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Student registration must be completed online for every year of your course.

This is essential to allow you to enrol in classes and to maintain an active student record in Trinity.

Before Registration

The Academic Registry issues registration invitations to all new and continuing students. New students must have accepted an offer to study at Trinity to receive an invitation to register.

This invitation can be seen in the in-tray messages section of your portal as seen in the screen below.

Once you receive this invitation and see the register tab in your portal you can begin registration.

Completing Registration

These are the steps you must complete to register:

  1. Personal Details
  2. Contact Details
  3. Other Personal Details
  4. Emergency Contact Details
  5. Course
  6. Equal Access Survey*
  7. Financials
  8. Terms and Conditions

*This survey only appears for first year undergraduate students. If this survey doesn’t appear in your registration path, then you can continue registration.

For a full walkthrough on how to register, please read our registration guide.

Certain courses may require students to complete Garda vetting. Students cannot proceed with registration until their garda vetting is completed.

For more information, please visit our Garda Vetting webpage.

Certain courses with clinical placement require students to under undergo health screening.

For more information, please visit our Health Screening webpage.

To find out more about registration, you can watch our video below.

Start of Term

Trinity ID Card
You can apply for your student ID card (TCard) after you’ve completed registration. Your TCard allows you to access the library, can be used as a payment method on campus and is your proof of identity for your exams.

For more information, please visit our student ID card page. Portal

The Trinity College portal is the hub for all of your student information.

To see how you can use it please watch our video here.

Trinity Computer Account
Once you’ve completed your registration, you’ll be asked to activate your Trinity Computer Account.

You can activate it by clicking the link in the red banner in your portal. The login details of your Trinity Computer Account can be used to access college services like your college email.

For more information please visit the IT services webpage.


If you have any queries about registration, please visit our FAQ page.