About Us
Microsoft Report: AI Economy in Ireland 2025
Trinity Centre for Digital Business and Analytics (CDBA) supports the creation and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of business (e.g. Strategy Governance, Marketing, Human Resources) revolutionised by digital technologies and data analytics. We do this by conducting specific research projects, secure funding, organize seminars and help in the publication or the diffusion of books.
See for example the latest book edited by our colleague Daniel Malan. The book evaluates the impact of the digital age on governance, leadership, and communication and is available for free download here.
Colleagues Na Fu and David Collings were co-authors on the recent report, Responsible AI at Work Report 2023 . More can be read about the report in this recent article.
The centre sits at the heart of the digital capital of Europe in Dublin, home of the European headquarters of Airbnb, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter, among many others. CDBA benefits from the expertise and collaboration with existing academic centre of excellence at Trinity College Dublin such as the ADAPT Centre and has established international partnerships with the research centres at other leading universities such as the Center for Digital Innovation at Georgia State University in USA, the Groningen Digital Business Centre at University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the Research Centre on Big Data at ESCP Europe in France, and the Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Management at Tsinghua University in China.
Please contact Dr. Ashish Kumar Jha at akjha@tcd.ie to get involved or discuss collaborations with the centre.