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Dr. Nora Balfe
Visiting Research Fellow, Psychology

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bojana Bjegojevic, Maria Chiara Leva, Sam Cromie, Nora Balfe, Physiological Indicators for Real-Time Detection of Operator"s Attention, 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), Dublin, 2022, edited by Maria Chiara Leva, Edoardo Patelli, Luca Podofillini, and Simon Wilson , Research Publishing, Singapore., 2022, pp3309 - 3316 Conference Paper, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Balfe, N., Cromie, S., Organizational factor inclusion in Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) tools, Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications - Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, 2015, p1093-1100 Journal Article, 2015

Leva, M.C., Naghdali, F., Balfe, N., Gerbec, M., De Michela, M., Remote risk assessment: A case study using SCOPE software, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, 2015, p1213-1218 Journal Article, 2015

Leva, M.C., Kontogiannis, T., Balfe, N., Plot, E., Demichela, M., Human factors at the core of total safety management: The need to establish a common operational picture, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015, 2015, p163-170 Journal Article, 2015

Balfe, N., Sharples, S., Wilson, J.R., Impact of automation: Measurement of performance, workload and behaviour in a complex control environment, Applied Ergonomics, 47, 2015, p52-64 Journal Article, 2015

Naghdali, F., Leva, M.C., Cromie, S., Balfe, N., Assessment of available standards for risk assessment and human factors at design stage, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015, 2015, p51-58 Journal Article, 2015

The contribution of automation to resilience in rail traffic control in, editor(s)D. Harris , Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Springer, 2014, pp458 - 469, [Ferreira, P.N.P., Balfe, N.] Book Chapter, 2014

McDonnell, D., Balfe, N., Al-Dahidi, S., O'Donnell, G., Designing for human-centred decision support systems in PHM, European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2014, Nantes, France, 8-10 July 2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

Builes, Y., Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., Douglas, E., Inclusive task analysis and risk assessment in high-risk industrial cleaning: A case study using SCOPE software, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2014, Galway, Ireland, 16 May, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

Balfe, N., Leva, C., Sbaouni, M., Picture this, TCE The Chemical Engineer, (881), 2014, p32-35 Journal Article, 2014

Leva, M.C., Balfe, N., Kontigiannis, T., Plot, E., Demichela, M., Total Safety Management: What are the main areas of concern in the integration of best available methods and tools, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p559 - 564 Journal Article, 2014

Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., Human factors analysis in risk assessment: A survey of methods and tools used in industry, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014, 2014, p77-84 Journal Article, 2014

Ewan Douglas, Samuel Cromie, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Modelling the Reporting Culture within a Modern Organisation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p589 - 594 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Farzad Naghdali*a, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Samuel Cromie, Human Factors Engineering at Design Stage: Is There a Need for More Structured Guidelines and Standards?, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p577 - 582 Journal Article, 2014 URL DOI

Aneziris, O., Nivolianitou, Z., Konstantinidou, M., Papazoglou, I., Kontogiannis, T., Leva, C., Balfe, N., Plot, E., Gerbec, M., Cozzani, V., Pontigia, M., TOSCA - Total operations management for safety critical activities: Industry needs for innovative methods, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, (159), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., McAleer, B., Rocke, M., Safety Risk Registers: Challenges and guidance, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p571 - 576 Journal Article, 2014

Using graphical support tools to encourage active planning at stations in, editor(s)N. Dadashi, A. Scott, J.R. Wilson & A. Mills , Rail Human Factors: Supporting Reliability, Safety and Cost Reduction, London, Taylor & Francis, 2013, pp427 - 434, [Charles, R., Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., & Sharples, S.] Book Chapter, 2013

'He's not from around here!: The significance of local knowledge in, editor(s)N. Dadashi, A. Scott, J.R. Wilson, & A. Mills , Rail Human Factors: Supporting Reliability, Safety and Cost Reduction, London, Taylor & Francis, 2013, pp357 - 366, [Pickup, L., Balfe, N., Lowe, E., & Wilson, J.R.] Book Chapter, 2013

Signaller information use in traffic regulation decisions in, editor(s)N. Dadashi, A. Scott, J.R. Wilson, & A. Mills , Rail Human Factors: Supporting Reliability, Safety and Cost Reduction, London, Taylor & Francis, 2013, pp409 - 418, [Patrick, C., Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., & Houghton, R.] Book Chapter, 2013

Inferring cognitive state from observed behaviour in, editor(s)N. Stanton , Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2013, pp633 - 642, [Sharples, S., Edwards, T., Balfe, N., & Wilson, J.R.] Book Chapter, 2013

Krehl, C. & Balfe, N., Cognitive workload analysis in rail signalling environements, Cognition, Technology & Work, 2013, p1 - 13 Journal Article, 2013

User trust and acceptance of real time rail planning tools in, editor(s)D. de Waard, N. Merat, H. Jamson, Y. Barnard, & O. Carson , Human Factors of Systems and Technology, Maastrict, Shaker Publishing, 2012, pp27 - 36, [Anderson-Palmer, R., Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., Sharples, S., & Clarke, T.] Book Chapter, 2012

Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., Sharples, S., & Clarke, T., Development of design principles for automated systems in transport control, Ergonomics, 55, (1), 2012, p37 - 54 Journal Article, 2012

Applying human factors in the design of future rail systems in, editor(s)D. de Waard, N. Gerard, L. Onnasch, R. Wiczorek, & D. Manzey , Human Centred Automation, Maastrict, Shaker Publishing, 2011, pp239 - 250, [Balfe, N., Lowe, E., Hillier, G., & Nock, P.] Book Chapter, 2011

Sharples, S., Millen, L., Golightly, D., & Balfe, N., The impact of automation in rail signalling operations, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 225, (2), 2011, p179 - 191 Journal Article, 2011

Structured observations of automation use in, editor(s)P.D. Bust , Contemporary Ergonomics 2008, London, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp552 - 557, [Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., Sharples, S., & Clarke, T.] Book Chapter, 2008

Analysis of current UK rail signalling systems in, editor(s)D. de Waard, F.O. Flemisch, B. Lorenz, H. Oberheid, & K.A. Brookhuis , Human Factors for Assistance and Automation, Maastrict, Shaker Publishing, 2007, pp229 - 240, [Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., Sharples, S., & Clarke, T.] Book Chapter, 2007

Balfe, N. & Head, T., Passenger use and perception of portable electronic devices on board aircraft, The International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, 4, (2), 2004, p63 - 80 Journal Article, 2004

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Signaller forms automation: The ultimate irony of automation in, editor(s)J.R. Wilson, A. Mills, T. Clarke, J. Rajan, & N. Dadashi , Rail Human Factors around the World: Impact on and of People of Successful Rail Operations, London, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp383 - 392, [Balfe, N., Lowe, E., Abboud, R., Dadashi, Y., Bye, R., & Murphy, P.] Book Chapter, 2012

Effects of level of signalling automation on workload and performance in, editor(s)J.R. Wilson, A. Mills, T. Clarke, J. Rajan, & N. Dadashi , Rail Human Factors around the World: Impacts on and of People for Successful Rail Operations, London, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp404 - 411, [Balfe, N., Wilson, J.R., Sharples, S., & Clarke, T.] Book Chapter, 2012

Measuring situation awareness in rail signalling in, editor(s)J.R. Wilson, A. Mills, T. Clarke, J. Rajan, & N. Dadashi , Rail Human Factors around the World: Impacts on and of People for Successful Rail Operations, London, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp361 - 369, [Golightly, D., Balfe, N., Sharples, S., & Lowe, E.] Book Chapter, 2012

The application of cognitive work analysis in rail in, editor(s)J.R. Wilson, A. Mills, T. Clarke, J. Rajan, & N. Dadashi , Rail Human Factors around the World: Impacts on and of People for Successful Rail Operations, London, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp393 - 403, [Millen, L., Sharples, S., Golightly, D., & Balfe, N.] Book Chapter, 2012

Understanding the impact of rail automation in, editor(s)D. Harris , Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics, Heidelburg, Springer, 2009, pp590 - 599, [Sharples, S., Balfe, N., Golightly, D., & Millen, L.] Book Chapter, 2009

Leva, C. & Balfe, N., Human factors and the management of change, Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013: Designing for People: Research and Practice, Cambridge, 15-18 April Oral Presentation,

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Innovation through human factors in risk analysis and management
  • Summary
    • The aims of the project InnHF - Innovation through human factors in risk analysis and management are: to offer a multidisciplinary training in the field of risk assessment and maintenance management integrated with human factors, in tight contact with companies and universities within this consortium; to strengthen and structure initial training of researchers in system engineering at European level; to attract students to scientific careers; to provide trained researchers with the necessary skills to work in industry; and, to improve career perspectives by broad skills development.
  • Funding Agency
    • Marie Curie ITN


Automation and Industrial Workers; Ergonomics; Human & Organisational Factors; HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION; Human Error; HUMAN FACTORS; Human Reliability Analysis; SOCIAL ASPECTS OF AUTOMATION



Registered Member of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

Member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter

Registered European Ergonomist