Plant-Soil Function
The Plant-Soil Function research group studies the functional ecology, physiology, and biogeochemistry of plants and soils and the multiple organisms and processes at their interface. We focus primarily on real world systems to allow this knowledge to be most useful and scalable. We are also broadly interested in methods innovations to tackle difficult questions, resolve uncertainty in how plants, ecosystems and the earth system work under climate change and contribute to sustainable development goals. We collaborate cross discipline, particularly with computer scientist and engineers.
Research Lead

Richard Nair
Research Assistant Professor and SFI-Royal Society University Research Fellow
Email richard.nair@tcd.ieI’m interested in understanding how both trees and herbaceous plants work, particularly the parts we can’t see easily and at scales difficult to study in lab experiments. My main research is on roots, phenology both above- and below- ground, and nitrogen cycling. I have expertise in both stable isotope work and machine learning methods. I am particularly interested in pushing new methods to investigate potentially incorrect assumptions in both models and experiments to help predict and manage the future of our changing planet.