BUU33760 Financial Markets and Institutions
(5 ECTS)
Lecturer: Dr Supriya Kapoor
Email: supriya.kapoor@tcd.ie
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3pm
Pre- Requisite:
BUU22550: Introduction to Finance
Available to exchange Students
Module Description:
This module primarily focuses on understanding financial and economic concepts relating to the characteristics in banking and financial markets. This module attempts to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of financial markets and the crucial role that financial institutions play in the economy. Students will explore different types of financial markets, number of financial crises that have occurred in recent decades, their causes and impacts on the real economy. Finally, students will examine financial regulation and the regulatory changes that have been implemented to attempt to prevent future crises.
Learning and Teaching Approach:
This module is structured around a series of lectures and readings including research papers on emerging trends, as well as in-class discussions and group presentations.
Module-Level Learning Outcomes:
Having completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Understand the role of financial markets and institutions in the economy
- Examine the policies employed to mitigate financial risks and crisis
- Examine some of the financial crises that have occurred, their causes and effects
- Describe and evaluate the regulation that has been put in place to try to prevent future crises.
- Analyse the complexities of central banking operations and their significant impact on the stability and health of financial systems.
Relation to Degree:
This course provides an analysis of the role of financial markets and institutions, an understanding of which is essential for any finance-related degree.
Content |
Indicative Number of Hours |
Lecturing hours |
22 |
Preparation for lectures |
8 |
Individual assignment |
10 |
Group assignment |
15 |
Reading of assigned materials and active reflection on lecture and course content and linkage to personal experiences |
50 |
Final exam preparation |
20 |
Total |
125 |
Textbooks and Required Resources:
Required core course textbooks:
Mishkin, F.S. & Eakins, S.G. (2018), Financial Markets and Institutions, (9th ed.), Harlow: Pearson Education.
De Haan, J., Schoenmaker, D., and Wierts, P. (2020), Financial Markets and Institutions: A European Perspective, (4th ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
General Supplement Reading:
Readings will be assigned throughout the course and will be posted on Blackboard.
Student Preparation for the Module:
Students are advised to read recommended articles in advance of each part of the course. They will also be expected to contribute to class discussions and participate in class assignments.
Course Communication:
Lecture slides and readings, assignment descriptions and announcements will be posted on Blackboard.
Please note that all course related email communication must be sent from your official TCD email address. Emails sent from other addresses will not be attended to.
The assessment for this course is split between continuous assessment and final exam. The breakdown is as follows:
Continuous assessment: 40%. Please see the breakdown below of CA below:
20% - group presentations
10% - individual assessment
10% - participation
Final exam – 60%
The term tests which must be completed online in the allocated timeframe. Students unable to complete a test for medical reasons must present a medical certificate to their college tutor.
Students who fail the module will need to submit a supplemental final assessment. The supplemental assessment will count for 100% of the grade.
Attendance at lectures and tutorials is required, any student who attends less than two thirds of lectures and tutorials may be deemed non-satisfactory as per college regulations and may not be allowed to sit the final exam.