- David FinlayPrincipal Investigator David Finlay is Associate Professor in Immunometabolism in the Schools of Biochemistry and Immunology, and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. He completed his PhD (2006) and postdoctoral training at the University of Dundee in Scotland. He has been a principal investigator in the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute since 2011. His research expertise lies at the interface of immunology and cellular metabolism.
- Simon OShaughnessyPhD Candidate Simon is an IRC scholar who obtained a BA (Mod) in Molecular Medicine and is now working towards a PhD in Immunology looking at optimising in vitro cultures of dendritic cells.
- Gavin DavisPostdoctoral Researcher Gavin completed his PhD in Biochemistry from Trinity College Dublin. He is now a working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Finlay lab doing confocal microscopy on dendritic cells.
- Diana MoreiraPostdoctoral Researcher Diana is a former member of the Finlay lab where she worked on Dendritic cells.
- Leonard PelgromPostdoctoral Researcher Leonard worked on the metabolism of dendritic cells for his PhD at the Leiden University Medical Center. He is now involved in a joint effort between the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute and the Leiden Institute of Chemistry to develop novel metabolic assays using bioorthogonal chemistry.
- Carrie CorkishResearch Assistant Carrie is a PhD student in the Finlay lab who initially worked as a research assistant characterising plasmacytoid dendritic cells from a splenocyte population.