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Ife Uzor, 3rd year Pharmacy student, talks about her experience of tests/quizzes.


What do tests/quizzes look like in your discipline?

They are generally assessed individually as part of what the School of Pharmacy calls “e-learning”. MCQs/tests/quizzes using online tools are used to assess learning as part of continuous assessment. Questions can have multiple answers or one answer and can range from a clinical case study-type question or a straightforward MCQ-type question. They can also be used to assess learning following a lab practical as a substitute to the usual lab report.

How do you prepare for tests/quizzes?

If it’s a lab then you need to understand the learning outcomes of the lab session, direct questions to the instructor to solidify your understanding and read the relevant lecture or recommended reading. If it’s a case study type quiz, then you must appraise the nature of the case study and tackle it like a problem-solving type question. Sometime instructors may provide extra reading supplements to support learning and the ability to take the MCQs/tests/quizzes.

Tell us about your experience of doing tests/quizzes?

I found this assessment type to be very worthwhile. It allows you to practice continuous learning as one has to keep on top of the lectures and learning outcomes in order to successfully take the MCQs/tests/quizzes. Usually the MCQs/tests/quizzes have multiple attempts which are graded before taking the official test. Having multiple attempts allows one to prepare accordingly for the official test and I found this to be very helpful. Due to the reading and researching and problem-solving needed to be able to answer the questions adequately, I found myself understanding the course content even better than I would have when studying conventionally.

What key tips or advice would you give to anyone doing this type of assessment?

Use the supplemental readings provided by instructors and the relevant sources that have the information required. They tend to be more specific with providing relevant reading and details that will enhance your answers while taking the MCQs/tests/quizzes. Record your answers after taking the MCQs/tests/quizzes, whether you were correct or incorrect. This can be used to prepare for exams and other course work assessments.

What tools you use to complete this type of assessment?

Relevant text book required for the module.

  • Microsoft Excel (for creating graphs)
  • Microsoft word
  • Blackboard Learning (lecturers can upload articles and documents to support students when completing MCQs/tests/quizzes)
  • HPRA
  • Medicines complete (can be found on TCD library)


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