John Healy
Dr. John A. Healy is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Trinity Business School. His research and teaching interests focus on social innovation, institutional theory, organisational change and complex systems reform. He lectures on the MSc in International Management Programme on the module Social Investment: The International Context.
John is the Deputy Executive Director of Genio, an organisation focused on reforming social services. He oversees Genio's programmes in disability, mental health, dementia, homelessness and capacity building. He leads Genio’s work in the Service Reform Fund, a fund of €45m which implements social service improvements at a national level, in partnership with service users, families, the Health Service Executive, the Department of Health and service providers. In 2015 John was a Visiting Scholar at the School of Public Policy at Carleton University in Canada, lecturing on philanthropy and social change. John is the former international Director of Strategic Learning and Evaluation of the Atlantic Philanthropies, an international grant-making foundation where he worked from 1998 to 2012. He led the foundation’s evaluation, organisational and strategy development work across a range of systems reform initiatives in the United States, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, South Africa and Vietnam. John has received a PhD from Trinity College Dublin, an Executive MSc in Management from the HEC Paris and Oxford University, a MA in Economics from University College Cork and a BA in Economics and Politics from Trinity College.