What letters can the Service Desk provide?
The letters we provide are:
- Proof of Registration Letter
- Visa Support Letter
- Graduate Letter
- Translation and Duplicate of Degree Parchment
The Academic Registry Service Desk can provide letters confirming course registration students as well as letters detailing registration history for graduates of the University. If you are on campus we recommend you print the letter from my.tcd.ie to save time. However if you need a letter emailed or posted to a certain address you can contact us at academic.registry@tcd.ie.
A minimum of one working day is required with letters requested before the close of business available after 13:00 the following working day.
Students and graduates can request letters by contacting the Academic Registry, or by submitting our online letter request form. Please provide as many details as possible, including your full name, student number (if applicable) and details of how letter is to be provided (e.g. by email, to a postal address, collection in person).
Letter requests submitted online or by email will not begin processing until our staff have the opportunity to receive and respond to your request.
Please note that due to data protection requirements Academic Registry staff can only accept letter requests from the student or graduate personally.
Requests cannot be made by parents/guardians or other family members. When requesting a letter, the student/graduate can give permission for their letter to be collected by a third party who may then collect upon presentation of a valid photo ID.
How can I get a Proof of Registration Letter?
A proof of registration letter can also be generated through a student's my.tcd.ie portal.
You can do this by:
- Logging in to your my.tcd.ie portal and click the 'Register' tab.
- Click the ‘Proof of Registration' button.
- This will generate your letter, which you be sent to your in-tray messages.
- In your in-tray messages click the 'Proof of Registration'.
- Click the 'Proof or Registration' highlighted text, this will then download your letter.
This letter provides confirmation of
- Student name/number
- Dates of Registration for the current academic year
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Permanent home address
- Term address
How can I get a Graduate Letter?
Graduates of the University can request a letter confirming the following:
- Student name/number
- Years of attendance
- Degree/diploma awarded (if applicable)
- Class of award (if applicable)
This letter does not constitute a detailed records of your grades - further information on this is available on our Transcripts page.
How do I get a receipt of my fees paid?
Students can generate their fees receipt themselves. You can do this by:
- Logging in to your my.tcd.ie portal and clicking the plus tab and then click ‘My Finance’.
- Click the ‘Your financial statement’ tab.
- Click ‘View Full Statement’.
From this page to generate your receipt you need to:
- In statement type, click ‘all transactions’
- In years, click the year you wish to generate a receipt for. In transaction type, click ‘payment receipt’
- Below you will see your receipt and to access it just click download under the actions heading
- This will open a new page with your payment receipt. This can be printed out and/or saved as a PDF
Students have the ability to print receipts for any fees paid from the academic year 2012/13 onwards from the “My Finance” section of their my.tcd.ie portal.
The Academic Registry can provide copies of these receipts if you require a stamped & signed version.
Please note that these receipts can only be requested by the student and are in the same format as those available on the my.tcd.ie portal.
How do I get a Translation or Replacement of Degree Parchment
All degree parchments are presented in Latin to candidates for degrees at Commencements. Employers and other institutions will sometimes request an English translation of your degree parchment - this is provided by the Academic Registry on request from the graduate. All translations issued on A4 University letterhead by the Academic Registry are certified and endorsed with an official University stamp. Translations can also be sent by email in PDF format. Please allow a minimum of 3 to 5 working days to process your request.
Application for a translation or a replacement parchment should be made by emailing the Academic Registry with these details
- Your full name when you were registered at Trinity College Dublin
- Date of birth
- Student number (if available)
- Award to be replaced/translated (eg, B.A., Ph.D.)
- Years registered at Trinity College Dublin
- Home address (as currently recorded by the University)
- Details of how translation/replacement is to be provided (e.g. email address, postal address)
All awards other than degrees are originally presented in English by the University and do not require a translation.
How do I get a Visa Support Letter?
To generate your visa support letter in your student portal, please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to your my.tcd.ie portal.
- Click 'My Applications'.
- Click on 'Generate Visa/Immigration Letter'.
- Select your course from the drop down list.
- Press ‘Generate’.
If you feel the visa letter does not accurately reflect your charges or payments please contact academic.registry@tcd.ie
Visa & Immigration Information
Please click here for more information on Visas and Immigration issues.
My personal details on my letters are incorrect - what can I do?
A student may apply to have their name, gender, date of birth or nationality changed on their student record.
For more details please visit our updating personal details page.
What documents can I get stamped?
At present the Service Desk certifies, among others, the following documentation:
- Social Welfare
- Scholarship forms
- J1 applications
- Bank forms
- Medical Card applications
- Child Benefit applications
Things to Remember
Please note that if your form requires you to present photo ID this must be done in person - photocopies of ID cannot be accepted.
All forms submitted to the Academic Registry Service Desk must be completed in full by the applicant in advance. On presentation of a valid TCD student ID card, the Service Desk will verify, sign and stamp the completed application. The details provided in the application form must match the current details held by the University on your student record.
Forms requesting information on course modules, hours of attendance or course content cannot be certified by the Academic Registry Service Desk. Students should also note that prospective dates for graduation cannot be certified or stated on any documents until a student has formally accepted the invitation to their graduation ceremony, or in the case of postgraduate research students have made application for graduation.
Legal Note
Trinity College Dublin treats the fraudulent duplication or amendment of its official documents as a serious offence.
Any such action will be considered a breach of College Regulations and will result in disciplinary action.
Such matters may also constitute a criminal offence and, as such, will be reported to An Garda Síochána.