Shared Curriculum Timetabling
Fixed Timetable
The Fixed Timetable is required to enable the Common Architecture and the Features of Open Modules and Trinity Electives. It was implemented for subjects associated with Joint Honours offerings, and to Years 1 and 2 of the new Common Architecture, which had its first entry in 2019/20. The Sophister Year principles which address the different challenges of the much greater degree of optionality in Years 3 and 4 were approved by Council in May 2020 and has enabled the expansion of the Fixed Timetable for these years from 2021/22.
The Fixed Timetable approach was approved by Council in November 2018, for roll out in 2019/20 for JF students. It allowed the scheduling of all Joint Honours offerings for 2019/20, including those Two Subject Moderatorship (TSM) combinations that had been retained under the restructuring of TSM, as well as existing dedicated entry Joint Honours combinations. The approach will:
- Facilitate the Common Architecture, which decouples entry routes from exit routes.
- Allow a New Subject to be taken up as a Minor in Year 2.
- Allow Open Modules to be taken without clashes.
- Create dedicated time-slots for Trinity Electives (in place from 2019/20).
- Allow future addition of new subjects or new combinations with minimal disruption.
- Create a fixed timetable from year to year, allowing early publication and registration.
- Improve efficiency and suitability of space usage by centralising timetabling of core contact hours of all shared modules.
Phased implementation of new timetabling approach for the shared curriculum
within the Common Architecture
Common Architecture

Key - S1: Subject 1, S2: Subject 2 etc. | AM: Approved Modules | TE: Trinity Electives | JF: Junior Freshman, SF: Senior Freshman,
JS: Junior Sophister, SS: Senior Sophister