Assistant Professor in Plant Conservation
The Discipline of Botany in the School of Natural Sciences is currently advertising for a postdoctoral researcher with knowledge and experience in bioinformatics/high throughput sequencing to support a DAFM (Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine) funded project entitled “Detect PNP: Detecting plant nursery pathogens using HTS technology”.
More information and Application Procedure can be found here:
Research Fellow in Bioinformatics/Botany/Plant Pathology
The Discipline of Botany in the School of Natural Sciences is currently advertising for a postdoctoral researcher with knowledge and experience in bioinformatics/high throughput sequencing to support a DAFM (Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine) funded project entitled “Detect PNP: Detecting plant nursery pathogens using HTS technology”.
More information and Application Procedure can be found here:
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