Welcome to Academic Affairs, a cornerstone division in Trinity Teaching & Learning.
Our mission is to shape World-class academic policies, robust standards, and innovative programmes.
Our vision is to work collaboratively and inclusively with academics, disciplines, and Schools, with Trinity Units and Divisions, with Annual College Officers, with national and international partners and to nurture dynamic and supportive environment.
Our working ethos is rooted in consultation, collaboration, supporting innovation and enabling teaching and learning excellence in Trinity College Dublin.
What we do
- Shape academic policy, regulations, and standards, ensuring alignment with both national and European legislation as well as Trinity's own guidelines.
- Support Schools in the development of new programmes and modifications (e.g. major curricular changes, cessations, suspensions) to existing programmes.
- Lead or contribute to College and sectoral strategic teaching & learning projects.
- Advise and assist the Academic Secretary and College Officers in policy development.
- Support management of academic committees (USC, GSC, Trinity Electives, Associated Colleges).
If you have any queries, please look up Our People section for useful contacts or contact us by emailing acadaff@tcd.ie or visiting West Theatre.
With warm wishes,
Rima Fitzpatrick, Assistant Academic Secretary / Head of Academic Affairs