Phase 2
Phase 2 began formally with a kick-off meeting in September 2024 and since then the targeted working groups and SAP Review Steering Group have been progressing through a series of tasks designed to bring Trinity towards new criteria for promotion and a revised process and procedure. Please see below an overview of the project flow and working group membership.
Flow of the Project
The SAP Integration Group will combine, distil and calibrate the draft Faculty criteria, consult stakeholders, and put forward draft Faculty/College criteria for the SAP Steering group to recommend for onward consideration
Faculty Working Groups will collect draft criteria and indicators from their schools and consolidate it into Faculty criteria, involving the Faculty external SAPC member in their discussions. The three Faculty Working Groups will coordinate efforts
Faculty working groups will engage with each school and gather draft criteria for review by FWG in first instance and consult with all relevant Faculty Stakeholders.
Working in parallel, the SAP Process and Procedure Group will review the procedure (including DDUH), the process and timing of promotion rounds, the application form, the role of the Head of School report, external referees, personal circumstances, the weighting of criteria and scoring, and feedback and appeals.
Working Groups Membership
SAP Steering Group
Prof Orla Sheils, Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer, Chair
Antoinette Quinn, Director of HR
Prof Carmel O’Sullivan, Dean of FAHSS
Prof Brian O’Connell, Dean of FHS
Prof Sylvia Draper, Dean of FSTEM
Prof Eoin O’Sullivan, Senior Dean
Prof Sinéad Ryan, Dean of Research
Prof Vincent Wade, Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Prof Martine Smith, Dean of Graduate Studies
Prof Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sanchez, IFUT Rep
SAP Integration Group
Prof Sinéad Ryan, Dean of Research, Chair
Prof Carol Newman, FAHSS Lead
Prof Lorraine O'Driscoll, FHS Lead
Prof Vinny Cahill, FSTEM Lead
Dr Sally Smith, Director of Research
Prof Vincent Wade, Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Prof Martine Smith, Dean of Graduate Studies
Prof David Ditchburn, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FAHSS
Prof Aideen Long, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FHS
Prof Daniel Bradley, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FSTEM
Prof Jason Wyse, School of Computer Science and Statistics, IFUT Rep
SAP Process and Procedure Group
Prof Eoin O’Sullivan, Senior Dean, Chair
Prof Carmel O’Sullivan, Dean of FAHSS
Prof Mark Cunningham, Pro-Dean of FHS
Prof Louise Bradley, Pro-Dean of FSTEM
Dr Siobán O’Brien Green, Head of EDI
Prof Siobhan Garrigan, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FAHSS
Prof Aideen Long, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FHS
Prof Stephen Spence, Ex/Current Member of SAP Committee FSTEM
Prof Rachel Moss, School of Histories and Humanities, IFUT Rep
Fidelma Haffey, HR Expert
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Group
Prof Carol Newman, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty Lead
Prof Immo Warntjes, School of Histories and Humanities, Associate Dean of Research
Prof Brian Singleton, School of Creative Arts
Prof Rachel Moss, School of Histories and Humanities
Prof Ladislav Timulak, School of Psychology
Prof Micheál Ó Siochrú, School of Histories and Humanities, Heads of School Rep
Prof John Walsh, School of Education, IFUT Rep
Faculty of Health Sciences Group
Prof Lorraine O'Driscoll, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty Lead
Prof Padraic Fallon, School of Medicine, Associate Dean of Research
Prof Derek Sullivan, School of Dental Science
Prof Anne-Marie Brady, School of Nursing and Midwifery
Prof Anne-Marie Healy, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Prof John Gormley, School of Medicine
Prof Colin Doherty, School of Medicine, Heads of School Rep
Prof Gobnait Byrne, School of Nursing and Midwifery, IFUT Rep
Faculty of STEM Group
Prof Vinny Cahill, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Faculty Lead
Prof Brian Broderick, School of Engineering, Associate Dean of Research
Prof Ed Lavelle, School of Biochemistry and Immunology
Prof Jane Farrer, School of Genetics and Microbiology
Prof Margaret O’ Mahony, School of Engineering
Prof Wolfgang Schmitt, School of Chemistry
Prof Ian Donoghue, School of Natural Sciences, Heads of School Rep
Prof Jason Wyse, School of Computer Science and Statistics, IFUT Rep