Research seminar: Professor Michael Haenlein
Please join us to welcome Professor Michael Haenlein from ESCP Business School to deliver a seminar on Conducting Research for Long-Term Impact to Trinity Business School on Thursday, 30th of January 2025.
Seminar Title: Conducting Research for Long-Term Impact
Abstract: While most researchers aim to conduct work with long-term impact, surprisingly few scientific publications get noticed outside of academia. Within this talk, I first define long-term impact and outline its drivers and how they can be measured. I then focus on conducting research to aim for such topics, giving practical advice on how to work with co-authors, build a research network, choose publication outlets, and leverage AI in the process. This talk is based on ongoing research projects and recent publications. While relying on examples from marketing, it is transversal and relevant to faculty from all disciplines.
Biography: Michael Haenlein is a Professor of Marketing at ESCP Business School in Paris, holds the Chair of Responsible Research in Marketing at the University of Liverpool Management School, and is an Adjunct Professor at Trinity Business School of Trinity College Dublin. His main area of expertise is the impact of new technologies on firms and consumers. Within this space, Michael has worked on questions related to online retailing, social media, influencer marketing, mobile gaming, and, more recently, artificial intelligence, video gaming, and live streaming. Michael counts among the Top 25 most cited researchers in the field of marketing worldwide. He is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. He is equally on the Editorial Review Board of the California Management Review and the Advisory Board of the European Management Journal. Michael received best paper awards for his work published in Business Horizons and IJRM and the Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award for long-term impact in marketing. Michael is the President-Elect Designate of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association and the Vice President of Publications at the European Marketing Academy. He is equally part of the Scientific Advisory Board of Ferrandi Paris, France's most prestigious school focused on culinary arts, and of the French Federation of Haute Couture and Fashion, the body responsible for setting the dates and location of the French fashion weeks.
Note: Tea/coffee and sandwiches will be served between 12:00 -1:00 pm on the Lower Ground Floor.
Photographs will be taken during this seminar and may be shared on social media. If you do not wish to appear, please notify