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27 peer reviewed publications from 2014

Kay, Alison, Liston, Paul M, Cromie, Sam, Measuring Crew Resource Management: Challenges and Recommendations, International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON; DOI

Kay, A., Liston, P.M., Cromie, S., Measuring crew resource management: Challenges and recommendations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8532 LNAI, 2014, p480-490
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON; DOI

Corrigan, S., Mc Donald, N., Ulfvengren, P., Baranzini, D, Proactive Safety Performance for Aviation Operations, HCI International Conference, Crete, Greece, 22 - 27 June 2014, 2014
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

Kirwan G, O'Leary A, Walsh C, Grimes T, An economic evaluation of a collaborative model of pharmaceutical care at an academic teaching hospital, 15th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference and Student Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, November 2014, edited by School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD , 2014
Oral Presentation; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES

Corrigan, S., Martensson, L., Kay, A., Okwir, S., Ulfvengren, P. and McDonald, N., Preparing for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) implementation: an evaluation and recommendations, Cognition, Technology and Work, 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

McTiernan, K, McDonald, N., Occupational stressors, burnout and coping strategies between hospital and community of psychiatric nurses in a Dublin region, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22, (3), 2014, pDOI: 10.1111/jpm.12170
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD; URL

D. Harris(ed.), System requirements for an advanced cockpit to reduce workload and stress, Proceedings of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 8532, June 22-27, 2014, , Springer, 2014, 34-41 p
Proceedings of a Conference; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON

Redmond P, Grimes T, McDonnell R, Boland F, Hughes CM, Fahey T, Medication Reconciliation - Unintentional discontinuation of long term medication post hospitalisation, North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), New York, USA, 21-24 November 2014, edited by NAPCRG , 2014
Oral Presentation; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES

Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., Human factors analysis in risk assessment: A survey of methods and tools used in industry, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014, 2014, p77-84
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

Balfe, N., Leva, C., Sbaouni, M., Picture this, TCE The Chemical Engineer, (881), 2014, p32-35
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

Aneziris, O., Nivolianitou, Z., Konstantinidou, M., Papazoglou, I., Kontogiannis, T., Leva, C., Balfe, N., Plot, E., Gerbec, M., Cozzani, V., Pontigia, M., TOSCA - Total operations management for safety critical activities: Industry needs for innovative methods, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, (159), 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

Joan Cahill, Tiziana C Callari, A novel Human Machine Interaction (HMI) design/evaluation approach supporting the advancement of improved automation concepts to enhance flight safety, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2014 Annual Conference. ISSN 2333-4959 (online)., Lisbon, October 23, 2014, edited by D. de Waard, J. Sauer, S. Röttger, A. Kluge, D. Manzey, C. Weikert, A. Toffetti, R. Wiczorek, K. Brookhuis, and H. Hoonhout (Eds.) , 2014
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: JOCAHILL

Kay, A., Liston, P. and Cromie, S.D., Measuring Crew Resource Management:, HCI International 2014, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014, edited by Don Harris , 2014
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: PLISTON SDCROMIE

McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., Ulfvengen, P. & Baranzini, D.(ed.), HCI International Conference, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June,, 2014
Proceedings of a Conference; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: NMCDONLD SCORRIG ; URL

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N.(ed.), European Association of Aviation Psychology, Valetta, Malta, 22-26 Sept, 2014, 2014
Proceedings of a Conference; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: NMCDONLD SCORRIG ; URL

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., What Makes for Successful Change: Evidence from Industrial-Based Research, Journal of Airport Management, 8, 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: SCORRIG NMCDONLD ; URL

McDonald, N., The Evaluation of Change, Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 16, (4), 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD

Corrigan, S., McDonald, N., Introduction to the Special Issue: Managing System Change in Aviation: What Makes for Successful Change?, Journal of Cognition, Technology & Work, 16, (4), 2014
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: NMCDONLD SCORRIG

Leva, M.C., Balfe, N., Kontigiannis, T., Plot, E., Demichela, M., Total Safety Management: What are the main areas of concern in the integration of best available methods and tools, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p559 - 564
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., McAleer, B., Rocke, M., Safety Risk Registers: Challenges and guidance, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p571 - 576
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

The contribution of automation to resilience in rail traffic control in, editor(s)D. Harris , Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Springer, 2014, pp458 - 469, [Ferreira, P.N.P., Balfe, N.]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

McDonnell, D., Balfe, N., Al-Dahidi, S., O'Donnell, G., Designing for human-centred decision support systems in PHM, European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2014, Nantes, France, 8-10 July 2014, 2014
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: ODONNEGE BALFEN

Builes, Y., Balfe, N., Leva, M.C., Douglas, E., Inclusive task analysis and risk assessment in high-risk industrial cleaning: A case study using SCOPE software, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2014, Galway, Ireland, 16 May, 2014
Conference Paper; Submitted; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: BALFEN

Joan Cahill, Nick McDonald, Gabriel Losa, A socio-technical model of the Flight Crew Task, Human Factors (The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society), Vol 56, Issue 8,, 2014, p1337 - 1363
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: NMCDONLD JOCAHILL ; DOI; URL

Ewan Douglas, Samuel Cromie, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Modelling the Reporting Culture within a Modern Organisation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p589 - 594
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: LEVAC SDCROMIE BALFEN ; DOI; URL

Farzad Naghdali*a, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Samuel Cromie, Human Factors Engineering at Design Stage: Is There a Need for More Structured Guidelines and Standards?, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p577 - 582
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: BALFEN LEVAC SDCROMIE ; DOI; URL

Grimes T, Deasy E, Allen A, O'Byrne J, Delaney T, Barragry J, Breslin N, Moloney E, Wall C, Collaborative pharmaceutical care in an Irish hospital: uncontrolled before-after study, BMJ Quality & Safety, 23, (7), 2014, pdoi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-002188
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: MOLONEED TAGRIMES ; DOI; URL