Professor Jane Grimson

Professor Jane Grimson was born in Inverness, Scotland. She graduated in Engineering from the University of Dublin in 1970, an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto and her Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. She returned to Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, in 1980 to take up a post as Lecturer in Computer Science.
She was elected to Fellowship in 1991, appointed to a Personal Chair in Health Informatics in 2003 and was awarded the O'Moore Medal in 2007 for contribution to the field of health informatics in Ireland. Professor Grimson is a former Dean of Engineering & Systems Sciences, Pro-Dean of Research, and Vice-Provost. From 2006 until her retirement in 2014, she was partially seconded to the newly established Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), initially as Director of Health Information and subsequently as Acting Chief Executive.
Professor Grimson is a chartered engineer, member of the Royal Irish Academy (M.R.I.A.) and Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering (F.I.A.E), and the Royal Academy of Engineering (F.R.Eng). She is a past-President of Engineers Ireland (formerly the Institution of Engineers of Ireland), the Irish Computer Society, and the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. She was a member of the Board of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and chaired the Irish Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, is currently a trustee of the Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, and a board member of the Health Research Board.
She has published widely in the field of database systems and health informatics and has a particular interest in promoting the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in engineering and in research generally. She currently chairs the Gender Equality Task Force at the NUI Galway.
Professor Grimson was elected as the 58th Pro-Chancellor of the University in 2016.