Steven Kilroy is as an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and the Director of the full time MBA Programme at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He holds a BA, MBS and PhD in Human Resource Management as well a postgraduate certificate in higher education and teaching. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He has previously worked as an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and Queens University Belfast. Steven's expertise and research interests are in the areas of Strategic Human Resource Management and Organisational Psychology/Behaviour. Specifically, his research largely focuses on the impact of high-involvement work practices on employee well-being and performance. He is also interested in the topics of employee burnout and engagement, leadership, change management, and retention among health care professionals. He has published in well regarded human resource management, organisational psychology and health care management journals including Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, the Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and Health Care Management Review, among others. In addition to research, Steven has extensive teaching experience at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education level in the areas of HRM, organisational psychology and organisational behaviour.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Vleugels, W., Kilroy, S., De Peuter, S., Vervoort, L., Put, C., & De Witte, H, Pathways Towards Employee Well-Being: Quality of the Work Environment and Employee Health Behaviours, International Journal of Stress Management, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Chênevert, D., Hill, K., & Kilroy, S, Employees Perceptions of Non-Monetary Recognition Practice and Turnover: Does Recognition Source Alignment and Contrast Matter? Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Management Journal, 32, (1), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Bauwens, R., Batistič, S., Kilroy, S., & Nijs, S., New Kids on the Block? A Bibliometric Analysis of Emerging COVID-19 -Trends in Leadership Research., Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29, (2), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Kilroy, S., Van de Voorde, K., Kooij, D., & Van den Dungen, S , Engaging Older Workers: The role of a Supportive Climate, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Kilroy, S., Bosak, J., Chênevert, D., Flood, P.C., & Hill, K , Reducing Burnout among Nurses: The Role of High-Involvement Work Practices and Colleague Support, Health Care Management Review, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Elorza, U., Ochoantesana, A.G., Kilroy, S., Van de Voorde, K., & Van Beurden, J, The Effect of High Involvement Work Systems on Organizational Performance and Employee Well-being in a Spanish Industrial Context., Human Resource Management Journal , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Flatau-Harrison, H., Vleugels, W., Kilroy, S., & Bosak, J, Understanding the relationship between absence constraints and presenteeism among nurses and midwives: Does the type of support matter? , Health Care Management Review, 47, (4), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Bosak, J., Kilroy, S., Chênevert, D., & Flood, P, Examining the role of transformational leadership and mission valence on burnout among hospital staff. , Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 8, (2), 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Chênevert, D., Kilroy, S., Johnson , K., & Fournier, P-L , The determinants of burnout and professional turnover intentions among Canadian physicians: Application of the job demands-resources model, BMC Health Services Research, 21, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Kilroy, S., Bosak, J., Flood, P.C., & Peccei, R, Time to Recover: The moderating role of psychological detachment in the link between high-involvement work practices and burnout , Journal of Business Research, 108, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Kirrane, M., Kilroy, S., Kidney, R., Flood, P., & Bauwens, R, Attachment Styles and Creativity: The mediating role of LMX and TMX, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- De Reuver, R., Van de Voorde, K., & Kilroy, S, When do bundles of high performance work systems reduce employee absenteeism: The moderating role of workload, The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 32, (13), 2021, p2889-2909Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Chênevert, D., Kilroy, S., & Bosak, J, The role of change readiness and colleague support in the role stressors and withdrawal behaviours relationship among health care employees, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Kirrane, M., Kilroy, S., & O' Connor, C, The moderating effect of team psychological empowerment on the relationship between abusive supervision and engagement, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Guerrero, S., Chênevert, D., & Kilroy, S, New Graduate Nurses Professional Commitment: Antecedents and Outcomes, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49, (5), 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Kilroy, S., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., & Chênevert, D, Perceptions of High Involvement Work Practices, Person-Organisation Fit and Burnout: A Time Lagged Study of Health Care Employees, Human Resource Management, 56, (5), 2017Journal Article, 2017
- van Rossenberg, Y.G.T., Klein, H., Asplund, K., Bentein, K., Breitsohl, H., Chavanovanich, J., Cohen, A., Cross, D., Rodrigues, A. C., Duflot, V., Kilroy, S., Ali N. O., Rapti, A., Ruhle, S., Solinger, O., Swart, J., & Yalabik, Z, The future of workplace commitment: key questions and directions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27, (2), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Kilroy, S., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., & Chênevert, D, Perceptions of high involvement work practices and burnout: the mediating role of job demands, Human Resource Management Journal, 26, (4), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Innovation, leadership and staff engagement: insights from CEO's in, editor(s)H. Shipton, P. Budhwar, P. Sparrow & A. Brown , Human Resource Management, Innovation and Performance: Looking across Levels, Basingstoke, Hampshire:, Palgrave., 2015, [Coetsee, W.J., Flood, P.C., & Kilroy, S]Book Chapter, 2015
- Performance Management in, editor(s)R. Carbery & C. Cross , Human Resource Management: A Concise Introduction, Bastingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, [S. Kilroy]Book Chapter, 2019
- Lean management and employee well-being: reconciling conflicting findings and ensuring successful implementation in, editor(s)P. Brough, K. Daniels, & E. Gardiner , Handbook on Management and Employment Practices, UK, Springer, 2021, [Kilroy, S., & Flood, P.C]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI
- Kilroy, S. , Employee Perceptions of High Involvement Work Practices and Burnout in Health Care., Lampert Academic Publishing, 2016Book, 2016
- Kilroy, S., Fu, N., Bosak, J., Hayes, R. & Schaufeli, W. , Reducing day-level emotional exhaustion: The complementary role of high involvement work practices work practices and engaging leadership, Human Resource Management Journal, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- High Performance Work Practices in Health Care: Progress on key themes and prospects for future research in, editor(s)A. McDermott, P. Hyde, A. Avgar, & L. Fitzgerald , Research Handbook on Contemporary Human Resource Management for Health Care, UK, Edward Elgar, 2024, [Steven Kilroy]Book Chapter, 2024, DOI
- Penturij-Kloks, M. A., Keijers, C.J.P.W., Enting, M., de Gans, S., Kilroy, S., Scheele., & Joosen, M., Work engagement of hospital workers in times of pressure: do nonclinical hospital workers react differently from their well-studied clinical colleagues?, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Human Resource Management and Employee Burnout. in, editor(s)Rosado-Solomon, E. , Mental Health in the Workplace, UK, Routledge:, 2025, [Kilroy, S., Groulx, P., Bosak., J., & Flood, P.C.]Book Chapter, 2025
- Worker Well-being in the Context of Human Resource Management. in, editor(s)Collings, D.G., Woods, G.T., & Szamosi, L.T. , Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach. Routledge, Routledge, 2025, [Van de Voorde, K., Kilroy, S., & Peccei, R.]Book Chapter, 2025
- Managing performance at work in, editor(s)Carbery, R., and Cross, C. , Human Resource Management, UK, Bloomsbury, 2025, [Kilroy, S.]Book Chapter, 2025
Research Expertise
Stevens primary research focuses on the interrelationship between HRM practices, employee well-being and performance. He explores how and when high performance HR practices lead to employee wellbeing and performance outcomes. He is also interested in the topics of burnout and engagement, leadership and change management, turnover, as well as new employment relationships and how they affect workplace commitment.
- Assoc CIPD Present