Natalia Rodriguez CastaƱeda

Natalia is a PhD student at the NovelEco research group under the supervision of Dr Marcus Collier (Department of Botany). Her main research interest is understanding novel urban ecosystems from the interface society-environment-health. For this reason, as a researcher at the NovelEco research group, her interest is to bring a One Health perspective to the study of urban wild space in cities. 

Natalia is an environmental and health anthropologist. She studied for her BSc in Anthropology with a minor in biology, geography and environmental sciences at Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. During her studies, she did an exchange time at Philipps Marburg Universität, Germany. In 2018, she completed her MSc in anthropology of health at the University of Copenhagen. Since September 2020, she’s been a PhD student at the NovelEco research group, department of Botany, Trinity College Dublin. With international and interdisciplinary research experience, Natalia has experience in urban health, social epidemiology and environmental conservation.