Trinity Undergraduate Programme Architecture

Trinity Undergraduate Education provides a programme-focused and research-centred curriculum that employs a range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies supported by technology-enhanced approaches.

There are seven programme architectures that provide structured and flexible pathways that facilitate breadth. 

Trinity Pathways

Image shows the single honours undergraduate pathway. In First year, or junior fresh year, the student takes one subject for the full 60 ECTS credits. In second year the student can add a new minor subject for 20 ECTS, and enter the Major with minor pathway. Or the student can stay in the single honours pathway, and take 20 ECTS of open modules and electives along with the compulsory 40 ECTS.

Single Honours Freshman Years

The image shows the single honours undergraduate pathway. In First year, (Junior Fresh year), the student takes one subject for the full 60 ECTS credits.

In second year the student has two option: The student can add a new minor subject for 20 ECTS along with the compulsory 40 ECTS, and enter the Major with minor pathway. Or the student can stay in the single honours pathway, and take 20 ECTS of open modules and electives along with the compulsory 40 ECTS.

Continuing in Third and Fourth, students maintain the pathway chosen in second year (senior Fresh) to either graduate with a Single Honours Degree or a Major with Minor Degree. Both degrees either maintain a minor component of electives (singe honours) or a second minor subject (major with minor) in third year. And both have a 20 ECTS capstone project in fourth year.

Single Honours Sophister Years

Continuing in Third and Fourth, students maintain the pathway chosen in second year to either graduate with a Single Honours Degree or a Major with Minor Degree.

Both degrees either maintain a minor component of electives and Open Modules (10 ECTS Single Honours) or a second minor subject (20 ECTS Major with Minor Degree) next to the compulsory main subject (50 and 40 ECTS respectively) in third year (Junior Sophister). And both have a 20 ECTS capstone project in fourth year.

The image shows the first two years (Freshman Years) for a student entering Joint Honours Degree Structure. In first year students take two subjects, both 30 ECTS. In second year, they have three options: Drop a subject to enter Single Honours Pathway; Make one subject dominant in a Major with Minor Degree pathway; or finally stay in Joint Honours Pathway with two equally dominant subjects.

Joint Honours Freshman Years

The image shows the first two years (Freshman Years) for a student entering Joint Honours Degree Structure. In first year students take two subjects, both 30 ECTS.

In second year, they have three options: Drop a subject to enter Single Honours Pathway; Make one subject dominant in a Major with Minor Degree pathway; or finally stay in Joint Honours Pathway with two equally dominant subjects. Students in Single Honours and Joint Honours take a small element of electives and Open Modules of 20 ECTS, next to the 40 ECTS of compulsory main subject in single honours or two equal main subjects in joint honours. Students in Major with Minor Degree will focus on their minor subject for 20 ECTS and their one major subject for 40 ECTS.

In year 3 and 4, students stay in the pathway as chosen in year 2. Single Honours students will take 10 ECTS of electives in year 3, and complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4. Joint Honours and Major with Minor Degree students will take no electives, in year 3 and complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4.

Joint Honours Sophister Years

In year 3 and 4, students stay in the pathway as chosen in year 2. Single Honours students will take 10 ECTS of electives in year 3, and complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4, next to the compulsory main subject.

Joint Honours and Major with Minor Degree students will take no electives in year 3, and complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4, next to balance of two main subjects. In Joint Honours the balance remains equal in ECTS and in Major with Minor subject the balance between the two subjects will lean to one of the subjects with the second subject taking either a smaller part in year 3, with a equal distribution between two subjects in year 4. Or alternatively, when balancing two subjects in year 3 equally, a student can focus solely on subject one in year 4. Both options are viable to graduate with Major with Minor Degree.

The image shows the common entry pathway for students, which allows for a selection of 4 subjects for year one for a general focus. In year 2 the students will choose one of three pathways, single honours, major with minor, or joint honours pathway. Resulting in focus on one or two subjects.

Common Entry Freshman Years

The image shows the common entry pathway for students, which allows for a selection of 4 subjects for year one for a general focus. In year 2, the students will choose one of three pathways, Single Honours, Major with Minor, or Joint Honours Pathways. Resulting in focus on one or two subjects ultimately. 

In single honours, one main subject is chosen, complemented by 20 ECTS of electives or Open Modules in year two. In Major with Minor pathway, the students chooses one dominant subject for 40 ECTS, a second subject for 20 ECTS, and no electives are taken in year two. For Joint Honours, the student chooses two main subjects to be split equally at 20 ECTS, complimented by 20 ECTS of electives and Open Modules.

For Common Entry year 3 and 4, students remain in pathway chosen in year 2. For the Single Honours, 10 ECTS of electives are taken in year 3, and a 20 ECTS capstone is completed in year 4. For Joint Honours, two subjects are balanced equally in year 3, and 20 ECTS capstone is taken in year 4. For Major with Minor degree, two subjects are balanced in year 3, and 20 ECTS capstone is also completed.

Common Entry Sophister Years

For Common Entry year 3 and 4, the students remain in pathway chosen in year 2. For the Single Honours, 10 ECTS of electives are taken in year 3, and a 20 ECTS capstone is completed in year 4. For Joint Honours, two subjects are balanced equally in year 3, and 20 ECTS capstone is taken in year 4. For Major with Minor degree, two subjects are balanced in year 3, and 20 ECTS capstone is also completed.

Similarly with Joint Honours overview, for Major with Minor Degree pathway, the two subjects can either be balanced with one more dominant subject at 40 ECTS in year 3, followed by an equal split in year 4 of 20 ECTS next to the capstone. Or the subjects can be balanced equally in year 3 at 30 ECTS, followed by a sole focus on subject one in year 4, next to the capstone. Both options allow students to graduate with a Major with Minor Degree.

The image shows the Pathway for a multi-disciplinary entry. Students choose a number of subjects in year one, to 60 ECTS, and maintain this in year 2. I the sophister years, the students take a total of 100 ECTS over two years in their number of subjects and complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4.

Multi-Disciplinary All Years

The image shows the Pathway for a multi-disciplinary entry. Students choose a number of subjects in year one, to 60 ECTS, and maintain this in year 2. I the sophister years, the students take a total of 100 ECTS over two years in their number of subjects, with modules at level 3 and 4 of comprehension. Students also complete a 20 ECTS capstone project in year 4.

The image shows the structure for a professional entry degree. In the Freshman years, the student will take one main subject pre-dominantly, with amount of ECTS depending on electives as prescribed by the programme. In sophister years, electives may also be taken and a 20 ECTS capstone project is completed in year 4.

Professional All Years

The image shows the structure for a Single Honours Professional Entry degree. In the Freshman years, the student will take one main subject pre-dominantly, with amount of ECTS depending on electives and Open Modules as prescribed by the programme. In year 3, electives may also be taken as a minor component next to up to 70 ECTS of the main subject. In year 4, a 20 ECTS capstone project is completed.

In the Single Honours Professional Degree it is thus up to the programme to select if electives or Open Modules are required in year 1, 2 or 3, and how many ECTS, next to the main subject chosen. 

The image shows the structure for a Science Degree pathway. The student focuses on one main subject for all 4 years, and takes 50 ECTS of Open Modules, spread over the first three years. In year 3, electives are taken for 10 ECTS and in year 4 a 20 ECTS capstone project is completed.

Science All Years

The image shows the structure for a Science Degree pathway. The student focuses on one main subject for all 4 years of 30-50 ECTS per year. For breadth in science education, the students take a minor part of Open Science Modules spread over the first three years, between 10 and 30 ECTS per year, for a total of 50 ECTS as prescribed by the programme. In year 3, electives are taken for 10 ECTS and in year 4, a 20 ECTS capstone project is completed. Students graduate with a Science Moderatorship degree.

Clinical All Years

The image shows the clinical entry pathway. Clinical Degrees focus on one main subject for all 4 years of study for full 60 ECTS each year. Due to requirements from professional bodies and accreditation with certain clinical professions, no electives, open modules or capstone projects are undertaken necessarily, due to overlying professional requirements to teaching, learning, assessment and feedback. Some clinical programmes may choose to still include electives or a capstone project, per description of the programme.

Trinity Award Structure

All programmes leading to an award from Trinity are developed and delivered in line with the statutory requirements of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and are aligned with the appropriate level on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). 




Special Purpose


Trinity Award