Chaplaincy Trinity College Dublin
All the Chaplains are available to help and serve you during your time in Trinity. The Chaplaincy seeks to be a place of welcome and hospitality for all members of the University community. We will be glad to assist you any way that we can and you will always find a friendly listening ear.
We invite you to share a simple lunch on Tuesdays during term time between 12.30 and 14.00. Check our term calendar for details of events and activities this term. Each term we issue a newsletter giving details of events and activities that we are organising.
To those who seek it we offer pastoral guidance and spiritual accompaniment through a programme of faith development seminars, discussion, and prayer groups organised each term. The chaplaincy seeks to promote a deeper understanding of Christian faith and spirituality. Students and staff are welcome on any of our retreats, days of reflection, weekends away, and annual day excursion. We also prepare individuals for adult baptism, eucharist, confirmation, and marriage according to the norms of our respective churches.
If you would like to avail of a 10 minute guided prayer while at your computer, we recommend visiting the Sacred Space website.
Please enjoy exploring our site and learning about us and our activities and services, including our bereavement support group, in greater detail.

The Chaplains
The Chaplains are representatives of the main Christian Churches in Ireland who work together as a team, sharing both the college chapel and the chaplaincy in House 27 for our work and worship.
Here, they are pictured at the Chapel on Trinity Monday 2016, with special guest preacher, Lord John Alderdice.
We are - from the left: Fr Peter Sexton SJ (Roman Catholic), Fr Alan O'Sullivan OP (Roman Catholic), Rev Steve Brunn (Anglican) and Lord Alderdice.