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14 non peer reviewed publications from 2009
Corrigan, S., Mc Donald, N (, HILAS Final Report. , EU Projects, 2009
Understanding the impact of rail automation in, editor(s)D. Harris , Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics, Heidelburg, Springer, 2009, pp590 - 599, [Sharples, S., Balfe, N., Golightly, D., & Millen, L.]
The HILAS system for Aviation Performance, Risk Management and Operational Change in, editor(s)N. McDonald, M. Ward and P. Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 2:The HILAS Theoretical Framework, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [NICK McDonald ]
Strategic Issues in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
Knowledge Transformation in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
Human Factors & Organisational Change in, editor(s)McDonald, N., Ward, M. and Ulfvengren, P , HILAS Books 1: Transforming the Conceptual Framework of Human Factors, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
Impact in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
Crisis of Practice in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
State of the Art in, editor(s)Nick McDonald, Marie Ward, Pernilla Ulfvengren , HILAS Books 1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009, [Nick McDonald ]
Nick McDonald, Joan Cahill, Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Gabriel Losa, Implementation Phase 1 of the HILAS System D 24.20.1 , Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009
Nick McDonald, Joan Cahill, Chiara Leva, Alison Kay, Gabriel Losa, HILAS process specification and implementation guidance document. D 4.50.6, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009
Nick McDonald , HILAS Dissemination Report D 1.60.2, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009
Nick McDonald, Patrick Grommes and Rabea Morrison, Exploitation: Strategic issues in the design operation and regulation of large integrated operational systems. D 1.60.1, Deliverable to EU Commisson as part of EU FP6 HILAS project (AIP4-CT-2005-516181), 2009
M.C. Leva, J. Cahill, A. M. Kay, G. Losa, N.McDonald , Collaborative prototyping and the design of a self reporting tool for flight crews in a Spanish Airline, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, Dublin, May 2009, 2009