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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute

In 2020 the Trinity Long Room Hub celebrated the tenth anniversary of the opening of its now iconic building in Fellows Square. The striking modernity of the design by McCullough Mulvin Architects expresses the interaction between the past and the present that the arts and humanities enable and enact.

‘The Hub’ provides the intellectual space for Trinity’s Arts and Humanities scholars to collaborate and it hosts a wide range of Public Humanities events, including multi-annual lecture series, panel discussions and lectures by international public intellectuals. A well-established presence on the national and international stages, the Hub is a leading contributor to the political, social and cultural discourse of Ireland and promotes Trinity’s and Ireland’s reputation internationally.

Philanthropic support enables the Hub to fully realise its strategy by attracting world-class academic talent and facilitating transdisciplinary and multi-dimensional collaborations that investigate global challenges. One such example is the Schuler Democracy Forum which applies Trinity’s research in the Arts and Humanities to questions relating to democracy and the media. There are many more. A dynamic community of donors and friends are helping the Hub to deliver on its ambition to be one of the leading Arts and Humanities Institutes in the world, supporting researchers in standing up for truth, democracy, creativity, and dialogue.
