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You are here Trinity Pathways > New Minor subject eligibility student

Pathway selection is now closed. You will need to select your New Minor Subject on the student portal in preparation for next year.

Find information on New Minor Subject eligibility here.

Area Dates
New Minor Subject eligibility (period when students can check if they are eligible to take a particular subject) 21 February - 8 March
Select your Trinity Pathway 13 March - 27 March
New Minor Subject selection (based on first come, first serve basis) 13 March - 27 March
Confirmation of New Minor Subject selection notified to students (via email and intray message) 28 March


What is a New Minor Subject?

A New Minor Subject is a second subject that may be taken by Single Honors students on the majority of programmes in Year 1.

By taking this New Minor Subject, you will be provided with the opportunity to develop knowledge in this second subject.

Specific sets of New Minor Subjects are available to each of the following Single Honors programmes for students to choose from: 

  • Drama and Theatre Studies
  • Early and Modern Irish
  • English
  • Film
  • History
  • History of Art and Architecture 
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Religion
  • Philosophy

See for further information.

Who can take up a New Minor Subject in Year 2?

It is only possible to take up a New Minor Subject if you entered on one of the following Single Honors programmes: 

  • Drama and Theatre Studies
  • Early and Modern Irish
  • English
  • Film
  • History
  • History of Art and Architecture 
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Religion
  • Philosophy

Students on Deaf Studies are not eligible to take up a New Minor Subject due to the professional requirements of their programmes.

You may choose to take up a New Minor Subject in Year 2 – allocation is based on a first come, first served basis and subject to availability. If you do not get allocated a place on a New Minor Subject, you will take Trinity Electives and Open Modules instead.

If allocated to a New Minor Subject, you can decide to continue with this subject for the remaining years of your programme and exit with a Major with Minor Degree i.e., majoring in your entry subject plus a minor in your new subject. Alternatively, you can decide to drop this subject at the end of Year 2 and continue studying your entry subject and exit with a Single Honours degree.

When and how do I apply to take a New Minor Subject?

You will apply online via to take your New Minor Subject as part of the pathway selection process, which opens at 2pm on 13 March 2024 and will close at midnight 27 March

Some of the New Minor Subjects have pre-requisites that must be fulfilled. They will require you to make contact in advance of pathway selection to audition (Drama Studies and Music) or confirm your language requirements (Languages).

See for further details.

You will need to view your eligibility to take up a new minor subject as some schools have pre-requisites. Further information on how to view your eligibility is available here.

If I apply for New Minor Subject, am I guaranteed a place?

No – places on New Minor Subjects are subject to availability, and are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Some New Minors require an audition (Drama Studies and Music) and the languages will require a level of language knowledge. For further details, see

How are places allocated to New Minor Subjects?

Places are allocated based on your Year 1 final results. Some of the New Minors will require an audition or entrance test (Drama Studies and Music) and the languages will require a level of language knowledge. For further details, see .

Who can I contact to find out more about the New Minor Subjects?

See the Contacts List on for the contact for each New Minor Subject.