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Examinations and Assessment

2023/24 Foundation Scholarship Examination Requirements

Each course of study is required to provide a statement explaining how their examination requirements succeed in identifying the qualities associated with Scholarship. The following details have been provided by School and Course offices and are centrally available for all intending Scholarship candidates and for the Foundation Scholarship - Central Scholarship Commitee.

Please note where the official requirements for a particular course of study are not included below, a link to the Scholarship information contained on a School/ Course Office's local webpage will act as a temporary placeholder until the official document has been provided.

Please contact your School, Discipline or Course Office directly for further details of all Foundation Scholarship examination requirements.

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Ancient and Medieval History and Culture (PDF)

Business Studies and a Language (PDF)
Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology (PDF)
Clinical Speech and Language Studies (PDF)
Deaf Studies (PDF)
Drama and Theatre Studies (PDF)
Early and Modern Irish (PDF)
Economic and Social Studies (PDF)

English Studies (PDF)

European Studies (PDF)
Film (PDF)
Global Business (PDF)
History (PDF)
History of Art and Architecture (PDF)
Law (PDF)
Law and French (PDF)
Law and German (PDF)
Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures (PDF)
Music (PDF)
Music Education (PDF)
Philosophy (PDF)
Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology (PDF)
Psychology (PDF)
Religion (PDF)
Social Studies (PDF)
Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Biological and Biomedical Sciences (PDF)
Chemical Sciences (PDF)
Computer Science (Integrated) (PDF)
Engineering (Integrated) (PDF)
Engineering with Management (Integrated) (PDF)
Environmental Science and Engineering (PDF)
Geography and Geoscience (PDF)
Management Science and Information Systems Studies (PDF)
Mathematics (PDF)
Physical Sciences (PDF)
Theoretical Physics (PDF)
Faculty of Health Sciences
Children's and General Nursing (PDF)
Dental Science (PDF)
Human Health and Disease (PDF)
Human Nutrition and Dietetics (PDF)
Medicine (PDF)
Midwifery (PDF)
Nursing Studies (PDF)
Occupational Therapy (PDF)
Pharmacy (PDF)
Physiotherapy (PDF)
Radiation Therapy (PDF)
Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language (PDF)
Joint Honors
TJH Ancient History and Archaeology (PDF)
TJH Business (PDF)
TJH Classical Civilisation (PDF)
TJH Classical Languages (PDF)
TJH Computer Science (PDF)
TJH Drama Studies (PDF)
TJH Economics (PDF)
TJH English Literature (PDF)
TJH Film Studies (PDF)
TJH French (PDF)
TJH Geography (PDF)
TJH German (PDF)
TJH History (PDF)
TJH History of Art and Architecture
TJH Irish (PDF)
TJH Italian (PDF)


TJH Linguistics (PDF)
TJH Mathematics (PDF)
TJH Middle Eastern, Jewish and Islamic Civilisations (PDF)
TJH Music (PDF)
TJH Philosophy (PDF)
TJH Political Science (PDF)
TJH Religion (PDF)
TJH Russian (PDF)
TJH Social Policy (PDF)
TJH Sociology (PDF)
TJH Spanish (PDF)