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All TCD Foundation and Non-Foundation Scholars must submit this form at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of your course or in advance of registration.

Only Scholars who have received an invitation for registration by email should fill out this form.

Failure to complete and submit this form may delay your registration.

Please note: If you are an EU student in receipt of HEA funding this funding will be applied before your schols funding unless otherwise requested.

Your personal details
Have you intermitted your scholarship?*
If yes, please detail which academic year(s) you have intermitted.
(If more than one intermission was granted to you, please specify all years of intermissions below)*

Please indicate your fee status*

If you have EU Fee Status, please select the benefits you intend to avail of this academic year.

If you have Non-EU Fee Status, please select the benefits you intend to avail of this academic year.

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* Required