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Dr Ana Schalk

Dr Ana Schalk

Academic Developer: Digital Learning


Dr Ana Elena Schalk is an Academic Developer. Digital Learning Lead. Trinity College Dublin. She has been a lecturer, researcher, academic developer, and academic manager for over 30 years. She worked at TU Dublin’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Team, where she led several strategic learning initiatives and taught on the MSc Education and Postgraduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching. Before joining TU Dublin, she led a number of institutional, national, and international digital education initiatives in Latin America and Spain, collaborating with different Universities, and as a Consultant at Ministries of Education, UNESCO, and the Iberoamerican States Organisation (OEI).

At Trinity, she leads the Digital Learning and GenAI in Teaching, Learning and Assessment plan at the Centre for Academic Practice. This plan includes resources to support academic staff, collaboration with other institutional departments and units, and research development. She also teaches as part of the Special Purpose Certificate and other professional development initiatives.

She led the creation and implementation of the open course “GenAI in T&L: How to do it right?” (badge), which was funded by the National Forum to develop AI Literacy skills for academic staff in higher education. This initiative was in conjunction with the University of Limerick and UCD.
She co-led the open-access publication (2025) in collaboration with seven Irish universities: Using GenAI in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Irish Universities.

She is a member of the Mexican Embassy's Educational Committee in Ireland and the co-chair of the Educational Developers Irish Network.

Publications and Further Research Outputs 

  • Gray, G. Schalk. A. (2022) Stakeholders’ insights on learning analytics: perspectives of students and staff. Computers and Education. Vol 187. Available  
  • Schalk, A.; McAvinia, C.; Rooney, P.  (2022) Exploring the concept of the “Digital Educator” during Covid-19. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology AJET. 38 (2) 
  • Boylan, F., Dodd, D., Harvey, J., Schalk, A. ‘From Pivot to Foothold’ Facilitating an institutional approach to online teaching and learning at Ireland’s first Technological University.) In: Keane, M., McAvinia, C. and O’Sullivan, Í. (eds) (2021) Emerging Issues IV: Changing Times, Changing Context. Educational Developers in Ireland Network (EDIN):   
  • Gray, G., Schalk, A., Rooney, P., Lang “A Stakeholder Informed Professional Development Framework to Support Engagement with Learning Analytics”., C. LAK 2021. Available:   
  • Schalk, A. (2018) “Identidad y juventud en la cibercultura desde una perspectiva educativa”. Revista Perspectivas. Universidad Católica Silva Henriquez. No. 31. Santiago. ISSN: 0717-1714.
  • Schalk, A., Marcelo, C. (2012) “Learning in virtual learning communities in Spain: The case of teachers in Non-Formal Education Settings. AERA publication Congress. 
  • Schalk, A. (2012) How can we explain the relationship between quality interaction and quality learning in virtual learning? (Section Book). In E-learning Ling Distance and Life-Long Perspective. ISBN: 978-953-51-0250-2 
  • Schalk, A., Aliaga, C; (2010) E2: Entrepreneur and Employability Model. Higher Education Council. (CSE)
  • Schalk, A. (2010) UNESCO. Technologies in Education: Impact. publication/news/el_impacto_de_las_tic_en_la_educacion_relatoria_de_la_conf/ 
  • Schalk, A. (2010) Asynchronous interaction in virtual education: a relation between discourse analysis and quality learning. COMUNICAR Review. ISSN: 1988-3293 

  • Deirdre McQuillan, D.; Nocchi, S.; Gabaudan, O.; Schalk, A.E.; Nicolaou, A.; Parmaxi, A.; Hernandez, E. Designing for inclusiveness in education projects: the case of the European University of Technology’s XR Team. CUID Conference.  Madrid.  
  • Schalk, A., Gray, G., Rooney, P.  Daltai Project “Continuous Professional Development for Learning Analytics: a needs analysis”. Report. Available: The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. 
  • Schalk, A. (2018)  “Assurance of Learning in Distance and Virtual Education” (Section Book)  in Emergent themes in Education. Universidad Central. Colombia.  
  • Schalk, A. (2018) “Relevance of Assurance of Learning Model in Virtual Education” (Section Book) in Utopias and Dystopias of Technology in Higher Education. UniCAMp, Campinas- UFF. Brazil.  
  •  Schalk, A., Zabando, S., et al., “Laws, Rules and Regulations in Higher Education and Distance Modal in Chile” (Section Book) Laws. Rules and Regulations in Higher Education and Distance LATAM. ISBN: 978-9942-08-144-5 
  • Schalk, A., Zavando, S., et al., “Laws, Rules and Regulations in Higher Education and Distance Modal in Chile” (Section Book) Laws, Rules and Regulations in Higher Education and Distance LATAM. ISBN: 978-9942-08-144-5 págs. 67-81 

Research Expertise 

  • Learning Analytics
  • Technology in Education
  • Quality and Assurance of Learning


  • DALTAÍ (The National Forum)
  • Retention Project (HEA)
  • Impact Project (The National Forum)
  • GenAI in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Trinity's Centre for Academic Practice