General Information - Part I
Part I of the Calendar contains details about general information, important dates, staff, and publications
2019 – 20 Calendar Part I
Trinity College Dublin and the Irish Language
A - Almanack
B - Officers and Fellows
C - The Board
D - The University Council
E - Officers of Trinity College Dublin (and related appointments)
F - Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Clinical and other Officers
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
G - Research Institutes and Centres
H - College Administrative, Executive and Other Officers
I - Committees
J - Representation of the University in Seanad Éireann
K - Benefactors of Trinity College Dublin
L - Trinity College Dublin: A short history
M - Buildings of Trinity College Dublin
N - The College Chapel
O - The Library of Trinity College Dublin
P - Degrees and Diplomas
Q - Student Services
R - Museums and other institutions
S - Students' Unions, Societies and Clubs
T - Alumni and other Societies
U - Special and public lectures and courses
V - Scholars of Trinity College Dublin
W - Records
X, Y - Recent publications (by members of staff and research students working under their supervision)
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Research Institutes and Centres
Staff links are to individual People Finder entries, where applicable. For more information see
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