Uvnäs-Moberg K, Berg M., Room4Birth - The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled trial., Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives, 32, 2022, p100731
Andrén Anna, Begley Cecily, Dahlberg Helena & Berg Marie, The birthing room and its influence on the promotion of a normal physiological childbirth - a qualitative interview study with midwives in Sweden, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16, (1), 2021
Daly D, Moran P, Wuytack F, Hannon S, Hannon K, Martin Y, Peoples M, Begley C, Newnham E, The maternal health-related issues that matter most to women in Ireland as they transition to motherhood - a qualitative study, Women and Birth, 2021, pepub
Wuytack F, Moran P, Daly D, Begley C, Is there an association between parity on and urinary incontinence in women during pregnancy and the first year postpartum? a systematic review and meta-analysis, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2021
Begley K, Begley C, Smith V, Shared decision-making and maternity care in the deep learning age: Acknowledging and overcoming inherited defeaters., Journal of Clinical Evaluation in Practice, 27, (3), 2021, p497 - 503
Newnham E, Moran P, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Comparison of outcomes between nulliparous women who used epidural analgesia in labour and those who did not: a prospective cohort study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020
Szafranska M, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Factors associated with maternal readmission to hospital, attendance at emergency rooms or visits to general practitioners within three months postpartum, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 254, 2020, p251 - 258
McEvoy E, Hannon S, Hannon K, Moran P, Wuytack F, Newnham E, Begley C, Daly D, Unleashing social activism and achieving results - women's participation in maternal health research, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020
Marchi J, Kearney J, Begley C, Daly D, Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy predictors of maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020
Moran PS, Normand C, Gillen P, Wuytack F, Turner M, Begley C, Daly D, Economic implications of reducing caesarean section rates - analysis of two health systems, PLOS One, 2020
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Factors associated with planned caesarean section among first-time mothers: findings from a multicentre cohort study in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 March, 2020
Lundgren I, Morano S, Nilsson C, Sinclair M, Begley C. , Cultural perspectives on vaginal birth after previous Caesarean section in countries with high and low rates - a hermeneutic study, Women and Birth, 33, (4), 2020, pe339 - e347
Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Lundgren I, Sinclair M, Putman K, Beech B, Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen K, Nieuwenhuijze M, Wiseman H, Smith V, Daly D, Savage G, Newell J, Simpkin A, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Healy P, Nicoletti J, Lalor J, Carroll M, van Limbeek E, Nilsson C, Stockdale J, Fobelets M, Begley C, OptiBIRTH: a Cluster Randomised Trial of a Complex Intervention to Increase Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, (143), 2020
Wuytack F, Begley C, Daly D, Risk factors for Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain, a Scoping Review , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, (1), 2020, p739
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Influence of women's request and preference on rising rate of caesarean section - a comparison of reviews, Midwifery, 2020, pepub-
Panda S., Begley C., Corcoran P. & Daly D, Pre-labour and labour interventions and mode of birth - findings from a multicentre cohort study, 15th International Normal Labour and Birth virtual conference, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 December, 2020
Moran P, Daly D, Wuytack F, Carroll M, Turner M, Normand C, Begley C, Predictors of choice of public and private maternity care among nulliparous women in Ireland, and implications for maternity care and birth experience, Health Policy, 2020, pepub
Newnham E, Moran P, Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Comparison of labour and birth outcomes between nulliparous women who used epidural analgesia in labour and those who did not: a prospective cohort study, Women and Birth, 2020, pepub
Patel H, Begley C, Premberg Å, Schaufelberger M, Fathers' reactions over their partner's diagnosis of peripartum cardiomyopathy: A qualitative interview study, Midwifery, 71, 2019, p42 - 48
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, McCann C, Keegan C, Smith V, Expert midwives' skill in preserving the perineum intact: the 'MEPPI' study, Conference proceedings, 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May 2019 , 2019, pp23 - 23
Moran P, Daly D, Wuytack F, Carroll M. Turner M, Begley C, Normand C, Predictors of maternity care choices among nulliparous women in Ireland, and implications for maternity care and birth experience, Conference proceedings, THE Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 2019, 2019, pp269 - 269
Daly D, Carroll M, Barron M N, Begley C, First-time mothers' experiences of taking part in longitudinal maternal health research surveys, Conference proceedings, THE Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 2019, 2019, pp88 - 88
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, UK, BMC, [eds.], 2019-2022
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Strategies to reduce caesarean sections: views of Irish clinicians, Conference proceedings, THE Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 2019, 2019, pp151 - 151
Begley K, Daly D, Panda S, Begley C, Shared decision‐making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters, J Eval Clin Pract, 25, (6), 2019, p1113 - 1120
Grylka-Baeschlin S, Clarke M, Begley C, Daly D, Healy P, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Morano S, Krause G, Karch A, Savage G, Gross M, Labour characteristics of women achieving successful vaginal birth after caesarean section in three European countries, Midwifery, 74, 2019, p36 - 43
Begley C, Dixon L, Guilllard K, McCann C, Keegan C, Reilly M, Smith V. , A qualitative exploration of techniques used by expert midwives to preserve the perineum intact., Women and Birth, 32, (1), 2019, p87 - 97
Begley CM, Gyte GML, Devane D, McGuire W, Weeks A, Biesty LM, Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of labour, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 13, (2), 2019, p1 - 174
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: Views of Irish clinicians, Conference proceedings, 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May 2019 , 2019, pp90 - 91
Valerie Smith, Louise Gallagher, Margaret Carroll, Kathleen Hannon, Cecily Begley, Antenatal and intrapartum interventions for reducing caesarean section, promoting vaginal birth, and reducing fear of childbirth: An overview of systematic reviews, PLoS ONE, 14, (10), 2019
Daly D, Carroll M, Barros M, Begley C, Stop, think, reflect, realise - first-time mothers' views on taking part in longitudinal maternal health research, Health Expectations, 22, (3), 2019, p415 - 425
Berg M, Wijk H, Ringqvist A-K, Johansson C, Begley C, Lindahl G, Nilsson C, A randomised controlled trial in Sweden comparing an innovative person-centered adaptable birthing room with standard birthing rooms - A study protocol (Poster), Conference proceedings, 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May 2019 , 2019, pp111 - 112
Daly D, Barros M, Carroll M, Begley C, 'Stop, think, reflect, realise - first-time mothers' experiences of taking part in longitudinal maternal health research.', Conference proceedings, 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May 2019 , 2019, pp5 - 6
Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Healy P, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Daly D, Begley C, Putman K. , Health economic analysis of a cluster-randomised trial (OptiBIRTH) designed to increase rates of vaginal birth after caesarean section, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 126, (8), 2019, p1043 - 1051
Higgins A, Downes C, Varley J, Doherty C, Begley C, Elliott N, Evidence‐based practice among Epilepsy Specialist Nurses in the Republic of Ireland: findings from the SENsE study, Journal of Nursing Management, 27, (4), 2019, p840 - 847
Smith V, Begley C, Newell J, Higgins S, Murphy DJ, White MJ, et al, Admission cardiotocography versus intermittent auscultation of the fetal heart in low‐risk pregnancy during evaluation for possible labour admission - a multicentre randomised trial: the ADCAR trial, BJORG, 126, (1), 2019, p114 - 121
Gallagher L, Begley C, Smith V, Lawler D, Carroll M, What would reduce caesarean section rates? Views from clinicians, Conference proceedings, THE Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 2019, 2019, pp49 - 49
Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Buyl R, Healy P, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Canepa M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Daly D, Begley C, Putman K, Preference of birth mode and postnatal health related quality of life after one previous caesarean section in three European countries, Midwifery, 79, 2019, p1-8
Daly D, Cusack C, Begley C, Learning about pelvic floor muscle exercises before and during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study, International Urogynecology Journal , 30, (6), 2019, p965 - 975
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Women's perspectives on the factors that influenced their caesarean section and their involvement in the decision-making, Conference proceedings, 21st Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2-4 May 2019 , 2019, pp91 - 91
Berg M, Goldkuhl L, Nilsson C, Wijk H, Gyllensten H, Lindahl G, Moberg KU, Begley C, Room 4 Birth - The effect of an adaptable birthing room on labour and birth outcomes for nulliparous women at term with spontaneous labour start: study protocol for a randomised controlled superiority trial in Sweden, Trials, 20, (1), 2019, p1-12
Nilsson C, Hessman E, Sjöblom H, Dencker A, Jangsten E, Mollberg M, Patel H, Sparud-Lundin C, Wigert H, Begley C. , Definitions, measurements and prevalence of Fear of Childbirth: A systematic review. , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18, (1), 2018, p28 - 42
Fobelets M, Beeckman K, Faron G, Daly D, Begley C, Putman K. , Vaginal birth after caesarean versus elective repeat caesarean delivery after one previous caesarean section: a cost-effectiveness analysis in four European countries., BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 18 , (1), 2018, p92 - 101
O'Malley D, Higgins A, Begley C, Daly D, Smith V., Prevalence of and risk factors associated with sexual health issues in primiparous women at 6 and 12 months postpartum; a longitudinal prospective cohort study (the MAMMI study). , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 18, 2018, p196 - 208
Higgins, A., Downes, C., Varley, J., Tyrell, E., Normand, C., Doherty, C., Begley, C. & Elliott, N, Patients with epilepsy care experiences: Comparison between services with and without an epilepsy specialist nurse., Epilepsy & Behavior, 85, 2018, p85 - 94
Daly D, Clarke M, Begley C. , Urinary incontinence in nulliparous women before and during pregnancy: prevalence, incidence, type, and risk factors , International Urogynecology Journal , 29, 2018, p353 - 362
Begley, C, Sedlicka, N, Daly D. , Respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey, Reproductive Health, 15, 2018, p198 - 208
Higgins, A., Downes, C., Varley, J., Doherty, C. P., Begley, C., & Elliott, N., Rising to the challenge: Epilepsy specialist nurses as leaders of service improvements and change (SENsE study)., Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy, 63, 2018, p40 - 47
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Karlström A, Larson B, Back L, Hildingsson I., Factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section in Sweden - a qualitative study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 18, (1), 2018, p377-
Healy P, Smith V, Savage G, Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Daly D, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Sinclair M, Maguire R, Carroll M, Begley C, Process Evaluation for OptiBIRTH, a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Complex Intervention designed to increase rates of vaginal birth after caesarean section, Trials, 19, (9), 2018
Dencker A, Nilsson C, Begley C, Jangsten E, Mollberg M, Patel H, Wigert H, Hessman E, Sjöblom H, Sparud Lundin C, Causes and outcomes in studies of fear of childbirth: a systematic review , Women and Birth, Aug 14, 2018
Cecily Begley, Merging practice and science to improve maternity care , Academic midwife - practice and science Conference, Mainz, Frankfurt, Germany, 16th February, 2018, Catholic University of Applied Science, 1-5pp
Cecily Begley, The Impact of Evidence on Practice , INMO/RCM Midwives' Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 18th October , 2018, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and the Royal College of Midwives, UK, 32 - 49pp
Cecily Begley, The next 100 years of midwifery in Ireland, NMBI National Midwifery Conference - 100 years of Regulation and Development, Ballsbridge, Dublin, 22nd November , 2018, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, 1 - 71pp
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, London, UK, BMC, [eds.], 2018-2022
Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E, Begley C, Prognostic factors for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, a systematic review, Midwifery, 66, 2018, p70 - 78
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D. , Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, PLoS ONE , 13, (7), 2018, pe0200941-
Cecily Begley, Moving forward with advanced practice, Federation of International Nurse Educators Annual Conference, Preluna Hotel, Malta, 23rd February, 2018, Federation of International Nurse Educators, 4 - 4pp
Larkin P, Begley C, Devane D., Women's preferences for childbirth experiences in the Republic of Ireland; a mixed methods study , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17, 2017, p19 - 28
Sunita Panda, Deirdre Daly, Cecily Begley , Clinicians' views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis, 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18th to 22nd June, 2017
Smith V, Daly D, Lungren I, Eri T, Begley C, Gross MM, Downe S, Alfirevic A, Devane D. , Protocol for the development of a salutogenic intrapartum core outcome set (SIPCOS), BMC Medical Research Methodology, 17, (61), 2017, p1 - 7
Marlene Sinclair, Janine Stockdale, Cecily Begley, Mike Clarke, Declan Devane, Mechthild Gross, Sandra Morano, Ingela Lundgren, Koen Putman, Beverley Beech, Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Hugh Wiseman, Valerie Smith, Deirdre Daly, Gerard Savage, John Newell, Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Patricia Healey, Jane Nicoletti, Joan Lalor, Margaret Carroll, Evelien van Limbeek, Christina Nilsson, Assisting women in autonomous decision making about vaginal birth after C section (VBAC): Designing motivational Apps in OptiBIRTH cluster randomised trial (ISRCTN10612254, 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress,, Toronto, Canada, 18th to 22nd June, 2017
Chapter 10: Technology in childbirth: exploring women's views of fetal monitoring during labour - a systematic review in, editor(s)Church S, Frith L, Balaam MC, Berg M, Smith V, van der Walt C, Downe S, van Teijlingen E. , New thinking on improving maternity care: International perspectives, UK, Pinter and Martin, 2017, pp170 - 193, [Smith V, Begley C, Devane D. ]
Dencker A, Smith V, McCann C, Begley C. , Midwife-led maternity care in Ireland - a cohort study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 , 2017, p101 - 108
Begley, C, Clarke, M, Devane, D, Gross, M, Morano, S, Lundgren, I, Sinclair, M, Putman, K, Beech, B, Vehvilainen-Julkunen, K, Nieuwenhuijze, M, Wiseman, H, Smith, V, Daly, D, Savage, G, Newell, J, Grylka, Baeschlin, S, Healy, P, Nicoletti, J, Lalor, J, Van Limbeek, E, Nilsson, C, Stockdale, J, Fobelets, M, Evaluation of an intervention to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) through enhanced women-centred care: The OptiBIRTH cluster randomised trial (ISRCTN10612254), 31st ICM Triennial Congress, Toronto, 18-22 June, 2017
Cecily Begley, Mike Clarke, Declan Devane, Mechthild M. Gross, Sandra Morano, Ingela Lundgren, Marlene Sinclair, Beverley Lawrence Beech, Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Hugh Wiseman, Valerie Smith, Deirdre Daly, Gerard Savage, John Newell, Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Patricia Healy, Jane Nicoletti, Joan Lalor, Margaret Carroll, Evelien van Limbeek, Christina Nilsson, Janine Stockdale, Maaike Fobelets, Rebekah Maguire., Increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): The OptiBIRTH trial (ISRCTN10612254), Passage to Motherhood conference, Brisbane, Australia, May, (301), 2017, pp10 - 10
Gillen PA, Sinclair M, KernohanWG, Begley CM, Luyben AG., Interventions for prevention of bullying in the workplace , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 1, (Art. No.: CD009778), 2017, p1-69
Cederfeldt J, Carlsson J, Begley C, Berg M. , Quality of intra-partum care at a university hospital in Nepal: A prospective cross-sectional survey. , Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare , 7, 2017, p52 - 57
Begley C, Implementing Advanced Practice Nursing in Ireland, Future of nursing: improving health and driving change, The Egg, Brussels, Belgium, 30th Nov-1st Dec, 2017, Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Belgium
Curran N, Panda S, Begley C , Living with intimate partner violence- A literature review of pregnant women's experiences., The practicing midwife, 20, (7), 2017, p1 - 4
Wuytack F., Curtis E., Begley C, Daly D. , Risk factors for Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain, a systematic review, World Congress of Physical Therapists , Cape Town, South Africa , July, 2017, ppPLR5-1417 - PLR5-1417
Nilvér H, Begley C, Berg M. , Measuring women's childbirth experiences: a systematic review for identification and analysis of validated instruments , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 , 2017, p203 - 221
Begley C, VBAC: exploding the myths with the OptiBIRTH study, INMO/RCM Midwives' COnference, Armagh, Northern Ireland, 12th October, 2017, 1 - 1pp
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, London, BioMed Central, [eds.], 2017-2018
Smith V, Dixon L, Guilllard K, McCann C, Keegan C, Reilly M, Begley C. , Irish and New Zealand Midwives' expertise at preserving the perineum intact (the MEPPI study): perspectives on preparations for birth, Midwifery, 55, 2017, p83 - 89
Ingela Lundgren, Christina Nilsson, Evelien Van Limbeek, Katri Vehvilainen-Julkunen, Joan Lalor, Patricia Healy, Margaret Carroll, Mechthild M Gross, Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Andrea Matterne, Jane Nicoletti, Sandra Morano, Cecily Begley, How can VBAC rates be improved - according to midwives and obstetricians in six European countries, 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18th to 22nd June, 2017
Nilsson C, Lalor J, Begley C, Carroll M, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Lundgren I, Matterne A, Morano S, Nicoletti J, Healy P. , Vaginal birth after caesarean: Views of women from countries with low VBAC rates, Women and Birth, 30, 2017, p481 - 490
Chapter 3: Core outcomes in maternity care research in, editor(s)Church S, Frith L, Balaam MC, Berg M, Smith V, van der Walt C, Downe S, van Teijlingen E , New thinking on improving maternity care: International perspectives, UK, Pinter and Martin, 2017, pp55 - 72, [Smith V. Begley C, Gross MM, Devane D]
Begley C, Increasing the VBAC rate: Early results of the OptiBIRTH study, Women's Voices, RCOG, London, 14th October, 2017, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Patel H, Schaufelberger M, Begley C, Berg M. , Experiences of health care in women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in Sweden: a qualitative interview study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16, 2016, p386 - 394
Rusner M, Berg M, Begley C., Bipolar disorder in pregnancy and childbirth: a systematic review of outcomes, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16, 2016, p331 - 348
Clarke M, Savage G, Smith V, Daly D, Devane D, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Healy P, Morano S, Nicoletti J, Begley, C. , Improving the organisation of maternal health service delivery and optimising childbirth by increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section through enhanced women-centred care (OptiBIRTH trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN10612254) , Trials, 16, (542), 2016, p1 - 9
Panda S, Begley C, Daly D, Readmission following caesarean section: Outcomes for women in an Irish maternity hospital, British Journal of Midwifery, 24, (5), 2016, p322 - 328
Coyne I, Comiskey C, Lalor J, Higgins A, Elliott N, Begley C, An exploration of clinical practice in sites with and without clinical nurse or midwife specialists or advanced nurse practitioners, in Ireland, BMC Health Services Research, 16, 2016, p151 - 167
Carroll M, Daly D, Begley C., The prevalence of women's emotional and physical health problems following a postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16, (1), 2016, p261 - 271
Wuytack F., Daly D., Curtis E., Begley C., Mode of birth and persistent persistent Pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain 12 months postpartum in first-time mothers in Ireland,, 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain., Singapore, Oct 31 - November 03, 2016
Begley, C, Evidence-based practice - the key to caring" Conference, Midwives Andalusian Association Annual Conference, Seville, Spain, 10th, 11th & 12th Ma, 2016, Midwives Andalusian Association
Elliott, N., Begley, C., Sheaf, G., Higgins, A, Barriers and enablers to advanced practitioners' ability to enact their leadership role: A scoping review, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 60, 2016, p24 - 45
Begley, C, Challenges in midwifery practice - The OptiBIRTH project, Fifth international education conference, QEII Centre, London, 2nd and 3rd December, 2016, European Midwives Association and Royal College of Midwives
Begley, C, Episiotomy: a necessary intervention or interference in normal birth?, Joint Congress - Where gynecologists and midwives meet: episiotomy and low-risk obstetrics in 2015, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, 20th February 2016, 2016, The Flemish Association of Midwives
Wuytack F., Curtis E., Daly D., Begley C. , Wuytack F., Curtis E., Daly D., Begley C. The impact of persistent pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: women's perspectives, 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain., Singapore, Oct 31 - November 03, 2016
Begley, C, Panda S, Carroll M, Daly D., Maternal Morbidity Following Caesarean Section: Initial Findings From The MAMMI Study, National trends and hospital-level variation in caesarean section: evidence from Ireland and policy implications, ESRI, Dublin, 25th October, 2016, The ESRI, the Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin and the UCD Centre of Hu
Arkins B; Begley C; Higgins A , Measures for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 23 , (3-4), 2016, p217 - 235
Lundgren I, Healy P, Carroll M, Begley C, Matterne A, Gross MM, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Nicoletti J, Morano S, Nilsson C, Lalor J., Clinicians' views of factors of importance for improving the rate of VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean section): a study from countries with low VBAC rates, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Nov 10;16, (1), 2016, p350 - 359
Begley, C, Evidence-based practice - the key to excellent midwifery care , Triennial Nordic Midwifery Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13th May, 2016, The Nordic Federation of Midwives
Higgins A, Tuohy T, Murphy R, Begley C , Mothers with mental health problems: contrasting experiences of support within maternity services in the Republic of Ireland, Midwifery , 36, 2016, p28 - 34
Patel H, Berg M, Barasa A, Begley C, Schaufelberger M. , Symptoms in women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A mixed method study, Midwifery, 32, 2016, p14 - 20
Begley C, Learning from the worst: how not to follow other countries' mistakes, How should we in Sweden keep our good CS-rates- according to midwives and obstetricians, Gothenburg, 28th May, 2015, University of Gothenburg
Nilsson C, Lundgren I, Smith V, Vehvilinen-Julkunen K, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Bernloehr A, van Limbeek E, Lalor J, Begley C, Women-centred interventions to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): A systematic review, Midwifery, 31, 2015, p657 - 663
Dacach Fernandez Marchi J, Berg M, Dencker A, Olander E, Begley C., Mother and baby risks associated with obesity in pregnancy: a systematic review of reviews, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp87 - 87
Panda S, Begley C and Daly D, 'Not in established labour': outcomes for women cared for in an Irish antenatal ward, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 4-5 November, 2015
Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E, Begley C. , Pain, disability and health-seeking behaviours of primiparous women with Persistent Pelvic Girdle Pain 9 months postpartum in Ireland, Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, The World Federation of Chiropractic's 13th Biennial Congress, Athens, Greece, 13-15 May, 14, 2015, pp151 - 151
Begley C, Smith V, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, McCann C, Keegan C. , Midwives' Expertise in Preserving the Perineum Intact: the 'MEPPI' study, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp6 - 6
Daly D, Clarke M, Begley C., Risk factors for urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before, during and after pregnancy: early findings from the MAMMI (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland) study UI strand, 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2015 , National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 30-31st March, 2015, pp43 - 43
Begley, C., Elliott, N., Lalor, J., & Higgins, A. , Perceived Outcomes of Research and Audit Activities of Clinical Specialists in Ireland. , Clinical Nurse Specialist,, 29, (2), 2015, p100 - 111
Varley J, Higgins A, Elliott N, Begley C, Doherty C, Normand C. , The role of the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse [ESN] in the Irish healthcare system and the impact on patient's satisfaction with care, 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2015 , National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 30-31st March, 2015, pp86 - 86
Wuytack F, Curtis E, Begley C, The experiences of first-time mothers with persistent pelvic girdle pain after childbirth: a descriptive qualitative study, Physical Therapy , 95, (10), 2015, p1354 - 1364
Wuytack F, Curtis E, Begley C, Health-seeking behaviours of primiparous women with persistent pelvic girdle pain postpartum in Ireland, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp117 - 117
Wuytack F, Curtis E, Begley C, The health-seeking behaviours of first-time mothers with persistent pelvic girdle pain after childbirth in Ireland: a descriptive qualitative study, Midwifery, 31, 2015, p1104 - 1109
Carroll, M. , Gallagher, L., Clarke, M. , Millar, S., Begley, C. , Artificial milk-feeding women's views of their feeding choice in Ireland , Midwifery, 31, (6), 2015, p640 - 646
Smith V, Lalor J, Begley C, Lundgren I, Nilsson C, Vehvilainen-julkunen K, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Bernloeh A, Van Limbeek E, Clinician-centred interventions to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): a systematic review, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp5 - 5
C.Kenny, D. Devane, C.Normand, M.Clarke, A.Howard and C.Begley, A cost comparision of midwife-led compared to consultant led maternity care in Ireland (the MidU Study), Midwifery, 31, (11), 2015, p1032-8
Begley CM, Gyte GML, Devane D, McGuire W, Weeks A. , Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of labour. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, 2015, pCD007412 - CD007503
Begley, C, Promoting normality through evidence-based care, Born to Safe Hands Conference, Bolton, UK, March, 2015, Royal Bolton Hospital, UK
Begley C, Promoting normal birth through evidence-based care, KNOV Biennial Congress, Apenhaul, The Netherlands, 24th September, 2015, The Royal Dutch Organisation of Midwives
Healy P, Carroll M, Begley C, Lalor J. , Having an open mind- clinician attitudes to vaginal birth after caesarean section in Ireland, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp64 - 64
Carroll M, Begley C, Daly D, Higgins A, Prevalence of depression and anxiety in primiparous women before and during early pregnancy - early findings from the MAMMI study mental health (MH) strand, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp86 - 86
Lundgren I, Smith V, Nilsson C, Vehvilainen-Julkunen K, Nicoletti J, Devane D, Bernloehr A, van Limbeek E, Lalor J, Begley C, Clinician-centred interventions to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): a systematic review., BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 15, (1), 2015, p16
O'Sullivan, A., Boyd, B., O'Shaughnessy, M., MacIntyre, A., Begley, C, Evaluation of the introduction of a postnatal ward liaison neonatal nurse, Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 21, (1), 2015, p34 - 39
Panda S, Begley C., 'Not in established labour': outcomes for women cared for in an Irish antenatal ward, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp32 - 32
Maguire R, Smith V, Begley C Prendergast D. , Constructing identity' - An ethnography of women's participation in antenatal classes within a randomised trial (OptiBIRTH) aimed at increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp88 - 88
Varley J, Higgins A, Elliott N, Begley C, Normand C, White M, Doherty C, Clarke M. , Role of the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse: findings from a case study analysis, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, 4th and 5th November, 2015, pp123 - 123
Smith V. Clarke M, Begley C, Devane D, SWAT-1: The effectiveness of a 'site visit' intervention on recruitment rates in a multicentre randomised trials, Trials, 16, (211), 2015, p1-7
Lawler D, Begley C, Lalor J. , (Re)constructing Myself: the process of transition to motherhood for women with a disability, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 7, (17), 2015, p1672 - 1683
Marchi J, Berg M, Dencker A, Olander EK, Begley C, Risks associated with obesity in pregnancy, for the mother and baby: a systematic review of reviews, Obesity Reviews, 16, (8), 2015, p621 - 638
Sunita Panda, Deirdre Daly, Cecily Begley, Ingegerd Hildingsson, Maintaining a low rate of caesarean section among first-time mothers: Swedish midwives' perspectives, 31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 18th to 22nd June, 2015
Gallagher L, Begley C, Clarke M, Determinants of breastfeeding initiation in Ireland., Irish journal of medical science, 185, (3), 2015, p663 - 668
Larkin P, Begley CM, Devane D, Breaking from binaries - using a sequential mixed methods design, Nurse Researcher, 21, (4), 2014, p8 - 12
Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M. , Urinary incontinence (UI) and faecal incontinence (FI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp215 - 216
Comiskey C, Coyne I, Lalor J, Begley C., A national cross-sectional study measuring predictors for improved service user outcomes across clinical nurse or midwife specialist, advanced nurse practitioner and control sites, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 70, (5), 2014, p1128-37
Dunlea M, Brady V, Begley C, Murphy-Lawless J., An exploration of the meaning of the first antenatal encounter from the perspective of service user and provider., OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp53 - 54
ELLIOTT N, Begley C, Higgins A, Making Leadership visible: developing leadership outcomes for evaluating the contribution of advanced practitioners to healthcare, 8th ICN INP/APNN Conference, Helsinki, Finland. , 18-20 August 2014, 2014
Higgins, A., Begley, C., Lalor, J., Coyne, I., Murphy K., Elliott, N, Factors influencing advanced practitioners' ability to enact leadership. A case study within Irish healthcare, Journal of Nursing Management, 22, (7), 2014, p894 - 905
Begley C, Gross M, Dencker A, Benstoem C, Berg M, Devane D. , A systematic review identifying outcomes to measure the effect of oxytocin used in treating delay in labour. , OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp219 - 220
Dencker A, Smith V, McCann C, Begley C., Midwifery-led childbirth care in Ireland - five years of experience after the MidU trial, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp151 - 152
Begley, C., McCarron, M., Huntley-Moore, S., Condell, S., Higgins, A, Successful research capacity building in academic nursing and midwifery in Ireland: an exemplar. , Nurse Education Today , 34, (5), 2014, p754 - 760
Begley, C.M., Gross, M.M., Dencker, A., Benstoem, C., Berg, M., Devane, D., Outcome measures in studies on the use of oxytocin for the treatment of delay in labour: A systematic review, Midwifery, 2014
Panda S, Begley C, 'Not in established labour': Outcomes for women cared for in an Irish antenatal ward , British Journal of Midwifery, 22, (4), 2014, p264 - 268
Gross M, Lundgren I, Begley C, Bondas T. , Women's experiences of VBAC: results of a metasynthesis. pp. 249-250, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp249 - 250
Varley J, Higgins A, Elliott N, Begley C, Doherty C, Normand C, Clarke M., Does the Epilepsy Specialis with care and quality of lit Nurse make a difference to patient satisfactionfe?: findings from the SENsE Study, 15th Annual Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, November 2014, 2014
Murphy, K., Casey, D., Devane, D., Meskell, P., Higgins, A., Elliott, N., Lalor, J, Begley, C., Reflections on the added value of using mixed methods in the SCAPE study, Nurse Researcher, 21, (4), 2014, p13 - 19
Wuytack F. Daly D., Curtis E. & Begley C. , Somatic pain Before, During and After Pregnancy in Primiparous Women in Ireland: A longitudinal Cohort Study, Optimising Childbirth Across Europe: An Interdisciplinary Maternity Care Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Etterbeek Campus, Belgium, 10th April, edited by Conference Committee , 2014
Lawler, D, Lalor, J, Begley, C, Access to maternity services in Ireland for women with a disability: adherence too or in breach of international instruments decreeing the rights of people with a disability, Optimising Childbirth Across Europe, Brussels, 9-10 April, 2014, pp55-
Dunlea M, Brady V, Begley C, Murphy-Lawless J. , An exploration of the meaning of the first antenatal encounter from the perspective of service user and provider. , OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9 &10 April 2014, 2014, pp53 - 54
Begley C, Intervention or interference? The need for expectant care throughout normal labour, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 5, 2014, p160 - 164
Smith V. Clarke M. Begley C. Devane D., SWAT-1: The effectiveness of a 'site visit' intervention on recruitment rates in a multicentre randomised trial, 22nd Cochrane Colloquium, Hyderabad, India, 22-26 Sept 2014, 2014
Begley C, Dencker A, Keegan C, Martin M, McCann C, Smith V. , Postpartum haemorrhage and blood loss in midwifery-led care in Ireland, 30th ICM (International Confederation of Midwives) Triennial Congress, Prague, 1st to 5th June, 2014, pp1
Wuytack F, Daly D, Curtis E, Begley C., Somatic pain before, during and after pregnancy in primiparous women in Ireland: a longitudinal, cohort study', OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp173 - 174
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C. , Access to maternity services for women with a disability: adherence to or in breach of international instruments decreeing the rights of people with a disability, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp55 - 56
Smith V, D Devane, C Begley, Clarke M, 'Effectiveness of a 'site visit' on recruitment rates in a multicentre randomised trial: SWAT-1, 15th Annual Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, November , 2014
Begley, C, Optimising Birth - System Analysis, All-Ireland Annual Midwifery Conference, Dublin, October , 2014, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and the Royal College of Midwives (UK)
Begley C, Murphy K, Higgins A, Cooney A., Policy-makers' views on impact of specialist and advanced practitioner roles in Ireland: the SCAPE study , Journal of Nursing Management, 22, (4), 2014, p410 - 422
Smith V. Begley C. Devane D., Detection and Management of Decreased Fetal Movements in Ireland: A National Survey of Midwives' and Obstetricians' Practices, Midwifery, 30, (1), 2014, p43-49
Elliott, N., Begley, C., Kleinpell, R., & Higgins, A, The development of leadership outcome-indicators evaluating the contribution of clinical specialists and advanced practitioners to healthcare: a secondary analysis, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, (5), 2014, p1078-1093
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, Keegan C. , Expert midwives' views of preventing, detecting and managing postpartum haemorrhage when using expectant management of the third stage of labour: the 'MEET' study , OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp155 - 156
Lundgren I, van Limbeek E, Vehvilainen-Julkunen K, Nicoletti J, Lalor J, Matterne A, Begley C, Nilsson C., Clinicians' views of factors of importance for improving the rate of vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): a study from countries with high and low VBAC rates, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp135 - 136
Begley, C, Evidence-based practice - the key to caring , Care4Congress, Antwerp, February, 2014, Department of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences University of Antwerp
Nilsson C, Vehvilainen-Julkunen K, Nicoletti J, Lalor J, Matterne A, Begley C, Lundgren I. , Women's views of factors of importance for improving the rate of vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): a study from countries with high and low VBAC rates, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp75 - 76
Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M. , Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) before and during early pregnancy - the help and advice-seeking behaviour of primiparous women, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp89 - 90
O'Malley D, Begley C, Smith V, Higgins A. , An Advanced Concept Analysis - Postpartum Sexual Health, OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9th & 10th April , 2014, pp101 - 102
Lawler, D., Lalor, J., & Begley, C, Challenges and barriers encountered by women with a disability when accessing maternity services: a literature review, International Journal of Childbirth, 3, (4), 2014, p203 - 217
Murphy K, Casey D, Devane D, Begley C, Higgins A, Meskell P, Elliott N, Lalor J. , Exploring the added value of Mixed Methods Research: Reflections on using Mixed Methods Research design in the SCAPE study. , 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2013 , National University of Ireland, Galway., 15-16th April. , 2013
Higgins A, Begley C, Lalor J, Coyne I, Murphy K, Elliott N, Factors influencing advanced practitioners' ability to enact leadership: a case study within Irish healthcare, Journal of Nursing Management, 22, (4), 2013, p410 - 422
Smith V, Clarke M, Devane D, Begley C, Shorter G, Maguire L., SWAT 1: what effects do site visits by the principal investigator have on recruitment in a multicentre randomized trial? , Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine , 6, (3), 2013, p136 - 137
Murphy K, Casey D, Devane D, Begley C, Higgins A, Meskell P, Elliott N, Lalor J, Exploring the added value of Mixed Methods Research: Reflections on using Mixed Methods Research design in the SCAPE study, 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15-16th April 2013, 2013
Begley C, Gross MM, Dencker A, Benstoem C, Devane D, Berg M., Identifying outcomes measuring the effect of oxytocin used in the treatment of delay in labour: a systematic review (poster), 14th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, November 2013, 2013
Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Faecal and urinary incontinence before and during pregnancy - preliminary findings from the MAMMI Study, 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference 2013, National University of Ireland, Galway, 15th-16th April, 2013
Wuytack F. Daly D. Curtis E. & Begley C. , Sociodemographic, Physical and Psychological Risk and Prognostic Factors for Pregnancey-related Lumbopelvic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis , Student Colloquium, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, Ireland, 5th November , edited by Colloquium Team , 2013
Lawler D., Lalor J. & Begley C, 'Being with woman': myth or fact for women with a disability, 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUI Galway, 15th April, 2013
Elliott, N; Higgins A; Begley,C; Lalor,J; Sheerin, F; Coyne,I; Murphy, K , The identification of clinical and professional leadership activities of advanced practitioners. Findings from the Specialist Clinical and Advanced Practitioner Evaluation study in Ireland. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (5), 2013, p1037 - 1050
Lawler, D., Lalor, J. & Begley, C., Being with woman: a myth or fact for women with a disability, 4th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway, , 15th-16th April , 2013, pp1-
Connaire K, Begley C. , A burden or a blessing: balancing philosophical underpinnings in palliative care research. , 32nd Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, , Dublin, February, 2013, pp27-
O'Malley D, Begley C, Higgins A, Smith V, Self-reported maternal sexual health-related experiences in early pregnancy: Preliminary results from the MAMMI antenatal survey. , 4th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG,, Galway, 15-16th April, 2013
Lalor, J Casey, D Elliott, N Coyne, I Comiskey, C Higgins, A Coyne I, Murphy K, Devane D, Begley C, Using case study within a sequential explanatory design to evaluate the impact of specialist and advanced practice roles on clinical outcomes: The SCAPE Study, BMC Medical Research Methodology , 2013, p13:55-
Elliott N, Higgins A, Begley C. , (Abstract 763'): Take #2 : Using secondary analysis of a multiple case-study dataset to generate advanced practitioner leadership outcome-indicators, 19th Qualitative Health Research Conference, University of Alberta, Canada, Canada, October 2013, 2013, pp22 - 23
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C., 'Being with woman': a myth or fact for women with a disability (WWD) , 4th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG,, Galway, 15th - 16th April , 2013
Wuytack F., Daly D., Curtis E. & Begley C. , Pelvic Girdle pain in Primiparous Women in Ireland before and in Early Pregnancy , Health interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 7th November, edited by Conference Committee , 2013
Begley C., Elliott N., Lalor J., Coyne I., Higgins A. & Comiskey C.M. , Differences between clinical specialist and advanced practitioner clinical practice, leadership, and research roles, responsibilities, and perceived outcomes (the SCAPE study), Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (6), 2013, p1323 - 1337
Cronin, P., Begley, C., Living with Chronic Pancreatitis: A qualitative study. , Chronic Illness, 9, (3), 2013, p233 - 247
Begley C, Elliott N, Lalor J, Coyne I, Higgins A, Comiskey C, Differences between clinical specialist and advanced practitioner clinical practice, leadership, and research roles, responsibilities, and perceived outcomes (the SCAPE study), Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, (6), 2013, p1323-1337
Maguire R, Mayock, P, Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., Considerations Pregnant Women Take Into Account When Deciding to Participating in Research: The MAMMI Study, All Ireland Midwifery Conference, Armagh City, Co Armagh, 18 October, 2012
Smith V, Begley CM, Clarke M, Devane D., Professionals' views of fetal monitoring during labour: a systematic review and thematic analysis, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 12, (1), 2012, p166 - 183
Lawler, D., Lalor, J. & Begley, C. (2012), Exploring the impact the transition to motherhood may have on a woman's sense of self: a grounded theory study, Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research in Midwifery, Nottingham University, 8th September 2012, 2012
Larkin, P., Begley, C.M., Devane, D., 'Not enough people to look after you': An exploration of women's experiences of childbirth in the Republic of Ireland, Midwifery, 28, (1), 2012, p98 - 105
Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Nov 2012, 2012, pp1
Nicholl H & Begley C , Explicating Caregiving by Mothers of Children with Complex Needs in Ireland:A Phenomenological Study, Journal of Pediatric Nursing , 27, 2012, p642 - 651
Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., Urinary incontinence (UI) in primiparous women before and during pregnancy, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference (Doctoral Colloquium), Trinity College Dublin , 6 November 2012 , 2012, pp1
Maguire R, Mayock P, Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M., The attitudes behind pregnant women's decisions for participating in research whilst pregnant, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 7th-8th November, 2012, pp1
Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., The multiple meanings of maternal morbidity, Eight Annual Cochrane in Ireland Conference, Dublin City University (DCU) Dublin, 27 January, 2012
NicPhilibin C, Begley C, College students' experiences of accessing mental health services, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 13th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Nov 2012, 2012, pp1
Gallagher, L., Begley, C. & Clarke, M., The social context of breastfeeding in Ireland, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 7th & 8th November, 2012, pp1
Condell S, Begley C. , Clinical research ethics in Irish health care: Diversity, dynamism and medicalization, Nursing Ethics, 19, (6), 2012, 810 - 818
Gillen PA, Sinclair M, Kernohan WG, Begley CM, Luyben AG. , Interventions for prevention of bullying in the workplace (Protocol), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Art. No.: CD009778., (4), 2012, p1-14
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, Keegan C. , Irish and New Zealand midwives' expertise in expectant management of the third stage of labour: the 'MEET' study, Midwifery , 28, 2012, p733 - 739
Lawler, D., Lalor, J. & Begley, C, Exploring the impact the transition to motherhood may have on a woman's sense of self: a grounded theory study, Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research in Midwifery, Nottingham University,, 8th September, 2012, pp1-
Ingela Lundgren, Cecily Begley, Mechthild M Gross and Terese Bondas , 'Groping through the fog': a metasynthesis of women's experiences on VBAC (Vaginal birth after Caesarean section), BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 12, 2012, p85 - 106
Smith V, Devane D, Begley CM, Clarke M, Methodology in conducting a systematic review of systematic reviews of healthcare interventions., BMC medical research methodology, 11, (1), 2011, p15
Colm OBoyle, Dell Horey, Mike Clarke, Cecily Begley, Declan Devane., The use of an e-delphi method to identify core maternity outcome measures. , COMET , Bristol , 11th July , 2011
Cecily Begley, Declan Devane, Mike Clarke, Colette McCann, Patricia Hughes, Mary Reilly, Roisin Maguire, Shane Higgins, Alan Finan, Siobhan Gormally, Miriam Doyle, Comparison of midwife-led and consultant-led care of healthy women at low risk of childbirth complications in the Republic of Ireland: a randomised trial, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 11, (85), 2011, p1-6
Begley CM, Gyte GML, DevaneD, McGuireW, Weeks A. , Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of labour, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , Art. No.: CD007412., (11), 2011, p1-146
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C , Pushed to the margins: access to maternity services in Ireland from the perspective of women with a physical or sensory disability, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 3rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG, Galway, 4th, 5th April 2011, 2011, pp1
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L. , Irish and New Zealand midwives' expertise in expectant management of the third stage of labour: the 'MEET' study, 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives , Durban, June, 2011, pp213 - 213
Lawler, D., Lalor, J. & Begley, C. (2011), Pushed to the margins: access to maternity services in Ireland from the perspective of women with a physical or sensory impairment, 3rd International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Ireland, Galway, 5th April 2011, 2011, pp1
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C, 'Being with woman': Fact or fiction for women with a physical disability or sensory impairment, 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives , Durban , June , 2011, pp105 - 105
Lalor J, Begley C, Galavan E. , Termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: Challenges faced by women living in Ireland opting for termination and their experiences of care in the UK , 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Durban, June, 2011, pp172 - 172
Vincenzo Z, Gambina I, Begley C, Litta P, Cosmi E, Giustardi A, Trevisanuto D. , (2011) Psychological distress and early lactation performance in mothers of late preterm infants , Early Human Development, 87 , (4), 2011, p321 - 323
Daly D, Begley C and Clarke M., The multiple meanings of maternal morbidity, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare through Research: Transforming Healthcare through Research, TCD, 9th-10th November, 2011
Lalor J, Begley C, Galavan E , Choosing between imagined lives: Termination of Pregnancy following Fetal Anomaly Diagnosis, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 3rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Conference, NUIG, Galway, 2011, 2011, pp1
Daly D, Begley C, Clarke M. , The multiple meanings of maternal morbidity, 12th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2011, 2011, pp30-
OBoyle, C, Horey, D, Clarke, M, Begley, CM, Devane, D , The use of an e-delphi method to identify core maternity outcome measures , COMET Initiative, 2nd meeting, Bristol, 11th-12th July 2011, 2011, pp11-
Declan Devane, Cecily Begley, Mike Clarke, Colette McCann, Patricia Hughes, Mary Reilly, Roisin Maguire, Shane Higgins, Alan Finan, Siobhan Gormally, Miriam Doyle., A randomised trial of midwifery-led care in the Republic of Ireland: The MidU Study , 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Durban, June, 2011, pp318 - 318
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, Keegan C. , Midwives' Expertise in Expectant management of the Third stage of labour: the 'MEET' study, The Normal Birth Conference , Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, June, 2011, pp11 - 12
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C. , 'Being with woman': Fact or fiction for women with a physical disability or sensory impairment. , 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives , Durban, June , 2011, pp105 - 105
Lalor, Joan., Lawler, Denise., Begley, Cecily., Sheerin, Fintan., KEENAN, Paul., Higgins, Agnes., Nicholl, Honor., Tuohy, Teresa., Kavanagh, Roisin, Accommodating diversity in the maternity services: the experiences of women with disabilities, ICM 29th Triennial Congress, Durban, South Africa, 19-23 June, 2011
Gallagher L, Begley C, Clarke M. , Reconciling the decision to stop breast-feeding in the first six weeks, 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, , Durban , June, 2011, pp128 - 128
Lawler D, Lalor J, Begley C, Higgins A, Sheerin F, Keenan P, Nicholl H, Tuohy, Kavanagh R. , Accommodating diversity in the maternity services: the experiences of women with disabilities , 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Durban, June, 2011, pp163 - 163
Guilliland K, Dixon L, Powell Kennedy H, Begley C., Physiological third stage management, 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Durban, June, 2011, 461 - 461pp
Begley C, Guilliland K, Dixon L, Reilly M, Keegan C. , Midwives' Expertise in Expectant management of the Third stage of labour in Ireland and New Zealand: the 'MEET' study, 12th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2011, 2011, pp11-
Dixon L, Fullerton J, Begley C, Powell Kennedy H, Guilliland K. , Systematic Review: The clinical effectiveness of physiological (expectant) management of the third stage of labour following a physiological labour and birth, International Journal of Childbirth, 1, (3), 2011, p179 - 195
Cecily Begley, Mary McCarron, Sylvia Huntley-Moore, Developing Research Capacity in Academic Faculty, INMED Conference, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles,, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011
Begley C, Murphy K, Higgins A, Elliott N, LALOR J, Sheerin F, Coyne I, Comiskey C, Normand C, Casey C, Dowling M, Devane D, Cooney A, Farrelly F, Brennan M, Meskell P, MacNeela P, An Evaluation of Clinical Nurse and Midwife Specialist and Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioner Roles in Ireland (SCAPE), Dublin, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, 2010, 1-497
Lawlor D, Lalor J, Begley C. , Antenatal education for women with disabilities: the clandestine challenges for antenatal educators in Ireland. , 11th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery , Trinity College Dublin, November, 2010, pp73 - 73
Daly D, Begley, C and Clarke M., The MAMMI Study, All Ireland Midwifery Conference, Armagh, 14 October, 2010
Lalor J, Lawler, D., Begley, C., Sheerin, F., Keenan, P., Higgins, A., Nicholl, H., Tuohy, T., Kavanagh, R. , Women with disabilities: accessibility issues for women receiving care within the publically-funded maternity service in the Republic of Ireland, 11th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery , Trinity College Dublin, November, 2010, pp71 - 71
Cecily M Begley, Gillian ML Gyte, Declan Devane, Susan J McDonald, William McGuire, Normalising the third stage of labour in women at low risk of bleeding: a systematic review of the literature, 11th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery , Trinity College Dublin, November, 2010, pp13 - 13
Nic Philibin CA, Griffiths C, Byrne G, Horan P, Brady AM, Begley C, The role of the public health nurse in a changing society., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, (4), 2010, p743-52
Devane, D Begley C, Clarke M, McCann C, Hughes P, Reilly M, Maguire R, , Higgins S , A randomised trial of midwifery-led care in the Republic of Ireland: Maternal clinical outcomes of the MidU Study., 11th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November , 2010, pp43 - 43
Begley C, Murphy K, Higgins A, Elliott N, Lalor J, Sheerin F, Coyne I, Comiskey C, Normand C, Casey C, Dowling M, Devane D, Cooney A, Farrelly F, Brennan M, Meskell P, MacNeela P. , An Evaluation of Clinical Nurse and Midwife Specialist and Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioner Roles in Ireland (SCAPE), Dublin, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland, December, 2010, 1-467
Devane D, Brennan M, Begley C, Clarke M, Walsh D, Sandall J, Ryan P, Revill P, Normand C., A systematic review, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis and economic analysis of midwife-led models of care , London, Royal College of Midwives, December, 2010, 1-92
Begley CM, Gyte GML, Murphy DJ, Devane D, McDonald SJ, McGuire W. , Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of labour. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , Issue 7., (Art. No.: CD007412. ), 2010, p54
Begley, C., Higgins, A., Lalor, J., Sheerin, F., Alexander, J., Nicholl, H., Lawler, D., Keenan, P., Tuohy, T., Kavanagh, R , The strengths and weaknesses of publicly-funded Irish health services provided to women with disabilities in relation to pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood , Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2010
Louise Gallagher, The National Infant Feeding Survey 2008, Is Feidir Linn, Association of Lactation Consultants Ireland , Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. Kildare,, 2nd October 2009., 2009
Begley, C., Higgins, A., Lalor, J., Sheerin, F., Alexander, J., Nicholl, H., Lawler, D., Keenan, P., Tuohy, T. & Kavanagh, R. (2009), Maternity care needs of women disabilities: a hidden challenge., European Academy of Nursing Science Annual Scientific Meeting, Klaipeda, Lithuania, January , 2009
Lalor J, Begley C, Galavan O , Recasting Hope: A process of adaptation following fetal anomaly diagnosis , Social Science & Medicine , 68, (3), 2009, p462 - 472
Begley, C.M. , Developing inter-professional learning: Tactics, teamwork and talk , Nurse Education Today , 29, 2009, p276 - 283
Brady, A-M. Begley, C., Will they stay or will they go? Career intent of degree graduate nurses, 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education , School of Nursing & Midwifery, 4-5th November 2009, 2009
Taylor J, Hallstrom I, Begley C, Salantera S. , How to be a professor: What the books don't tell you , Nurse Education Today , 29, (7), 2009, p691 - 693
Louise Gallagher, Infant feeding in Ireland - the historical perspective, MAINN, Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood Conference. , Grange-Over-Sands, Cumbria, United Kingdom., 8-10th Sept , 2009
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C , Sexuality and mental health nursing in Ireland: Weaving the Veil of socialised inhibition. , Nurse Education Today , 29 , (3), 2009, p357 - 364
Lalor, J, Begley, C & Galavan, E, Recasting hope: A process of adaptation following fetal anomaly diagnosis, Social Science and Medicine, 68, (3), 2009, p462 - 472
Begley C, McCarron M, Huntley-Moore S., Research capacity building in academic nursing and midwifery, 10th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2009, pp14 - 14
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , Sexuality and mental health nursing in Ireland: weaving the veil of socialised inhibition , Nurse Education Today, 29, 2009, p357 - 364
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , Clients with mental health problems who sexualize the nurse-client encounter: the nursing discourse. , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 65, (3), 2009, p616 - 624
Smith V, Devane D, Begley CM, Clarke M, Higgins S , A systematic review and quality assessment of systematic reviews of randomised trials of interventions for preventing and treating preterm birth. , European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology , 142, 2009, p3 - 9
Lohan M, Coleman C, Begley C.M. , Regulating Sexual Bodies or Addressing Health Needs? Men who have sex with men and partner notification , Critical Public Health, 19, (3), 2009, p325 - 340
Gillen P, Sinclair M, Kernohan WG, Begley C. , Student midwives' experience of bullying. , Evidence Based Midwifery , 7, (2), 2009, p46 - 53
Begley C, Higgins A, Lalor J, Sheerin F, Alexander J, Nicholl H, Lawler D, Keenan P, Tuohy T, Kavanagh R. , Maternity care needs of women with disabilities: a hidden challenge, European Academy of Nursing Science Annual Scientific Meeting, , Klaipeda, Lithuania,, January 2009, 2009
Larkin P, Devane D, Begley CM , Women's experiences of labour and birth: an evolutionary concept analysis , Midwifery , 25, (2), 2009, pe49 - e59
Begley C, Setting the ripples in motion, Evidence Based Midwifery , 7, (4), 2009, p30 - 34
Larkin P, Begley C, Devane D. , 'The twilight Zone' Women's experiences of early labour in Irish Hospitals, 10th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2009, pp89 - 89
McCabe C., Roche D., Hegarty F., Begley C., & McCann S., The 'Open Window' Project: Results of a Study Exploring Patients Perspectives of an Art Intervention, Society for the Arts in Healthcare's 20th Annual International Conference, Hosted by the Center for the Arts, University at Buffalo, Buffalo Hyatt Hotel, 22-25 April , 2009
Tobin G., Begley C. , Receiving bad news: a phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of receiving a cancer diagnosis, Cancer Nursing, 31, (5), 2008, p31 - 39
Lalor J, Galavan O, Begley C , Recasting Hope: A theory of adaptation following fetal anomaly diagnosis , 28th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Glasgow , June 2008, 2008
C Begley, Inter-professional learning: tactics, teamwork and talk. , 2nd International Nurse Education Conference., Dublin, June , 2008, 23 - 23pp
Lalor J, Galavan O, Begley C, Peripheral fatherhood: Men's experiences of adverse prenatal diagnosis , 28th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Glasgow, June 2008, 2008
Begley CM, Nursing and midwifery in Ireland: rising to the challenge of a changing health service , Nursing & Health Sciences , 10, (1), 2008, p1 - 3
Begley C, McCarron M, Huntley-Moore S , Developing research capacity in academic nursing and midwifery National Association for the Integration of Teaching and Learning , Bologna and staff development conference, Trinity College Dublin, 2008, 9-10
Begley CM , The ups and downs of running randomised trials , Evidence Based Midwifery, 6, (2), 2008, p87 - 91
Lalor, J, Begley, C & Galavan, E, Recasting hope: A theory of adaptation following fetal anomaly diagnosis, ICM , Glasgow, 3rd June , 2008
Lalor J, Galavan O, Begley C, A grounded theory study of information preference and coping styles following antenatal diagnosis of foetal abnormality, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64, (2), 2008, p185 - 194
Begley CM, Devane D, Murphy DJ, Gyte GML, McDonald SJ, McGuire W. , Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of labour (Protocol). , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4, (CD007412), 2008
Lalor, J, Begley, C & Galavan, E, Peripheral fatherhood: Men's experiences of adverse prenatal diagnosis , ICM, Glasgow, 5th June, 2008
Lalor, J, Begley, C & Galavan, E, Meaning reconstruction: adaptation and recovery following prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomaly, Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, Melbourne, July, 2008
Approaches to research in, editor(s)Watson R, McKenna H, Cowman S, Keady J , Nursing Research: Designs and Methods, Edinburgh , Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Limited, 2008, pp13 - 21, [Begley C]
Smith V, Devane D, Begley C, Clarke M, Higgins S , A systematic review of reviews of studies of antibiotic therapy as an intervention for preventing preterm birth , , 28th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Glasgow, June 2008, 2008
Begley C. , Midwifery Research in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , European Academy of Nursing Science Scientific Meeting , Leuven, Belgium, January 2008, 2008
Smith V, Devane D, Begley C, Clarke M, Higgins S , Methodology in conducting a systematic review of reviews of maternity care interventions , 28th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Glasgow , June 2008, 2008
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , 'Veiling sexualities': a grounded theory of mental health nurses' responses to issues of sexuality , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 62, (3), 2008, p307 - 317
Brady, A-M., Byrne, G.,, Horan, P., Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C. & Begley, C., Reliability and Validity of the CCNCS:A dependency workload measurement system", Journal of Clinical Nursing , 17, (10), 2008, p1351 - 1360
Lalor, J, Begley, C & Galavan, E, A grounded theory study of information preference and coping following fetal anomaly diagnosis, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64, (2), 2008, p185 - 194
McCabe C., Begley C, Collier S., McCann S. , Methodological issues related to assessing and measuring quality of life in patients with cancer: Implications for Patient Care , European Journal of Cancer Care , 17, (1), 2008, p56 - 64
Begley C, McCarron M, Huntley-Moore S , Developing research capacity in academic nursing and midwifery , National Association for the Integration of Teaching and Learning - Bologna and staff development conference, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2008, pp9 - 10
Brady A-M, Byrne G., Horan P, Macgregor C., Begley, C. , The Reliability and Validity of the CCNCS: A dependency workload measurement system , Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, (10), 2008, p1351 - 1360
Horan, P., Byrne, G., Brady, A-M., Macgregor, C.,Griffiths, C., & Begley, C. , , "Measuring the dependency levels of the elderly who require community nursing interventions using the Community Client Need Classification System (CCNCS)" , 1st International Conference on "Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice", Department of Nursing and Midwifery Studies National University of Ireland, Galway, 2nd April , 2007, pp10-
Lalor J, Begley C , A Tale of Fifteen Men: male partner experiences of adverse prenatal diagnosis , Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2007, 2007, pp479 - 480
Larkin P, Begley C, Devane D., An exploration of women's experience of labour and birth in Irish Hospitals: The control dimension , Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2007, 2007, pp485 - 486
Devane D, Begley C. M, Clarke M, Horey D, O'Boyle C , Evaluating maternity care: a core set of outcome measures, Birth, 34, (2), 2007, p164 - 171
Smith V, Devane D, Begley CM, Clarke M, Higgins S , A systematic review and quality assessment of systematic reviews of fetal fibronectin and transvaginal cervical length for predicting preterm birth, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 133, 2007, p134 - 142
Brady A-M, Normand C, Begley C , The use of mixed methods to examine the transition experiences and intent to stay of degree graduate nurses , The 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2007, 2007, pp28 - 31
Condell S, Begley C M , Capacity Building - a concept analysis of the term applied to research , InternationalJ ournal of Nursing Practice , 13, 2007, p268 - 275
Horan, P., Byrne, G., Brady, A-M, Macgregor, C, Begley, C. , , Measuring the dependency levels of the people with Intellectual Disability who require community nursing interventions using the Community Client Need Classification System (CCNCS) , , School of Nursing & Midwifery Trinity College Dublin 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference , School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 7th - 9th November , 2007, pp500 - 501
Lalor J, Devane D, Begley C , Exploring painful experiences: The impact of emotional narratives on the well-being of members of a qualitative health research team, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56, (6), 2007, p607 - 616
Brady, A-M., Byrne, G.,, Horan, P., Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C. & Begley, C., Measuring the workload of the Public Health Nurse in Ireland: a review of workload measurement systems , Journal of Nursing Management , 15 , (5), 2007, p481 - 489
Begley CM, OBoyle C, Carroll M, Devane D. , Educating advanced midwife practitioners: a collaborative venture, Journal of Nursing Management , 15, (6), 2007, p574 - 584
McCabe C, Begley C, Collier S, McCann S, Methodological issues related to assessing and measuring quality of life in patients with cancer: Implications for Patient Care, European Journal of Cancer Care, 17, (1), 2007, p56 - 62
Adams E, Begley C , Ionising radiation safety for nurses and midwives , International Confederation of Nurses Conference , Japan, June 2007, 2007
Anne-Marie Brady Gobnait Byrne Paul Horan Colin Griffiths Catriona Macgregor Cecily Begley , Measuring the workload of community nurses in Ireland: a review of workload measurement systems , Journal of Nursing Management , 15, 2007, p481 - 489
Byrne, G., Brady-A-M, Horan, P., Macgregor, C. & Begley, C., Assessment of dependency levels of older people in the community and measurement of nursing workload, Journal of Advanced Nursing , 60, (1), 2007, p39 - 49
Begley, C, Horan, P, Byrne, G, Brady, A-M, Macgregor, C. , The Community Client Need Classification System: a tool for measuring the dependency levels of older persons requiring community nursing interventions, First International Nursing Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 10-11 May 2007, 2007, pp23 - 23
Devane D, Murphy-Lawless J, Begley CM , Childbirth policies and practices in Ireland and the journey towards midwifery-led care , Midwifery, 23, 2007, p92 - 101
Byrne, G., Brady, A-M., Macgregor, C., Horan, P. & Begley, C. ,, Assessment of dependency levels of older people in the community and the measurement of nursing workload. , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 60, (1), 2007, p39 - 49
Higgins A, Barker P, Begley C , 'Veiling sexualities': psychiatric nurses reported responses to issues of sexuality in practice, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2006, pp322 - 322
Begley CM, Devane D, Clarke M, McCann C, Flannagan B, Maguire R, Molloy K, Higgins S, Ahmed S, Finan A, Vaughan D. , Implementing midwifery-led care in the Republic of Ireland: A Case Study of midwifery-led units, Evidence Based Midwifery Network Conference "Celebrating Change: Evidence Led Innovations In Midwifery Practice, Leicester, England, 25th March 2006, 2006
Lalor J, Galavan E, Begley C , Comparison of perinatal grief between women who continue or terminate their pregnancy after second trimester diagnosis of fetal anomaly, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin,, November, 2006, pp383 - 384
Lalor J., Begley C. , Fetal anomaly screening: what do women want to know? , Journal of Advanced Nursing , 55, (1), 2006, p11 - 19
Frawley T, Begley C M , Ethical issues in caring for people with carotid artery rupture, British Journal of Nursing, 15 , (2), 2006, p100 - 103
Brady, A.M., Byrne, G., Horan, P., Macgregor, C. & Griffiths, C., Begley, C. , Community Client Need Classification System (CCNCS) , NMPDU conference "Sharing Best Practice 2006" , Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill , February 2006, 2006
Begley CM, Devane D, Murphy-Lawless J , Midwives' views of consultant-led and midwifery-led maternity care in Ireland. , Jordanian Nursing Conference: Global Citizenship , Amman, Jordan, April , 2006
Higgins,A; Barker, P; Begley, C, Iatrogenic sexual dysfunction and the protective withholding of information: in whose best interest?, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13, (4), 2006, p437 - 446
Byrne G, Brady A-M, Horan P, Macgregor C, Begley C , Nursing assessment of the healthcare needs of the elderly living in the community , Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2006, pp95 - 98
Begley CM, Carroll M. , Irish student midwives' changing levels of assertiveness and attitudes towards normality in childbirth during their two-year education programme, Jordanian Nursing Conference: Global Citizenship, Amman, Jordan, April, 2006
Devane D, Begley CM, Clarke M. , 'Great Expectations and Hard Times': Implementing Midwifery-led Care in the Republic of Ireland., An Bord Altranais National Conference 'Creativity, Research and Innovation in Nursing and Midwifery Practice', Dublin, Ireland, June, 2006
Lalor J, Begley C , Continuing or terminating a pregnancy after fetal abnormality diagnosis: Decision-making that breaks your heart , 12th Qualitative Health Research Conference , Edmonton , 2006
Byrne, G., Brady, A.M., Macgregor, C., Horan, P., & Begley, C. , Using the CCNCS to measure the workload of the PHN with the elderly. , NMPDU conference "Sharing Best Practice 2006". , Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill , February, 2006, 2006
Smith V. Devane D. Begley CM. Clarke M. Higgins S. , A systematic review of reviews of predictive factors for preterm birth, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2006, pp751 - 752
C. McCabe, D. Roche, F. Hegarty, C. Begley, S. Collier, S. McCann , Methodological issues associated with measuring the effect of a novel art intervention in the treatment of patients undergoing stem cell transplantation , EBMT 2006 congress , Hamburg, Germany , March 19 - 22, 2006, 2006
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , Iatrogenic sexual dysfunction and the protective withholding of information: in whose best interest? , Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 13 , (4), 2006, p437 - 446
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C , Sexual health education for people with mental health problems: what can we learn from the literature? , Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 13 , (6), 2006, p687 - 697
Begley CM, Tobin G. , Caring and Collaboration in Research , Jordanian Nursing Conference: Global Citizenship, Amman, Jordan, April, 2006
Frawley T, Begley C M , Caring for people with carotid artery rupture, British Journal of Nursing, 15 , (1), 2006, p24 - 28
C. McCabe, D. Roche, F. Hegarty, C. Begley, S. Collier, S. McCann , Evaluation of the 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation for Haematological Malignancies , NCI All Ireland Cancer Conference , Belfast, 14th November , 2006
Lalor J, Devane D, Begley C , Exploring painful experiences: the impact of emotional narratives on researchers and transcribers , 12th Qualitative Health Research Conference, Edmonton , 2006
Larkin P, Begley C, Devane D. , An exploration of women's expectations for labour and birth in Irish Hospitals , Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2006, 2006, pp385 - 386
Devane D, Begley CM, Clarke M, Horey D, OBoyle C. , Evaluating maternity care: A minimum dataset of outcome measures. , 3rd Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference, Grange-on-Sands, England, June, 2006
Byrne, G., Brady, A-M., Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C., Horan, P. & Begley, C. , The Community Client Need Classification System- a dependency system for community nurses. , Journal of Nursing Management , 14, (6), 2006, p437 - 446
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , Sexuality the challenge to espoused holistic care , International Journal of Nursing Practice , 12, (6), 2006, p345 - 351
Begley CM, Devane D, Clarke M, Evaluating complex interventions through randomised trials: An example of the MidU Study. Plenary paper presented at the , . , 6th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, 'Developing Services for Patients and Clients: Nurses and Midwives Promoting Innovation and Change, Dublin, Ireland, 15th and 16th Nov, 2006, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery
Brady A-M, Begley C, Normand C , Developing a survey instrument for use in a study of career expectations, transition experiences and intent to stay among degree graduate nurses, Mixed Methods Conference, Cambridge, UK, July, 2006
C. McCabe, D. Roche, F. Hegarty, C. Begley, S. Collier, S. McCann , The 'Open Window' project - a novel art intervention in the treatment of patients undergoing stem cell transplantation for haematological malignancies, EBMT 2006 congress , Hamburg, Germany , March 19 - 22, 2006, 2006
O'Donnell S., Condell S., Begley CM, Fitzgerald T , Pre-hospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 , (3), 2005, p268 - 276
Devane D., Begley C. , Nursing Practice Development:Capitalising on New Opportunities , Irish Nursing Practice Development Association, Hudson Bay Hotel, Athlone , March 2005, 2005
Higgins A, Begley C , 'The unspoken side effects': Psychiatric drugs and sexual function, 6th Annual Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2005 , 2005, pp7 - 7
Brady A-M, Byrne G, Griffiths C, Horan P, Macgregor C., Begley C , The Workload of Community Nurses in Ireland: Pilot study , RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Belfast, March, 2005
Carroll M, Daly D, Higgins A and Begley C., Supernumerary Preceptorship - the key to learning midwifery skills in the Republic of Ireland, Evidence Based Midwifery, 3, (1), 2005, p39 - 44
Carroll M, Daly D, Higgins A, Begley C M , Supernumerary preceptorship - the key to learning midwifery skills in a direct-entry programme in the Republic of Ireland , Evidence Based Midwifery , 3 , (1), 2005, p39 - 44
McCarron M, Gill M, McCallion P, Begley C. , Health co-morbidities in ageing persons with Down Syndrome and Alzheimber's dementia., Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, (7), 2005, p560 - 566
McCarron, M., Gill, M., McCallion, P., & Begley, C. , Alzheimer's Dementia in persons with Down's syndrome: predicting time spent on day-to-day caregiving, Dementia, 4 , (4), 2005, p521 - 538
Carroll M, Daly D, Higgins A and Begley C, Supernumerary Preceptorship - the key to learning midwifery skills in the Republic of Ireland, Evidence Based Midwifery , 3, (1), 2005, p39 - 44
Devane D, McCann C, Hughes P, Maguire R, Higgins S, Doyle M, Begley CM, Clarke M , The MidU trial protocol: a multi-centre randomised trial of the efficacy of midwifery-led care, Healthcare Risk Managers' Forum Conference , Great Southern Hotel Dublin Airport, Dublin, 2nd March , 2005
Lalor J., Begley C. , Re-constructing the future: Women's adjustment to the diagnosis of fetal abnormality , 27th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives , Brisbane , 25th-28th July 2005, 2005
O'Donnell S., Condell S., Begley CM, Fitzgerald T. , In-hospital care pathway delays: gender and myocardial infarction , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52, (1), 2005, p14 - 21
Frawley T, Begley C M , Causes and prevention of carotid artery rupture, British Journal of Nursing, 14 , (22), 2005, p1198 - 1202
Begley C, Carroll M. , The changing levels of assertiveness and attitudes towards normality in childbirth of Irish student midwives , 6th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2005, 2005, pp62 - 71
Murphy-Lawless J, Begley C. , Devane D. , Women's experiences of maternity care in Ireland: an opportunity for midwifery-led care?, 6th Annual Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2005, 2005, pp108 - 115
Devane D, Begley CM, OBoyle C, Horey D, Clarke M. , Safety and maternity care: Identification of a core set of outcome measures using an e-Delphi process., 27th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Brisbane, 25th-28th July 2005, 2005
McCarron, M., Gill, M., McCallion, P., & Begley, C. , Health co-morbidities in ageing persons with Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49 , (7), 2005, p560 - 565
Smith V, Devane D, Higgins S, Begley C , Preterm birth: the risk factors, The Practising Midwife, 8 , (9), 2005, p12 - 16
Higgins A, Barker P; Begley, C. , Neuroleptic medication and sexuality: the forgotten aspect of education and care., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 12 , (4), 2005, p439 - 446
McCann S, McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, Begley C, Collier S, The 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients with haematological malignancies,, St James' Hospital Cancer Conference, Dublin Castle, April , 2005
Lalor J, Begley C. , Fetal abnormality detection in the second trimester: The information needs of women , Proceedings of the 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 2005, 2005, pp9-
Devane D, Begley CM, McCann C, Hughes P, Maguire R, Molloy K, Finan A,Higgins S, Ahmed S, Vaughan D, Clarke M. , Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for midwifery-led care: Challenges and strategies in their development, 6th Annual Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2005, 2005, pp206 - 206
Begley CM, Lawless J, & Devane D. , Meeting the needs of childbearing women in Ireland? Midwives' views of maternity care, 27th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives, Brisbane, 25th-28th July 2005, 2005
Coleman C, Lohan M, Begley C, Hopkins S, Mulcahy F, Bergin C. , An exploration of the acceptability of contact tracing during a syphilis outbreak , Proceedings of the 6th Annual Research Conference , School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, Nov 2005, 2005, pp151 - 152
Coleman, C, Bergin, C, Hopkins, S, Mulcahy F, Begley, CM, Lohan, M, Does effectiveness of partner notification for infectious syphilis (IS) and gonorrhoea (GC) differ in a men who have sex with men (MSM) population?' : A comparison between GC and IS occurring during a syphilis outbreak. , Does effectiveness of partner notification for infectious syphilis (IS) and gonorrhoea (GC) differ in a men who have sex with men (MSM) population?' : A comparison between GC and IS occurring during a syphilis outbreak., BASHH/ASTDA Meeting 2004, 15, (Supplement 1 May ), 2004, pp34 - 34
Begley C M, The benefits of within-method triangulation in qualitative research: a comparison of interview and diary data, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin , Dublin, Nov 2004, 2004, pp16 - 23
Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C., Brady, A-M., Horan, P., Byrne, G. & Begley, C. , A study of community nursing practice in the Galway Community Cre Area. , 5th Annual Research Conference School of nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College , Dublin , Nov 2004 , 2004, pp147 - 147
Devane D. and Begley C. M , Childbirth: how safe is safe enough? , British Journal of Midwifery, 12, (7), 2004, p416 - 417
Adams E., Begley C. , Nurse practitioners' role in promoting radiation safety in Western Australia , The Nurse Practitioner Series, 1, (2), 2004, p55 - 71
O'Donnell S, Condell S, Begley CM. , 'Add women & stir'--the biomedical approach to cardiac research' , Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 3, (2), 2004, p119 - 127
Byrne, G., Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C., Brady, A-M. & Begley, C. , The role of the PHN in health promotion. , 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Nov, 2004, pp70 - 70
Griffiths C., Macgregor C., Brady A-M., Horan P., Byrne G. & Begley C. , A study of community nursing practice in the Galway Community Care Area. , 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Nov, 2004, pp147 - 147
Coleman, C., Begley, C., Lohan, M., Bergin, C., Hopkins, S., Mulcahy, F. , Is partner notification for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) acceptable to men who have sex with men (MSM)? An exploration of the lay perspective in the context of an outbreak of syphilis , 15th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau, Dublin , July, 2004, pp54 - 54
Coleman, C., Bergin, C., Hopkins, S., Mulcahy, F., Begley, CM., Lohan, M. , Does effectiveness of partner notification for infectious syphilis (IS) and gonorrhoea (GC) differ in men who have sex with men (MSM) population? : a comparison between GC and IS occurring during a syphilis outbreak., Joint Meeting of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA) , Bath UK, May , 2004
Tobin G., Begley C. M. , Methodological rigour within a qualitative framework , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48, (4), 2004, p388 - 396
Carroll M., Begley C.M. , 'Direct entry to midwifery': aspects of the evaluation of the pilot programme., 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, 2004, pp71 - 71
Byrne G., Macgregor C., Brady A-M., Horan P., Griffiths C., Begley C. , "Measuring the Workload of Irish Public Health Nurses" , Nursing in the Community , Jan/Feb, 2004, p7 - 8
Macgregor, C., Griffiths, C., Byrne, G., Horan, P., Brady, A-M. & Begley, C. , The fundamental nature of the Irish Public Health Nurse, 10th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Bamff, Alberta, Canada., Apr 2004, 2004
Byrne, G., Brady, A-M., Horan, P., Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C. & Begley, C. , Designing a client dependency system for Irish Public Health Nurses., 15th International Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau , Dublin , July , 2004, pp38 - 38
Byrne, G., Macgregor, C., Brady, A.M., Horan, P., Griffiths, C. Begley, C., Effective tool for managing the workload, Nursing in the Community, 7- 8, 2004
Jean Long, Shane Allwright, Cecily Begley, Prisoners' views of injecting drug use and harm reduction in Irish prisons, International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, (2), 2004, p139 - 149
Devane D, Begley C, Clarke. M. , The effectiveness of pilot midwifery-led services in the North Eastern Health Board: The protocol for the MidU Study , 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Nov, 2004, pp119 - 119
Devane D, Begley C. M. , "Midwifery-led units: Chance for choice", Irish Medical Times, 37, (39), 2004, p32 - 32
Begley C. M., Glacken M. , Irish nursing students' changing levels of assertiveness during their pre-registration programme. , Nurse Education Today , 24 , (7), 2004, p501 - 510
Griffiths, C., Macgregor, C., Byrne, G., Horan, P., Brady, A-M. & Begley, C. , The Future role of the Public Health Nurse in Primary Health Care, 23rd Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin , Feb 2004, 2004, pp59 - 59
Long J., Allwright S., Begley C. , "Prisoners' views of injecting drug use and harm reduction in Irish prisons", International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, (2), 2004, p139 - 149
" 'Giving midwifery care': student midwives' views of their working role" in, editor(s)S. Wickham , Midwifery Best Practice 2 ed , Edinburgh, Elsevier Ltd , 2004, pp82 - 91, [Begley C. M.]
Higgins, A; Barker P; Begley, C. , Hypersexuality and dementia- dealing with inappropriate sexual expression. , British Journal of Nursing, 13 , (22), 2004, p1330 - 1334
Lalor J., Begley C. , Screening for fetal anomaly: what do women know?, 5th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin , Nov, 2004, pp5 - 5
Devane D, McCann C, Hughes P, Maguire R, Begley C, Clarke. M. , An evaluation of the effectiveness of midwifery-led services in the North Eastern Health Board: The protocol for the MidU Study, an on-going multi-centre randomised trial, 4th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Nov, 2004
Begley C. M. , "Comparing interview and diary data - the benefits of within-method triangulation in qualitative research", The fifth international interdisciplinary conference: advances in qualitative methods, Edmonton, Canada, January, 2004, 2004, pp29 - 30
Devane D., Begley C. M. and Clarke M. , How many do I need? Basic principles of sample size estimation., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47, (3), 2004, p297 - 302
Devane D., Begley C. M. , "Midwifery-led care: the way forward?", 22nd Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,, February, 2003, 2003, pp12 - 12
Begley C. M. , " 'I cried... I had to...': Student midwives' experiences of still-birth, miscarriage and neonatal death" , Evidence Based Midwifery, 1, (1), 2003, p20 - 26
Byrne, G., Brady, A-M., Macgregor, C., Griffiths, C., Horan, P. & Begley, C. , The Challenge of Measuring the Workload of Irish Public Health Nurses, 4th Annual Research Conference School of Nursing & Midwifery Studies Trinity College , Dublin , Nov 2003, 2003
Long J, Allwright S and Begley C. , Fear and denial: how prisoners cope with risk of or diagnosis with hepatitis C , 2003, -
Macgregor, C., Griffiths, C., Horan, P., Brady, A-M., Byrne, G., Begley, C. M. , "Defining the role of the public health nurse" , 4th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2003, 2003, pp429 - 437
Begley C. M. , "Collaborative care - a challenge for us all" , Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21, (1), 2003, p6 - 6
Begley C. M., White P. , "Irish nursing students' changing self-esteem and fear of negative evaluation during their pre-registration programme", Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42, (4), 2003, p390 - 401
Begley C. M., Devane D. , "The invisible woman: maternity care in Ireland", Practising Midwife, 6, (5), 2003, p10 - 12
Begley C. M., Devane D. , "The re-birth of midwifery-led care in Ireland" , Practising Midwife, 6, (6), 2003, p26 - 29
Connaire, K., Copp, G., Begley C. M. , "Caring for the dying: explicating the practices of expert palliative care nurses. A hermeneutic analysis" , 4th Annual Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2003, 2003, pp237 - 238
Chianakwana, R., Begley, C. M., "Female circumcision: the experiences of ten women", Proceedings of the 20th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, edited by Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 2002
Begley, C. M., "Episiotomy rates may change after evidence based intervention" (letter), British Medical Journal, 2002, p325 - 335
McCarron, M., Gill, M., Lawlor, B., Begley, C.M., "A pilot study of reliability and validity of the caregive activity survey - intellectual disability (CAS-ID).", International Journal of Learning Disabilities Research, 46, (8), 2002, p605 - 612
Begley, C. M., " 'Great fleas have little fleas': Irish student midwives' views of the, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38, (3), 2002, p310 - 317
Connaire, K., Copp, G., Begley, C. M., "The nature of expert palliative nursing within an Irish Context: a phenomenological study.", Palliative Care Congress 2002, United Kingdom, edited by University of Sheffield , 2002
Connaire, K., Copp, G., Begley, C.M., , "The composite of expert palliative nursing practice: a hermeneutic analysis.", ICN International Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 5th, 2002, edited by New Zealand Nurses Organisation , 2002
Begley, C. M., Tobin, G. A., "Student midwives' experiences of still-birth, miscarriage and neonatal death: 'All I could do was hold her' " , Proceedings of the 26th Triennial Congress, Vienna, Austria, edited by International Confederation of Midwives , 2002, pp8
Connaire, K., Copp, G., Begley, C.M., "Giving patients a voice: A view of expertise in palliative nursing", 2nd ICN International Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 31/10 - 2/11, 2002 , 2002
Begley, C.M., " 'He's the King of the Kingdom: student midwives' views of obstetrician-midwife relationships", Proceedings of the 26th Triennial Congress, Vienna, Austria, edited by International Confederation of Midwives , 2002, pp10
Begley, C.M., Brady, A., "Irish Diploma in Nursing students' first clinical allocation: the views of nurse managers", Journal of Nursing Management, 10, 2002, p339 - 347
McCarron M., Gill, M., Lawlor, B., Begley, C., "Time spent caregiving for persons with the dual disability of Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia" , Journal of Learning Disabilities, 6, (3), 2002, p263 - 279
M. McCarron, M. Gill, B. Lawlor and C. Begly, A pilot study of the reliability and validity of the Caregiver Activity Survey - Intellectual Disability (CAS-ID), Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, (8), 2002, p605-612
McCarron M, Gill M, Lawlor B, Begley C. , Time spent caregiving for persons with the dual disability of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia: Preliminary findings. , Journal of Learning Disabilities, 6, (3), 2002, p263 - 279
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Tyrrell, J, Cosgrave, M, Begley, C. , The Influence of Alzheimer's dementia on Time Spent Caregiving in persons with Down syndrome., IASSID Europe Conference, Dublin, Ireland., 2002
Tobin G. A., Begley, C. M. , "Triangulation as a method of inquiry" , Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction, 3, (3), 2002, p7 - 11
McCarron M., Gill M., Lawlor B., Begley C. , "Time spent caregiving for persons with the dual disability of Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia" , Journal of Learning Disabilities , 6, (3), 2002, p263 - 279
Begley, C. M., Brady, A., "Irish nurse managers' views of the Diploma in Nursing students' first clinical allocation", Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, edited by School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies , 2001, pp14 - 19
"Nursing and midwifery education in Ireland" in, editor(s)Begley, C. M., Roode, J. , Nurse educators/leaders from European Union countries in international partnership, The Netherlands, International Society for University Nurses, 2001, pp41 - 50, [Begley, C. M., Roode, J.]
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Begley, C. , The social and economic impact of caring for persons with the dual disability of Alzheimer's dementia and Down syndrome, Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education &Technology Research Conference. Trinity College, Dublin. Ireland. , 2001
Begley, C. M., Roode, J. , Nurse educators/leaders from European Union countries in international partnership, The Netherlands, International Society for University Nurses, 2001
Begley, C. M., " 'Giving midwifery care': student midwives' views of their working role", Midwifery, 17, 2001, p24 - 34
Begley, C. M., "Nurse education in Ireland: redressing the balance" , Nurse Education Today, 21, (8), 2001, p595 - 596
McCarron, M, Gill, M, Lawlor, B, Begley, C. , A pilot study of Reliability and Validity of the Caregiving Activity Survey-Intellectual Disability (CAS-ID), 11TH IASSID International Roundtable on Aging and Intellectual Disabilities. Luxembourg. , 2001
Tobin, G. A., Begley, C. M., "Triangulation as a method of inquiry", Journal of Critical Inquiry into Curriculum and Instruction, 3, (3), 2001, p6 - 10
Begley, C. M., "Student midwives' views of student-staff relationships in the first three months' of clinical practice: 'They all have their moments' ", All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 1, (4), 2001, p128 - 134
Begley, C.M., "The benefits of using triangulation of communication skills in qualitative research interviews", The second international conference: advances in qualitative methods, Edmonton, Canada, 2001, pp117
Begley, C.M., "Nursing and midwifery education in Ireland", International Society of University Nurses Conference, Copenhagen, 2001
Begley, C. M., " 'Knowing your place': student midwives' views of relationships in midwifery" , Midwifery, 17, 2001, p222 - 233
Begley, C.M., "Using triangulation of communication skills in qualitative research interviews", Proceedings of the 1st Annual Research Conference in Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2000, pp6
Begley, C.M., " 'Them and us': student midwives' views of student-staff relationships in the first three months of training", , Proceedings of the 19th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Dublin, edited by Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 2000, pp6
Begley, C.M., "Using triangulation of communication skills in qualitative research interviews", Qualitative research in health and social care European Conference, Bournemouth, England, 2000, pp40
Begley, C.M., "Using triangulation of communication skills in qualitative research interviews", 10th Annual Nurse Education Tomorrow Conference, Durham, UK, 1999, pp20
Begley, C. M., "A study of student midwives' experiences during their two-year education programme", Midwifery, 15, (3), 1999, p194 - 202
Begley, C.M., " 'It's a whole new ball-game': student midwives' views of their working role", , Proceedings of the 18th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Dublin, edited by Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 1999, pp6
"Student midwives' experiences during their training programme" in, editor(s)Treacy, M., Hyde, A. , Nursing research: design and practice, Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 1999, pp225 - 241, [Begley, C.M.]
Begley, C. M., "Student midwives' views of 'learning to be a midwife' in Ireland", Midwifery, 15, (4), 1999, p264 - 273
Begley, C. M., "Student midwives' views of their working role during midwifery training: 'thrown in the deep end' ", Nursing Review, 17, 1999, p76 - 81
"Explaining post-partum haemorrhage: the value of a physiological third stage" in, editor(s)Kennedy, P., Murphy-Lawless, J. , Returning birth to women: challenging policies and practices, Dublin, Dublin Centre for Women's Studies TCD/WERRC, 1998, pp30 - 33, [Begley, C.M.]
Begley, C. M., "Student midwives' experiences in the first three months of their training: 'good days and bad days' ", Nursing Review, 16, (3&4), 1998, p77 - 81
Begley, C.M., "Good days, bad days: student midwives' perceptions of the first three months of their training", , Proceedings of the 17th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 1998, pp107 - 112
Begley, C.M., "The ups and downs of student midwives' lives", 9th Annual Nurse Education Tomorrow Conference, Durham, UK, 1998, pp29
Begley, C. M., "Where has normal labour gone?", Nursing Review, 15, (3/4), 1997, p89 - 92
Begley, C.M., "The routine use of Ergometrine: a challenge to maternal health?", Conference Proceedings of the First Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing/Midwifery Development, Bahrain, 1996
Brazier, H., Begley, C.M., "Selecting a data base for literature searches in nursing: MEDLINE or CINAHL?", Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24, (4), 1996, p868 - 875
Quinn, S., Redmond, K., Begley, C.M., "The needs of relatives visiting critical care units", Nursing Review, 15, (1), 1996, p9 - 14
Begley, C.M., "Good days and bad days: Student midwives' perceptions of their first three months of training.", The National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Northern Ireland Research Conference, 1996
Begley, C.M., "Using triangulation in nursing research", Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24, (1), 1996, p122 - 128
Quinn, S., Redmond, K., Begley, C.M., "The needs of relatives visiting adult critical care units as perceived by relatives and nurses", Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 12, (3), 1996, p168 - 172
Begley, C. M., "Triangulation of communication skills in qualitative research interviews", Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24, (4), 1996, p688 - 693
Begley, C.M., "Triangulation - a complex research method", The National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Northern Ireland Research Conference, 1995
Begley, C.M. , "Triangulation in nursing research - the method of the future?", Nursing Review, 13, (3 and 4), 1995, p5 - 7
Begley, C.M., "Appraisal of plans for the future of nurse education in Ireland", Nursing Review, 13, (11), 1994, p4 - 8
Begley, C.M., "An evaluation of the Diploma in Human Reproductive Studies, Faculty of Nursing, R.C.S.I. in Dublin, Ireland", Teaching Women's health: A Multi-disciplinary Conference for Teachers of Medicine and Nursing. Conference Proceedings, 1993, pp22
Begley, C.M., "The factors affecting duration of breast-feeding", 23rd International Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives Conference Proceedings, 1, 1993, pp163 - 176
Begley, C.M., "Women's views of the third stage of labour", Nursing Review, 12, (1), 1993, p14 - 17
Begley, C.M., "A randomised comparison of oxytocin, sulprostone and placebo in the management of the third stage of labour (A Critical Abstract)", MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 2, (2), 1992, p186 - 187
Begley, C.M. , "Diploma in Nursing of the Faculty of Nursing, R.C.S.I. - A course profile", Nursing Review, 9, (3,4), 1991, p35 - 35
Begley, C.M., "The use of case histories in written examinations", 2nd Nurse Education Tomorrow Conference, Durham,UK., 1991
Begley, C.M., "Post-partum haemorrhage - who is at risk?", Midwives' Chronicle, 104, (1,239), 1991, p102 - 106
Begley, C.M., "The factors affecting duration of breast-feeding", Irish Nursing Forum and Health Services, 1991, p11 - 15
Begley, C.M., "A comparison of active and physiological management of the third stage of labour", The proceedings of the 14th Annual Research and the Midwife Conference, Glasgow, 1990
Begley, C.M., "A comparison of active and physiological methods of managing the third stage of labour", Midwifery, 6, (1), 1990, p3 - 17
Begley, C.M., "The effect of ergometrine on breast-feeding", Midwifery, 6, (2), 1990, p60 - 72
Begley, C.M., "The effect of ergometrine on breast-feeding" (Letter), Midwifery, 6, (3), 1990, p231 - 232
Begley, C.M., "A comparison of physiological and pharmacological methods of managing the third stage of labour", Nursing Review, 7, (3,4), 1989, p36 - 39
Begley, C.M., "Episiotomy - a change in midwives' practice", Irish Nursing Forum and Health Services, 1988, p12 - 13
Begley, C.M., "Episiotomy - a change in midwives' practice"', 21st International Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives Conference Proceedings The Hague, Netherlands, June 1987, 1987
Begley, C.M., "Episiotomy - use or abuse?", Nursing Review, 4, (3), 1986, p4 - 7
Begley, C.M., "Episiotomy use and abuse", Proceedings of the 5th Annual Nursing and Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing, edited by Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 1986, pp18
Begley, C.M., "Midwifery examination - time for review", Irish Nursing Forum and Health Services, 1986, p20 - 24
Begley, C.M., "The implications for nursing service and education of some of the major recommendations of the working party report on general nursing.", World of Irish Nursing, 1981, p1 - 2
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Smith V, Gallagher L, Carroll M, Hannon K, Begley C, Antenatal and intrapartum interventions for reducing caesarean section, promoting vaginal birth, and reducing fear of childbirth: an overview of systematic reviews., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEConf2020), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2020
Begley C. , Promoting normality versus over-use of technology., All-Ireland Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2020, Croke Park, Dublin, 11 February , 2020
Daly D, Cusack C, Wuytack F, Moran P, Hannon S, Hannon K, Bowman S, Begley C and co-creators McEvoy E, Donaldson N, McLoughlin M, Martin Y, Cox B, Nordwind M, A suite of resources on women's health after motherhood, Rotunda GP Educational Study Evening, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 22nd October, 2020, Rotunda Hospital
Panda S, Corcoran P, Begley C, Daly D., Pre-labour and labour interventions and mode of birth - findings from a multicentre cohort study., Normal Labour and Birth Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 December, 2020
Daly D and McLoughlin M, Wuytack F, Moran P, Bowman S, Cusack C, Hannon S, Hannon K, Begley C and co-creators McEvoy E, Donaldson N, Martin Y, Cox B and Nordwind M, Translating maternal health research into maternal health resources, All Ireland Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2020, Croke Park, Dublin, 11 February, 2020
Smith V, Daly D, Lundgren I, Eri T, Begley C, Gross MM, Downe S, Alfirevic Z, Devane D., Development of a core set of salutogenic intrapartum outcomes., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2020
Begley C., Vaginal birth after caesarean section: exploding the myths with the OptiBIRTH study, 15th International Normal Labour and Birth virtual conference, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 December, 2020
Szafranska M, Begley C, Carroll M, Daly D., Factors associated with maternal readmission to hospital, attendance at emergency room or visits to general practitioners within three months postpartum, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEConf2020) , Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2020
Begley C, Daly D, Smith V, Clarke M, Devane D, Gross MM, Morano S, Lundgren I, Sinclair M, Putman K, Lawrence Beech B, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K, Nieuwenhuijze M, Wiseman H, Savage G, Newell J, Grylka-Baeschlin S, Healy P, Nicoletti J, Lalor J, Carroll M, van Limbeek E, Nilsson C, Stockdale J, Fobelets M, A cluster randomised trial of an intervention to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (OptiBIRTH): ISRCTN10612254, From Birth to Health - Towards Sustainable Childbirth Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 Sept 2018, 2018
Higgins, A; Begley CM; Nevin M; et al , The development and testing of a toolkit to support nursing and midwifery competency development: Research report, Dublin , NCNM, 2010
Higgins, A., Begley, C., Timmins F., McGonagle, I., Nevin M. et al, 'Nurse and Midwife Clinical Competency Determination and Competency Development Planning Toolkit.', Dublin, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, 2010, - 1-92
Begley,C.,Higgins,A.,Sheerin,F.,Alexander,J., NICHOLL,H., Lawler,D., Keenan,P., Tuohy,T and Kavanagh,R., The Strengths and Weaknesses of Publicly-funded Irish Health Services Provided to Women with Disabilities in Relation to Pregnancy,Childbirth and Early Motherhood, NDA Dublin, NDA, May, 2010
Begley, C., Higgins, A., Lalor, J., Alexander, J., Nicholl, H., Lawler, D., Keenan, P., Tuohy, T., Kavanagh, R. , Women with disabilities: policies governing procedure and practice in service provision in Ireland during pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood. , Dublin, National Disability Authority, 2009
Begley CM, Byrne G, Macgregor C, Brady A-M, Horan P, Griffiths C, Measuring the Workload of the Public Health Nursing Service in the, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery , August, 2005
Begley C. M., Brady A-M, Byrne G, Macgregor C, Griffiths C, Horan P, A Study of the Role and Workload of the Public Health Nurse in the Galway Community Care Area , Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College, Dublin , 2004
Begley, C., Brady, A-M. Byrne, Macgregor, C., G, Griffiths, C.& Horan, P. , A Study of the Role and Workload of the Public Health Nurse in the Galway Community Care Area, Dublin, Trinity College:, 2004
Carroll M., Begley C. M., Diploma in Midwifery (Direct Entry) Midwife Registration Education Programme: Final Report of the Evaluation , Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Trinity College, 2003
Begley, C.M., "Learning to care for bereaved parents", World of Irish Nursing, 1984, p8 - 10
Begley, C.M., "1983 - year of change", Irish Nursing Forum, 1983, p6 - 7
Begley, C.M., "The nurse's responsibility in relation to smoking and health", World of Irish Nursing, 1982, p6 - 6
Research Expertise
Normal childbirth; midwifery-led care; woman-centred care; maternal morbidity, vaginal birth after Caesarean section; research methods; assertiveness; self-esteem; teaching and learningProjects
- Title
- Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) (Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)) (Dutch)
- Funding Agency
- European Innovation Technology Health (EIT Health) (CAMPUS Engage Activities)
- Date From
- Aug 2019
- Date To
- Jan 2020
- Title
- Developing an on-line course for first-time mothers: 'Pathway to Birth'
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Dec 2018
- Date To
- June 2020
- Title
- Towards Recovery After Childbirth, through Knowledge: (ON TRACK)
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- November 2018
- Date To
- March 2020
- Title
- Women's Health After Motherhood (WHAM) (Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)) (English and Spanish)
- Funding Agency
- European Innovation Technology Health (EIT Health) (CAMPUS Engage Activities)
- Date From
- jan 2019
- Date To
- Jan 2020
- Title
- Public involvement in research initiative (PPI) (with the MAMMI study participants)
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- Jan 2018
- Date To
- Dec 2018
- Title
- The MAMMI five-year follow-up study (development)
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive
- Date From
- Jan 2017
- Date To
- Jan 2018
- Title
- Reducing caesarean section rates in Ireland: a feasibility study and pilot randomised trial of an evidence-based intervention designed to reduce unnecessary caesarean section (REDUCE)
- Summary
- Concern has been expressed globally at rising caesarean section (CS) rates with a lack of evidence of any associated decrease in morbidity for mothers and babies, indicating that many CSs are unnecessary. Maternal mortality and severe morbidity are doubled following CS compared with vaginal birth, and neonatal respiratory distress requiring oxygen is 2-7 times more common. CS costs 739 (elective) or 1180 (emergency) more than vaginal birth. This research team have just completed testing an intervention in Ireland, Germany and Italy ("OptiBIRTH") designed to increase vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC), thus reducing repeat CS in women who had CS before. Applying such knowledge to develop a similar intervention designed to reduce the number of unnecessary CSs in Europe would have health benefits for mothers and babies. Aim: To develop and pilot an intervention designed to reduce overall CS rates from approximately 34% to 27%, and to test the feasibility of a larger, pan-European trial. A pilot cluster randomised trial (CRCT) will be used to test an intervention designed to reduce overall CS rates in all women. This intervention will be adapted from the "OptiBIRTH" intervention, using information from systematic reviews of trials, and evidence-based national guidelines, aimed at reducing CS rates, and 8 focus group interviews (FGIs) with women, their partners and clinicians. Following ethical approval, two maternity units in Dublin will be randomly allocated to receive either the intervention or usual practice, and 300-400 consenting women in each unit will be recruited. Primary outcome is CS rate; other outcomes include interventions, change in women and clinicians' attitudes to CS/vaginal birth, fear of birth in women, and maternal/neonatal morbidities up to 6 months. Mother and baby data will be collected using self-completion surveys in pregnancy and at 3-&6-months' postnatal, and from hospital records. Surveys have been tested for validity and reliability in a large cohort study in Ireland (MAMMI study). Cost data will be collected to test the tool proposed for use in the pan-European cluster randomised trial. Analysis of FGIs will use Constant Comparative Analysis methods. Quantitative data will be analysed by 'intention-to-treat' using inferential statistics.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board DIFA Awards
- Date From
- September 2017
- Date To
- February 2021
- Title
- MAMMI-SIM study: Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland - Second baby survey, Intervention for urinary incontinence, Measurement of costs
- Summary
- As maternal mortality decreases, maternal morbidity becomes even more important as an indicator of quality care. Reported postnatal morbidities include backache, tiredness, urinary (UI) and faecal incontinence, dyspareunia, depression and increased risk of readmission with wound infection following caesarean section. The MAMMI study (Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland), Phases 1+2, has recruited 2,800 primiparous women from three maternity hospitals, aged 18 years+. Participants complete questionnaires about their health before and during pregnancy, and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months afterwards. The extension into this third phase, MAMMI-SIM involves: . Second baby survey . Intervention for women with urinary incontinence . Measuring costs of morbidity to women and services. Aim To build and attract capacity into the area of maternal health and health-services research at postdoctoral level in Ireland. This will be achieved by: . developing a partnership between six experienced principal research investigators in differing fields, and clinicians, consumers and decision-makers in the field of maternity care. . forming a strong, interdisciplinary maternal health research team that will guide, teach and support 3 post-doctoral researchers (biostatistics, midwifery, health economics) to develop skills and competencies required for successful interdisciplinary and trans-sectoral health-services research. . following-up the MAMMI cohort to ascertain levels of morbidity following second birth (n=1600) (IF-1, biostatistics). . developing, and testing for feasibility/acceptability, an intervention for women experiencing UI, and preparing a funding proposal for a trial to test the intervention (IF-2, midwifery). . assessing costs of postnatal morbidity to the health-service and women (IF-3, health economics) . disseminating findings effectively, to influence policy and practice in Ireland, and submitting interdisciplinary funding proposals in maternal health area. Results of MAMMI-SIM will ascertain which women in future might need different care, or more support, intervention or treatment following birth, and costs of such care, from which improvements in maternity services can be implemented.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board ICE Awards
- Date From
- 9th December 2016
- Date To
- March 2021
- Title
- Respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey
- Summary
- Researchers: Daly D, Sedlicka N and Begley C. A recent documentary shown on television in the Czech Republic appeared to show some aspects of poor practice in maternity care. In some instances this was at the level of providing care that was not evidence-based (e.g., confining women in normal labour to bed, applying electronic fetal monitoring in the absence of demonstrated need), but one scenario showed clinicians applying severe fundal pressure to expedite a birth, a practice that is condemned world-wide. Attendees at a recent workshop for maternity care workers in Prague spoke of further instances of fundal pressure being used, and gave other examples of non-respectful care. Accurate data on care in pregnancy and birth are not available in CR, so this study was planned in order to obtain some baseline data on how maternity care is provided. A qualitative, descriptive design will be used. Approximately 80 midwives and doulas in the Czech Republic, selected purposively for their interest and enthusiasm in improving practice, will be asked to complete an online survey consisting of open and closed questions. Sample size will depend on numbers volunteering from a population of 27 who attended a series of workshops on promoting normality in childbirth. Snowball sampling will also occur, as midwives and doulas are encouraged to pass on the link to other workers in the maternity care field. A semi-structured survey will be used to gather data. Closed questions will be analysed using descriptive statistics and open questions will be analysed using thematic content analysis. A similar survey designed for women to complete will also be put on-line in 2018.
- Funding Agency
- None
- Date From
- November 2016
- Date To
- December 2020
- Title
- Maternal health and maternal morbidity in Ireland - caesarean section strand
- Summary
- Caesarean section in nulliparous women: Factors influencing decision-making process and outcomes for women. PI: Doctoral student Sunita Panda
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board, Clinical Reseach Fellowship
- Date From
- September 2016
- Date To
- August 2019
- Title
- The collaborative development of an evidence-based educational resource for self-disclosure strategy for people with epilepsy (How-To-Tell)
- Funding Agency
- Epilepsy Ireland/HRB
- Date From
- Jan 2014
- Date To
- Dec 2016
- Title
- Irish and New Zealand midwives' expertise in preserving the perineum intact: The 'MEPPI' study. PI: Prof Cecily Begley.
- Summary
- During birth of a baby a woman's perineum comes under severe pressure and either stretches to accommodate the baby passing through, tears, or is cut by an episiotomy. A randomised trial in 1984 showed that a policy of 'restrictive' use of episiotomy did not result in severe perineal trauma or urinary incontinence when compared to one of 'liberal' use of episiotomy (Sleep et al 1984, 1987). Episiotomy rates have fallen as this, and other, research evidence was assimilated into midwives' practice. In 2010, episiotomy rates for vaginal births for all parities were 5-7% in Denmark, Sweden and Iceland; these countries, however, had the highest rates of severe perineal tears in Europe (3-4%). Norway and the UK had quite low episiotomy rates (19-24%), with average severe perineal tear rates (2-3%). Other countries did not respond as well to the research with episiotomy rates of 68-73% for Poland and Portugal (EURO-PERISTAT Project 2013). New Zealand is one country where episiotomy rates are considerably lower than in many others, without an increase in severe trauma. In 2011, 866 midwives were registered with the Midwifery and Maternity Providers Organisation in New Zealand and returned statistics. The episiotomy rate for all vaginal births, for all parities, was 8.6% (MMPO 2011). Of the 9,673 primiparous women who had a vaginal birth (includes instrumental births) there were 2157 women (16.7%) who received an episiotomy. Similar findings were obtained in a recent Irish trial of midwifery-led care in Our Lady of Lourdes and Cavan hospitals (the MidU study, Begley et al, 2009), where the episiotomy rate for all vaginal births, for all parities, was 14%. In the 'midwifery-led' arm of the trial, a cohort of 758 women attended the midwifery-led unit for all their care and birthed there as well, all having spontaneous vaginal births. The episiotomy rate among the 293 primparous women was only 8% (n=23). As these perineal outcome results from New Zealand and Ireland are unusually good, and differ from the findings of many other studies across the world, an exploratory study was deemed appropriate to investigate the phenomenon, and to ascertain how these midwives manage to achieve such good rates. Aim To explore the views of a sample of midwives in Ireland and New Zealand on preserving the perineum intact. Objectives To identify those midwives in two countries, Ireland and New Zealand, who practise preserving the perineum intact, with 'no suture' rates for primparous women, for the previous 3 years, of greater than 40%, episiotomy rates of less than 9.5 %, and serious perineal tear rates of less than 3.1%. To interview a purposive sample of these midwives in each country in order to ascertain their views of what skills they employ to preserve the perineum intact, what factors assist in keeping the perineum intact, and how, in their opinion, they obtain such good maternal outcomes.
- Funding Agency
- None
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- Maternal health and maternal morbidity in Ireland - Sexual health strand
- Summary
- Maternal Health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland: Sexual Health strand. Summary The aim of this project is to explore women's experiences of sexual health problems within the MAMMI study. The MAMMI study is designed to identify the existence, extent and prevalence of maternal morbidity (urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, domestic violence, sexual and mental health problems) in primiparous women antenatally and up to 12 months postpartum. Phase 1, being undertaken by PhD student D Daly, focuses on urinary incontinence up to 6 months postpartum, initially at a single site. Phase 2 extends the MAMMI study to a second clinical site and analyses the collected data on other morbidities and at other times. This sexual health strand will explore morbidities of a cohort 2000 primiparous women recruited in early pregnancy from two sites. Data will be collected from self-completion surveys antenatally and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In-depth interviews with a sample of women affected by sexual health problems will identify health-service seeking behaviour and barriers encountered. The study outcomes will provide a reliable estimate of maternal morbidities in this population, enabling the identification of modifiable factors and health problems, which may be amenable to interventions and future research The sexual health strand is run by PhD student Deirdre O'Malley.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 01/09/2013
- Date To
- 09/06/2018
- Title
- Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland - Mental health (anxiety) strand
- Funding Agency
- Friends of the Rotunda
- Date From
- 2016
- Date To
- 2019
- Title
- A Review of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Ireland
- Summary
- PI: Dr Louise Gallagher The aim of this project is to review the Baby Friendly Health Initiative (BFHI) and how it currently operates in Ireland. The review will explore the structures, practices and experiences of the implementation of the 'Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding' in Irish maternity hospitals, and explore the experiences of those participating in the Baby Friendly Health Initiative. Outcomes: 1. Provide a detailed description and assessment of the current status of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Ireland, from participation to designation and ongoing monitoring and compliance. 2. Provide a detailed review of the processes of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Ireland, over the past five years (2011-2016). 3. Report on the effectiveness of BFHI processes and governance structures in Ireland and contrasted with BFHI processes and governance structures internationally. 4. Report and describe the experiences of the BFHI coordinators and key stakeholders to explore their experiences of BFHI (e.g. Obstetricians & Hospital Doctors, Hospital Management, Midwives, NICU Nurses, Theatre/recovery room and Anaesthetic staff, Quality & Risk Management. 5. Make recommendations that will inform the future direction of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- April 2016
- Date To
- December 2017
- Title
- An evaluation of the role of the Epilepsy Specialist Nurse and the impact on patient quality of life.
- Funding Agency
- Brainwave and HRB
- Date From
- Feb 2013
- Date To
- Jan 2016
- Title
- Improving the organisation of maternal health service delivery, and optimising childbirth, by increasing vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) through enhanced women-centred care (OptiBIRTH)
- Summary
- This study addresses the widespread concern over rising Caesarean section rates throughout Europe, particularly routine CS following a previous CS, despite calls for increased vaginal births after Caesarean (VBAC). VBAC is associated with lower maternal mortality than repeat CS, less overall morbidity for mothers and babies, and is the preferred option for the majority of women. VBAC rates in Ireland, Germany, and Italy are significantly lower (29-36%) than those in the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden (45-55%). The OptiBIRTH project will use a cluster randomised trial in Ireland, Germany, and Italy, with 15 clusters of 94 women in each, to increase VBAC rates from 33% to 53% through a complex intervention designed to increase women-centred care and women's involvement in their care. The multi-national, multi-disciplinary research team for this project developed from the ESF-funded workshop: "Promoting Normality in Childbirth" held in the School in March 2010, and from the COST Action, (IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns, and Consequences: Creating a Dynamic EU Framework for Optimal Maternity Care), which started in June 2010. The team is composed of 11 partner institutions from 8 countries, and includes service users, midwives, obstetricians, neonatologist, epidemiologist, sociologist, psychologist, bioethicist, health economist and a 'high-tech' small industry. Lead institution: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Lead investigator: Prof Cecily Begley, and team: Valerie Smith, Deirdre Daly, Joan Lalor, Janine Stockdale, David Prendergast, including the Coombe Hospital: Chris Fitzpatrick, Michael Turner, Jan Miletin, Patricia Hughes, and Beverley Beech, Association for Improvements in Maternity Services, UK Co-applicant institutions and lead investigators: Prof Ingela Lundgren, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Marianne Nieuwenhuijze, Zuyd University, The Netherlands Prof Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Prof Marlene Sinclair, University of Ulster, UK Hugh Wiseman, Entando, UK Prof Mike Clarke, Queen's University of Belfast, UK Prof Mechthild Gross, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany Prof Declan Devane, National University Ireland, Galway, Ireland Prof Sandra Morano, Universita Degli Studi Di Genova, Italy Prof Koen Putman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Funding Agency
- EU Commission FP7 Framework Programme
- Date From
- September 2012
- Date To
- February 2017
- Title
- Maternal Health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland: Phase 2 (MAMMI 2)
- Summary
- The aim of this project is to extend the MAMMI study to Phase 2. The MAMMI study is designed to identify the existence, extent and prevalence of maternal morbidity (urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, domestic violence, sexual and mental health problems) in primiparous women antenatally and up to 12 months postpartum. Phase 1, being undertaken by PhD student D Daly, focuses on urinary incontinence up to 6 months postpartum, initially at a single site. Phase 2 will extend the MAMMI study to a second clinical site and analyse the collected data on other morbidities and at other times. The objective of Phase 2 is to identify morbidities and risk factors that may be amenable to intervention. This will be achieved through a cohort study of 2000 primiparous women recruited in early pregnancy from two sites. Data will be collected from self-completion surveys antenatally and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In-depth interviews with a sample of women affected by morbidities will identify health-service seeking behaviour and barriers encountered. The study outcomes will provide a reliable estimate of maternal morbidities in this population, enabling the identification of modifiable factors and health problems, which may be amenable to interventions and future research.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Jan 2013
- Date To
- Dec 2016
- Title
- Maternal health And Maternal Morbidity in Ireland (MAMMI) (urinary incontinence strand). With Deirdre Daly, PhD student, and M. Clarke.
- Summary
- Aim To identify the existence, extent, prevalence and associated risk factors of urinary incontinence (UI), one marker of maternal morbidity, in 1600 primiparous women antenatally and at 3 and 6 months postpartum. Objective (i): To identify the existence, extent and prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) up to 6 months postpartum for women having their first baby. Objective (ii): To identify associated factors for UI including but not limited to: age, BMI, infant birth weight and perineal trauma. Objective (iii): To identify the health service-seeking behaviour of a sub-sample of women experiencing UI. Objective (iv): To identify risk factors for UI that may be amenable to intervention.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Sept 2011
- Date To
- Aug 2014
- Title
- The concept, provision and promotion of woman-centred care during pregnancy and birth in Ireland
- Summary
- PI Declan Devane, plus team Aim To describe the concept, provision and promotion of woman-centred care during pregnancy and birth in Ireland. This mixed-method study will be conducted within the framework of 2 distinct phases. Phase I Phase I will use a descriptive qualitative study to describe the concept of woman-centred care during pregnancy and birth and will do so in collaboration with key maternity care stakeholders. Findings will inform the development of a conceptual framework describing the principles of women-centred care and facilitate the documentation of indicators for how those principles are expected to work, and thus be promoted, in practice. Phase II Phase II will use a descriptive survey design to provide the first national profile of the provision and promotion of woman-centred care during pregnancy and birth in Ireland by mapping maternity care services against the conceptual framework developed in Phase I. All maternity units in the Republic of Ireland (n=20) will be invited to participate in the survey. Data will be collected by means of a self-administered, postal questionnaire.
- Funding Agency
- 25,000 from HRB/DOHC, 25,000 from NUIG
- Date From
- 2011
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- Childbirth Cultures, Concerns, and Consequences
- Summary
- This is a COST Action (number: IS0907), involving researchers from 17 countries, led by Prof Soo Downe of UCLAN. I am one of two representatives from Ireland on the Management Committee. The main objectives are: Main/primary objectives The main objective of the Action is to advance scientific knowledge about ways of improving maternity care provision and outcomes for mothers, babies and families across Europe by understanding what works, for who, in what circumstances 2, and by identifying and learning from the best. Once the Action is complete, the network will continue a programme of work in this area in the long-term. C.2 Secondary objectives 1. To describe and analyse provision, cultures and clinical, psychological, and socio-cultural outcomes of first trimester prenatal diagnosis (FTPD) in Europe.. 2. To describe and analyse cultures and clinical, psychological, and socio-cultural outcomes of varying systems of routine intrapartum care in Europe 3. To describe and analyse the impact of varying systems of maternity care on the clinical, psychological and socio-cultural wellbeing of migrant women in Europe, with particular reference to prematurity and low birth weight 4. Using complex systems theory, to identify the key elements of systems of maternity care that deliver the best outcomes while ensuring the wellbeing of service users (including migrant women) and of maternity care staff, 5. To design, develop, and test innovative knowledge transfer strategies to enable policy makers, strategists, managers, clinicians, and service users to learn from the best. The success of the Action will be measured by: . the number of publications in high-impact journals, . the formation of effective CoPs with clinical, strategic, and policy making contributors, and with maternity service users. . levels of usage of the Action website and dissemination vehicles by clinical, strategic, and policy making staff, and maternity service users. . the number of new funded studies generated as a result of the collaborations built through the Action . the continuation of the European Coalition for Childbirth Research (ECCR) after the end of the Action . the ability to attract and develop the capacity of young researchers in this field. Expected deliverables: An interactive website providing a platform for scientists to collaborate and for strategists, policy makers and service users to learn from and collaborate with on-going research. Publication of a state of the art report and articles, a final book, training packages, and externally funded bids. The CoPs as change agents in their countries. A Learning from the Best Toolkit and European Maternity Services Framework. A longitudinal database to track maternity care outcomes, linked with the work of the successful applicant(s) for the current EU FP7 call for 'Birth/Mother - Child Cohorts co-ordination' . Ongoing EECR activity after the end of the Action. A mentoring programme for pre and post doctoral students and young scientists.
- Funding Agency
- 400,000 from European Science Foundation
- Date From
- June 2010
- Date To
- May 2014
- Title
- The factors affecting initiation and duration of breastfeeding in Ireland. With Louise Gallagher (PhD student)
- Summary
- Study Aims To examine rates of exclusive and partial breastfeeding at 48hrs after birth, 3-4 months and 6-7 months postnatal and establish factors that influence a decision to breastfeed. Objectives 1. To provide comprehensive data on rates of exclusive and partial breastfeeding in Ireland. 2. To establish what factors influence the decision to breastfeed or not among women in Ireland. 3. To make practice recommendations based on the rates of exclusive and partial breastfeeding and the factors affecting this among women in Ireland. 4. To describe what women mean by successful, sub-optimal or unsatisfactory breastfeeding experiences. 5. To explore the impact of sub-optimal breastfeeding experience on future infant feeding choices. 6. To ascertain these women's views on the factors that would assist them to breastfeed successfully in the future. 7. To develop the basis for an intervention, which may improve recurrence rates among those women who have experienced a sub-optimal or unsatisfactory breastfeeding experience.
- Funding Agency
- HRB (145,870)
- Date From
- July 2009
- Date To
- June 2012
- Title
- Fetal cardiotocography versus intermittent auscultation during labour ward admission: A randomised trial and qualitative follow up. The ADCAR Trial.
- Summary
- PI Declan Devane. Team members: Begley C, Clarke M, Staudt D, Geary M, Higgins S, Keenan A, Keating A, Gormally S, Corcoran D, Smith V
- Funding Agency
- 283,041 from HRB
- Date From
- June 2007
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit to support Nurse and Midwife Clinical Competency Development. Agnes Higgins (PI), Cecily Begley, Fiona Timmins, Ian McGonagle, Ian Norman
- Summary
- This study, commissioned by the National Council, is now complete. It developed a Toolkit to Support Nurse and Midwife Clinical Competency Determination and Clinical Competency Planning, to assist service managers, nurse and midwife managers and nurses and midwives in clinical competency determination and competency development planning. The toolkit is available at: The development of the toolkit was informed by a literature review, examination of grey literature and piloting of a toolkit. It built upon current competency frameworks for nurses' and midwives' and documents published by the National Council. The final piloted toolkit includes information on: . Competency determination for service need, . Identifying and writing clinical competencies for practice, . Competency development planning and assessment and . Competence frameworks in Nursing and Midwifery. The full study report titled: The Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit to support Nurse and Midwife Clinical Competency Determination and Competency Development Planning is available at:
- Funding Agency
- 120,000, from National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland
- Date From
- July 2010
- Date To
- December 2010
- Title
- Promoting normality in childbirth
- Summary
- This was a European Science Foundation-funded workshop, bringing together researchers from 14 countries to discuss future research projects. Lead organiser with M Clarke and J Murphy-Lawless. The workshop has led to some joint research publications and over half the participants subsequently joined the COST Action (above), and a number have participated in the successful FP7 proposal "OptiBIRTH" (above).
- Funding Agency
- 14,000 from European Science Foundation
- Date From
- 22nd March 2010
- Date To
- 25th March 2010
- Title
- The socio-economic impact of midwifery-led care. Declan Devane (PI), Cecily Begley, Mike Clarke, Charles Normand, and Denis Walsh
- Summary
- This study is now complete. The final report is available at:
- Funding Agency
- 16,888 from RCM
- Date From
- February 2010
- Date To
- May 2010
- Title
- The evaluation of Clinical Nurse and Midwife Specialists and Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioners in Ireland (SCAPE). PIs C Begley and K Murphy (NUI Galway), plus A Higgins, F Sheerin, I Coyne, J Lalor, N Elliott, C Normand, C Comiskey, D Devane, A Cooney, M Dowling, D Casey, F Farrelly, M Brennan
- Summary
- This project is now complete. The final full report is available at: Summary report is available at:
- Funding Agency
- 350,000 from NCNM
- Date From
- Dec 2008
- Date To
- Nov 2010
- Title
- A study of transition experiences, career expectations and intent to stay among degree graduate nurses
- Summary
- With Anne-Marie Brady (Phd student) and Prof Charles Normand
- Funding Agency
- 225,823 from HRB
- Date From
- Oct 2007
- Date To
- Sept 2010
- Title
- National infant feeding survey (Phases 1 to 3). PI C Begley, with L Gallagher, M Carroll, S Millar, M Clarke
- Summary
- This study is complete. The final report is available at:
- Funding Agency
- 101,129 from HSE
- Date From
- Jan 2008
- Date To
- May 2009
- Title
- The strengths and weaknesses of publicly funded Irish health services provided to women with disabilities in relation to pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood. PI C. Begley with A.Higgins, J. Alexander, F. Sheerin, P. Keenan, J. Lalor, D. Lawler, R Kavanagh, H. Nicholl
- Summary
- This study is now complete. The three final reports are available at:
- Funding Agency
- 109,000 from the National Disability Authority
- Date From
- Nov 2007
- Date To
- Mar 2010
- Title
- An evaluation of midwifery-led units in the North-Eastern Health Board region. With Declan Devane, PhD student and Prof Mike Clarke
- Summary
- This study is now complete. The published paper reporting the study is at: and the final report is available at:
- Funding Agency
- Funding: 404,551 from North-Eastern Health Board and its successors
- Date From
- October 2002
- Date To
- September 2009
- Title
- Women's expectations and preference for the experience of planned vaginal delivery
- Summary
- With Patricia Larkin, PhD student, and D. Devane.
- Funding Agency
- 246, 920 from Health Research Board
- Date From
- Oct 2005
- Date To
- Sept 2009
- Title
- An exploration of the acceptability and effectiveness of contact tracing in the context of an outbreak of syphilis
- Summary
- (With Claire Coleman, PhD student and Maria Lohan). Funding: 92,192 over two years.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- April 2002
- Date To
- April 2008
- Title
- The development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based guidelines for maternity care in the Health Service Executive, North Eastern Area: An Action Research Project.
- Summary
- Researchers: Devane D/Begley CM with Higgins S, Dunphy L (MSc student)
- Funding Agency
- 119,912 from Health Service Executive, North Eastern
- Date From
- 1st Oct 2005
- Date To
- 30th Sept 2007
- Title
- Women's experiences of carrying a baby with a fetal abnormality up to and beyond the birth
- Summary
- With Joan Lalor, doctoral student. Funding: EU 125,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Oct 03
- Date To
- Sep 06
- Title
- Sexuality in psychiatric nursing
- Summary
- With Agnes Higgins (doctoral student) and Prof. Phil Barker.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board (EU 125,000 )
- Date From
- Oct 03
- Date To
- Sept 06
- Title
- An economic evaluation of midwifery-led services in the Health Service Executive, North Eastern Area.
- Summary
- Researchers: Begley CM/Devane D with Normand C, Clarke M and C. Kenny (MSc student) Funding: 18,083
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive, North Eastern
- Date From
- 1st October 2005
- Date To
- 30th Sept 2006
- Title
- Childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes and assessment methods
- Summary
- Researchers: Devane D/Begley CM with Clarke M, Vaughan D, Finan A. Funding: 29,225
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive, North Eastern
- Date From
- 1st July 2005
- Date To
- 31st Dec 2005
- Title
- Interventions for the prevention of preterm birth.
- Summary
- Researchers: Devane D/Begley CM with Clarke M, Higgins S and V Smith (MSc student) Funding: 29,225
- Funding Agency
- Health Service Executive, North Eastern
- Date From
- 1st July 2005
- Date To
- 31st Dec 2005
- Title
- Public Health Nurse Workload in the Western Health Board
- Summary
- PI C Begley, with A-M Brady, G. Byrne, C. Griffiths, P. Horan and C. MacGregor. Measurement of PHN workload in the WHB using the Community Client Need Classification System previously developed in the Galway Area. Funding: 49,994
- Funding Agency
- Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Health Board.
- Date From
- June 2004
- Date To
- April 2005
- Title
- Cost-effectiveness and quality of life in caring for persons with Down syndrome and Alzheimer's dementia
- Summary
- Dr. Mary McCarron as PI. Funding: EU 100,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- January 2005
- Date To
- December 2007
- Title
- A study of community nursing practice in Galway Community Care Area
- Summary
- With A-M Brady, G. Byrne, C. Griffiths, P. Horan and C. MacGregor.
- Funding Agency
- Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Western Health Board: Funding 68,000
- Date From
- November 2002
- Date To
- December 2003
- Title
- An exploration of the meaning of expertise in palliative care nursing
- Summary
- (With K. Connaire, doctoral student). Funding: £84,000 over three years.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Oct. 2000
- Date To
- March 2004
- Title
- An exploration of the effect of gender on treatment of women with myocardial infarctions
- Summary
- (With S. O'Donnell, PhD student, and S. Condell) Funding: £84,000 over three years.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Oct. 2000
- Date To
- to Feb 2005
- Title
- A qualitative study of the experience of breaking bad news from the perspectives of doctors, nurses and recipients
- Summary
- (With G. Tobin, doctoral student). Funding: £98,000 over three and a half years.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- Dec. 1999
- Date To
- April 2006
- Title
- A study of dementia in persons with Down's syndrome
- Summary
- (With M. McCarron, doctoral student and M. Gill). Funding: £84,000 over three years.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- April 1999
- Date To
- Oct 2002
- Title
- A study of transformational leadership in nursing in Ireland
- Summary
- (With C. Tracey, doctoral student). Funding: £7,500 student research grant over two years.
- Funding Agency
- Faculty of Health Sciences, TCD
- Date From
- Oct. 1998
- Date To
- Oct 2003
- Title
- Nurses' knowledge and use of radiation in operating theatres
- Summary
- (With E. Farrell,doctoral student, and G. O'Reilly) Funding: £3,000
- Funding Agency
- An Bord Altranais/Northern Ireland Board
- Date From
- Oct. 1999
- Date To
- Oct 2002
- Title
- Respectful and disrespectful care in the Czech Republic: an online survey of women
- Summary
- Researchers: Daly D, Sedlicka N and Begley C. A recent documentary shown on television in the Czech Republic appeared to show some aspects of poor practice in maternity care. In some instances this was at the level of providing care that was not evidence-based (e.g., confining women in normal labour to bed, applying electronic fetal monitoring in the absence of demonstrated need), but one scenario showed clinicians applying severe fundal pressure to expedite a birth, a practice that is condemned world-wide. Attendees at a recent workshop for maternity care workers in Prague spoke of further instances of fundal pressure being used, and gave other examples of non-respectful care. Accurate data on care in pregnancy and birth are not available in CR, so this study was planned in order to obtain some baseline data on how maternity care is provided. A qualitative, descriptive design was used. Approximately 8,000 women completed an online survey consisting of open and closed questions. A similar survey designed for clinicians was completed on-line in 2017.
- Funding Agency
- None
- Date From
- Jan 2018
- Date To
- Dec 2020
Member of the Maternity Strategy Steering Group (representing the Irish Council of Professors, Deans and Heads of Nursing and Midwifery)
Member of the Board of Guardians and Directors, Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital
Member of the Maternity Services Taskforce for the North Eastern Health Board
Member of Epidemiology, Health of the Population and Primary Care Committee of the Health Research Board
Reviewer for Cochrane protocols and reviews
Editorial Advisor for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2017 - to date) Section Editor for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2011 - 2017) Associate Editor for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2009-2011)
International Editorial Panel Member for Evidence-based Midwifery (2003 - 2012).... Reviewer for Journal of Advanced Nursing, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology......
Member of the National Implementation Group set up by the Minister for Health and Children to monitor the implementation of the Expert group in Midwifery and Paediatric Education
Member of the Editorial Committee of the "All-Ireland Nursing and Midwifery" Journal
Member of the Editorial Committee of "Nursing Review" Journal
Member of Review Panel for Research Awards, St. Luke's Institute for Cancer Research. Chair of panel 2003 to 2006
Member of Review Panel for Cancer-Related Nursing Research, Irish Cancer Society
Member of the Meath Foundation (Tallaght Hospital) Review Panel for Health Research Review 3 application per year
Member of the Nursing Education Forum. Elected chairperson of two sub-committees
Member of the National Implementation Committee set up by the Minister for Health and Children to monitor the implementation of the Nursing Education Forum's Report
Member of the Expert group in Midwifery and Paediatric Education set up by the Minister for Health and Children
Member of An Bord Altranais' Continuing Education Committee. Member of the Research Steering Committee that undertook the study of continuing education in nursing in Ireland
Member of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland
Member of the Steering Committee for the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, St. James' Hospital
Member of the Midwifery Sub-Committee of An Bord Altranais
Member of the National Midwifery Advisory Forum set up by the Department of Health and Children
Member of the Joint North-South Forum for Planning the Public Health Nursing Services
Member of the Cancer Consortium Nurses' Working group, formed between the Department of Health and Children, Ireland, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland and the National Cancer Institute, Washington
Member of the Medical Committee of the Irish Cancer Society.
Member of the Prescribing Project for Nurses and Midwives and Member of the Education Sub-Committee of that group
Member of the Dept. of Health Steering Committee for the Research Study into Manpower Planning
Awards and Honours
Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin
Appointed Member of the International Confederation of Midwives' Research Advisory Network
Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science
Member of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (Nurses' Honor Society).