An early interest in landscape and landscape evolution was fostered by family holidays in Wales and Scotland and honed at school (Eastbourne Grammar School 1966-1973) by A-Level geography and in particular a field trip to Charnwood Forest and a fascination in the contents of G.H.Dury's book "The Face of the Earth". After A-levels I went to Sussex to study Geography in the School of Biological Sciences (1973-1976) where I developed interests in plant physiology and biochemistry but managed to pull back at the last minute and headed into Quaternary geomorphology. After graduating from Sussex I went to the Sub-Department of Quaternary Research in the Botany School at Cambridge to work under Professor R.G.West FRS on the 'Pleistocene environmental history of east Anglia' (1976-1979). It was at Cambridge that I trained as a palynologist and sedimentologist. A lectureship at TCD advertised in 1979 seemed like a good plan. .../
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Daniel Praeg; Stephen McCarron; Dayton Dove; Colm Ó Cofaigh; Gill Scott; Xavier Monteys; Lorenzo Facchin; Roberto Romeo; Peter Coxon, Ice sheet extension to the Celtic Sea shelf edge at the Last Glacial Maximum, Quaternary Science Reviews, 111, 2015, p107 - 112Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Interglacial deposits in Cork Harbour. in, editor(s)McGlynn, G. and Stefanini, B. , The Quaternary of South East Ireland, London and Dublin, Quaternary Research Association and Irish Quaternary Association, 2015, pp147 - 157, [Coxon, P. and Dowling, L.]Book Chapter, 2015
- Relict (fossil) pingos. Camaross, County Wexford. in, editor(s)McGlynn, G. and Stefanini, B. , The Quaternary of South East Ireland., London and Dublin, Quaternary Research Association and Irish Quaternary Association, 2015, pp100 - 105, [Coxon, P.]Book Chapter, 2015
- Introduction: Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies in, editor(s)Coxon, P., McCarron, S. Mitchell, F.J.G. , Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies, Paris, Atlantis Press, 2017, pp1 - 17, [Coxon, P., McCarron, S. Mitchell, F.J.G.]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI
- Interglacial Sequences in, editor(s)Coxon, P., McCarron, S. Mitchell, F.J.G. , Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies , Paris, Atlantis Press, 2017, pp43 - 66, [Coxon, P., Mitchell, F.J.G., von Engelbrechten, S., Vaughan, L.]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI
- Peter Coxon, Stephen McCarron, Fraser Mitchell, Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies, 1, Paris, Atlantis Press, 2017, 1 - 316ppBook, 2017, DOI
- The Pre-Quaternary Landscape of Ireland in, editor(s)Coxon, P., McCarron, S. Mitchell, F.J.G. , Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies, Paris, Atlantis Press, 2017, pp19 - 42, [Michael J. Simms and Peter Coxon]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI
- The type locality of the Gortian Interglacial: Boleyneendorrish River, Co. Galway. A site of significant importance to Irish Quaternary geology. in, editor(s)Joanne Nolan and Chris Randolph , The Burren, County Clare. Field guide Number 33, Dublin, IQUA, 2016, pp10 - 17, [Coxon, P]Book Chapter, 2016
- Pleistocene glaciations in Ireland in, editor(s)Ehlers, J. and Gibbard, P.L. , Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology, Holland, Elsevier, B.V., 2004, pp183 - 191, [Knight, J., Coxon, P., McCabe, A.M. and McCarron, S.G.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Clague, J., Coxon, P., Avery, M., Chivas, A., Piotrowski, J., Rousseau, D.-D., Zisheng, A., , Revision of the geological time scale; Implications for the 'Quaternary', Quaternary Perspectives , 14, 2004, p124 - 125Journal Article, 2004
- Vaughan,A.P.M., Dowling,L.A., Mitchell,F.J.G., Lauritzen, S-E., McCabe,A.M. and Coxon,P. , Depositional and post-depositional history of warm stage deposits at Knocknacran, Co.Monaghan, Ireland: implications for preservation of Irish last interglacial deposits., Journal of Quaternary Science, 19, (6), 2004, p577 - 590Journal Article, 2004
- Coxon,P., Understanding Irish landscape evolution: Pollen assemblages from Neogene and Pleistocene palaeosurfaces in western Ireland., Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 101B, (1-2), 2001, p85 - 97Journal Article, 2001
- Palynology, Selley, R.C., Cocks, L.R.M. and Plimer, I.R., Encyclopedia of Geology, Elsevier, 2005, pp464 - 469, [Coxon, P. and Clayton, G. ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2005
- Coxon,P. (ed), The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, 1 - 220ppBook, 2005
- A2. Introduction: The Quaternary Geology of Central Western Ireland in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp7 - 24, [Farrell, A., McCarron, S. and Coxon, P. 2005. ]Book Chapter, 2005
- Site 2.3. Pollnahallia: A Tertiary palaeosurface and a glimpse of Ireland's pre-Pleistocene landscape in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp79 - 100, [Coxon, P., McMorrow, S., Coxon, C.E. and Nolan,T. ]Book Chapter, 2005
- Site 2.4. Turloughs in south-east Mayo: Quaternary deposits and palaeohydrological implications in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp101 - 111, [Coxon, C.E. and Coxon,P. ]Book Chapter, 2005
- Site 3.2. Quarry 1. Bóthar na Scrathóg. A Neogene palaeosurface in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp113 - 124, [Coxon,P.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quaternary (until 10,000 years before present.) in, editor(s)Holland,C.H. , The Geology of Ireland, Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2001, pp387 - 427, [Coxon,P.]Book Chapter, 2001
- The making of the landscape. in, editor(s)Quirke,B. , Killarney National Park. A place to treasure, Cork, The Collins Press, 2001, pp15 - 30, [Thorn,R. and Coxon,P. ]Book Chapter, 2001
- Spore and pollen biostratigraphy in, editor(s)Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques, London, The Geological Society, 1999, pp225 - 229, [Clayton, G. and Coxon, P.]Book Chapter, 1999
- Light microscopy of fossil pollen and spores in, editor(s)Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. ( , Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques, London, Geological Society, 1999, pp47 - 51, [Coxon, P. and Clayton, G. ]Book Chapter, 1999
- Dowling, L.A. and Coxon,P., Current understanding of Pleistocene temperate stages in Ireland., Quaternary Science Reviews, 20, 2001, p1631 - 1642Journal Article, 2001
- Mitchell,W.A. and Coxon,P. , Observations on the Quaternary geology of the Ladakh Range, Northwest Indian Himalaya., Earth Science Frontiers (China University of Beijing), 7, 2000, p49-Journal Article, 2000
- Dowling, L.A., Sejrup, H.P., Coxon, P. and Heijnis, H., Palynology, aminostratigraphy, and U-series dating of marine Gortian Interglacial sediments in Cork Harbour, southern Ireland, Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 1998, p945 - 962Journal Article, 1998
- The Quaternary history of Clare Island. in, editor(s)Graham, J.R. , New Survey of Clare Island. Volume 2: Geology, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2001, pp87 - 112, [Coxon,P.]Book Chapter, 2001
- Coxon, P., The Quaternary of western Ireland Field Guide, Dublin, IQUA, 2019, 1 - 237ppBook, 2019
- Coxon, P., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Wyse Jackson, P.N. , Wicklow in the Grip of an Ice Age. Second Edition, Second Edition, Dublin, Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA)., 2019, 1 - 62ppBook, 2019
- Coxon, P. and Hennessy, M. , The Quaternary of Clare Island: Field Guide, Dublin, IQUA, 2019, 1-173ppBook, 2019
- Coxon, P., Bennett,K.D.B., Dalton, C., Mitchell, F.J.G. and McCarron, S., THE XXTH INQUA CONGRESS Dublin Ireland, 25th-31st July 2019, Quaternary Newsletter, 149, 2019, p39 - 46Journal Article, 2019
- Coxon, P., Quaternary studies in Ireland and the Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA), Quaternary Perspectives, 15, (1), 2005, p229 - 231Journal Article, 2005
- Chapman, M., Graham,J.R., Goodhue, R and Coxon, P., Prehistoric drainage diversion in the Monavullagh Mountains, Co.Cork, Decies. Journal of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 61, 2005, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2005
- Journal of Quaternary Science. Special Issue: Glacial Geology and Palaeoclimate Records, 20, 7-8, (2005), 621 - 843p, Coxon,P. and Rodbell,D., [eds.]Journal, 2005
- Coxon, P., The late Tertiary landscapes of western Ireland, Irish Geography, 38, (2), 2005, p111 - 127Journal Article, 2005
- Phytogeography of Ireland, past & present in, editor(s)SJ Leach CN Page Y Peytoureau MN Sanford , Botanical Links in the Atlantic Arc, London, Botanical Society of the British Isles, 2006, pp31 - 39, [Waldren, S, Coxon, P. & Kingston, N.]Book Chapter, 2006
- Light microscopy of fossil pollen and spores in, editor(s)Jones, T.P and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques, Hefei, China, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2005, pp51 - 54, [COXON, P. and CLAYTON, G.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Spore and pollen biostratigraphy in, editor(s)Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques, Hefei, China, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2005, pp248 - 253, [CLAYTON, G. and COXON, P.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, 7, (2006), 679 - 801p, Turney,C. Kershaw, P and Lynch,A., [Special Issue editor]Journal, 2006
- Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, 5, (2006), 421 - 584p, Nick Ashton, Simon G. Lewis, Chris Stringer , [Special Issue Editor]Journal, 2006
- Coxon, P, Landscapes and environments of the last glacial-interglacial transition: a time of amazingly rapid change in Ireland. , Special Supplement to The Irish Naturalists' Journal 2008, Special Issue, 2008, p45 - 61Journal Article, 2008
- Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quaternary (until 11,700 years before 2000) in, editor(s)Charles H. Holland & Ian S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland (2nd Edition), Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2009, pp355 - 396, [Coxon, P. and McCarron, S.G.]Book Chapter, 2009
- Journal of Quaternary Science, 23, 4, (2008), 311 - 400p, Leng,M.J., Street-Perrott, F.A. and Barker,P.A., [Special Issues Editor]Journal, 2008
- Rose, J and Coxon, P., The Quaternary of the British Isles and adjoining seas, Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, (4), 2010, p395 - 398Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Journal of Quaternary Science, 25, 4, (2010), 395 - 603p, Rose, J and Coxon, P., [Editor]Journal, 2010
- Ceiridwen J. Edwards, Marc A. Suchard, Philippe Lemey, John J. Welch, Ian Barnes, Tara L. Fulton, Ross Barnett, Tamsin C. O'Connell, Peter Coxon, Nigel Monaghan, Cristina E. Valdiosera, Eline D. Lorenzen, Eske Willerslev, Gennady F. Baryshnikov, Andrew Rambaut, Mark G. Thomas, Daniel G. Bradley and Beth Shapiro, Ancient Hybridization and an Irish Origin for the Modern Polar Bear Matriline, Current Biology, 21, (15), 2011, p1251 - 1258Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Coxon, P., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Wyse Jackson, P.N., Wicklow in the Grip of an Ice Age, 1, Dublin, Irish Quaternary Association, 2012, i - 48ppBook, 2012
- Ireland under Ice in, editor(s)Matthew Jebb and Colm Crowley , Secrets of the Irish Landscape, Cork, Cork University Press, 2013, pp20 - 27, [Peter Coxon]Book Chapter, 2013
- A pre-Pliocene or Pliocene land surface in County Galway, Ireland in, editor(s)Widdowson, M. , Palaeosurfaces: Recognition, Reconstruction and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation, London, Geological Society Special Publication No. 120, 1997, pp37 - 55, [Coxon, P. & Coxon, C.]Book Chapter, 1997
- Coxon, C.E. & Coxon, P., Carbonate deposition in turloughs (seasonal lakes) on the western limestone lowlands of Ireland, II: The sedimentary record, Irish Geography, 27, (1), 1994, p28 - 35Journal Article, 1994
- The Yellow River (County Leitrim, Ireland) flash flood of June 1986 in, editor(s)Beven, K. & Carling, P. , Floods - Hydrological, Sedimentological and Geomorphological Implications, Wiley, 1989, pp199 - 217, [Coxon, P., Coxon, C.E. & Thorn, R.H.]Book Chapter, 1989
- Ceiridwen J. Edwards, Simon Y.W. Ho, Ross Barnett, Peter Coxon, Daniel G. Bradley, Tom C. Lord, Terry O'Connor, Continuity of brown bear maternal lineages in northern England through the Last-glacial period, Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- A Holocene pollen diagram from Lough Avullin, Clare Island, western Ireland in, editor(s)Donal Synnott , New Survey of Clare Island. Volume 7: Plants and Fungi, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2013, pp1 - 27, [Coxon, P., Corcoran, R., Gibson, P. and McCarron, S. ]Book Chapter, 2013
- Glacial sediments on Scattery Island and their deformation in, editor(s)Dalton, C. and O'Carroll,E. , Limerick and Shannon Estuary Region., Dublin, Field Guide Number 32. Irish Association for Quaternary Studies (IQUA), 2014, pp53 - 62, [Philcox, M. and Coxon, P.]Book Chapter, 2014
- Coxon, P., Rapid and dramatic climate changes in the Quaternary: glacial-interglacial cycles in the last 2.6 million years, Climate change through geological time, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7, 3rd December, 2016, Ireland Branch: The Open University Geological SocietyInvited Talk
- Coxon, P., Clew Bay, Clare Island and Climate: the making of an ice age landscape, Evening Lecture, Westport Coast Hotel, 15 November, 2016, Westport Civic TrustInvited Talk
- Mc Carron, S.G., O'Loinsigh, T., and Coxon, P., Preliminary investigations into the Remote Sensing of Landslides in upland Ireland, 15th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Sligo IT, 2005Invited Talk
- Coxon, P., Mountain Geomorphology, Review of Mountain Geomorphology, by Philip N. Owens and Olav Slaymaker (eds) , The Holocene, 15, (4), 2005, p637-638Review
- Farrell, A. and Coxon,P., N25 Waterford By-pass: Sedimentological and Palaeoenvironmental Investigation of Wetland Area adjacent to Woodstown., Dublin, NRA, 2004Report
- INQUA, XVIII INQUA-Congress, July 21st-27th 2011, In:Quaternary sciences - the view from the mountains, 2011, Bern, Switzerland, Peter Coxon (Chair), Flavio Anselmetti, Cecile Baeteman, Zhongli Ding, Hubertus Fischer, Gary Haynes, Sandy Harrison, Thorsten Kiefer, John Lowe, Ebbe Nielsen, Brad Pillans, Frank Preusser, Ashok Singhvi, Jim Teller and Willy TinnerMeetings /Conferences Organised, URL
Research Expertise
Primarily my research interests are critical aspects of Quaternary geomorphology including the use of geomorphological mapping (glacial geology), mass-movements and failures in Quaternary sediments, reconstructing flood events, environmental archaeology, palynological techniques and geomorphology to analyse landscape change and to solve stratigraphical problems in Quaternary and Tertiary deposits. Much of this work has been published and I have an active research profile with projects under way. I have wide experience in the field of geomorphology, in particular glacial and periglacial geomorphology and landforms and sediments using field mapping, sedimentological and remote sensing techniques.
TitleFlood/bog flow/landslide mass-movement reconstructionSummaryAnalysing high-magnitude/ low-frequency events such as flows in order to mitigate and plan for future occurrences. Has included work in Ireland and the Himalaya (see publications)Funding AgencynumerousDate From1984Date Toongoing
TitlePleistocene biostratigraphy in IrelandSummaryElucidating organic sequences of Late- and Middle Pleistocene age using palaeoecology, dating and sedimentological analysesFunding AgencyEU, TCD, FORBAIRT...Date From1979Date Toongoing
- IQUA Frank Mitchell Award for excellence in research and teaching December 2011
- Fellow Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) 1992
- Member Royal Irish Academy (MRIA) 2002
- Member of the Quaternary Research Association (QRA)
- Member of the Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA)