Dr. Wladislaw Rivkin

Dr. Wladislaw Rivkin

Associate Professor, Trinity Business School


Wlad(islaw) has completed his Ph.D. at the Technical University of Dortmund. Before joining Trinity College Dublin Wlad was a researcher at the Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Germany, and at Aston University in the UK. Wlad"s research agenda focuses on how to maintain and improve employees" health, well-being, and effectiveness from stressors, which require employees" self-regulation or self-control. He has vast expertise in applying experience sampling methodology (i.e. daily diary studies) and multilevel research. His research not only demonstrated that daily demands on employees" self-control impair employees" daily well-being but also identified psychological factors such as psychological detachment, affective commitment, and sleep quality, which can protect employees from the harmful effects of self-control at work. Wlad has taught students at undergraduate-, postgraduate-, MBA- and executive levels in different countries including Germany, the UK, Ukraine, and Colombia. His teaching draws not only from his vast theoretical knowledge but also from his experience as a business trainer, and coach. In his, lectures Wlad emphasizes how to apply theories to solve practical challenges. In 2019 Wlad was invited to deliver a course at the Summer School of the Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia titled: `Improving Employees" Resilience in Turbulent Times - A Challenge for Future Leaders" Wlad has a track record as a PI of several research projects funded by national governments, Industry, and the European Union. These projects focused on developing and evaluating organizational interventions to facilitate employee effectiveness involving leadership training and work design. He is currently the PI of the Diversity Innovation Support Scheme for SMEs project funded by the European Union"s H2020 program (https://dinnos-h2020.com/)

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Nishat Babu, Evgenia Lysova, Ante Glavas, Lakshmi Chandrasekar, Susana Esper, Josine L. Janssen, Christine Moser, Frank G.A. De Bakker, Nico Heuvinck, Svetlana Khapova, Wladislaw Rivkin, Christopher Wickert, Overcoming the Dichtonomy in Micro-Level CSR Research, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
  • Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Jakob Stollberger, Claudia Alexandra Sacramento, The Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions Linking Sleep Duration to Work-Related Functioning, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
  • Anne-Kathrin Konze, Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Can faith move mountains? How implicit theories about willpower moderate the adverse effect of daily emotional dissonance on ego-depletion at work and its spillover to the home-domain, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • L. Gombert, Wladislaw Rivkin, K.-h. Schmidt, Indirect effects of Daily Self-Control Demands on Subjective Vitality via Ego Depletion - How Daily Psychological Detachment Pays Off, Applied Psychology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Lilian Gombert, Anne-Kathrin Konze, Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Protect Your Sleep When Work is Calling, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Which daily experiences can foster well-being at work? A diary study on the interplay between flow experiences, affective commitment, and self-control demands., Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Anne-Kathrin Konze, Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Is Job Control a Double-Edged Sword?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Klaus-helmut Schmidt, Rüdiger Beck, Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Self-control demands at work and psychological strain: The moderating role of physical fitness., International Journal of Stress Management, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Wladislaw Rivkin, S. Diestel, K.-h. Schmidt, Affective commitment as a moderator of the adverse relationships between day-specific self-control demands and psychological well-being, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2015Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • Stefan Diestel, Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Sleep quality and self-control capacity as protective resources in the daily emotional labor process, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, The positive relationship between servant leadership and employees" psychological health, German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • W Rivkin, S Diestel, KH Schmidt, Psychological detachment: A moderator in the relationship of self-control demands and job strain, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015, p376 - 388Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • L Gombert, W Rivkin, T Kleinsorge, A diary-study on work-related smartphone use and employees' well-being: The moderating role of basic need satisfaction, Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 2018, p111 - 119Journal Article, 2018
  • AK Konze, W Rivkin, KH Schmidt, Implicit theories about willpower as a moderator of the adverse effect of daily self-control demands on need for recovery, Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft , 2018, p61 - 70Journal Article, 2018
  • Gerpott, Fabiola H., Rivkin, Wladislaw, Unger, Dana, Stop and go, where is my flow? How and when daily aversive morning commutes are negatively related to employees' motivational states and behavior at work., Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-helmut Schmidt, Beneficial Effects of Servant Leadership on Short- and Long-Term Indicators of Employees" Psychological Health, Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Rivkin, Wladislaw, Diestel, Stefan, Stollberger, Jakob, Sacramento, Claudia, The role of regulatory, affective, and motivational resources in the adverse spillover of sleep in the home domain to employee effectiveness in the work domain, Human Relations, 2021, p001872672110524Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Schweitzer, Vera M., Rivkin, Wladislaw, Gerpott, Fabiola H., Diestel, Stefan, Kühnel, Jana, Prem, Roman, Wang, Mo, Some positivity per day can protect you a long way: A within-person field experiment to test an affect-resource model of employee effectiveness at work, Work & Stress, 2022, p1-20Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Gerpott, Fabiola H., Rivkin, Wladislaw, Unger, Dana, Autonomous or controlled self-regulation, that is the question: A self-determination perspective on the impact of commuting on employees" domain-specific functioning, Organizational Psychology Review, 2022, p204138662211336Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Woods, Stephen A., Napiersky, Uwe, Rivkin, Wladislaw, Learning to self"lead: Examining self"leadership strategies, personality traits and learning attainment, Applied Psychology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Rivkin, Wladislaw, Diestel, Stefan, Gerpott, Fabiola H., Unger, Dana, Should I stay or should I go? The role of daily presenteeism as an adaptive response to perform at work despite somatic complaints for employee effectiveness., Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27, (4), 2022, p411-425Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Gerpott, Fabiola H., Rivkin, Wladislaw, Diestel, Stefan, Keep it steady? Not only average self-control demands matter for employees" work engagement, but also variability, Work & Stress, 2023, p1-22Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Schweitzer, Vera M., Gerpott, Fabiola H., Rivkin, Wladislaw, Stollberger, Jakob, (Don"t) mind the gap? Information gaps compound curiosity yet also feed frustration at work, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 178, 2023, p104276Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Babu N., DeRoeck K., Rivkin W., Bhattacharya S., I can do good even when my supervisor is bad: Abusive supervision and employee socially responsible behaviour, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Hohnemann C., Rivkin W., Diestel S., An Energizing Microintervention: How Mindfulness Fosters Subjective Vitality Through Regulatory Processes and Flow Experience at Work, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Fasbender, Ulrike, Rivkin, Wladislaw, Gerpott, Fabiola H., Good for you, bad for me? The daily dynamics of perspective taking and well-being in coworker dyads., Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29, (1), 2024, p1-13Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Rivkin, Wladislaw, Moser, Karin S., Diestel, Stefan, Alshaikh, Isaac, Getting into flow during virtual meetings: How virtual meetings can benefit employee functioning in the work- and home domain, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 150, 2024, p103984Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Rivkin, Wladislaw, Gerpott, Fabiola H, Unger, Dana, There and back again: The roles of morning- and evening commute recovery experiences for daily resources across the commute - work - and home domain, Human Relations, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Mao, Mengyu, Zhang, Lanxia, Li, Jiamin, Rivkin, Wladislaw, My job is a game, and I am the owner: How gamification facilitates self-leadership for gig workers, Journal of Business Research, 183, 2024, p114877Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Stollberger, Jakob, Gerpott, Fabiola H., Rivkin, Wladislaw, How we get along depends on how you make me feel: An episodic perspective on leader"follower emotional entrainment and daily interaction quality, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Brosi, Prisca, Rivkin, Wladislaw, Leopold, Henrik, Shaw, Jason D., Fransoo, Jan C., Daily Goal-Disruptive Events Increase Truck Drivers" Fuel Consumption via Anger and Happiness, 2024, (1), 2024Conference Paper, 2024, DOI
  • Hayden-Smyth, Shane, Rivkin, Wladislaw, Crowley-Henry, Marian, Roe, Amanda, Career Mobility of Cancer Survivors: An Interdisciplinary Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda, 2024, (1), 2024Conference Paper, 2024, DOI
  • Rivkin, Wladislaw, Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research, Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Job Strain in, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, 2017, [Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt]Book Chapter
  • Positive und negative Effekte der Selbststeuerung auf psychische Gesundheit und Motivation in, editor(s)Jochmann, I. Böckenholt, S. Diestel , HR Exzellenz in Leadership & Transformation, Springer, 2017, pp375 - 406, [Stefan Diestel, Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt]Book Chapter
  • Training Interventions to Increase Innovation and Productivity in Age-Diverse Teams in, editor(s)B., Deml, P. Stock, R. Bruder, C.M., Schlick , Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, Germany, Springer, 2017, pp115 - 124, [K. Küper, Wladislaw Rivkin, K.-H. Schmidt]Book Chapter
  • Resources buffering the day-specific relations between work-related self-control demands and employee well-being in, editor(s)C.Saunders , Psychology of Self-Control, 2016, [Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus Helmut Schmidt]Book Chapter
  • Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes in, editor(s)B., Deml, P. Stock, R. Bruder, C.M., Schlick , Beneficial Effects of Servant Leadership on Short- and Long-Term Indicators of Employees' Psychological Health, Springer, 2016, [Wladislaw Rivkin, Klaus-helmut Schmidt]Book Chapter
  • Innovationskraft altersgemischter Belegschaften steigern -- Eine ganzheitliche Intervention in, editor(s)Sabina Jeschke, Anja Richert, Frank Hees, Claudia Jooß , Exploring Demographics, 2015, pp463 - 475, [Kristina Küper, Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt, Theresa Myskovszky von Myrow, Philipp Przybysz, Christian Ahlfeld, Martina Frießem, Joachim Zülch, Susanne Kleibömer, Julia Günnewig, Michael te Heesen, Michael te Falkenstein]Book Chapter
  • Gesundheitsorientierte Führung in, editor(s)A. Gerlmaier, E. Latniak , Handbuch Psycho-Soziale Gestaltung Digitaler Produktionsarbeit, Springer, 2019, pp344 - 348, [W. Rivkin]Book Chapter
  • Training von Führungskompetenzen zur Steigerung der Innovation und Produktivität in altersgemischten Teams in, editor(s)T. Langhoff, M. Bornewasser, E. Heidling, B. Kriegesmann M. Falkenstein , Innovationskompetenz im demografischen Wandel: Konzepte und Lösungen für die unternehmerische Praxis, Springer, 2015, pp90 - 109, [Bröker, L., Rivkin, W., & Günnewig, J.]Book Chapter
  • Self-Determination Theory in, 2023, pp67 , [Broec, Anja van den, Rivkin, Wladislaw, Slemp, Gavin]Book Chapter
  • Employee Work-Related Mental Health and Wellbeing in, editor(s)Crawshaw, J. Budhwar, P. Davis, A. , Human Resource Management Strategic and International Perspectives, 2024, [Rivkin, W.]Book Chapter

Research Expertise

My research adopts a unique focus on the challenges of self-regulation in modern occupations, particularly self-control demands and emotional labor, which are critical stressors. While previous studies highlight the benefits of self-regulation for employee functioning and well-being, my work examines its darker aspects, such as controlling impulses, resisting distractions, and overcoming low motivation. I identify resilience factors such as affective commitment, flow experiences, psychological detachment, and sleep"that mitigate the negative effects of self-control demands and support employee well-being and functioning. My methodological rigor sets my work apart. I employ diverse research designs, including cross-sectional, longitudinal, experience sampling studies, and field experiments, supported by advanced data analysis techniques such as hierarchical linear regression, structural equation modeling, and multilevel modeling. My research excellence is reflected in my extensive publication record, with over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles, including 29 articles in top-tier academic journals. Of these, 15 are in ABS4/4* journals and 6 in FT50 journals, which have acceptance rates as low as 3-7%. My publication rate significantly exceeds the average at Trinity Business School, making me one of the top-performing researchers across all grades. By way of comparison, the average rate of publications above the grade of Associate Professor at Trinity Business School is on average 2.57 ABS4/4* and 0.71 FT50 per year. In 2023/2024 alone, I published 13 articles in prestigious ABS4/4* journals. I have successfully supervised 8 PhD students to completion and currently oversee 4 more. My research has garnered over €2.6 million in grants and multiple prestigious awards, including recognition from the Academy of Management and the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. I have built a strong international research network and am a sought-after speaker, with my work featured in major media outlets such as the BBC, CNBC, and the Wall Street Journal.


  • Best Reviewer Award of the OB Division of the Academy of Management 2023
  • APA Editor's Choice Paper - Journal of Occupational Health Psychology: Should I stay or should I go? The role of daily presenteeism as an adaptive response to perform at work despite somatic complaints for employee effectiveness. 2022
  • Commended paper in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Best Paper 2021-22: Rivkin, W., Diestel, S, Gerpott, F., Unger, D. (2022). Should I Stay or Should I Go? How a Desire-Goal Conflict Between Health and Work Shapes Daily Presenteeism and Associated Work Effectiveness. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 2023
  • Best Presentation Award Conference of the German Society for Work Studies 2017
  • Human Management Resources Review - Best Reviewer Award 2024
  • AOM Annual Meeting Best Paper Designation: Daily goal-disruptive events increase truck drivers' fuel consumption via anger and happiness 2024
  • Best Paper Award at the Institute of Work Psychology International Conference: Rivkin, W., Diestel, S., & Schmidt, K.-H. (2018). Servant Leadership as a Substitute for Employees" Trait Self-Control in the Emotional Labor Process. Institute of Work Psychology International Conference 2018 Work Psychology: Shaping the Future, Sheffield, UK. 2018
  • Research Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2021
  • Research Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2024
  • Best Presentation Award Conference of the German Society for Work Studies 2015
  • APA Editor's Choice Paper - Journal of Occupational Health Psychology: Good for you, bad for me? The daily dynamics of perspective taking and well-being in coworker dyads. 2024
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2023
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2022
  • ResearchExcellence Award, Trinity Business School 2022
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2024
  • Research Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2023
  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Designation: Gig Workers' Social Support Seeking on Informal Online Platforms as a Predictor of Performance 2023
  • Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2021
  • German Society of Psychology
  • European Association of Occupational Health Psychology
  • European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Higher Education Academy Fellowship
  • Academic Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
  • Academy of Management
  • Communications Officer of the Academy of Management OB division 2021
  • Journal of Occupational Health Psychology - Editorial Board Member; ABS4 Journal with an acceptance rate of 7% 01.06.2023
  • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology - Editorial Board Member; ABS3 Journal with an acceptance rate of 12% 01.09.2023
  • Human Resources Management Review - Editorial Board Member; ABS3 Journal with an acceptance rate of 7% 01.10.2024
  • Human Relations - Editorial Board Member; ABS4 and FT50 Journal with an acceptance rate of 3% 01.04.2024