Dr. Silvia Caldararu
Assistant Professor, Botany
Email caldaras@tcd.ie Phone https://plantecomodelling.org/Biography
Silvia studies how plants are affected by climate change and how this in turn impacts the world's carbon cycle and feeds back to the climate. She uses land surface models to understand current plant and ecosystem observations and make predictions about the future. Silvia completed her PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2013, where she built a global model of leaf phenology. After that, she spent 2 years at Microsoft Research Cambridge in the Computational Ecology lab, looking at general models of crop growth. From 2015 to 2022 she was a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, where she contributed to the QUINCY model and started looking at ecosystem nutrient limitation and effects of elevated CO2 on plant physiology. She joined the college in summer 2022.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Lorna E. Street, S. Caldararu, Why are Arctic shrubs becoming more nitrogen limited?, New Phytologist, 233, (2), 2022, p585--587Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Silvia Caldararu, Tea Thum, Lin Yu, Sönke Zaehle, Whole"plant optimality predicts changes in leaf nitrogen under variable CO 2 and nutrient availability, New Phytologist, 225, (6), 2020, p2331--2346Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Tea Thum, Silvia Caldararu, Jan Engel, Melanie Kern, Marleen Pallandt, Reiner Schnur, Lin Yu, Sönke Zaehle, A new model of the coupled carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in the terrestrial biosphere (QUINCY v1.0; revision 1996), Geoscientific Model Development, 12, (11), 2019, p4781--4802Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Mingkai Jiang, Sönke Zaehle, Martin G. De Kauwe, Anthony P. Walker, Silvia Caldararu, David S. Ellsworth, Belinda E. Medlyn, The quasi-equilibrium framework revisited: analyzing long-term CO<sub>2</sub> enrichment responses in plant"soil models, Geoscientific Model Development, 12, (5), 2019, p2069--2089Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Silvia Caldararu, Drew W. Purves, Matthew J. Smith, The impacts of data constraints on the predictive performance of a general process-based crop model (PeakN-crop v1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 10, (4), 2017, p1679--1701Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Silvia Caldararu, Drew W. Purves, Matthew J. Smith, The effect of using the plant functional type paradigm on a data-constrained global phenology model, Biogeosciences, 13, (4), 2016, p925--941Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- S. Caldararu, D. W. Purves, P. I. Palmer, Phenology as a strategy for carbon optimality: a global model, Biogeosciences, 11, (3), 2014, p763--778Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- S. Caldararu, P. I. Palmer, D. W. Purves, Inferring Amazon leaf demography from satellite observations of leaf area index, Biogeosciences, 9, (4), 2012, p1389--1404Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Manon Sabot, Martin De Kauwe, Andy Pitman, Belinda Medlyn, David Ellsworth, Silvia Caldararu, Sönke Zaehle, Mengyuan Mu, Teresa Gimeno, Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Fabrice Lacroix, Sönke Zaehle, Silvia Caldararu, Jörg Schaller, Peter Stimmler, Mathias Goeckede, Temporal Disconnect of Seasonal Plant Nutrient Demand and Thaw Depth implies an Increasing Source of N2O in High-Latitude Permafrost Ecosystems , 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Silvia Caldararu, Tea Thum, Richard Nair, Sönke Zaehle, Disentangling the long-term foliar 15N signal using a land surface model, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Jiang Mingkai, Caldararu Silvia, Zaehle Sönke, Ellsworth David S, Medlyn Belinda E, Towards a more physiological representation of vegetation phosphorus processes in land surface models , New Phytologist , 222 , (3 ), 2019, p1223 - 1229Journal Article, 2019
- Jiang Mingkai, Caldararu Silvia, Zhang Haiyang, Fleischer Katrin, Crous Kristine Y, Yang Jinyan, De Kauwe Martin G, Ellsworth David S, Reich Peter B, Tissue David T, Low phosphorus supply constrains plant responses to elevated CO2: a metaâ analysis , Global Change Biology , 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Migliavacca Mirco, Musavi Talie, Mahecha Miguel D, Nelson Jacob A, Knauer JÃŒrgen, Baldocchi Dennis D, Perez-Priego Oscar, Christiansen Rune, Peters Jonas, Anderson Karen, The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function , Nature , 598 , (7881 ), 2021, p468 - 472Journal Article, 2021
- Caldararu, S. and Rolo, V. and Stocker, B. D. and Gimeno, T. E. and Nair, R., Ideas and perspectives: Beyond model evaluation -- combining experiments and models to advance terrestrial ecosystem science, Biogeosciences, 20, 2023, p3637"364Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth Systems, American Geophysical Union, [Associate editor], 2022Editorial Board, 2022
- Ecosystem experiments as a window to future carbon, water, and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, (2023), Karin Rebel, Teresa Gimeno, Sönke Zaehle, Silvia Caldararu, Richard Nair, Victor Rolo, Benjamin Stocker, [Guest editor]Journal, 2023
- Abramowitz Gab, Ukkola Anna, Hobeichi Sanaa, Cranko Page Jon, Lipson Mathew, De Kauwe Martin, Green Sam, Brenner Claire, Frame Jonathan, Nearing Grey, On the predictability of turbulent fluxes from land: PLUMBER2 MIP experimental description and preliminary results , EGUsphere , 2024 , 2024, p1 - 47Journal Article, 2024
- Thurner Melanie Alexandra, Caldararu Silvia, Engel Jan, Rammig Anja, Zaehle Sönke, Modelled forest ecosystem carbon-nitrogen dynamics with integrated mycorrhizal processes under elevated CO 2, Biogeosciences Discussions, 21, 2024, p1391"1410Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Nair Richard, Luo Yunpeng, El-Madany Tarek S, Rolo Victor, Pacheco-Labrador Javier, Caldararu Silvia, Morris Kendalynn A, Schrumpf Marion, Carrara Arnaud, Moreno Gerardo, Nitrogen availability and summer drought, but not N: P imbalance drive carbon use efficiency of a mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem, Global Change Biology, (30), 2024, pe17486Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Knauer Juergen, Cuntz Matthias, Smith Benjamin, Canadell Josep G, Medlyn Belinda E, Bennett Alison C, Caldararu Silvia, Haverd Vanessa, Higher global gross primary productivity under future climate with more advanced representations of photosynthesis, Science Advances, 9, (46), 2023, peadh9444-Journal Article, 2023
- Sophia, G. and Caldararu, S. and Stocker, B. D. and Zaehle, S., Leaf habit drives leaf nutrient resorption globally alongside nutrientavailability and climate, Biogeosciences, 21, (18), 2024, p4169--4193Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Thum, T. and Miinalainen, T. and Sepp\"al\"a, O. and Croft, H. and Rogers, C. and Staebler, R. and Caldararu, S. and Zaehle, S., Modelling decadal trends and the impact of extreme events on carbon fluxes in a deciduous temperate forest using the QUINCY model, EGUsphere, 2024, 2024, p1--36Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
Research Expertise
My research focuses on process based mathematical models of terrestrial ecosystems, which are a component of the Earth System Models used to create future climate predictions. My specific interest is in including more ecological and physiological realism in such models, while still keeping the implementation simple enough that it is computationally tractable at global scales and usable in a world of limited data. Such ecologically realistic models reduce the uncertainty in the future carbon cycle and potentially allows us to predict linkages between ecosystem carbon storage and terrestrial biodiversity. I am one of the main developers of the QUINCY model which was built with the specific aim to allow such new, more realistic process representation to be easily built and tested. QUINCY is now used successfully across research teams in four countries, with various scientific focuses ranging from Arctic ecosystems to impacts of extreme events. QUINCY is incorporated into the ICON Earth System Model and will produce simulations for the next IPCC report.
TitleClimate+SummaryFunding AgencySFIDate FromJanuary 2024
- Reviewer for multiple scientific journals (including Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Earth Futures, Biogeosciences, New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology) ongoing
- Associate Editor for Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth Systems (JAMES) 2022-present