Activities & Events

CSI has an ongoing programme of events and activities. The weekly CSI hour is open to for all currently involved in CSI and details are sent to everyone on our CSI members’ list. Read on for registration links for upcoming formal events, and to browse details of past events.

Past Events

CSI partners annually with Ideell Arena, the Swedish membership association for civil society leaders. CSI run lectures, seminars, and site visits around a focal theme. In May 2024 this was Social Entrepreneurship and Service Delivery.

In March 2024, CSI held the launch event for GoNaturePositive! in Trinity Business SchoolThe event brought together 20 partners across 14 countries and a network of global collaborators to accelerate awareness and transformative action towards a nature-positive economy among policymakers, investors, businesses and wider society. Research will result in more clarity on the concept of a nature-positive economy and provide guidance for businesses and policy makers on the priorities for transformationSee the press release here.

In February 2024, the Senior Sophister Social Innovation class designed, curated, and ran a series of seven speaker panels on the Irish social innovation ecosystem, hosting 27 speakers over four days. The class evaluated the series and provided a set of guidelines for running the series in subsequent years.

One of CSI’s suite of EU projects is UForest, a three-year project urban forestry project that fosters the creation of urban forests. On December 1st 2023, CSI  collaborated with a network of stakeholders including local primarily schoolchildren to plant three thousand native trees, including oak, birch, willow, and hazel, at Darndale Park. See further details here.

In October 2023 the Working with Nature research programme ran the first WWN public engagement event. Talks addressed the potential for transforming the extractive economy to a ‘nature-positive economy’ – with a focus on new projects in re-forestation and forestry-based enterprisesThe talks were followed by casual conversation with Trinity researchers and Irish nature-based enterprises working in this area, to support informal networking. Nature-positive refreshments were served. See further details here.