Peter is a botanist with a specialism in tropical plants and plant identification. Like many budding biologists, he suffered from "plant blindness" as a child but during his time at University came to appreciate the vast diversity of plants on our planet and the incalculable ways they influence everything that happens around us. Peter joined Trinity College Dublin as Assistant Professor in Botany and Assistant Herbarium Curator in November 2022. Peter began to specialise on the genus Begonia during his masters and continued to work on the genus during PhD. He now focusses on the taxonomy and systematics of Andean Begonia species and the adaption of several Andean Begonias to specialist pollination syndromes, including hummingbird and buzz pollination. His two major postdoctoral positions focussed on developing methods and building networks for monitoring Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests with permanent monitoring plots, which are fundamental to our understanding of how these underappreciated ecosystems react to and influence global climate. His experience in taxonomy and forest monitoring give him a unique perspective on how systematists and forest ecologists could work together to improve the quality and quantity of tropical tree identifications available to both fields. He is currently applying for funding to build a "next generation" pipeline for tree identification in the tropics.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- P. W. Moonlight and R. Hollands and A. Cano and D. A. Purvis, A NEW SPECIES OF TUBEROUS BEGONIA (BEGONIACEAE) FROM ANDEAN PERU, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 77, (1), 2019, p145--159Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Peter W. Moonlight, Pedro Luiz Silva de Miranda, Domingos Cardoso, Kyle G. Dexter, Ary T. Oliveira"Filho, R. Toby Pennington, Gustavo Ramos, Tiina E. Särkinen, Antoine Guisan, The strengths and weaknesses of species distribution models in biome delimitation, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29, (10), 2020, p1770--1784Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Domingos Cardoso and Peter W. Moonlight and Gustavo Ramos and Graeme Oatley and Christopher Dudley and Edeline Gagnon and Luciano Paganucci de Queiroz and R. Toby Pennington and Tiina E. Särkinen, Defining Biologically Meaningful Biomes Through Floristic, Functional, and Phylogenetic Data, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Begonia Phylogeny Group , Wisnu Handoyo Ardi, Lucia Campos-Dominguez, Kuo-Fang Chung, W.-K. Dong, Eleanor Drinkwater, Danny Fuller, Janet Gagul, George J. L. Garnett, Deden Girmansyah, Will Goodall-Copestake, Mark Hughes, E.L. Jacques, Orlando Adolfo Jara-Muñoz, Julia Sang, Catherine Kidner, Ruth Kiew, Nikhil Krishna, Ruihui Li, Lakmini Marasinghe, Mya Bhone Maw, Che Wei Lin, Peter Moonlight, Hieu Quang Nguyen, Hieu Nguyen, Thamarat Phutthai, AK PRADEEP ., Sangeeta Rajbhandary, Rosario Rubite, David Scherberich, Keooudone Souvannakhoummane, Madhavi Sreenath, Mark Tebbitt, Daniel Caspar Thomas, Yu-Hsin Tseng, Hannah Wilson, Resolving phylogenetic and taxonomic conflict in Begonia, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Peter Moonlight, Alfredo F. Fuentes, An updated checklist and key to the species of Bolivian Begonia, including one new species, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 79, 2022, p1 - 66Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Peter Moonlight, Álvaro J. Pérez, A NEW SPECIES OF BEGONIA SECT. RUIZOPAVONIA FROM COLOMBIA AND ECUADOR, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Yu-Hsin Tseng, Chia-Lun Hsieh, Lucia Campos-Dominguez, Ai-Qun Hu, Chiung-Chih Chang, Yu Hsu, Catherine Kidner, Mark Hughes, Peter Moonlight, Cheng-Hsiang Hung, Yen-Chiao Wang, Yi-Tse Wang, Shih-Hui Liu, Deden Girmansyah, Kuo-Fang Chung, Insights into the evolution of the chloroplast genome and the phylogeny of Begonia, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- P. W. Moonlight and M. Hughes and M. C. Tebbitt, TAXONOMY OF BEGONIA ALBOMACULATA AND DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES ENDEMIC TO PERU, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 74, (2), 2017, p179--198Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- P. W. MOONLIGHT and A. JARA-MU{\~{N, A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species, Phytotaxa, 307, (1), 2017, p1Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Domingos Cardoso and Tiina Särkinen and Sara Alexander and André, Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, (40), 2017, p10695--10700Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- M. C. Tebbitt and A. R. Andrada and L. J. C. Kollmann and P. W. Moonlight, TAXONOMY OF BEGONIA WOLLNYI HERZOG AND BEGONIA ARROGANS IRMSCH., Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 75, (2), 2018, p215--226Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Peter W. Moonlight and Wisnu H. Ardi and Luzmila Arroyo Padilla and Kuo-Fang Chung and Daniel Fuller and Deden Girmansyah and Ruth Hollands and Adolfo Jara-Mu{\~{n, Dividing and conquering the fastest-growing genus: Towards a natural sectional classification of the mega-diverse genus Begonia (Begoniaceae), Taxon, 67, (2), 2018, p267--323Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- P.W. MOONLIGHT and C. REYNEL, Two new species of Begonia from Andean Peru, Phytotaxa, 381, (1), 2018, p116Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- J. L. Clark and P. W. Moonlight, A new species of Diastema (Gesneriaceae) from the Eastern Andean Slopes of Peru, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 77, (1), 2019, p89 - 97Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Peter W. Moonlight and James E. Richardson and Mark C. Tebbitt and Daniel C. Thomas and Ruth Hollands and Ching-I Peng and Mark Hughes, Continental-scale diversification patterns in a megadiverse genus: the biogeography of NeotropicalBegonia, Journal of Biogeography, 42, (6), 2015, p1137--1149Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- R. Toby Pennington and Mark Hughes and Peter W. Moonlight, The Origins of Tropical Rainforest Hyperdiversity, Trends in Plant Science, 20, (11), 2015, p693--695Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- P. W. Moonlight and M. C. Tebbitt, TWO NEW PERUVIAN SPECIES OF BEGONIA (BEGONIACEAE) AND AN AMENDED DESCRIPTION OF BEGONIA THYRSOIDEA, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 74, (2), 2016, p111--122Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Peter Watson Moonlight and Carlos Reynel and Mark Tebbitt, Begonia elachista Moonlight & Tebbitt sp. nov., an enigmatic new species and a new section of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Peru, European Journal of Taxonomy, (281), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- M. C. Tebbitt and M. Hughes and {\'{A, TAXONOMY OF THE BEGONIA TILIIFOLIA GROUP, INCLUDING DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES, Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 74, (2), 2017, p199--215Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Kennedy Lewis, Fernanda de V. Barros, Peter W. Moonlight, Timothy C. Hill, Rafael S. Oliveira, Isabel B. Schmidt, Alexandre B. Sampaio, R. Toby Pennington and Lucy Rowland, Identifying hotspots for ecosystem restoration across heterogeneous tropical savannah-dominated regions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 387, (1867), 2022, p20210075Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Silva M.C., Moonlight P.W., Oliveira R.S., Pennington R.T., Rowland L., Toward diverse seed sourcing to upscale ecological restoration in the Brazilian Cerrado, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2023, p1045591Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Silva T.H., Lima R.B.d., Souza R.L.F.d., Moonlight P.W., Cardoso D., Santos H.K.V., Oliveira C.P.d., Veenendaal E., Queiroz L.P.d., Rodrigues P.M.S., Santos R.M.d., Sarkinen T.E., Paula A.d., Barreto-Garcia P.A.B., Pennington R.T., Phillips O.L., Mapping wood volume in seasonally dry vegetation of Caatinga in Bahia State, Brazil, Scientia Agricola, 80, 2023, pe20220161Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- P.W. Moonlight & D.B.O.S. Cardoso, A taxonomic revision of Keraunea, including three new species and its phylogenetic realignment within Ehretiaceae (Boraginales), Phytokeys, 219, 2023, p145 - 170Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Héveli Kalini Viana Santos, Robson Borges de Lima, Rafael L Figueiredo de Souza, Domingos Cardoso, Peter W Moonlight, Thaine Teixeira Silva, Cinthia Pereira de Oliveira, Francisco Tarcísio Alves Júnior, Elmar Veenendaal, Luciano Paganucci de Queiroz, Priscyla MS Rodrigues, Rubens Manoel dos Santos, Tiina Sarkinen, Alessandro de Paula, Patrícia Anjos Bittencourt Barreto-Garcia, Toby Pennington, Oliver L Phillips, Spatial distribution of aboveground biomass stock in tropical dry forest in Brazil, i F o r e s t Biogeosciences and Forestry, 16, 2023, p116 - 126Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- P.W. Moonlight, O.A. Jara-Muñoz, D.A. Purvis, J. Delves, J.P. Allen, C. Reynel, The Genus Begonia in peru, European Journal of Taxonomy, 881, 2023, p1 - 334Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- A.P. Courtenay, P.W. Moonlight, R.T. Pennington & C.E.R. Lehmann, Underground trees inhabit varied environmental extremes across the Afrotropics, Annals of Botany, mcad124, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- O.A. Jara-Munoz, P.W. Moonlight & J.C. Zabala Rivera, A New Species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, Phytotaxa, 616, (2), 2023, p169 - 175Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Edeline Gagnon, Ludwig Baldaszti, Peter Moonlight, Sandra Knapp, Caroline E.R. Lehmann & Tiina Sarkinen, Functional and ecological diversification of underground organs in Solanum, Frontiers in Genetics, 14, (1231413), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Clark, J.L., Smith, J.F. & Moonlight, P.W., Another Recently Recognized Monotypic Genus Is No Longer Monotypic: A Second Species of Pachycaulos (Gesneriaceae) from the Huancabamba Depression in Northern Peru, Systematic Botany, 48, (3), 2023, p410 - 418Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Peter W. Moonlight & Daniel L. Kelly, Two New Critically Endangered Species of Begonia sect. Gireoudia (Begoniaceae) from Mesoamerica, Novon, A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 32, 2024, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Mateus C. Silva, Lucy Rowland, Rafael S. Oliveira, R. Toby Pennington, Peter Moonlight, Elevation modulates the impacts of climate change on the Brazilian Cerrado flora, Diversity and Distributions, e13832, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- PW Moonlight, L Baldaszti, D Cardoso, A Elliott, T Särkinen, S Knapp, Twenty Years of Big Plant Genera, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291, 2024, p20240702Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Débora C Zuanny, Bruno Vilela, Peter W Moonlight, Tiina E Särkinen, Domingos Cardoso, expowo: An R package for mining global plant diversity and distribution data, Applications in Plant Sciences, 211609, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Jay Delves, Joaquina Albán"Castillo, Asunción Cano, Carmen Fernández Aviles, Edeline Gagnon, Paúl Gonzáles, Sandra Knapp, Blanca León, Jose Luis Marcelo"Peña, Carlos Reynel, Rocío del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles, Eric F Rodríguez Rodríguez, Tiina Särkinen, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez, Peter W Moonlight, Small and in"country herbaria are vital for accurate plant threat assessments: A case study from Peru, Plants, People, Planet, 6, (1), 2024, p174 - 185Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- World Flora Online, World Flora Online, December 2022, World Flora Online, 2022Dataset, URL
- Hughes M., Moonlight P.W., Jara-Muñoz A., Tebbitt M.C., Wilson H.P., Zhong K. & Pullan M., Begonia Resource Centre, 2015 (Continuously Updated), Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, 2023Dataset, URL
- Carlos Augusto Reynel Rodriguez, Tiina Elina Särkinen, Richard Toby Pennington, Asunción Alipio Cano Echevarría, David Jones Nicholas Hind, Peter Moonlight, Joaquina Adelaida Albán Castillo, Moisés Cavero Bravo, Terence Dale Pennington, Flores en el itinerario de Lima a la Selva Central del Perú (Valle de Chanchamayo), 2023Book
- Fellow of the Linnean Society 22 October 2020
- Fellow of the Linnean Society 2020