Teaching Matters Newsletter
Welcome to "Teaching Matters" with the Centre for Academic practice.
Teaching Matters Newsletter 2024-25
Welcome to our monthly newsletter for Trinity staff with news, research and upcoming events relating to teaching, learning and assessment at Trinity.

Michaelmas Term 2024
As we get settled into the new academic year, we would like to welcome all of our colleagues back to Trinity and particularly our new staff members who have just joined the University.

Trinity Term 2024
Within these pages, we are thrilled to introduce our newest team member, Mr. Kevin O Connor, who joins us as a dedicated learning technologist. Additionally, we are excited to share a glimpse into our upcoming events. We sincerely hope you will join us for what promises to be a series of collaborative and community building events.

Hilary Term 2024
In this edition you will find a recording of our Take Home Assignments in the AI Era webinar from January 2024 and a list of upcoming workshops, webinars, podcasts & news from ourselves and our colleagues in other institutions.

December 2023
Welcome to this festive issue of the monthly newsletter from the Centre for Academic Practice.

November 2023
As we get settled into the new academic year, we would like to welcome all of our colleagues back to Trinity and particularly our new staff members who have just joined the University.

October 2023
As we get settled into the new academic year, we would like to welcome all of our colleagues back to Trinity and particularly our new staff members who have just joined the University.

Summer 2023
As we come to the end of the academic year, we would like to thank all of our colleagues across Trinity for your support and for everything that you do to achieve and sustain outstanding quality of teaching across Trinity programmes.

May 2023
This month we welcome Dr. Ana Schalk as our new Academic Developer, specialising in Digital Learning.

April 2023
This month’s edition features discussion on Generative Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity”.

March 2023
This month’s edition features our “Call for Fellows in Education for Sustainable Development”.

February 2023
This month’s edition focuses on the arrival of AI text generators in the form of ChatGPT, and the considerable discussion it has received in the academic community.

December 2022
In this festive issue of the monthly newsletter you will find news, research and upcoming events relating to teaching, learning and assessment at Trinity.

November 2022
In this newsletter, we have curated a selection of resources which aim to support you in facilitating effective and sustainable feedback processes.

October 2022
Academic Practice is delighted to launch our inaugural Newsletter: “Teaching Matters with Academic Practice”. The aim of this monthly newsletter is to communicate latest research, news and upcoming events relating to teaching, learning and assessment at Trinity.