BUU22520 Principles of Marketing
(5 ECTS)
Radu Dimitriu
E-mail: radu.dimitriu@tcd.ie
Office Hours: TBC
Pre-Requisite: BUU11510 - Fundamentals of Management & Organisation
Available to Exchange students
Module Description
The aim of this module is to equip students with an understanding of 1) the concept and role of marketing (what is marketing? what is its core purpose?), and 2) an understanding of several important strategic marketing decisions and activities. These include understanding consumer/customer behaviour, the importance of customer segmentation and targeting, the issue of customer value, the core principles of branding and of brand strategy, doing marketing successfully on social media, leveraging sensorial marketing, addressing consumer and brand communities, understanding the principles of developing successful new products and services, and the leveraging pricing as a critical marketing and strategy tool.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the key tenets of the marketing discipline.
- Explain the fundamental concepts, frameworks and approaches used for marketing decision making and practice.
- Understand the core theoretical underpinnings of how consumers behave and how marketing attempts to influence consumer decision making.
- Consider and discuss some of the key challenges, opportunities and emerging trends in marketing theory and practice.
- Discern the extent to which marketing theories, principles and tools can be applied in an environment becoming more and more digitalized.
Relation to Degree
The BUU22520 Principles of Marketing module is an essential component of any business students’ learning experience, as marketing is a fundamental element of business that influences strategic decision making within all organizational types. This module provides students with the ability to understand fundamental concepts of business such as markets, customers, perceived value, and communications.
Content |
Indicative Number of Hours |
Lecturing hours (including lectures & tutorials) |
28 |
Preparation for lectures and tutorials (including reading of assigned materials & active reflection on module content) |
24 |
Preparation for individual assignment |
34 |
Preparation for group assignment |
34 |
Total |
120 |
Recommended Texts/Key Reading
Required reading for this module is comprised of a core reading list of academic journal articles and of articles from practitioner-oriented journals and web sources, as well as videos and other interactive sources. The reading for each session will be indicated in good time before the start of the respective session. Each reading has been selected to
facilitate learning and to encourage engagement with the core concepts covered in the module. Students must read/engage with the assigned material in advance of each session. You will be expected to answer questions, put forward your opinion on the content of these readings during the live session discussions and tutorials. Core readings ( & other assigned content) are examinable material.
Assignment/Test/Exam |
% Total Module Marks |
Group assessment |
40% |
Individual assessment |
60% |
Group assessment - An assessment brief will be made available on Blackboard providing detailed information that will guide and direct groups towards completion of the assessment, which will take the form of a group essay. Deadline Fri 18 April. Further details will follow.
Individual assessment - An MCQ test will examine the complete content covered throughout this module. The test will take place on the last lecture day of the module, Wed 9 Apr, 2-4pm. Further details will follow.
Reassessment: Students who do not obtain an overall pass mark for this module (40), will have the opportunity to be reassessed by a supplemental assessment (weighted at 100% ).