Other Links
Below are links to other relevant groups
Student Societies in College
Church of Ireland
- Catholic Ireland : Information about the Catholic Church in Ireland
- Archdiocese of Dublin
- Catholic Youth Council
- Sacred Space - Jesuit Prayer website
This website guides the visitor through a ten minute prayer session, in six steps, centred on a different passage of Scripture every day. - Vatican Website The website of the Holy See
German Speaking Catholic Community in Dublin
(Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde Dublin)
Mass in German last Sunday every month at 17:30, C.U.S. Chapel, 89 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.
Other sites of interest
- https://www.eyce.org/
The ecumenical youth site of the World Council of Churches: "Where young Christians meet" - www.taize.fr
Website of the Ecumenical Community of Taizé - www.Dublinchurches.com
How to find your local church in Dublin - or any church of your choice - www.24-7prayer.com
website of international prayer movement connected with 'Breathe' Project