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Interactive Oral Assessments – a DCU perspective 

Dates and Times:

Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 14:00 - 15:00




Dr. Martina Crehan, Head of Teaching Enhancement Unit, Dublin City University & Ms. Prajakta (Lily) Girme, Academic Development Officer, Teaching Enhancement Unit, DCU. 

Interactive Orals have been successfully implemented at Dublin City University (DCU) for the past three years. This session, facilitated by members of the Technology Enhancement Unit of DCU, aims to share DCU’s experiences of using interactive orals as an authentic assessment format. The session will outline and discuss the main elements of Interactive Oral Assessment, its design and application, and how it differs from other forms of oral assessment. Participants will be facilitated to reflect on the role of Interactive Oral assessments in supporting the development of transversal skills. The session will also feature learnings from the ongoing Interactive Oral Community of Practice at DCU.

In this webinar we will explore:

  • the nature of interactive oral assessments
  • the rationale for their use
  • difference between Interactive orals and other oral assessments
  • steps in designing and implementing oral assessments.


Dr. Martina Crehan, Head of Teaching Enhancement Unit, Dublin City University

With a background in Psychology and Education, Martina Crehan has expertise in teaching and learning in higher education, student engagement, curriculum design and reflective practice. She has led on curriculum redesign at a programmatic level and designed and led on the implementation of accredited programmes in teaching and learning in Higher Education at two HEIs. She is experienced in qualitative research methods, particularly phenomenological interviewing and has conducted research in areas of transition to higher education, reflective practice and faculty development, peer observation of teaching, and curriculum design.

Ms. Prajakta (Lily) Girme, Academic Development Officer, Teaching Enhancement Unit, DCU.

Prajakta Girme (Lily) is the Academic Development Officer in the DCU Teaching Enhancement Unit. She is a Fellow of Advance HE (FHEA). She has been actively involved in areas of Interactive Oral Assessments, Challenge-Based Learning, and Digital Assessment in STEM education as well as a researcher on several other research studies conducted in DCU. She is part of the research team working on the QQI-funded Rethinking Assessment project documenting and analysing Interactive Oral implementations at DCU. Her research interests include posthuman educational futures, speculative fiction, and education for international protection applicants, refugees, and migrants.


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