Welcome to the Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC), an interdisciplinary initiative to integrate and promote research in Trinity College Dublin in all aspects of childhood and children’s biological, psychological, cognitive and
socio-emotional development and
NCCP FrameworkMinister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, launched the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) Framework for the Care and Support of Adolescent and Young Adults (AYA) with Cancer in Ireland on 19th May 2022.
Child Health Research Excellence ReportTrinitys child health research excellence has been captured in a new report launched on Thursday 4th May. The report which outlines the extensive and life-changing range of child health research taking place across multiple disciplines in Trinity College was launched as part of an exploration event to look towards Trinitys Vision for Child Health 2040.
News and Events

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held on Monday 28th April at 1pm. Chaired by Dr Yekaterina Chzhen, and presented by Sinead Tobin and Dr Sinead Whiting, the seminar entitled Lived Experiences of Foster Care: Messages from Research for Practice will focus on childrens lived experience of foster care. This is an online event. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held on Thursday 13th February at 1pm. Chaired by Dr Jane Carroll, and presented by Dr Yvonne Lynch, Assistant Professor in Speech and Language Pathology, and Jane Sheridan, research assistant, the seminar will discuss the findings from the Research Ireland funding ‘Enhancing Speech and Language Therapy through Artificial Intelligence’ Research project. This project explored the barriers and opportunities in children’s speech and language therapy. This is an online event. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held on Monday 2nd December at 1pm. Presented by Dr Christian Connell from Pennsylvania State University, the seminar will give an overview of the formation and development of the Pennsylvania State University Child Maltreatment Solutions Network, an interdisciplinary unit of the university’s social science research institute. This is a hybrid event. Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

TRiCC 2024-2025 Seminar Series
Trinity Research in Childhood Centre invites you to join our 2024/25 seminar series. The next seminar will be held via Zoom Friday 8th November at 1pm. Presented by Dr Lorraine Swords, Assistant Professor, School of Psychology and Lami Tadjine, research assistant at the Trinity Institute of Neuroscience, the seminar will explore the intergenerational effects of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Attendance is free - but registration is essential.

Irelands National Consultation With Young People
More than 100 children aged 3-5 contributed to Irelands National Consultation With Young People in 2016 to inform the development of a whole of government strategy for babies, young children and their families. TRiCC Director Professor Imelda Coyne was the consultation’s lead author. Read more about this important research from Ireland that focuses on young children’s health and wellbeing, their learning and development, and the services which benefit them

Prof Eleanor Molloy Awarded SFI Research Grant
Congratulations to Prof Eleanor Molloy who was awarded a research grant through the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme on 30th May. Prof Molloys research aims to tackle the significant impacts of intestinal infection in premature babies by developing new tests to help predict their responses to treatment. This project, thePLATYPus project: Preterm infant immunomoduLAtion to Treat sepsis and brain injurY Prevention, is fully funded by the Children’s Health Foundation

New publication by Prof. Imelda Coyne and co-authors
Congratulations to Prof. Imelda Coyne and co-authors on the publication of their article in PEC Innovation journal, Co-designing a website with and for youth, so they can better manage their health which has just been published. The work is a collaboration with Prof Betsy Sleath and her team from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This research project was inspired by their website codesigned with youth to prepare them for transition to adult services.