Strategic Planning
The Planning Group was established in October 2008 and reports directly to the Executive Officer Group. Chaired by the Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer, it oversees the implementation of the College's Strategic Plan, including financial and HR planning. It provides a Report on its activities and makes recommendations to the College Board twice per academic year, in February and June.
Planning Group Membership
• Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer, Prof Orla Sheils (Chair)
• Chief Operating Officer, Ms Orla Cunningham
• Chief Financial Officer, Ms Louise Ryan
• Dean of Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Prof Sylvia Draper
• Dean of Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof Carmel O'Sullivan
• Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof Brian O’Connell
• Vice-President for Global Engagement, Prof Emma Stokes
• Interim Director of HR, Ms Susan Maguire
• Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer, Dr Michelle Olmstead
• Executive Director, Academic Services Division, Ms Fedelma McNamara
• Head of Financial Planning and Analysis, Mr Keith Creedon
In attendance:
- Director of the Office of the Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer, Ms Orla McCarthy (Secretary to the meeting)
Meetings of the Planning Group take place fortnightly.