BUU33720 Taxation 1

(5 ECTS)


Ciara Deane

Email: deaneci@tcd.ie 
Office Hours: By appointment


BUU22530 - Introduction to Accounting

Module Description:

The aim of this module is to provide students with a working understanding of the Irish tax system, the ability to prepare detailed income tax computations and an understanding of the value added tax (VAT) system in Ireland. The module will include topics relating to (i) the Irish tax system and the influence of EU law, (ii) residence and domicile for personal tax purposes, (iii) calculation of income tax liabilities including the difference between accounting income and taxable income, (iv) Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) and Universal Social Charge (USC), (v) the tax implications for married persons, (vi) the taxation of termination payments, (vii) the basic principles of VAT, (viii) Local Property Tax (LPT) and (ix) the obligations of taxpayers. In addition, the module aims to provide students with the skills to analyse and critique tax policies.

Learning and Teaching Approach:

The lectures/tutorials will focus on explaining the core technical and theoretical issues including examples of the practical application of these core concepts. It is an essential aspect of this module that students understand both the technical rules and how they are applied in practical scenarios including the ability to compute a range of tax liabilities and advise on tax filing and payment obligations. A focus on developing professional skills and competencies will also be included throughout the module. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any aspect of the material or practical examples.

It is important that students actively engage with the material and come to lectures prepared. The required readings from the core textbook should be completed in advance of the lectures as this will enhance the learning experience. Questions are assigned for each topic and it is expected that students will attempt these questions in their own time. This practical application is an essential aspect of this module. In addition, the lecturer will assist in the overall development of the student’s understanding of the tax system and tax policy design.

Learning Outcomes:

Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to: 

  1. Understand the role of tax in society, the formulation of tax policy and the ability to analyse and critique tax policies and their implementation.
  2. Understand the Irish income tax, PRSI and USC system, including rules for determining residence and domicile and their impact on the charge to income tax, the various categories of income and tax credits and reliefs available to individuals.
  3. Prepare basic income tax computations which includes a knowledge of the tax treatment of married persons and the taxation of termination payments.
  4. Understand the commencement and cessation income tax rules for businesses and calculate the impact of such on the overall tax liability.
  5. Ability to calculate the taxable income for a sole trade which includes an understanding the differences between accounting revenues/costs and taxable income/deductible expenses.
  6. Possess a systematic understanding of the various regulations relating to VAT. 


Relation to Degree: 

This module supports the learning outcomes relevant to business students in general. It is also a pre-requisite module (in conjunction with Taxation 2 BUU33730) in attaining a professional accounting qualification. Note it is each students responsibility to confirm this with the relevant accounting bodies.

Specifically the module provides a set of skills which enables students to: 

  • Appreciate the Irish tax system and the influence of EU law on the Irish tax system
  • Analyse and critique tax policies
  • Understand and apply the tax legislation to individual tax payers and businesses



Indicative Number of Hours

Lecturing hours




Preparation for lectures


Group assignment


Reading of assigned materials and active reflection on lecture and course content and linkage to personal experiences


Final exam preparation




Recommended Texts/ Key Reading:

Required core course textbook:

Irish Tax Law and Practice, 2024/2025, Irish Tax Institute, 22nd Edition

General Supplemental Readings:

CA Proficiency 1 Taxation 1 (ROI) 2024 – 2025 Chartered Accountants Ireland;

From Boraimhe to Bit – the Art of Taxation (1st Edition), Moire O’Halloran, Irish Tax Institute  

Taxation: Policy and Practice, Andy Lymer and Lynne Oats, Fiscal Publications   

Additional reading material will be posted on the course intranet throughout the semester

Assessment and Examination:

Group Assignment [20%]:

A group assignment will account for the 20% continuous assessment portion of this module. This involves preparation of an entry for the annual Irish Tax Institute Fantasy Budget competition for third level students.

This assignment relates to tax policy and tax system design. In groups of 3 or 4 students, three tax policies contained in the Budget must be chosen and critically analysed from both an economic and social perspective. One measure should impact on (i) individuals/families, a second should impact on (ii) indigenous Irish business and a third should impact on (iii) foreign investment into Ireland. In addition, the group is required to suggest one measure that it thinks should have been introduced by the Minister for Finance in the Budget and explain the benefit of the proposal. The assignment should be presented in a report format, with a clear introduction and conclusion and a list of references.

Examination [80%]: This will test critical understanding and appropriate application of topics covered in the module. Date: TBC. This is a two hour in person exam. Format will follow last years examination.


Re-assessment involves retaking a 100% in person exam