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Invigilators are required for examinations held each year within Trinity College. Invigilation is open to all registered postgraduate students undertaking research courses (both full and part time) and individuals outside the Trinity College community. If you are studying at Trinity College, you must be a registered postgraduate research student and enrolled in a non-taught course. You may continue to invigilate up to the date of your commencement ceremony.

Recruitment for exam invigilators will open on 1st February 2025, with the deadline to apply on 28th February 2025.

Invigilators will be required for exam periods only during Semester 2 (the last week of April to the first week of May), one week in August (the 4th week), Semester 1 (the first 2 weeks of December) and annual training. The dates are subject to change; there may be capacity for additional work during the academic year.

Applicants are expected to complete the Invigilator application form by 5:00 pm on the 28th of February 2025, with a CV and a reference letter submitted to

Before you apply, please see the job description below:

Successful applicants are added to a current panel (valid for up to 12 months) of Invigilators available for end of term and term-time assessments. Priority for Invigilation will be given to applicants that have availability across all examination sessions.

Invigilators must be 18 years old or over.

Non-EEA* Nationals must be in possession of a valid Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB-INIS) card or an Irish Residence Permit (IRP) that entitles them to work in Ireland for the entire exam period. This is a legal requirement. Applicants will be expected to upload a copy of this card/permission in order to receive payment. Non-EEA* students on a Stamp 2 permission can work up to 20 hours per week during term time. During June, July, August, and September, and between 15 December and 15 January, they can work up to 40 hours per week. Non-EU nationals will be recruited for up to 20 hours per week during the Semester 1 and Semester 2 exam periods only.

*EEA countries include EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. UK and Switzerland are also included.

If you are a postgraduate research student* please update a Character Reference Form to your application. This may be completed by your TCD research supervisor, TCD Course Director or a person of standing in your Faculty.

Please note: All invigilators who are allocated work must attend a training session. Failure to attend training will disqualify you from working as an invigilator. 

Apply Online


Invigilation Training

Invigilation training sessions will be held ahead of the exam sessions in person and is mandatory to attend. The Exams Team will circulate dates of the training sessions to everyone who is successful in their application for invigilation work.

All invigilators who are allocated work must attend a training session. Failure to attend training will disqualify you from working as an invigilator.