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5 publications from 2024

, System engineering approach of the home self-management of type 2 diabetes: a work in progress, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Paris, France, 8-11 October 2024, edited by EACE (European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics) , 2024, ppdoi 10.1145/3673805.3673
Conference Paper; Accepted; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES; DOI

Grimes T, McGowan E, Chipika R, Roche C, Designing an innovative and interprofessional elective module on moral reasoning, ethical practice and sustainability in healthcare., Building Relationships in Health Professions Education., Building Relationships in Health Professions Education. INHED 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, 24th-25th Janaury 20, 2024
Oral Presentation; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES

Grimes T, Organisata L, Medication Reconciliation - Evidence and Best Practice, British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting, Birmingham, UK, 21st May 2024, 2024, British GeriatricsSociety
Invited Talk; Approved; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES

Grimes T, McGowan E, Chipika R, Roche C., Designing an innovative and interprofessional elective module on moral reasoning, ethical practice and sustainability in healthcare, INHED 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting. Building Relationships in Health Professions Education., Dublin, Ireland, 25th January 2024, edited by INHED , 2024
Oral Presentation; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: ROCHECI TAGRIMES ; URL

Author, Psycho-social outcomes and mechanisms of self-help groups in Ethiopia from 2016 to 2022, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2024
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SDCROMIE; DOI; URL