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You are here Service Desk > Documents and Forms

Please note that if your form requires you to present photo ID this must be done in person - photocopies of ID cannot be accepted.

At present the Service Desk certifies, among others, the following documentation:

  • Social Welfare
  • SUSI
  • Scholarship forms
  • J1 applications
  • Bank forms
  • Medical Card applications
  • Child Benefit applications

All forms submitted to the Academic Registry Service Desk must be completed in full by the applicant in advance. On presentation of a valid TCD student ID card, the Service Desk will verify, sign and stamp the completed application. The details provided in the application form must match the current details held by the University on your student record.

Forms requesting information on course modules, hours of attendance or course content cannot be certified by the Academic Registry Service Desk. Students should also note that prospective dates for graduation cannot be certified or stated on any documents until a student has formally accepted the invitation to their graduation ceremony, or in the case of postgraduate research students have made application for graduation.

Legal Note

Trinity College Dublin treats the fraudulent duplication or amendment of its official documents as a serious offence.

Any such action will be considered a breach of College Regulations and will result in disciplinary action.

Such matters may also constitute a criminal offence and, as such, will be reported to An Garda Síochána.