Professor James Gow Wilson
Fellow Emeritus, Zoology
Fellow Emeritus, Trinity Centre for the Environment
Email jwilson@tcd.ie Phone http://www.tcd.ie/Zoology/text/jim1.html#anchor598276Biography
Prof. James G. Wilson is Professor in Zoology and Environmental Science. Prof. Wilson graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1976 with a PhD in Zoology (Marine Biology). The subjects of his thesis were the Tellinidae and his interest in littoral bivalves and in the sediments they inhabit is still one of his major research interests. This was also the start of his interest in SCUBA diving as a research tool, and in the value of field work and field experimentation. Starting at TCD on the Irish Estuarine Research Programme, he devised two quality indices, the BQI and the PLI, which have now been applied in Ireland, France and the US as well as Black Sea. Again this has formed a major branch of his research which is increasingly being trialed in other countries. Prof. Wilson has always been interested in the fitness (in the Darwinian sense) of organisms and this is a key concept to understanding natural systems. From this arises his work in bioenergetics and in the network analysis of ecosystems. Prof. Wilson has written or edited 6 books and over 100 scientific papers covering the whole range of his research interests. These have been supported by national and international funding and have included collaborations with colleagues throughout the EC as well as Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, US and Australia. In 1979, Prof. Wilson was appointed to start the first Env. Sci. MSc course. This was very popular and was followed some 10 years later by the equally-sought after undergraduate Env. Sci. Mod. Graduates of both courses are now established all over the world. Now based back in the Zoology Department, he has expanded his teaching to take in some of the more traditional courses such as the Marine Field Trip. Outside TCD, Prof. Wilson has been active in a number of organisations, including the Royal Irish Academy (Secretary to the LSC) and the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association, for which he was the Editor of the ECSA Bulletin and then Secretary for many years. He is a qualified cricket coach and umpire, and still plays for a local club and for the TCD Taverners side (for fixtures please contact).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Luczkovich, J. & Wilson, J.G. (Eds). , Trophic Relationships of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems. Treatise on estuarine and coastal science, Vol.6, 1st, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012Book, 2012
- Introduction to Food Webs in Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems. in, Luczkovich, J.. Wilson, J.G. , Trophic Relationships of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems, J. Wilson and J. Luczkovich (Eds) Treatise on estuarine and coastal science, Vol.6, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012, pp1 - 6, [Wilson, J.G. & Luczkovich, J.. ]Book Chapter, 2012
- Wilson, JG & Devlin, M, Nutrients, Feeding Processes and Trophodynamics of Estuarine and Coastal Systems, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 135, 2012, p1 - 4Journal Article, 2012
- Estuarine Benthos in, Day, J. W., Kemp, W.M., Yanez-Arancibia, A. & Crump, B.C. (Eds) , Estuarine Ecology, London, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp303 - 325, [Wilson, J.G. & Fleeger, J.]Book Chapter, 2012
- Ecosystem Studies: Sandy Coastal Ecosystems in, editor(s)J. Wilson and J. Luczkovich (Eds) , Trophic Relationships of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems. Treatise on estuarine and coastal science, Vol.6, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012, pp251 - 259, [Wilson, JG]Book Chapter, 2012
- Giltrap, M., J. Ronan, S. Hardenberg, G. Parkes , B. McHugh, E. McGovern, J.G. Wilson, Assessment of biomarkers in Mytilus edulis to determine Good Environmental Status for implementation of MSFD in Ireland., Marine Pollution Bulletin, 71, 2014, p240 - 249Journal Article, 2014
- Giltrap, M., B. McHugh, J. Ronan, E. McGovern & J.G. Wilson , Biological effects and chemical measurements of pollution in Irish marine waters, 1st, Galway, Marine Institute, 2014, 110ppppBook, 2014
- Wilson, J.G. Kousogiannopolou, V. , Abundance, biomass, and productivity of invertebrate hyperbenthos in a temperate saltmarsh creek system. , Hydrobiologia, 728, 2014, p141 - 151Journal Article, 2014
- Wilson, J.G. McHugh, B. & Giltrap, M. , Biomarkers: are realism and control mutually exclusive in integrated pollution assessment?, Marine Environmental Research, 102, 2014, p11 - 17Journal Article, 2014
- Kirill V. Galaktionov, K.V., J.O. Bustnes, B-J. Bårdsen, J. G. Wilson, K. E. Nikolaev, A. A. Sukhotin, K. Skírnisson, D. H. Saville, M. V. Ivanov, K. V. Regel. ., Factors influencing the distribution of trematode larvae in blue mussels Mytilus edulis in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. , Marine Biology, 162, 2015, p193 - 206Journal Article, 2015
- Wilson, J.G., Minchin, D., McHugh, B., McGovern, E., Tanner, C., Giltrap, M. , Declines in TBT contamination in Irish coastal waters 1987-2011, using the dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) as a biological indicator. , Marine Pollution Bulletin, 100, 2015, p289 - 296Journal Article, 2015
- Adjei-Boateng, D. & Wilson, J.G., Sexual strategy in the freshwater bivalve Galathea paradoxa (Donacidae) from the Volta River estuary, Ghana. , Molluscan Research , 36, 2016, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2016
- Giltrap, M., Ronan J., Tanner C., O'Beirn F.X., Lyons B.P., Mag Aoidh R., Rochford H., McHugh B., McGovern E., Wilson J.G. , Application of a weight of evidence approach utilising biological effects, histopathology and contaminant levels to assess the health and pollution status of Irish blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)., Marine Environmental Research, (122), 2016, p33 - 45Journal Article, 2016
- Wilson, J.G., Giltrap, M. Dunne, N. , Assessing candidate metrics for the ecological quality of TFTW (tidal freshwaters in transitional waters) in Ireland using benthic invertebrates. , Ocean & Coastal Management , 143, 2017, p115 - 121Journal Article, 2017
- Wilson, J.G., Giltrap, M., Kelly, F. , Fish in tidal freshwater transitional waters (TFTWs) in Ireland: recommendations for assessment, policy and management of ecological quality under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). , Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy , 116B, 2016, p221 - 232Journal Article, 2016
- Giltrap, M., J. Ronan, J. P. Bignell, B. P. Lyons, E. Collins, H. Rochford, B. McHugh, E. McGovern, L. Bull and J. Wilson , Integration of biological effects, fish histopathology and contaminant measurements for the assessment of fish health: A pilot application in Irish marine waters, Marine Environmental Research , 129, 2017, p113 - 132Journal Article, 2017
- Wilson, J.G., A.Y. Mackie, E.I.S. Rees, B. O'Connor and T. Darbyshire, Benthic Biodiversity in the Southern Irish Sea. 2. The South West Irish Sea Survey., 1, Cardiff, national Museum of Wales, 2001, 1 - 143ppBook, 2001
- Wilson, J.G., Productivity, fisheries and aquaculture in temperate estuaries. , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55, (6), 2002, p953 - 967Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Evaluation of estuarine quality status at system level with the Biological Quality Index (BQI) and the Pollution Load Index (PLI). , Biology and Environment. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 103B, (2), 2003, p49 - 57Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Spatial and temporal variability in nutrient fluxes from the unpolluted Shannon estuary, Ireland, and the implications for microphytobenthic productivity. , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 60 , (2), 2004, 193 - 202Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Wilson, J.G. & Forrest, N., Population dynamics, biomass and productivity of Limapontia depressa (Gastopoda, Opisthobranchia) at Bull island, Dublin, Ireland. , Aquatic Ecology, 38, (4), 2004, p375 - 385Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Quinn, B., F. Gagné, M. Costello, C. McKenzie, J.G. Wilson & C. Mothersill, The endocrine disrupting effect of municipal plant effluent on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha, Aquatic Toxicology, 66, (3), 2004, p279 - 292Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Diffuse inputs of nutrients to Dublin Bay, Water Science and Technology, 51, (3-4), 2004, p231 - 237Journal Article, 2004, URL
- Astanei, I., E. Gosling, J.G. Wilson and E. Powell, Genetic variability and phylogeography of the invasive zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas)., Molecular Ecology, 14, (6), 2005, p1655 - 1666Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- O'Higgins, T. & Wilson, J.G., Impact of the River Liffey discharge on nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations in the Liffey estuary and Dublin bay (Irish Sea). , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 64, (2-3), 2005, p323 - 334Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., The Intertidal Ecosystem, First, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2006Book, 2006
- Wilson, J.G., Rybarczyk, H. and Elkaim, B., A comparison of energy flow through the Dublin Bay and Baie de Somme intertidal ecosystems and their network analysis, Hydrobiologia, 588, (1), 2007, p231 - 243Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Koutsagiannopoulou, V. & Wilson, J.G., The fish assemblage of the intertidal salt marsh creeks in North Bull Island, Dublin Bay: seasonal and tidal changes in composition, distribution and abundance. , Hydrobiologia, 588, (1), 2007, p213 - 224Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Problems of Life in Estuaries in, editor(s)Safran, P. , Fisheries & Aquaculture, Oxford, UNESCO, Eolss, 2008, pp166 - 185, [James G. Wilson]Book Chapter, 2008
- A. S. Lopukhin, I. V. Sysoeva, J. V. Bryantseva, O. A. Rylkova, J.G. Wilson & R. B. Kemp, Verification of the Heterotrophic-Photoautotrophic Index in Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea, Oceanology, 423A, 2008, p1520 - 1524Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Wilson, JG., A. Komakhidze, T. Osadchaya, S. Alyomov, A. Romanov and M. Tediashvili, Evaluating ecological quality in the north-eastern Black Sea coastal zone, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57, (1-5), 2007, p202 - 207Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- McBreen, F., J.G. Wilson, C. Nic Aonghusa and A.S.Y. Mackie, Seabed mapping in the southern Irish Sea: predicting benthic biological communities based on sediment characteristics, Hydrobiologia, 606, (1), 2007, p99 - 103Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Quinn, B., Costello, M.J., Dorange, G., Wilson, J.G., Mothersill, C., Development of an in vitro culture method for cells and tissues from the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), Cytotechnology, 59, (2), 2009, p121 - 134Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Wilson, J. G., Dispersion of Tellina tenuis from Kames Bay, Millport, Scotland, Marine Biology, 37, (4), 1976, p371-376Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- Wilson, J. G. & Hoare, R., The fauna of the soft substrates adjacent to the coast of Lundy, Lundy Field Society Report, 27, 1976, p53-58.Journal Article, 1976
- Wilson, J.G., The distribution of two closely related species of Tellina T. tenuis and T. fabula, Progress in Underwater Science, 2, 1977, p35-46Journal Article, 1977
- Wilson, J.G., Upper temperature tolerances of Tellina tenuis and Tellina fabula, Marine Biology, 45, (2), 1978, p123-128Journal Article, 1978, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., What is the function of the striae of Tellina fabula Gmelin?, Malacologia, 18, 1979, p291-296Journal Article, 1979
- Wilson, J. G., The burrowing of Tellina tenuis Da Costa and Tellina fabula Gmelin in relation to sediment characteristics, Journal of Life Science - Royal Dublin Society, 1, 1979, p91-98.Journal Article, 1979
- Wilson, J. G. & Harris, C.R., The microfaunal communities of the sediments off the coast of Lundy, Progress in Underwater Science, (N.S.), 5, 1980, p119- 128Journal Article, 1980
- J.G., C.R. Harris, D.L. Tomlinson, and D.W. Jeffrey, Studies on the pollution status of Irish estuaries, Bull. estuar. & Brackish-wat. Sci. Ass, 23, 1979, p2-6Journal Article, 1979
- J.G. Wilson, C.R. Harris, D.L. Tomlinson, and D.W. Jeffrey, Studies on the pollution status of Irish estuaries, Bull. estuar. & Brackish-wat. Sci. Ass, 23, 1979, p2-6Journal Article, 1979
- Wilson, J.G., Heavy metals in the estuarine macrofauna of the east coast of Ireland, Journal of Life Science - Royal Dublin Society, 1, 1980, p183-189Journal Article, 1980
- C.G. Wilson., D.L. Tomlinson, C.R. Harris and D.W. Jeffrey, Problems in the assessment of heavy metal levels in estuaries and the formation of a pollution index, Helgolander Meeresunters, 33, (1-4), 1980, p566-575Journal Article, 1980, DOI
- J.G. & R.F. McMahon, Effects of high environmental copper concentration on the oxygen consumption, condition and shell morphology of natural populations of Mytilus edulis L. and Littorina rudis Maton, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 70, (2), 1981, p139-147Journal Article, 1981, DOI
- J.G. Wilson, & R.F. McMahon, Effects of high environmental copper concentration on the oxygen consumption, condition and shell morphology of natural populations of Mytilus edulis L. and Littorina rudis Maton, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 70, (2), 1981, p139-147Journal Article, 1981, DOI
- J.G. Wilson & R.F. McMahon, Effects of temperature and hypoxia on the oxygen consumption of three species of intertidal bivalve molluscs from Dublin Bay, Ireland, Journal of Thermal Biology, 6, (4), 1981, p267-277Journal Article, 1981, DOI
- Wilson, J. G., Temperature tolerance of circatidal bivalves in relations to their distribution, Journal of Thermal Biology, 6, (4), 1981, p279-286Journal Article, 1981, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., The Marine Fauna of Lundy: Bivalvia, The Marine Fauna of Lundy: Bivalvia, 32, 1981, p29-37Journal Article, 1981
- Wilson, J.G., Heavy metals in Littorina rudis Maton along a Cu pollution gradient, Journal of Life Science - Royal Dublin Society, 4, 1982, p27-35Journal Article, 1982
- Wilson, J.G., Distribution, biomass and production of bivalves in Dublin Bay, Malacologia, 22, 1982, p377-384Journal Article, 1982
- J.G. Wilson, D.W. Jeffrey, C.R. Harris and D.L. Tomlinson, A Manual for the estimation of estuarine quality, Dublin, NBST, 1982, 1 - 201ppBook, 1982
- James G. Wilson, The uptake and accumulation of Ni by Cerastoderma edule and its effects on mortality, body condition and respiration rate, Marine Environmental Research, 8, (3), 1983, p129-148Journal Article, 1983, DOI
- J.G. Wilson & J.P. Davis, The population structure and ecology of Nucula turgida (Leckenby and Marshall) in Dublin Bay, Prog. Underwat. Sci. , 8, 1983, p53-60Journal Article, 1983
- James G. Wilson , Irish fisheries investigation -- Series B (Marine), 26, Ireland. Department of Fisheries and Forestry., 1983, 1-20ppBook, 1983
- Davis, J.P., Wilson, J.G., Seasonal changes in tissue weight and biochemical composition of the bivalve nucula turgida in Dublin Bay with reference to gametogenesis , Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 17, (1), 1983, p84-95Journal Article, 1983, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Assessment of the effects of short term salinity changes on the oxygen consumption of Cerastoderma edule, Macoma balthica, and Tellina tenuis from Dublin Bay, Ireland, Journal of Life Science - Royal Dublin Society, 5, 1984, p57-63Journal Article, 1984
- Wilson, J.G. & Halcrow, W., (Editors), Estuarine Management and Quality Assessment, London, Plenum Press, 1985, 1-228 ppBook, 1985
- Davis, J.P., Wilson, J.G., The energy budget and population structure of Nucula turgida in Dublin Bay. , Journal of Animal Ecology, 54, (2), 1985, 557-571Journal Article, 1985, URL
- Wilson, J.G., The respiratory response of Tellina fabula Gmelin to temperature and low oxygen stress, Soosiana, 13, 1985, p27-32Journal Article, 1985
- Wilson, J.G., Pollution induced enhancement of the oxyregulatory response of "Littorina rudis Maton, Journal of Life Science - Royal Dublin Society, 5, 1985, p81-86Journal Article, 1985
- J.G. Wilson & D.W. Jeffrey, A manual for the estimation of estuarine quality, 2nd edition, Dublin, NBST, 1985, 1-210ppBook, 1985
- The Dublin Bay ecosystem in, editor(s)Bruton, M., Convery, F. and Janson, A. , Managing Dublin Bay, UCD, Dublin, REPC, 1987, pp21 - 26 , [Wilson, J.G.]Book Chapter, 1987
- Wilson, J.G., Shelley, C., The distribution of Nucula turgida ( Bivalvia: Protobranchia) from Dublin Bay, Ireland, and the effects of sediment organic content. , Journal - Marine Biological Association, 66, (1), 1986, p119-130Journal Article, 1986, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Earley, J.J., Pesticide and PCB levels in the eggs of shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis and cormorant P. carbo from Ireland , Environmental Pollution Series B: Chemical and Physical, 12, (1), 1986, p15-26Journal Article, 1986, DOI
- J.G. Wilson, N.Allott, F.Bailey and N.Gray, A survey of the pollution status of the Liffey estuary, Irish Journal of Enviromental Science, 3, 1986, p15-20Journal Article, 1986
- Wilson, J.G., Ducrotoy, J.P., Desprez, M., Elkaim, B., Application of two estuary quality indices to the central and western English Channel: status of the Somme and Seine estuaries, France | [Application d'indices de qualite ecologique des estuaires en Manche centrale et orientale: comparaison de la Seine et de la Somme] , Vie et Milieu, 37, (1), 1987, p1-11Journal Article, 1987
- Wilson, J.G., Resource partitioning and predation as a limit to size in Nucula turgida (Leckenby & Marshall) , Functional Ecology, 2, (1), 1988, p63-66Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- Europe-wide indices for monitoring estuarine quality in, editor(s)Richardson, D.H.S. , Biological Indicators of Pollution, Dublin , RIA, 1987, pp225-242 , [Wilson, J.G. & D.W. Jeffrey]Book Chapter, 1987
- Wilson, J. G., Biology of Estuarine Management, London, Croom Helm, 1988, 1-210ppBook, 1988
- Biological impacts of organic and industrial discharges in, editor(s)Sweeney, J.C. , The Irish Sea" : a resource at risk, Geog. Soc. Ire. Special Publ, 1989, pp116-123 , [Wilson, J. G.]Book Chapter, 1989
- Hamouda, M.S., Wilson, J.G., Levels of heavy metals along the Libyan coastline, Marine Pollution Bulletin , 20, (12), 1989, p621-624Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Effects of temperature changes on infaunal circalittoral bivalves, particularly T. tenuis and T. fabula in, editor(s)Beukema, J.J. et al. , Expected Effects of Climatic Changes on Marine Coastal Ecosystems, Amsterdam, Kluwer Academic, 1990, pp93-97 , [Wilson J.G.]Book Chapter, 1990
- Bivalve individual variability in oxygen consumption and its effect on the response to environmental variables in, editor(s)Aldrich, J.C.A. , Phenotypic Responses and Individuality, Ashford, Co. Wicklow, Japaga, 1990, pp139 - 146 , [Wilsom, J.G.]Book Chapter, 1990
- Pollution levels and the effects on the Dublin Bay ecosystem in, editor(s)Chambers, P.L. and Chambers, C.P. , Estuarine Toxicology, Ashford, Co. Wicklow., Japaga, 1990, pp63 -71 , [J.G. Wilson, B. Brennan and B. Rafferty]Book Chapter, 1990
- J.,G. Wilson, R. Boelens et al, Irish Sea Study Group B: Waste Inputs and Pollution, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, , 1990, 165 + ix pp.ppBook, 1990
- Gill and palp morphology of Tellina tenuis and Tellina fabula in relation to feeding in, editor(s)Morton, B., , The Bivalvia. Proceedings of a symposium in memory of Sir Charles Maurice Yonge, Hong Kong., Hong Kong University Press, , 1990, pp141 - 150. , [Wilson, J.G.]Book Chapter, 1990
- A comparison of the pollution status of 12 Irish and French estuaries in, editor(s)Elliott, M. and Ducrotoy, J.P. , Estuaries and coasts - spatial and temporal intercomparisons, Denmark, Olssen & Olssen, 1991, 317 - 322. , [J.G. Wilson & B. Elkaim]Book Chapter, 1991
- A comparison of the population dynamics of the cockle (Cerastoderma edule) within north-west Europe in, editor(s)Elliott, M. and Ducrotoy, J.-P. , Estuaries and Coasts - spatial and temporal comparisons, Denmark, Olssen & Olssen, 1991, pp173 - 184 , [J.G. Wilson & J.-P. Ducrotoy et al]Book Chapter, 1991
- Dynamique des populations de Macoma balthica dans les estuaires du nord-oest de l'Europe in, editor(s)Elliott, M. and Ducrotoy, J.-P. , Estuaries and Coasts - spatial and temporal comparisons, Denmark, Olssen & Olssen, 1991, pp159 - 166 , [J.G. Wilson & M. Desprez et al.]Book Chapter, 1991
- J.G. Wilson, & B. Elkaim, Temperature tolerances of infaunal bivalves and the effect of geographical distribution, position on the shore and season, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 71, 1991, p169 - 178Journal Article, 1991
- J.G. Wilson, H. Kausch and H. Barth, Biogeochemical cycles in two major european estuaries: the Shanelbe project, CEC Water Pollution Research Report, CEC, 1990, 1-229Report, 1990
- J.G. Wilson & K. O'Crowley, Feral mink (Mustela vison) and their potential as disease vectors in Ireland: an investigation in Co. Wicklow, Irish Veterinary Journal , 44, 1991, p71-74Journal Article, 1991
- The toxicity of freshwater - estuarine bioindicators in, editor(s)Jeffrey, D.W. and Madden, B. , Bioindicators and Environmental Management, London, Academic Press, 1991, pp311 - 322 , [J.G. Wilson & B. Elkaim]Book Chapter, 1991
- Indicator organisms as a guide to estuarine management in, Jeffrey, D.W. , Indicator 6th International Bioindicators Symposium, 1991, pp55 - 64 , [J.G. Wilson & D.W. Jeffrey et al]Book Chapter, 1991
- Wilson J.G., The state of the Irish Sea, Technology Ireland, April, 1991, p40 - 41Journal Article, 1991
- Wilson, J.G., The state of the Irish Sea, Health & Safety, May, 1991, p33 - 37.Journal Article, 1991
- Wilson, J. G., The future for the cockle Cerastoderma edule in Dublin Bay - an exercise in prediction modeling., Occasional Publications Irish Biogeographical Society., 2, 1993, p141-149Journal Article, 1993
- Wilson, J.G., Brennan, M., Brennan, B., Horizontal and vertical gradients in sediment nutrients on mudflats in the Shannon estuary, Ireland , Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology , 27, (2-4), 1993, p173-180Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- Wilson, J. G. Elkaim, B., Estuarine Bioindicators - a case for caution, Acta Oecologia, 13, 1992, p345-358Journal Article, 1992
- Wilson, J. G., The role of bioindicators in estuarine management, Estuaries & Coasts, 17, (1A), 1994, p94-101Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- J. G. Wilson B. Elkaim, M. Desprez, J.-P. Ducrotoy, J.-P. Dupont and H. Rybarczyck, L'evaluation et le suivi de la qualite biologique des estuaires, Bulletin of Ecology, 23, 1992, p185-200Journal Article, 1992
- J.G. Wilson, M. Desprez et al., Biological impact of eutrophication in the Bay of Somme and the induction and impact of anoxia, Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 30, 1992, p149-159Journal Article, 1992
- Wilson, J.G., Age specific energetics of reproduction in Nucula turgida (Leckenby and Marshall). , Invert. Rep. Dev, 22, 1993, p275-280Journal Article, 1993
- Wilson, J.G. & M. Brennan, Nutrient interchange between the sediment and the overlying water on the intertidal mudflats of the Shannon estuary, Arch. Hydrobiol., 75, 1993, p423-450Journal Article, 1993
- J.G. Wilson & B. Brennan, Spatial and temporal variation in sediments and their nutrient concentrations in the unpolluted Shannon estuary, Ireland, Archival Hydrobiology, 75, 1993, p451-486Journal Article, 1993
- Irish marine habitats in, Reynolds, J.D. , The Conservation of Aquatic Systems, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1994, pp47 -55. , [J.G. Wilson & I. Lawler]Book Chapter, 1994
- Benthic Biological Pollution Indices in Estuaries in, editor(s)Kramer, K.J.M. , Biomonitoring of coastal waters and estuaries, Baton Rouge., CRC Press, 1994, pp1 - 181 , [J.G. Wilson & D.W. Jeffrey]Book Chapter, 1994
- J.G. Wilson, K. Sagar, M.R. Smyth and K. McLoughlin, HPLC determination of the triphenylmethane dye, malachite green, using amperometric detection at a carbon fibre microelectrode, Journal of Chromatography A, 659, (2), 1994, p329 - 336Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Rybarczyk, H., Elkaim, B., Wilson, J.G., Loquet, N. , Eutrophication in the Baie de Somme: consequences and impacts on the benthic population | [L'eutrophisation en Baie de Somme: mortalites des peuplements benthiques par anoxie] , Oceanologica Acta , 19, (2), 1996, p131-140Journal Article, 1996
- Costello, M.J., Kelly, K.S., Wilson, J.G., Emblow, C.S., Estuaries and coastal waters: research and management - Introduction , Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2, (2), 1996, p101-102Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- J.G. Wilson, D.W. Jeffrey, M.B. Brennan, E. Jennings and B. Madden), Nutrient sources for nuisance macroalgae: the Dublin Bay case, Ophelia, 42, 1995, p147-161.Journal Article, 1995
- Population dynamics, growth and energy budget of Tellina tenuis in Dublin Bay in, editor(s)Keegan, B.M. and O'Connor, R. , Irish Marine Science, Galway, Galway University Press, 1996, pp159 - 174. , [Wilson, J. G.]Book Chapter, 1996
- Oxygen consumption by Margaritifera margaritifera and Sphaerium corneum in relation to temperature and low oxygen conditions in, editor(s)Giusti, F. & Manganelli, G., , Abstracts XI Malacological Congress Siena 1992, Siena., University of Siena,, 1992, pp42 - 45. , [J.G. Wilson & Moorkens]Book Chapter, 1992
- Renewable natural resources - estuaries in, editor(s)Convery, F. and Feehan, J., , , Assessing Sustainability in Ireland, Dublin,, Environmental Institute, UCD, 1996, pp118 - 121 , [Wilson, J.G.]Book Chapter, 1996
- Flemming, N. C., Costello, M. J, Wilson, J.G. editors, Science for management in coastal and estuarine waters proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium of the ECSA, part 3 , 44A, Academic Press, 1997, 1-116ppBook, 1997
- J.G. Wilson, M. Costello, C. Emblow and K. Kelly, Estuaries and Coastal Waters: Research and Management, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2, 1997, p99-102Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- J.G. Wilson & B. Elkaim, Seasonal and geographical differences in oxygen consumption with temperature of Cerastoderma glaucum (Poiret) and a comparison with C. edule (L.), Estuarine, coastal and shelf science , 45, (5), 1997, p571 - 576Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- Wilson, J. G. (editor), Eutrophication in Irish Waters, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1998Book, 1998
- The impact of nutrients in an estuarine system in, editor(s)Wilson, J. G. , Eutrophication in Irish Waters, Dublin., Royal Irish Academy, 1998, pp115 - 125. , [J.G. Wilson, Brennan M. T., Khan, J., Jeffrey, D. W. and Jennings, E]Book Chapter, 1998
- Wilson, J.G., Elkaim, B., Seasonal and geographical differences in oxygen consumption with temperature of Cerastoderma glaucum (Poiret) and a comparison with C. edule (L.) , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 45, (5), 1997, p571-577Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- J.G. Wilson & A. Parsons, Influence of macrofauna on nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface, Journal de Recherche Océanographique, 22, 1997, p143 - 148Journal Article, 1997
- J.G. Wilson & S. Roth, Functional analysis by trophic guilds of macrobenthic community structure in Dublin Bay, Ireland, Journal of Experimental Marine Ecology, 222, (1), 1997, p195 - 217Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- J.G. Wilson, V. Choiseul and E. Nixon, The distribution of hydrocarbons on the east and south-west Irish coasts and in the Liffey estuary, Biology and Environment, 98 B, 1998, p75 - 86Journal Article, 1998, URL
- Wilson, J.G., Population dynamics and energy budget for a population of Donax variabilis (Say) on an exposed South Carolina beach, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology , 239, 1999, p61-83Journal Article, 1999
- J.G. Wilson, G. Radach, J. Gekeler, G. Becker, P. Bot, P. Castaing, F. Colijn, P. Damm, D. Danelssen, L. Foyn, J. Gamble, R. Laane, J.-P. Mommaerts, D. Nehring, K. Pegler & W. van Raaphorst, The NOWESP research data base., Dt. Hydrogr. Z.,, 48, 1998, p241 - 260Journal Article, 1998
- J.G. Wilson & A. Parkes, Network analysis of the energy flow through the Dublin Bay ecosystem. , Biology and Environment, 98B, 1999, 179 - 190Journal Article, 1999, URL
- J.G. Wilson, A.D. Gordina , E.V. Pavlova, E. I. Ovsyany, R. B. Kemp and A. S. Romanov., Long-term changes in Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea) with particular reference to the Ichthyoplankton and Zooplankton., Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52, (1), 2000, p1 - 13Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Brennan, M., Murray, A., Particulate inputs to Dublin Bay and to the South Lagoon, Bull Island, Hydrobiologia, 475-476, (15), 2002, p195-204Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Wilson J.G., Long-term studies of bivalves in Dublin Bay, Ireland, Porcupine Mar. Nat. Hist. Soc. Newsl, 7, 2001, p27 - 31.Journal Article, 2001
- The South-West Irish Sea Survey (SWISS) of benthic biodiversity in, editor(s)Nunn, J. , Marine Biodiversity of Ireland , Belfast., Ulster Museum, 2002, pp166-170 , [Wilson, J.G., A. S. Y. Mackie and E. I. S. Rees]Book Chapter, 2002
- Biodiversity of macrofauna on sandy and muddy shores in Ireland in, editor(s)Nunn, J. , Marine Biodiversity of Ireland, Belfast. , Ulster Museum, 2002, pp5-14 , [J.G. Wilson & C. Emblow]Book Chapter, 2002
- Wilson, J.G., "Dublin Bay". Encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill & McMillan, 2003, 320ppBook, 2003
- The intertidal system: sustainability and long-term indicators of system status. in, editor(s)Wilson, J. G. , The Intertidal Ecosystem, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2005, pp171 - 189 , [Wilson, J.G.]Book Chapter, 2005
- J.G. Wilson, A.Y. Mackie, E.I.S. Rees, B. O'Connor and T. Darbyshire, Benthic Biodiversity in the Southern Irish Sea. 2. The South West Irish Sea Survey. Volume 2. Species' Distribution. , Cardiff, National Museum of Wales, 2006Book, 2006
- J.G. Wilson, A.Y. Mackie, E.I.S. Rees, B. O'Connor and T. Darbyshire, Benthic Biodiversity in the Southern Irish Sea. 2. The South West Irish Sea Survey. Volume 3. Community Analyses. , Cardiff, National Museum of Wales, 2006Book, 2006
- Wilson, J.G., Long-term changes in Dublin Bay; implications for climate change, Cstl. Zone Topics, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Wilson, J.G. & McBreen, F., The pollution status of north Dublin Bay, Proc. ESAI Environ 2005, ESAI Environ 2005, University of Limerick, Limerick. , 2006, pp38-45.Conference Paper, 2006
- J. G. Wilson, T. O'Higgins & S.A. Ward, Phytoplankton spring bloom decay in the Liffey estuary, Proceedings ESAI Environ 2005, ESAI Environ 2005, University of Limerick, Limerick, 2005, pp5-7Conference Paper, 2005
- Koutsogiannopoulou, V., Wilson, J.G., The fish assemblage of the intertidal salt marsh creeks in North Bull Island, Dublin Bay: Seasonal and tidal changes in composition, distribution and abundance , Hydrobiologia , 588, (1), 2007, 213-224Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Adaptations to life in estuaries in, editor(s)Safran, P., UNESCO , Fisheries and Aquaculture, Oxford, UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, 2008, pp166-182 , [Wilson, J.G.]Book Chapter, 2008
- Wilson, J.G., Komakhidze, A., Osadchaya, T., Alyomov, S., Romanov, A., Tediashvili, M., Evaluating ecological quality in the north-eastern Black Sea coastal zone, Marine Pollution Bulletin , 57, (1-5), 2008, p202-207Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Wilson, J.G., Osadchaya, T.S., Alyomov, S.V., Long-term changes in the status of Sevastopol Bay and the Crimean coast: Anthropogenic and climatic influences., Hydrobiologia , 606, (1), 2008, p153-160Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- McBreen, F., Wilson, J.G., Mackie, A.S.Y., Nic Aonghusa, C. , Seabed mapping in the southern Irish Sea: Predicting benthic biological communities based on sediment characteristics., Hydrobiologia, 606, (1), 2008, 93-103Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Viana, M., Graham, N., Wilson, J.G. & Jackson, A.L., Fisheries discards in the Irish Sea exhibit temporal oscillations and trends reflecting underlying processes at an annual scale, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68, (1), 2011, p221 - 227Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Michael Hartnett, James G. Wilson, Stephen Nash, Irish estuaries: Water quality status and monitoring implications under the water framework directive, Marine Policy, 35, 2011, p810 - 818Journal Article, 2011
- Oceanis, 34, (2008), 1 - 277p, Ducrotoy, Jean-Paul, & Wilson, James G., [eds.], 2008Journal, 2008
- K. Sooknanan, A. Kokaram, D. Corrigan, G. Baugh, N. Harte and J. Wilson, Indexing and Selection of Well-Lit Details in Underwater Video Mosaics Using Vignetting Estimation, Program Book - OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu: The Living Ocean and Coast - Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities, International OCEANS Conference, Yeosu, South Korea, May, IEEE, 2012, ppArticle number 6263541Conference Paper, 2012, DOI
- K. Sooknanan, A. Kokaram, D. Corrigan, G. Baugh, J. Wilson and N. Harte , Improving Underwater Visibility Using Vignetting Correction, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Visual Information Processing and Communication, Burlingame, California, USA, January, 8305, SPIE, 2012, ppArticle number 83050MConference Paper, 2012, DOI
- Adjei-Boateng, D., Wilson, J.G., Population dynamics of the freshwater clam Galatea paradoxa from the Volta River, Ghana, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 405, 2012, part. no. 09Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Wilson., J.G., Galaktionov, K.V., Sukhotin, A.A., Skirnisson, K., Nikolaev, K.E., Ivanov, M.I., Bustnes, J.O., (...), Regel, K.V., Factors influencing trematode parasite burdens in mussels (Mytilus spp) from the north Atlantic ocean across to the north Pacific, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2011, p00-00Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Adjei-Boateng, D., Wilson, J.G., Body condition and gametogenic cycle of Galatea paradoxa (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Volta River estuary, Ghana, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2011, p00-00Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Introduction to Food Webs in Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems. in, Luczkovich, J.. Wilson, J.G. , Trophic Relationships of Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems, J. Wilson and J. Luczkovich (Eds) Treatise on estuarine and coastal science, Vol.6, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012, pp1 - 6, [Wilson, J.G. & Luczkovich, J.. ]Book Chapter
- Dublin Bay, Encyclopedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill & McMillan, 2004, pp320 - 320, [Wilson, J.G.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
Research Expertise
Prof. Wilson's research interests are directed to the interactions between organisms and their environment and the implications for the short-term and long-term fitness of individuals, of populations and of ecosystems. The determination of fitness proceeds in three steps: 1. Investigations toward an understanding of the particular habitat and of the critical environmental stresses; 2. Quantification through bioenergetics and cost/benefit analysis of life strategies; 3. Construction and verification of process models and system models. The focus of these researches has been, on the system side, estuarine and coastal marine systems, and on the organism side, bivalves and particularly the Tellinidae. In estuarine and coastal systems, the major stresses are imposed by environmental factors such as temperature and salinity, and by anthropogenic factors such as the different kinds of pollution. Quality indices and bioindicators provide an integrated synopsis of the degree of perturbation, providing both scientific information as to the fitness of the target organism(s) and also the performance of management and economic strategies on the systems. As well as many articles in this area, Prof. Wilson has written a book chapter on indices; he has edited a symposium volume on Estuarine Management and Quality Assessment; he was one of the authors of the inter-governmental Irish Sea Study Group Report and he has written a book on the Biology of Estuarine Management. The most recent volume on this topic is The Intertidal Ecosystem (RIA, 2006), and he is currently writing a major review on the topic. Bioenergetics is the study of what Darwin saw as the driving force of evolution, the struggle for food. Energy acquisition and partitioning is central to the survival of individuals, of populations and ultimately of the species themselves. Bioenergetics can also quantify the short-term costs and benefits of an organism's life strategy as well as the impact of environmental and anthropogenic stresses. Prof. Wilson has published widely on various aspects of bioenergetics, which have been used to quantify the fitness of individuals, of populations, and of systems. The models include conceptual models which are implicit in many of the ideas in the preceding two sections, but the primary focus is mathematical models which can then be developed for predictive capability. These models can be formulated, and integrated, at process level, for example oxygen consumption and metabolism, at individual and population level with energy partitioning, and at system level with energy and nutrient budgets. As well as individual articles, this philosophy forms the basis of the symposium volume edited for the Royal Irish Academy Eutrophication in Irish Waters. It also forms the basis for other mathematical treatments such as multivariate analysis or systems analysis. The systems analysis approach is also at the core of his work in Dublin Bay and on the biodiversity of the Irish Sea. The latter work is just coming to fruition with the publication in 2001 of the first of 3 volumes, with further investigation planned extending the scope south into the Celtic Sea and offshore.
TitleHabitat Mapping in the Irish sea (HabMap)SummaryFunding AgencyEC INTERREGDate FromJune 2004Date ToDec 2007
TitleStable isotope analysis of the Dublin Bay ecosystemSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate FromOct 2004Date ToJun 2008
TitleInteractions between hosts and parasites in Palaearctic coastal ecosystemsSummaryFunding AgencyEC INTASDate FromDec 2006Date ToJun2009
TitleBiological Effects of PollutionSummaryThe use of integrated chemical and biological effects assessment has become the preferred approach for assessing the impact of hazardous substance pollution. Specifically, measurement of biochemical markers in individual organisms in situ can provide sensitive and specific early warning signs of biological stress in response to pollution. In contrast, measurements at a broader ecosystem scale may be insufficiently sensitive or unable to discern contributory cause-effect relationships. This suite of monitoring techniques must perforce span the range of ecological complexity from single systems to populations and ecosystems. This project proposes a range of techniques as candidate biomarkers which cover the range of biocomplexity and which in addition offer the potential by which specific contaminants can be identifiedFunding AgencyMarine InstituteDate From1-8-08Date To28-2-12
TitleBiodiversity and ecological requirements of meiofauna and a typology for Irish transitional waters.SummaryFunding AgencyEPADate FromOct 2007Date ToSept 2010
- FTCD 1993
- Estuarine Research Federation
- Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland
- Scottish Association for Marine Science
- Porcupine
- Marine Conservation Society
- Marine Biological Association
- Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association